How to brew coffee in a saucepan on the stove - proven recipes

Surprisingly, well-prepared, dark brown coffee can add bright colors even to a drab mood. The ancestor of numerous drink recipes is the classic version - coffee prepared in a cezve (Turk). If it is not in the household props, then the cooking conditions will change slightly. Its absence is not a reason for sadness. You can brew the right aromatic drink at home with a simple enamel saucepan on hand. Below you will find several recipes on how to brew coffee in a saucepan on the stove.

Coffee on the stove at home: useful tips

To brew coffee in a saucepan at home, you need to decide on the dose. The degree of its strength, richness of taste and smell depend on the awareness of how many ground grains are used to make the drink.

It is generally believed that 50 grams (5 tablespoons) of coffee should be used per liter of water. In this quantity, the drink is prepared for several people at once or for filling a thermos, for example, on the road.

Brewing so much coffee just so as not to strain yourself during the day by heating it up every time you want to drink something hot is incorrect and contradicts all the nuances of making and drinking the drink. The longer it sits, the more terrible its smell and taste. Repeated heat treatment will negate all efforts and will not allow you to enjoy the full taste of natural coffee.

It is believed that it is correct to brew coffee in a coarsely ground saucepan. In this case, it is easier to control the formation of coffee grounds. Before brewing the drink, you must definitely warm up the pan by rinsing it with boiling water or boiling water in it. Brew the coffee until a “foam head” begins to form, avoiding complete boiling. When the pan is removed from the heat, cover it with a lid and allow it to sit for a few minutes.

At home, you can and should try different recipes for brewing coffee in a saucepan, collecting the most noteworthy and proven options for your personal collection. Below are several methods for making a coffee drink for connoisseurs of subtle taste and aroma.

How long is it recommended to brew coffee on the stove?

The brewing time for coffee on an electronic and gas stove may differ. Therefore, it is better to stay near the stove the entire time so as not to miss the “moment of truth.” As the coffee begins to boil, reduce the heat on the stove and continue to boil the drink. The appearance of foam on the surface indicates that the coffee will be ready very soon.

It is important to note that you must try to keep the foam intact. The fact is that foam allows us to preserve the smell in coffee that we are accustomed to. By the way, if you prefer coffee with sugar, then it must be added specifically at the first stage. This is due to the fact that sugar during boiling slows down the process of boiling water and mixes very well with small ground particles.

To make the “elixir of vivacity” perfect, you can add a little cool water to it. Also, the settling of coffee particles is facilitated by tapping the Turk with a teaspoon immediately after brewing the coffee. Obviously, the first experiments in making coffee on the stove usually end with the drink running off and descaling the stove. In general, already on the 2nd or 3rd time there are no problems with making an invigorating drink. Therefore, feel free to try and enjoy your favorite coffee every day!

The Turks were not at hand? Not a failure! We will tell you how to brew coffee in a ladle on the stove!


  1. Introduction
  2. What should be the right bucket?
  3. The usual recipe for very tasty coffee
  4. Mistakes that should never be made
  5. Video

It is difficult to imagine a more versatile, popular and easy-to-make drink. All that is needed to brew delicious coffee is the beans themselves, a certain amount of water and no matter what kind of stove - gas, electronic or induction.

As for the dishes, the Turk is ideal for making this fragrant drink: an elongated cone-shaped vessel made of ceramics or copper. The latter option is preferable, since copper has a good level of thermal conductivity. But the main difference between a proper Turka is its specific shape: it should be wide at the bottom and narrow at the bottom. The wide bottom promotes uniform heating of the ground beans, and the narrow neck prevents the evaporation of the components responsible for the taste and smell of coffee. But what if you don’t have a special vessel at hand, but at the same time you really want to treat yourself to your favorite drink? Don't rush to run to the store and grab a Turk! You can use virtually any other container for cooking. For example, a ladle. It’s probably in every kitchen!

Is it possible to brew delicious coffee in a saucepan?

