How to brew ground coffee in a cup? important features

If you don't have enough time to prepare an invigorating drink in a Turkish coffee pot or coffee maker, learn how to brew ground coffee in a cup. Most people think that you just need to pour boiling water over the powder and the drink will be ready. But that's not true. To get your favorite drink in a mug in a matter of minutes, you need to know some secrets on how to prepare it. This applies to both the quality of water and the choice of dishes. If you fulfill all the requirements, you will enjoy the aroma and tart taste.

What kind of coffee can you brew?

Most coffee brewing methods are designed to filter the liquid from powder particles. They, unlike tea leaves, do not sink to the bottom immediately, but float in the water throughout the entire volume. If the container is not touched for several minutes, small particles will settle over time, and large fractions will float to the surface. This is the main disadvantage of brewing in a cup.

True connoisseurs recommend making the drink from freshly ground coffee beans. But if you are in the office or just in a hurry, this method will not work. In this case, the finished product in packages comes to the rescue. Moreover, each time after uncorking, it is important to tightly close the container and use a pack of ground powder for two weeks, since over time it loses its aroma. If you rarely drink this drink at home, it is better to purchase a small package.

Selecting the variety and degree of grinding of beans

To brew coffee in a cup, you must use a product with the appropriate labeling, fine or medium grind beans. Most manufacturers indicate “for brewing in a cup” on the packaging. If you use a coarse grind, the powder will not have time to brew.

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It is advisable to purchase in specialized stores. Here they will advise you which coffee to choose. If you ask, they can even grind the grains right away for you. Arabica beans are ideal for brewing coffee in a mug. It differs in the following characteristics:

  • raw materials from Ethiopia and Yemen are distinguished by fruit and berry shades of prunes and currants;
  • the Brazilian type is characterized by a mild taste with sourness;
  • the South American product contains notes of chocolate and citrus;
  • variety from India and Kenya has a chocolate aftertaste.

To brew a cup of ground coffee, do not use mixtures with Robusta. The coffee will be bitter and too strong. If you take an espresso blend, it should not contain more than 15% robusta.

What kind of coffee is suitable for brewing in a cup?

Why can't you buy a quality product in the supermarket? Do you see hundreds of packages on store shelves, the contents of which always taste the same? In practice it works like this. The manufacturer buys beans in huge quantities from the stock market, roasts them, doing everything possible to ensure that the final product is the same every time. But with such processing only a certain quality can be achieved. After grinding the grains, they immediately lose their properties, in particular, their special aroma.

For home brewing, it is recommended to avoid electric coffee grinders. Available devices will not provide the required quality; they are more like crushers than coffee grinders. Therefore, it is recommended to grind beans in coffee shops. The best coffee (ground) for brewing is Arabica. The drink is stronger than when brewed in a Turk or coffee maker. The presence of robusta in the mixture will give it excessive bitterness and oversaturate it with caffeine.

You don't need a coffee maker to get delicious coffee.

Today, the “Filtero” set for brewing ground coffee is gaining popularity. It includes a cup made of food-grade plastic and a set of filters made of high-quality paper (manufacturing country: Switzerland). With "Filtero" you can prepare an aromatic drink from any preferred variety, regardless of grinding.

Types of coffee

There are many types of coffee in the world, the most famous of which are Arabica and Robusta. Arabica grows in places with higher temperatures and a stable climate (Central and South America, Africa). Robusta thrives most in Asia and South America. But the quality of the final product is also influenced by the method of collecting beans - Arabica coffee berries are mainly collected by hand. The Robusta variety is most often harvested by machine.


Arabica, which accounts for 61% of total production, is the most famous variety among drink lovers. It prefers high altitudes up to the edges of vegetation. Therefore, it is often called the “high mountain variety.” The beans and the drink itself are characterized by an elegant, subtle and complex aroma.

Growers have tried to breed many types of Arabica. Of the thousands of varieties - mostly from Ethiopia and Sudan - only a small number have made it outside of Africa. The most famous species in our country:

  1. "Typika" is the basis of the most common coffee varieties. The plant's homeland is Java, from where it spread to the rest of the world.
  2. "Bourbon" - arose as a result of a natural mutation of the "Typika" variety on the island of Bourbon.


Coffea canephora tastes very different from Arabica and has a greater variety of fruits. This species is known for its bitter tones, which is why it is not suitable for every consumer. In addition, it is characterized by a higher proportion of caffeine in the bean. Robusta accounts for 25% of world coffee production. This plant also grows in tropical areas.

Arabica and Robusta are the most popular coffee varieties

Water and brewing cup

No need to take tap water. If possible, take spring or well water. If this is not possible, get a soft bottled one from the store. Pay attention to the degree of mineralization. It should be 150 mg/l, but can vary between 75-250 mg/l.

