How to dye your hair with coffee and henna

How many different cosmetics have been invented to add a touch of liveliness and naturalness. But the difficulty lies in the fact that modern dyes, although positioned as safe, still injure the hair structure and harm the scalp. In addition, paint does not always behave predictably and the color stated on the packaging in reality may turn out to be completely different. Therefore, applying makeup with a product chosen at random is strongly not recommended. And finally, very often after dyeing, the curls acquire an unnatural shade. Therefore, more and more often modern women use recipes from beauties from the past and prefer natural dyes.

Beauty, healing and care at once

Henna is a natural hair dye and body painting, it is made from the leaves of the non-thorny lawsonia plant. The leaves are collected, dried, then ground and made into paint. At the same time, body paint is made from the powder of the dried upper leaves, and hair dye is made from the lower leaves. Various natural additives were added to the powder, resulting in different colors of the dye: from copper to dark.

It was used to cure various skin diseases and was also used for classic body painting - mehndi. In addition, henna paste was used to treat and dye hair.

Which henna is better to buy?

Now you can buy not only henna powder, but also compressed briquettes, and in both forms, henna perfectly retains its properties. To use in recipes, henna in tiles will need to be grated to a dusty state.

Typically, henna is available in 4 colors:

If you are not planning categorical changes, then it is better to choose brown and chestnut for hair colors. But if you are not afraid of tests, you can choose reddish.

The final color will depend on the chosen color scheme, on the proportions, and also on the exposure time.

Little life hack

The coffee henna recipe is great for healing black hair. Coloring bleached hair can give a sudden result, because the dye will be more active.

It is better to take roasted coffee beans, while Arabica is better. You can grind it yourself, or you can buy it already ground. In addition to the main ingredients, the recipes use various vegetable oils, dark tea, and onion peels.

Method No. 1. Regular hair mask

Depending on the length and thickness of your hairstyle, one or two servings of coffee and 1-2 packages of henna will be useful for you. In other words, for small or medium-length hair, take one serving of espresso and one package of henna; for longer and thicker hair, double the proportions.

In a coffee pot or coffee machine, prepare a strong espresso without adding anything other than coffee and water. Add henna directly to the roast and stir. Wait for the mixture to cool slightly. Then you need to color your hair with a warm consistency, paying special attention to the root zone. The mixture must be left for approximately 5 hours. You can make such a mask at night; to protect your laundry from staining, cover your head with film and wrap it in a towel. After time, rinse off the mixture and dry naturally.

This hair mask will have a restorative effect, giving it a wonderful coffee color and a healthy glow. The mask can be done 1-2 times a month.

Method No. 2. Restoring mask for damaged hair

Take ground coffee, henna powder, natural honey and sunflower oil in a ratio of 1:1:1:1. Mix all ingredients and apply to hair for up to an hour, then wash and dry without using a hair dryer. This coloring will strengthen your hair, give it shine and a coffee color.

The proportions of hair masks can vary depending on their condition, length and thickness. By changing the amount of ingredients in recipes, you can choose your own, personal coloring recipe. In any case, when using such natural ingredients you will not harm yourself.

Coffee and henna for hair coloring.

One of the secrets of female beauty is the health of the hair, the condition of which depends on a huge number of reasons. Including the methods of coloring, the composition of coloring agents, the chemical elements of which have a bad effect on the hairstyle. In this case, natural remedies come to the rescue - coffee and henna, which can be successfully used at home.

Home dyeing with basma

If you do not have experience in dyeing basma, do not experiment on the entire head of hair. You need to try first on one strand, dye it with the prepared composition. This dye may not behave as you expected. If the new shade suits you, start dyeing your entire head of hair. To obtain a consistency convenient for application, basma is diluted with water, egg, and kefir. Choose the proportions correctly, as indicated in the recipe. Different ratios of basma and henna give different shades on the hair. To dye your hair black you need to take 25 grams of henna and 75 grams of basma. Add essential oils and water to the mixture. To get chocolate or brown hair color with basma, mix basma and henna in equal quantities.


Both of these natural remedies are gifts from warm countries, where people have long discovered their miraculous characteristics. For centuries, ladies have used henna not only to color hair, fur, nails or decorate the body for aesthetic and religious purposes, but also to heal skin diseases, bone diseases and treat wounds.