Coffee is valued for its indescribable taste and smell. It gives you a boost of energy and puts you in a good mood. Many people can no longer imagine their morning without a cup of strong, fragrant drink. It is best to prepare it using a special apparatus or an ordinary Turk. But from time to time situations arise in which there is no suitable equipment at hand. That’s why many people ask how to brew coffee in a saucepan and how long this process takes.

Coffee with cinnamon - harmony of taste

Cinnamon is a spice with a gentle aroma, tonic and reduces appetite. In addition, it mixes perfectly with coffee beans, enhancing their taste. To make one serving of the drink you will need:

  • coffee - teaspoon;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 1/3 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick or 1/3 tsp.

Making the drink is easy. The prepared bulk ingredients are combined and poured into a saucepan, heated over low heat, then water is added and wait until the foam appears. When the drink is first ready, partly pour it into a cup, then put the pan back on the stove, doing the manipulation a couple of times. The less water is taken to make coffee, the smaller the pot needs to be used to make the drink.

On a note

Making coffee on the stove is not at all an easy process for anyone who tries to do it correctly at least once. Maybe at first everything will not be as perfect as we would like, but life is given for this purpose, to try and comprehend new limits.

In the end, the very anticipation of mastering such a skill should motivate you to new feats. Knowing how to prepare a delicious, fragrant drink, you can always amuse your friends with something special when you invite them to visit, and you can also prepare coffee with various herbs and spices.

Milk coffee drink - how to prepare it correctly

Coffee with milk is always prepared without sugar. The drink comes out so rich that it can completely replace a snack. You can make coffee with milk at home without a Turk in an ordinary saucepan. If everything is done correctly, the result will be light, thick and pleasant-tasting coffee.

There are two manufacturing methods. In both cases, all that is needed is 2 teaspoons of freshly ground coffee and 50 ml of milk.

Milk is poured into the pan, heating it to 45 degrees. Add ground coffee beans to the warm liquid without removing the container from the heat. When foam begins to appear, the drink can be removed from the heat by repeating the function a couple of times. By following this recipe, you can prepare a drink that is soft in taste and at the same time strong with a chocolate flavor.

Pour the ground grains into the pan, heating them slightly over low heat for 60 seconds. Pour the prepared coffee over milk previously heated to 40 degrees, wait until foam appears, then, as in the previous case, remove the drink from the heat, repeating the manipulation a couple of times. According to this recipe, the coffee will also be light without sweetness with a gentle coconut flavor.

How to cook correctly - 2 methods

The answer to the question of how to properly brew coffee in a saucepan is very simple. The entire manufacturing process will consist of several steps:

  1. First, it is recommended to thoroughly wash selected dishes. Before starting production, rinse it with boiling water.
  2. Pour the required amount of water into the container. On average, 150 ml is needed to make one serving.
  3. Add a little sugar to the water. You can skip this step if you wish. In this case, the finished drink will be more dietary.
  4. Wait until the mixture begins to boil. Then remove the container from the heat.
  5. Add the previously ground grains. Stir.
  6. Place the container on the stove again and warm it up a little. Make sure that the boiling process does not begin. Remove the container from the heat and let the drink brew for a while. To prevent the smell from evaporating, cover the container with a lid.
  7. All that remains is to pour the finished drink into previously heated cups.

There is another method - how to brew ground coffee. But not a saucepan, but a small ladle is more suitable for it. The manufacturing process will consist of the following steps:

  1. Pour the required amount of ground product into a clean, heated ladle.
  2. Send a dessert spoon of sweet sand there.
  3. Heat the mixture over low heat for one minute.
  4. Pour clean water into the ladle.
  5. Cook the mixture until the appropriate foam begins to form on its surface. Be careful not to let it boil.
  6. Pour the finished coffee into cups, which it is recommended to warm up with hot water in advance.

Turkish coffee - useful tips for gourmets

To properly brew ground Turkish coffee you will need:

  • ground coffee beans - 25 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • cardamom and sugar - to taste.

Prepare the drink in a saucepan if you cannot use a Turk. Add room temperature water to the container along with ground coffee beans. At the same step, add sugar and cardamom to taste, mixing all the ingredients. Only after preparing the mass, the pan is placed on the stove, waiting for the formation of foam.