We have been asked whether it is possible to use chlorinated or boiled water, but we do not recommend this. This liquid contains sediment, which spoils the taste of the drink.

A thick-walled earthenware cup is more suitable for making natural coffee. You can use a ceramic one instead. For a standard portion of 80-110 ml, a container with a volume of 120-150 ml is required. The liquid is poured, not adding a little to the brim, since the grounds will begin to swell and push out the liquid. And in general, if the container is filled to the top, it will be inconvenient for you to cook.

Preparing for brewing

Before brewing the drink, warm the cup well for a few seconds in the microwave or rinse with boiling water. In this case, the aroma will develop better and the temperature will remain longer.

If the recipe calls for hot liquid, bring it until the first bubbles appear (+92-96 °C), avoiding boiling. Coffee experts explain this by saying that when boiling water is added, the ground powder will not fully reveal its taste. And if you add milk, cream or their substitutes, the milk protein will coagulate into white flakes in hot water. The appearance and taste will deteriorate.

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How to brew ground coffee correctly

The process of brewing coffee in a cup requires a careful approach. The ideal way to prepare a good treat is to follow the instructions exactly. You can read more about the proportions for different types of drinks in the article “How many spoons of coffee to put in a cup.”

General algorithm of actions:

  1. Pour the powder into the prepared container and pour hot or cold water.
  2. Immediately cover the prepared mixture with a lid and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. 3-5 minutes after cooking, stir the contents, let the thickener sink to the bottom and, if desired, pour or strain.
  4. Drink pure or with additives.

To cook a treat for several people at once, it is better to use a French press.

Microwave brewing

If you don’t have a gas or electric stove, you can use a microwave. The procedure for properly brewing ground coffee in a cup using microwaves is as follows:

  • Pour the tea leaves into a suitable container.
  • Add a little water and for 2 minutes .
  • Pour out the rest of the liquid so that 4 cm remains to the edges of the cup. You can add sugar.
  • Place in the microwave on medium or low.
  • Watch when the foam starts to rise. At this moment, turn off the device, since there is a possibility that the coffee will run out and the tray will have to be washed.
  • Take out the mug and cover with a lid to let the drink steep.

The method of brewing coffee in a cup in the microwave is not the most reliable: you may not guess the mode correctly, and all the liquid will quickly boil and splash out of the cup.

Features of preparing southern and cold drinks

Brazilian coffee for brewing in a cup is prepared from coarsely ground raw materials. After adding hot water, tiny particles float to the top. They form a crust on the surface, which is then removed with a spoon.

Cuban coffee is known for its tart taste and distinct aroma. The composition is suitable for use in winter, as it warms perfectly. To make it, you will need brown sugar and a few drops of rum, which is added to the already prepared drink.

Ground grains soaked in cold water require time to infuse. Therefore, in order to enjoy a refreshing drink in the morning, it must be prepared in the evening. The finer the grind, the better. Pour cold water over the ground beans. Let them steep all night. In the morning, strain the mixture.

Methods for brewing coffee in a cup

To maximize the taste of the finished drink, you need to properly care for the grains and use suitable water. Only fresh coffee and water with a favorable chemical profile will provide the desired taste and aroma. In any other case there is a risk of disappointment.

Air and humidity are the two greatest enemies of good coffee. The longer the grains are exposed to them, the more negatively they affect the taste of the product. In order for the drink to retain as much taste as possible, you must adhere to the “rule 15”:

  • coffee must be roasted within 15 months of harvest;
  • after roasting, the grains must be ground within 15 days;
  • The ground powder must be used within 15 minutes.

This way the coffee will retain everything that makes it unique – the perfect and refreshing taste. Recommendation? Buy whole grains.

Ground powder loses its properties even in vacuum packaging - the vacuum only slows down its aging.

Don't stock up and always grind your coffee before brewing. What grind coarseness should I use? It depends on the specific cooking method:

  1. Water can destroy even the finest coffee. It's no surprise that 99% of grains are water. Pay special attention to the chemical composition and temperature of the water.
  2. Do you suspect that the water coming out of your tap may have the wrong chemical composition? Do an analysis. This can be done at home using affordable testers.
  3. For increased hardness, use softening filters attached directly to the faucet, filter kettle, or buy bottled water with the appropriate composition.
  4. You have high-quality freshly ground grain, the water used has an ideal chemical composition. But the end result does not meet expectations at all. Cause? You may have used boiling water (100ºС). The powder burns and has a bitter taste.
  5. The ideal water temperature for preparing the drink is about 90ºС (±5ºС depending on the specific preparation method).