His Majesty coffee is great at combating baldness because it reduces the production of dihydrotestosterone, which causes the destruction of the hair follicle. Its main components (antioxidants) protect hair from external negative influences, and the mineral complex moisturizes and saturates it with nutritional substances.

Any of these herbal products do their job perfectly individually, but together they can achieve truly unsurpassed results: giving your curls an enchanting shine, strengthening your hair follicles, getting rid of dandruff and getting natural chocolate colors. The main thing is to arm yourself with desire, time and the tools necessary for the coloring procedure.


To start the painting process, you need to stock up on all the necessary equipment: plastic or rubber gloves, a wood or plastic comb, an ordinary sponge or a wide brush, a bowl with a deep bottom. Those with long curls will find hair clips useful.

The coloring mixture is prepared according to a basic recipe, which can be supplemented or changed (depending on the desired color).

To do this, you need to combine a twenty-five-gram bag of henna with 50-100 g of coffee and pour just-boiled water over them, then carefully stir until it becomes a homogeneous paste. To prevent it from cooling down, the container must be placed in a water bath. The brightness of the color depends on the temperature of the purchased paint.

Then apply the resulting mixture sparingly to clean, dry strands and wrap your head in film, putting something warm on top. After some time (from half an hour to 6 hours), it will be necessary to wash off the dye with warm water without shampoo.

Hair coloring with henna and coffee.

Dyeing hair with coffee and henna is a recipe that came to us from the vastness of the East. Dyeing with henna and coffee not only gives your hair beautiful and rich black colors, but also makes it thicker and more vibrant due to the natural composition of the dyes.

The introduction of henna, basma and coffee does not limit you in the time frame of coloring, because natural “dyes” do not harm the hair, but, on the contrary, nourish it and help strengthen it. Therefore, you can dye your hair with henna and coffee almost once a week.

Features of henna dyeing with coffee for hair

Henna and basma are sold in almost all specialized cosmetic stores in the form of powder or compressed tiles. The choice of its type depends only on your preferences and convenience.

For coloring, you need natural ground coffee, because in the coloring process you will need to use not only brewed water, but also coffee cake.

Since henna is a vegetable dye, you should not be allergic to it, but before you start dyeing, do a test: wipe the inside of your elbow with a brewed mixture of henna and coffee (in a ratio of 1:2). If after 24 hours no rash or itching appears, you can safely use henna with coffee to color your hair.

How to dye your hair with henna and coffee:

1. Add coffee brewed in a 2:1 ratio (50 g of ready-made henna powder 25 g of coffee) to the finished powder or crushed pressed henna in an amount of water that will create the consistency of thick sour cream for the paint (approximately 200-250 ml ).

Henna is an herb, so it needs to be brewed with very hot water. If the dye is cool, the color from the henna will not transfer to the hair.

If necessary, place the paint in a water bath and bring it to a boil.

  1. The finished dye from henna and coffee is applied to clean, dry scalp. Since both dyes (henna and coffee) are natural, this composition can be used as a mask and kept on your head from 1 hour to 6-8 hours, depending on the desired color.
  2. You can wash off henna from coffee under warm running water without shampoo, painstakingly combing out grains of henna from your hair.

Henna will show its color approximately a day after dyeing, and in order to further consolidate the effect of dyeing, hairdressers do not recommend using shampoo for the next three days.
Natural hair dyeing with henna and coffee is a good method to maintain its health and immediately make it beautiful, but it is recommended to keep in mind that such dyes are not comparable to ammonia dyes in durability.

Hair dyed with basma or henna quickly loses its color, but such dye can be used very often; it will act both as a dye and as a mask. In addition, after constant dyeing with natural ingredients, the hair will be “saturated” with the coloring pigment and such dye will last even longer.

Non-hazardous hair coloring with coffee or henna.

The beauty of hair in almost everything depends on its coloring. But at times the hairstyle needs a break from the constant “repainting” and “chemicals”. In this case, time-tested paints made from henna and coffee come to the rescue.

The content of the article:

Henna combined with coffee has a wonderful effect on your hair: your hair gets a gorgeous chestnut color, glows with health, becomes stronger and thicker. And after dyeing it with this “paint”, the hair emits an amazing smell.