Unlike previous recipes, where coffee is poured into a cup a couple of times or removed from the heat, bringing it to a state of foam a couple of times, the Turkish drink is immediately poured into cups.

How to brew coffee in a cup

The insoluble product can be easily brewed as instant or tea by pouring it into a cup and pouring boiling water over it. The taste of this product will be of acceptable quality. The main thing is that the cup is made of ceramic and has thick walls. This will allow the drink to stay hot for a long time.

The brewing process is as follows:

  1. Take a cup and pour boiling water into it to warm the walls. Leave for 2 minutes.

  2. Drain the boiling water and add 1 - 2 tablespoons of ground grains and sugar to taste.
  3. Pour 100 – 150 ml. boiling water and cover with a ceramic saucer. This will help keep the temperature longer and allow the drink to brew.
  4. After 5 - 7 minutes, remove the saucer and stir the sugar; if desired, you can add milk or cinnamon.
  5. The drink is ready and you can drink it.

A good solution would be to use a mug with a strainer or brew coffee in a French press. This will minimize the ingress of coffee grounds into the finished drink.

Extreme recipe for coffee beans with pepper and garlic

To brew ground coffee in a saucepan, enjoying the rich taste of the drink every day and not lose enthusiasm for it, you can experiment with the ingredients. An interesting option is to replace regular sugar, milk and cinnamon with pepper, salt and garlic.

To make extraordinary coffee you will need:

  • water - 200 ml;
  • freshly ground grains - 2 teaspoons;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt and dark pepper - a pinch;
  • sugar - to taste.

All of the listed dry ingredients are placed in a saucepan and filled with clean water. Cook the drink over low heat, bringing it to a boil, but not allowing it to boil completely. As soon as foam rises above the coffee, it is removed from the heat, then put back on the stove and wait for it to form again. The finished drink is poured into previously warmed cups.

The indicated number of ingredients yields two servings of delicious and special coffee. Due to garlic, the drink acquires a tartness and becomes more saturated. It is best served with dark chocolate, enhancing the harmony of taste.

Turkish with cardamom


  • 1-2 tsp. freshly ground powder;
  • 150 ml filtered water;
  • sugar as desired;
  • 2-3 cardamom seeds.

Interesting! How to brew ground coffee in a cup

Heat the sugar until golden brown. Pour water. Add the remaining ingredients and stir. Place the mixture on the stove and bring to 92-96 degrees. Pour the prepared liquid into hot cups.

Traditional espresso - production aspects

Many people prefer this particular type of coffee, but do not know how to brew the drink and how long to brew it in order to get the desired result. Brewing real espresso without a coffee machine at home is not so easy, but it can be done.

To make the drink, you will need a few spoons of natural coffee per 60 ml of water with added sugar to taste. The prepared freshly ground grains are poured into a small saucepan, sugar is added at the same step, if needed. The dry ingredients are heated over a fire and only then water brought to a boil and cooled to 40 degrees is poured in in a narrow stream.

As soon as a fragrant “cap” begins to rise above the drink, remove the pan from the heat, stir the contents and again allow the mixture to reach almost a boil. The finished coffee is poured into heated cups and covered with a warm saucer for a minute.

Selection of cookware

Obviously, a simple solution would be to get a Turkish pot specifically designed for making coffee. However, since you only have a saucepan at your disposal, and the task of making coffee at home remains the same, you will have to limit yourself to it.

If you need to prepare a drink for one person, then you need to take the smallest pan. If cooking will be carried out for a large company, you will need spacious dishes.

It is necessary to abandon aluminum pans, which can significantly spoil the taste. The main thing you should focus on when choosing cookware is the absence of foreign odors. Before starting cooking, the pan should be rinsed well, preferably using boiled water.

Methods to improve the taste and smell of the drink

Regardless of which recipe was chosen for making coffee, it is necessary to keep in mind the usual things that can significantly affect the final taste of the drink. So, for example, it is better to use not only high-quality grains, but also freshly roasted and freshly ground ones, while you can roast and grind them at home before making the drink.