If desired, you can add sugar along with the ground powder.


In Brazil, mainly Arabica is grown, which has a soft, delicate taste with different shades. There is often a chocolate or nutty tone and minimal sourness, which will appeal, in particular, to novice consumers. The Brazilian method of brewing a delicious drink is famous among gourmets. Let's see how to properly brew coffee in a cup using the Brazilian method:

  1. Take coarse grains (about 9 g) and pour them into a heated cup.
  2. Fill with hot water (about 90ºС).
  3. Leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove the “crust” formed by large particles of grains (by the way, it prevents the drink from cooling quickly).


This method is suitable for people who are constantly in a hurry. To prepare it, finely ground beans (about 7 g) or ground coffee in bags (sticks) are used.


  1. Pour coffee into a warmed cup.
  2. Fill with hot water until the powder is covered.
  3. Mash the grounds with a spoon.
  4. Add water to the required amount.
  5. Drink after 4 minutes.

Ground coffee sticks


In this case, finely ground coffee is used to brew in a cup, as in the Polish method. The difference is the addition of cane sugar to the drink and - at the end - a small amount of rum.

In the microwave

This method is similar to making Turkish coffee:

  1. Place medium or finely ground grains (about 7 g) into a microwave-safe cup.
  2. Pour some water and stir.
  3. Add water (cold) without reaching 3 cm from the edges of the cup.
  4. Place in the microwave.
  5. When foam rises, turn off the device and remove the cup.
  6. Leave to stand for 4 minutes.

Cold way

The term “iced coffee” does not mean a drink brewed with hot water and left on the kitchen counter. We are talking about a completely different cooking method - cold brew. Have you ever thought that ground grains can be filled with cold rather than hot water? If not, it's time to fix it:

  1. Prepare freshly ground coffee. Choose a coarser grind, similar to a French press. It is recommended to always use freshly roasted beans, ground immediately before brewing.
  2. Pour the powder with cold water (1:10). Leave to infuse for 16-24 hours. The container can be placed in the refrigerator.
  3. Filter the resulting drink. You can use a French press.
  4. Enjoy the rich, sweet taste.

How to cook in Polish

For Polish coffee, you will need medium grind beans. Unlike the Brazilian one, it is less strong. The meal is prepared in several stages. First, half the dosage of hot water is poured into the powder and the composition is thoroughly mixed. After this, add the remaining liquid. Poles pour cardamom, cinnamon, and milk powder into a mug.

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To brew the Warsaw version, use finely ground grains. This is an important nuance. Otherwise, you won’t get a flavorful drink because you won’t be able to strain it. Cold water is added to the powder and brought to a temperature of 80°C. Then add sugar and repeat the process. Warm baked milk is first added to the cup. Then pour in, filtering, the finished drink. The top of the treat is sprinkled with grated chocolate.

Other cooking methods and recipes

An excellent drink without a Turk, coffee machine or other equipment can be prepared in the microwave. Ingredient ratio: 100 ml water and 6-7 g medium grind coffee. Prepare the drink in a container designed for microwave ovens, and upon completion of the process, pour it into a clean cup.

The brewing technology is as follows: first, coffee and (to taste) sugar and spices are poured into the container. Add a small amount of cold water, then vigorously mix the ingredients for 15 seconds. Then pour in the rest of the water, remembering that it should not reach 3-4 cm to the edge of the container. Mix the contents and place the container in the oven. Having closed the door, observe the process: when the foam rises to the edge of the dish, turn off the microwave, remove the container with coffee from it, close it with a lid and let the drink stand for three minutes.

Brewing coffee in a thermos serves two purposes. Firstly, to take it with you on a trip, and secondly, to prepare it for a home party with a large number of guests.

Coffee for travel is prepared almost like in a cup, but the ratio of ingredients is adjusted: less ground beans should be taken (about 1/4), since the brewing process takes longer and the drink may turn out to be too strong. Approximately 10 tsp are consumed per 1 liter of water. coffee.

Having filled the thermos with hot water, do not immediately close the lid; do this after a couple of minutes, adding (if desired) sugar and milk beforehand. A drink prepared in this way retains its full aroma for 2 hours, and its invigorating properties even longer, which, in fact, is what is usually required on the road.

Preparing coffee in a thermos at home for a large company takes 10 minutes. The thermos is rinsed with boiling water, this water is poured out, and then it is filled with the necessary ingredients: ground grains (12 tsp) and hot water (first two glasses, and after 5 minutes approximately the same amount so that the total volume is 1 liter) . The drink is infused in a thermos for 5 minutes.

We talked about which thermos for tea and coffee is best to buy here.

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