According to reviews, to create a coloring consistency, it is better not to use loose henna in bags. The best option is henna pressed into tiles (it comes in 4 colors: reddish, dark, chestnut and brown). For this coloring consistency, use brown or chestnut henna. In addition to the dye, each tile contains medicinal oils, for example, cocoa butter and clove bud oil. As for coffee, it is advisable to choose roasted and finely ground Arabica beans.

The recipe for natural hair dye is as follows:

  • henna tile
  • 50–100 g coffee
  • little water

Grate the required amount of pressed henna on a small grater, add coffee and pour just-boiled water over this mixture, then stir well. As a result, the mixture should turn out to be a little thinner than sour cream. If the prepared mixture turns out to be thick, it is diluted with hot water. Then the container with paint is placed in a water bath and heated. The color saturation depends on the temperature of the coloring consistency; in other words, the higher the temperature of the mass, the more saturated the color, and vice versa.

The dye mixture is applied to clean, dry strands, sparingly distributing the mixture along their entire length and onto the root system. Next, the head is covered with cling film and insulated with a terry towel. To get a beautiful brown color, keep the paint on for at least 6 hours. If you want to dye your hair a reddish color, wash off the mask after 2-3 hours.

And for dyeing gray hair, a cosmetic mixture is prepared from:

  • 1 part henna
  • 1 part ground coffee
  • 1 part basma
  • a small amount of water

The mixture is poured with boiling water and thoroughly mixed (the coloring mixture should resemble thick sour cream). The “paint” is applied to a clean hairstyle, and a rubber and woolen cap is put on top. After 2–2.5 hours, wash your hair with warm water. To consolidate the effect, it is contraindicated to wash your hair with shampoo for the first 3 days after coloring.

Unlike store-bought dyes, which contain chemicals that are harmful to hair, coffee is a natural product. It will help saturate the strands with nutrients and color them reddish and brown. In addition, coffee is great for covering gray hair.

To make the coloring consistency, take the following components:

  • 5–6 tbsp. ground coffee
  • 1.5 glasses of water

Pour hot water over the coffee and place the container with the coloring mixture on low heat for 13–15 minutes. Afterwards the paint is cooled to a comfortable temperature. The hair is washed with shampoo, applied to the conditioner, then the hair is dipped into a basin with a coffee substance and the dye is poured over it generously (do this 13–15 times). The head is covered with a plastic bag and insulated with a terry towel. After 27–30 minutes, the dye is washed off and the hair is dried naturally.

To prepare coffee paint according to a different recipe, use the following ingredients:

  • ? glasses of air conditioner
  • 1–1.5 tbsp. coffee
  • ? glasses of water

Coffee is poured with just boiled water and boiled for 1–2 minutes. Afterwards, the drink is cooled and combined with hair conditioner. The prepared mixture is infused for 3–5 minutes. The coffee mixture is carefully applied to clean, dry hair and the “paint” is rubbed into the scalp with massage movements for 2–3 minutes. Wrap the head in cling film on top and put on a woolen hat. Leave the dye for 27–30 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water and dry your hair naturally.

Henna dye is prepared from:

  • 4–5 tbsp. henna
  • a small amount of water

Henna powder is poured into a porcelain container, hot water is added (recommended water temperature is 70°C) and the ingredients are mixed. It is recommended to pay attention to the consistency of the resulting consistency: if it is very watery, the paint will simply spill, and if it is very thick, the hair will be dyed a light tone, in other words, the desired effect will not be achieved. When the coloring mixture has cooled to 40°C, it is enriched with a few drops of aromatic ylang-ylang or lavender oil and applied to the strands using a cosmetic brush. When dyeing, the hair is distributed into strands and moderately covered with the prepared consistency; the dye is also applied to the root system. The top of the head is covered with a plastic bag and a warm hat is put on. If you dye light hair, keep the dye mixture for 7–10 minutes, brown hair for 38–40 minutes, and dark hair for 1.5 to 2 hours. Then the mask is washed off with warm water.

Henna with coffee as natural ingredients for hair coloring.

One of the secrets to beautiful curls is the right care and coloring products. Ready-made products contain chemicals that can have a bad effect on the condition of the hair. To avoid negative consequences, you can use natural remedies such as henna and coffee. Thanks to them, the hair will acquire a black color, become thick and strong.