It is more important to observe proportions when choosing one or another recipe for coffee. A stronger drink is obtained by doubling the amount of ingredients, a less strong one by decreasing it.

Vanilla, cinnamon, coriander, pepper, chocolate, cream, various syrups and even nutmeg can add flavor to the drink.

How to brew coffee in a saucepan.

From time to time I really want to drink fragrant coffee, but I don’t have a Turk, a French press, or anything at hand. And from time to time it is necessary to brew coffee for a huge number of guests. In this article we will tell you how to brew coffee in a saucepan and thereby solve these difficulties.

What is needed for making

In order to brew coffee in a saucepan or ladle, we need quite a bit.

  1. An enamel or iron pan with a tight lid. It is better to use a container made specifically from such materials, because they do not absorb odors. Duralumin dishes are strictly contraindicated.
  2. Cool spring or well drinking water. You can also use filtered tap water, but you need to remember that water is the base of coffee, and the higher its quality, the tastier the drink will be brewed.
  3. Large or medium grind coffee at the rate of approximately 2 teaspoons per 100 ml of water. The coarser the grind, the easier it will be to separate the coffee grounds from the drink itself. If you want to get a richer and stronger coffee, you can take 3-4 spoons per 100 ml or more - everything here depends on your personal preferences.
  4. Iron tablespoon.

With garlic and pepper


  • 1-2 tsp. freshly ground powder;
  • 100 ml water at 95 degrees;
  • sugar as desired;
  • garlic clove;
  • a pinch of black pepper.

Cut 2-3 thin slices from the clove. Heat an empty saucepan. Add all the ingredients, mix and add water.

Place the container on the stove and bring the contents to a boil. Keep an eye on the foam so it doesn't run away.

Crafting recipe

If you don’t understand how to brew coffee in a saucepan on a gas or electric stove, don’t worry - there’s nothing complicated about it. The process itself is not very different from manufacturing in Turk.

  1. Place the ground coffee beans in a saucepan or ladle.
  2. Pour in the required amount of cool water and mix gently with a tablespoon. Try not to touch the walls so as not to scratch the coating of the dishes.
  3. Place on low heat on the stove.
  4. While the water is heating, you can stir it with steam.
  5. As soon as the compacted foam rises, remove from the stove.
  6. If you want the drink to be stronger, you can return the pan to the stove and repeat the previous step again. Otherwise, go to point 7.
  7. Place the pan on a stand and close with a tight lid. Let sit for 4-5 minutes. During this period of time, the coffee grounds will settle to the bottom.
  8. Pour the drink into cups. If you use a ladle for convenience, scoop it carefully so as not to lift the coffee grounds from the bottom.

If, after pouring into cups, there is still coffee left in the pan, we advise you to pour it into a thermos in reserve. Leaving a drink in a container is contraindicated. This way it will lose a significant part of the taste and smell. Even if you reheat it later, it will not taste good.

How to brew coffee without a Turk

To brew coffee beans, it is best to get a Turk. The quality of the drink prepared in it is of the highest quality.

If you don’t have a Turk, carefully examine the contents of your kitchen and try to find suitable utensils.

Almost anything can do: cups, pots, ladles. The main thing is that the dishes keep a high temperature.

An interesting option might be a pot, which is traditionally used for baking potatoes and meat. The pots are made of ceramic and can withstand high temperatures perfectly.

Cook the ground grains in a pot carefully. Ceramics take a long time to heat up and take a long time to cool down. Even if you remove the pot from the stove, the foam will rise within 10 - 15 seconds. Considering that his hands are small, there is a possibility of getting burned by the leaking liquid.

Below we will look at how to brew coffee without a Turk more safely.

