8 types of Finnish coffee Paulig

Paulig coffee is the second most popular drink brand in Russia. This is probably why the consumer wants to know everything about this company. The packaging indicates that the product was made in Finland. Of course, it would be foolish to think that coffee beans grow under the northern sun of Scandinavia. Of course, they are exported from southern countries. But experts will tell you that the taste of a cup of coffee is influenced by three factors:

  • A blend of expertly selected varieties.
  • Roasting.
  • Grinding

There are several ways to prepare the drink - in a cezve, French press, espresso machine or even just in a cup. And brewing coffee also directly depends on the three above-mentioned methods of processing the beans. When purchasing a product, the consumer can be sure that he will receive exactly the drink that he needs. What if a coffee lover wants to experiment? Then he can buy whole grains.

Coffee Paulig President

The most popular variety is Paulig President coffee.

It is made from freshly roasted Arabica beans. The rich and intense aroma of the drink is obtained due to the fact that it contains a mixture of grains that have been roasted until light in color.

Ground coffee of this type can be found in packages from 75 to 500 grams, and the drink as beans is available only in packages of 250 grams.

You probably know that to make cappuccino coffee you need to thoroughly whisk the milk. To simplify this process, special coffee machines were invented, such as the Nespresso cappuccino machine.

Have you already tried mate green tea? This tea is from the country of Paraguay, which has a tonic property, more details in this article.

Company history

There lived in the second half of the nineteenth century in the German city of Lübeck a certain young man named Gustav Paulig. He was the son of a gardener, but did not want to follow in his father's footsteps. At first he worked for . Having accumulated initial capital, Gustav moved to Helsinki and opened a shop selling colonial goods at 10 Fabian Street. This happened in 1876. But within five years, the Latin letter “P”, with which Paulig marked his goods, became a symbol of the highest quality in the capital of Finland. The young entrepreneur did not want to stop there. He not only ordered the best varieties of tea and other goods from tropical countries from suppliers. Already in nineteen hundred and four, he adopted the invention of the American John Arbuckle and began to roast coffee beans industrially. To do this, he bought a workshop and warehouse in the Katajanokka area. Consumers liked Paulig roasted coffee beans.

Paulig Classic

The taste of Paulig Classic coffee is also well received by consumers in the Baltic countries, Ukraine and Russia. It has an exquisite aroma as it is fried to medium.

This type of coffee is made from the Arabica variety. Consumers are offered a choice of Paulig Classic in ground form and grains.

Thanks to this, you can prepare coffee in different ways. Ground coffee is sold in packages from 100 to 500 grams, and beans in 250 gram packages.

Making coffee in a Turk remains the most enjoyable method of preparation for gourmets from Russia. Especially for them, the Paulig company produces all types of specially ground coffee that are suitable for this method of brewing.

But for those who don’t like or don’t know how to brew coffee, there is Mocha in-cup coffee. It can be brewed directly in a cup, which does not require much time.

Product range and cost

The Paulig company does not have an overly large assortment. It covers all the possible desires of a jaded consumer, but does not copy itself. You can always check the current types of Paulig coffee beans on their website. The following offers have remained unchanged in their assortment for several decades:

  1. Presidentti: Original, Gold, Black.
  2. Classic.
  3. Arabica.
  4. Espresso Original.
  5. Paulig Mokka.
  6. Paulig Café: Moscow, Paris, New York, Havana.
  7. Paulig Mundo.

Paulig Arabica

Paulig's pricing policy is very variable. The Mokka and Cafe series are considered the most affordable for consumers. In the middle price segment there are Classic, Espresso Originale and Arabica varieties. Mundo and Presidentti coffees are classified as premium coffees.

Sometimes the brand has seasonal offerings, such as iced summer coffee or Christmas coffee with a hint of cinnamon. These coffee collections are not annual and are most often sent to networks of cafes and partner restaurants, rather than to general retail.

Paulig Arabica

Paulig Arabica is the classic taste of good, high-quality coffee with a slight bitterness. The beans for this variety are brought from South and Central America, despite its name. But roasting is carried out using technology invented precisely in Arab countries, where this name comes from. Roasting level 3 – medium.

Paulig Arabica coffee beans are sold in several types of packaging:

  • 250 grams;
  • 500 grams;
  • 1000 grams.

Ground Arabica can only be purchased in 250 gram packages.

Paulig Classic

Paulig Classic is one of the old tastes that the company pleased consumers with a hundred years ago. The rich coffee taste is complemented by noticeable nutty notes, which makes the taste and smell unforgettable. The roast is medium - third degree, similar to Arabica, but due to the nutty flavor the drink feels softer. The classic is sold in two packaging formats - ground (500 grams) and beans (250 grams). It is difficult to grind and mix this variety correctly, so the manufacturer recommends that fans buy a ready-to-cook version. For this type, grains produced in Central America are selected because they better absorb outside flavors and combine more harmoniously with the nut.

Paulig Espresso

Paulig Espresso coffee appeared on the market at the end of the 20th century - in 1979. This is not a classic bean coffee, but a mixture or blend. The composition includes the more expensive Arabica and the more bitter Robusta. Due to this, a stable, strong, invigorating taste is obtained. The price of Paulig Espresso Originale coffee varies depending on the time of year and the coffee harvest. The plantations of South and Central America do not always produce a sufficient amount of grains, and due to a poor harvest, the cost of the blend may increase. The mixture has a chocolate-nut flavor. This taste feature appears due to the special roasting according to the Italian recipe. After drinking a cup of coffee, the taste of chocolate and nut paste will remain on the receptors for a long time.