Manufacturing Features

  • How long to cook coffee in a saucepan will help you understand the foam. When compacted foam appears on the surface of the drink, it is time to remove it from the stove.
  • As and when you use the Turk, when making coffee this way you need to be very careful, do not move away from the stove or leave it unattended.
  • To ensure that your coffee always tastes great when brewing coffee in a saucepan on the stove, never bring it to a boil. Boiling water will kill a significant part of the smell and taste; drinking such a drink later will not give you any pleasure.
  • Some recipes do not give the best advice on how to properly brew delicious coffee in a saucepan. For example, you can find information that it is necessary to immediately pour hot water over the ground coffee beans. We recommend using cool water to prolong the extraction process. This is how coffee beans better reveal their aromatic and taste properties.
  • We recommend preheating the cups in advance so that the drink in them remains hot longer. You can simply rinse them with hot water from the tap or kettle.
  • If you prefer to drink coffee with sugar, add it to the pan before making it. You can only use 1-2 teaspoons. After production, you can add condensed milk or honey.
  • In order to vary the taste of the drink, you can add ground cinnamon, coriander, cardamom and other spices to the cup.

To understand how to brew delicious coffee in a saucepan on the stove, you don’t have to be a coffee professional. This is a painfully simple and quick process that takes a maximum of 10 minutes and does not require many years of experience. We hope that after reading the article, your drink will be tasty and rich, and your guests and household members will always be satisfied with your coffee skills!

How to brew coffee in a saucepan.

We told in one of our articles how to brew coffee without a Turk. Now we will use the most common utensil that is found in every kitchen - a saucepan, and with its help we will prepare our favorite drink. Read on for a detailed description of how to brew coffee in a saucepan.

We remember the subtleties and nuances.

  • The coffee brewing time can be easily determined by the appearance of bubbling and the rise of foam. The brewing process must be carefully monitored, otherwise the drink may “run away”;
  • Never bring the drink to a strong boil over medium to high heat. This will cause the coffee to lose a lot of aroma and taste;
  • In order for coffee to maximize its taste and aroma properties, do not forget about the importance of extending the extraction by cooling the drink. This can be done by such tricks as using a chilled spoon, adding cold water and placing a wet towel under the bottom of the pan when first removed from the stove;
  • in order to achieve maximum extraction, do not pour hot water over the ground coffee, as indicated in the not-so-best recipes for the brewing method in question, otherwise the finished drink will not turn out so tasty and aromatic;
  • To preserve the coffee aroma, the pan must have a carefully fitted tight lid.

Thus, despite the opinions of some critics, you can easily and effortlessly brew excellent coffee in an ordinary saucepan. The whole process will take you no more than 10-15 minutes, just remember to responsibly choose the appropriate container and quality ingredients, consistently follow the recipe recommendations and carefully monitor the progress of the preparation. We hope that this article will help you out in an unusual situation and help you prepare delicious and rich coffee to the delight of your guests and household members.

Features of making coffee in a saucepan

You may ask, why such difficulties - wet towels, a chilled spoon, etc.? The explanation is usual.

  • The pan has a large bottom diameter, so a small amount of water for coffee heats up very quickly, and the ground coffee powder simply does not have time to undergo the required extraction. As a result, such a drink will not be sufficiently rich in taste and smell. Simply put, it will be runny and tasteless.
  • Our task is to prolong the extraction process. Therefore, we use various tricks to lower the temperature of the coffee being prepared - add water in 2 additions, cool the pan on a napkin, stir the coffee with a chilled spoon. As a result, we get a drink of good strength and rich taste.

The peculiarity of the Turk is its narrow neck, which helps the rising foam to clog the liquid, as if with a cork, preserving the aromatic composition and taste of the drink to the maximum. It is impossible to do such a trick in a saucepan, so the loss of the bouquet is inevitable.

What can you do to improve the taste of coffee made in a saucepan?

  • Instead of sugar and milk, add condensed milk. It is placed directly into the cups before serving.
  • Replace some of your regular sugar with vanilla.
  • Add ground cinnamon or star anise seeds to your coffee.

Follow our instructions and your coffee brewed in a saucepan will be pleasant, strong and rich.

An exciting recipe for the most tasteful gourmets: how to boil coffee in a saucepan quickly and very tasty.


A fragrant tonic drink that is adored throughout the world. A magical elixir with a charming scent that can fill you with energy even after a sleepless night. If you also can’t imagine your morning without it, then this article will be useful to you. We will tell you whether it is possible to brew coffee in an ordinary saucepan, and we will outline the detailed technology for making this drink at home.

Do you understand that among the outstanding people of past centuries there were also many coffee lovers? The most famous of them is Peter the 1st. It is to him that our country owes the popularization of coffee beans. For the first time, the Russian Ruler tasted the taste of this drink in Holland - and, returning home, he ordered it to be brewed at the imperial court. So the invigorating elixir spread first among the upper classes, and later throughout the country.

The popularization of coffee in Russia was continued by Catherine II. The royal lady preferred to drink this drink very strong: more than 4 tablespoons per cup. The added whipped cream helped soften the rich bitterness.

It must be said that not only Russian gentlemen, but also the rulers of other states were admirers of the unique coffee taste. For example, Napoleon Bonaparte is an outstanding military leader who ruled France in the early 19th century. Napoleon consumed the invigorating elixir not only during the day, but also at night. Historians say that it was the smell of coffee that helped him endure the hardships of exile on the St. Lena Peninsula.

Among creative people, Voltaire was the most devoted fan of the drink: according to some information, he drank more than 50 cups of it once a day. With all this, the greatest thinker and philosopher lived until he was 84 years old - and this even forced the doctors of that time to think about the beneficial effects of the invigorating elixir on the body. Years have passed, hundreds of studies have been conducted - and now doctors and scientists no longer have any doubts that coffee beans contain an unlimited amount of antioxidants - substances that prolong youth and prevent the development of diseases associated with aging of the body.

Another advantage of the invigorating drink is the ease of its preparation. To do this, it is enough to have an ordinary saucepan on hand. And follow the technology that we will tell you about.


When choosing a pan, you should give preference to a model with an enamel coating and a tight-fitting lid. It is important to take into account the required amount of the finished drink, because the less water you need, the smaller the volume of dishes for making

Before cooking, enamel dishes should be doused with boiling water or left in hot water for a couple of minutes. At this time, you can start grinding the grains in a coffee grinder, keeping the proportion of 1 or 2 dessert spoons per 1 glass. Naturally, in stores it is possible to purchase ready-made ground coffee of various types. But the previously prepared product very quickly loses its own smell, which will certainly affect its taste.

For making a drink in a saucepan from a contrast of types, coarsely ground coffee beans are normally suitable due to the fact that their grounds will settle even faster.

The proportions of coffee depend on the desired strength and personal preferences. A good ratio for several people is 1 liter of water and 5 tablespoons of coffee (50 g). When making a drink for one serving, the correct combination is 150–170 ml of water and 1–2 dessert spoons of crushed grains.

The brewed drink can be consumed immediately after production. After cooling, coffee loses a significant part of its smell, and even when heated, its taste will be less intense, and may even change for the worse.

Manufacturing development

To produce a high-quality drink, the temperature of the water is of great importance. When boiling, the coffee will acquire a bitter taste and an off-odor. The traditional process of brewing coffee includes the following steps:

  • heat the container with boiling water or hot water;
  • Pour 1 liter of cool water into the pan and wait for the water to warm up to 50–60 degrees – it’s important not to let it boil;
  • add pre-prepared coffee (50 g);
  • after foam appears, quickly remove the dish from the heat and cover with a lid;
  • wait a couple of minutes for the drink to enrich itself with an inimitable aroma and for the coffee grounds to settle to the bottom;
  • Pour the brewed coffee into cups and add, if desired, the missing ingredients to your own taste.

Often another recipe is used. Its secret lies in the difference in water temperatures. Let's take a closer look at the manufacturing technology:

  • before cooking, put the spoon in the freezer;
  • pour half the required water (water or milk) into the pan;
  • After heating, add ground coffee and stir;
  • put on low heat;
  • when foam begins to appear, remove from heat and stir;
  • add the rest of the water and send it to the upcoming heating;
  • after the foam has formed, you need to stir it a second time with a frozen spoon and put it on the stove again;
  • Do not allow it to boil under any circumstances.

You need to drink coffee prepared according to this recipe right away. Then the rich taste and smell will pleasantly amaze and invigorate.