Coffee Paulig Espresso

Paulig Mokka

Paulig Mocha is a coffee for lovers of strong coffee drinks. Despite the average degree of roasting - third, the technology for preparing the beans is designed so that the final drink is stronger and becomes more bitter. Mocha is one of the most popular types of Paulig coffee in Russia. It can be purchased as beans in two packages - 500 and 1000 grams. There are many more ground types of Mocha:

  1. 250 grams - can be brewed directly in a cup.
  2. 100 and 450 grams - plain ground.
  3. 75 and 200 grams - can be brewed in a Turk.


President Paulig coffee beans have three branches: Original, Gold and Black. They differ in raw materials, methods and degree of frying, as well as pricing policies.

Paulig Presidentti Original coffee beans - the classic taste of beans from Central America. This type consists entirely of Arabica 100% light roasted third degree. The drink has a pleasant berry flavor, slightly bitter. Sold in packaging of 1 kilogram of grains or 250 grams of ground mixture.

Presidentti Gold is a more expensive subtype of this series, consisting exclusively of rare Arabica varieties. This type of coffee is much softer than the Original, with light fruity notes. It is brewed exclusively in a filter coffee maker. Second degree of roasting. There is one packaging for both grains and ground mixture - 250 grams.

Presidentti Black is premium coffee made from selected Arabica beans. This collection has a very rich taste with a slight bitterness. The degree of roasting is high – fourth. The final drink has a dark chocolate flavor. Minimum packaging – 250 grams.

Paulig Espresso Original

The Paulig Espresso Original coffee variety combines a mixture of dark roasted beans that have a very mild taste. It is very reminiscent of Italian coffee. This type of coffee is suitable not only for making espresso, but also for drinks based on it: Americano, lungo, ristretto, dopio...

For lovers of single-origin coffee

Gourmets prefer mixtures. Arabica gives the drink a refined taste and delicate aroma. But if you are interested in the strength and invigorating properties of coffee, then adding Robusta is necessary. However, there are drink connoisseurs who cannot stand the taste of these cheaper beans. And for them the company released two brands of coffee: Paulig Arabica and Paulig Arabica Dark. In the latter brand, the beans were roasted to a higher degree. Arabica coffee is also a mixture. But single-varietal. The company buys Arabica beans in Brazil and Central American countries to obtain a rich and aromatic, invigorating and refined taste of the drink. This coffee is available in medium grind in 250 gram packs, as well as whole beans in two hundred and fifty, 0.5 and kilogram packs. Reviews say that Arabica coffee has a rich, velvety taste with sweet notes.

Espresso Barista

An interesting variety of Paulig coffee is Espresso Barista.

It has a sour, sweet and bitter taste, harmoniously combined together. This taste is provided by the highest grade Arabica and Robusta.

Coffee is offered only in kilogram packages.

To brew Paraguayan mate tea I use special utensils: calabash and bombilla. Calabash is traditionally made from a special variety of melon.

One of the most tonic teas in the world, Pu-erh tea, is produced in China. Read more about how to choose pu-erh here.

Do you want to know how to lose weight simply by drinking special tea? Read the instructions for using Turboslim tea at the link: https://ahotcup.com/chai/drugie/turboslim-chajj-dlya-pohudenyja.html

Capsule coffee Paulig

Among the types of Paulig coffee there is a line of capsule drinks prepared in special coffee machines.

The convenience and speed of preparation of this drink has become indispensable for the modern coffee gourmet. Despite the simple preparation, the coffee retains its amazing aroma and unique taste.

Among capsule drinks you can find varieties of coffee such as black and cappuccino. You can also find thick cocoa and Paulig tea.

Due to the fact that Paulig always strives for consistently high quality of its products, it has proven itself well in the international market.

This world-famous coffee brand is one of the most popular in Europe, Russia and the Baltics. Its cost is quite high, but most gourmets are convinced that it is justified by the amazing taste, aroma and quality of the coffee.

Reviews of Paulig coffee

Paulig bean coffee quickly gained its niche in the market and remains one of the most popular brands in the Russian Federation. Consumers evaluated the brand, highlighting a number of strengths and weaknesses. The advantages of the brand are:

  1. High quality raw materials. The grains are always tasty, there are no “defective” or overcooked grains, so the final yield of a good product in the hands of the client is much higher.
  2. Legality and safety of production. With each process being certified, there is no doubt that the coffee can be safely consumed. All certificates are publicly available on the company’s website.
  3. Many packaging options.
  4. Different flavors and roasting styles.

Among the disadvantages of Paulig coffee, the consumer pays attention to several facts:

  1. Not all types of coffee can be prepared at home unless you have a coffee filter or coffee press.
  2. There are many expensive varieties that are not sold in supermarkets, but are sold only through coffee shops.
  3. There are few types of low roast coffee.

Paulig coffee wins the hearts of coffee lovers with its quality and flavor solutions. Those who think that they have already tried all the coffee drinks that exist on the market should undoubtedly familiarize themselves with the premium series of this brand.

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