Tips for plenty of flavor

If desired, you can vary the taste of the tonic drink, using both classic and special additives. Common ones include:

Special additives or “for everyone”:

  • spices (cloves, dark pepper, coriander, nutmeg);
  • cocoa;
  • lemon;
  • cognac or liqueur;
  • salt;
  • ice cream;
  • chocolate.

For lovers of sweet taste, you can immediately use sugar in the manufacturing process. After heating the water to the desired temperature, you need to add a teaspoon of sweet sand (per one glass). Stir and after a couple of minutes add the ground coffee beans. After waiting for the foam to form, immediately remove from heat and leave with the lid closed for several minutes.

There are also recipes with the addition of spices such as cloves or dark pepper. In this case, use a couple of cloves and three black peppercorns during the cooking process.

It is not uncommon to meet connoisseurs of chocolate and coffee drinks. To obtain this taste, ground coffee beans are combined with cocoa powder in the amount of one dessert spoon per serving. And when you add chocolate, you get the perfect mocha for those with a sweet tooth.

Real espresso at home

The traditional version of strong coffee, espresso, can also be brewed in a saucepan at home. To make it, you will need to reduce the amount of water to 60–70 ml, and add 5–6 dessert spoons of ground coffee. Based on your own preferences, you can add a little sweet sand.

Achieving the real taste of espresso at home is painfully simple by following the following technology:

  • Place all dry ingredients in a container;
  • put the mixture on low heat;
  • prepare water in advance: boil and cool it to a temperature of 40 degrees;
  • very slowly pour the liquid into the heated mixture in a narrow stream;
  • when thick foam begins to appear, immediately remove from heat and stir;
  • return to the stove until a rising foam cap forms;
  • remove from the stove and pour into perfectly warmed coffee cups;
  • To add a luxurious aroma, cover the cups of coffee with a lid or plate for a few minutes.

It is wrong to assume that the taste of ready-made coffee with the addition of milk products is no different from a drink brewed with milk instead of water. There is one fundamental aspect to making milk-based coffee: it is always prepared without the use of sugar.

To get a thick coffee-milk drink per serving, you will need 2 teaspoons of ground beans per 50–60 ml of milk. You can boil coffee using 2 methods.

In the first case, by analogy with making espresso, dry ground coffee beans are poured into the pan. Heat them for a minute over low heat, and then add milk at a temperature of 40 degrees. After waiting for foam to appear, remove from heat and repeat heating again.

The second method involves heating the milk to 40 degrees in a saucepan with the addition of ground coffee beans. After the milk foam begins to rise, you need to remove the pan from the stove and after a couple of minutes put it back on heat until foam appears.

Cinnamon is considered the most suitable spice that can enhance the taste of a coffee drink. Just one stick of cinnamon or 1/3 teaspoon of ground cinnamon will diversify the usual taste and add its own unsurpassed smell.

The main difference in making the recipe in Turkish is that ground coffee is added to a container with cool water, cardamom and sugar are immediately added (optional). Only after mixing the acquired coffee consistency is the pan placed on the fire. In addition, there is no need to wait a couple of times for the foam to rise and remove the dishes from the stove.

With garlic

For brave connoisseurs of unusual combinations, there is a recipe using an unusual set of ingredients: salt, pepper and garlic.

Ground coffee (2 teaspoons) is mixed with one clove of garlic, a pinch of salt and dark pepper, you can add a little sweet sand. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass of cool water, place it in a saucepan and cook over low heat until almost boiling. Preventing boiling, remove from the stove, stir and put back on the fire. Thanks to garlic, the taste becomes strong and rich.

With Amaretto

When using liqueur, it is important not to disrupt the sequence of operations and add alcohol, cream and almonds to the finished brewed coffee. It is acceptable to use Amaretto in quantities of less than 50 ml per serving.

There are recipes using ice cream or pieces of ice. In such cases, it is customary to serve coffee in large glasses. A pinch of cinnamon will come in handy when combined with whipped cream and Amaretto liqueur.

This drink is perfect for both a romantic evening and simply for relaxing time in front of the TV.

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