An original combination - for an original color

Coffee is a unique product that can be combined with anything. In drinks it is combined with alcohol and desserts, in cooking - with spices, in cosmetology - with soda and various creams. But when caring for hair, coffee can be combined with henna, and achieve excellent results, both in the field of caring for strands and when doing coloring. It, combined with coffee, is the ideal formula for a luxurious, multi-faceted and very rich shade. The main thing is to choose the right proportions and choose the appropriate recipe. After all, like any magic, hair coloring with magic dye and coffee has its own characteristics, and the first of them is a recipe for preparing a wonderful mixture in order to carry out coloring.

In order to prepare a dye from this substance and coffee you need:

  • brew a shot of espresso (you can use a Turkish coffee pot, or you can use a special coffee machine). The drink must be “pure” - without sugar, cream, alcohol and other additives;
  • after the coffee is ready, it can be used as a basis for brewing henna;
  • wait until the finished mixture cools to an acceptable temperature and apply coffee with henna to your hair. Everyone determines the optimal temperature of the mixture themselves, taking into account their sensitivity. The main thing is that the mixture of coffee and henna was neither cold nor hot, and the proportions were correct;
  • Apply the mixture to your hair evenly and do not forget to rub the substance into the roots.

As a result of such a simple manipulation, you can get a noble brown color of curls.

Well, for those who dream of a small glimpse of red in their strands, experts recommend that after applying the double dye, cover your head with regular cling film.

The darkest color can be obtained if you keep the henna and coffee dye on your head for as long as possible and dry your hair naturally.

If you decide to dye your hair with a combination of coffee and henna, you need to allocate at least three, or even five hours for the procedure. Otherwise, the result will not be so noticeable. If you dye your hair in this way regularly once every two or three weeks, you will not only be able to maintain the desired shade, but also, if desired, make it at least half a shade darker.

Hair coloring with coffee and henna should be done in a course. After all, despite the fact that both substances are completely safe and natural, you still need to give your hair a break sometimes. Whether we dye the strands or just shade, we always need to remember about moderation. Return to content

Hair coloring with henna and coffee

Henna with coffee for hair is used both to improve the health of the hair and to give it a darker color.

For coloring, it is better to take natural coffee. The variety does not matter, but many people prefer Arabica.

As for henna, its choice depends on personal preferences. But you need to keep in mind that the natural and high-quality substance is green in color and is a crushed powder.

A few tips before painting:

  1. Before dyeing your hair with henna, you need to lubricate the skin with a rich cream on the forehead at the roots and temples so as not to stain your face.
  2. Hair must be dry before applying the product.
  3. Recipes containing henna may not be suitable for use on light-colored hair, as they can give it a green tint.
  4. If your hair is dry, then in addition to the main ingredients, you can add conditioner or balm (about ½ cup) to the masks, which will protect against excess drying.
  5. It is better to test the effect of the ingredients on the body by applying a small amount of the product to the inner crook of the elbow and leaving for a couple of minutes. In case of irritation, use is contraindicated.
  6. Dyeing using natural ingredients can be done if necessary, since they do not cause as much harm to the hair as treatments with artificial dyes.
  7. The acquired color depends on the natural color of the hair: the lighter it is, the better the result.
  8. If your hair has already been dyed with dye that does not contain natural ingredients, then before using homemade masks, it is recommended to wait until your natural hair grows back.
  9. If your hair is a bit long, more ingredients may be needed.
  10. There is no specific idea of ​​whether paint is applied to a clean or stained head. The choice depends on personal preference.

Dye your hair with basma with the addition of raw eggs

This option is suitable for those who dream of burning black hair, but do not want their hair to be damaged.

    What you need to use as components:
  • 75 grams of basma
  • 25 grams of colored henna
  • One raw chicken egg
  • Warm temperature water
  • Any essential oil – 6 drops
    How to prepare the coloring mixture:
  1. Place the contents of the basma bags into a bowl.
  2. Add a little henna and warm water to the basma. It is necessary to mix the mass until smooth.
  3. Add some essential oil to the mixture.
  4. Beat a raw egg and pour it into henna and basma.
  5. Now mix the resulting mixture until it reaches a consistency similar to sour cream. Keep the dye on your hair for 5 hours.

The dye is applied with gloves to avoid turning your hands blue. It will be very difficult to get rid of this color, it eats in and does not come off for about a month, especially on the nails. The hair must be covered with a bag and wrapped in a towel or old clothes. After some time, wash off the product with warm water without using shampoo. It is best not to wash your hair after natural coloring for the first three days, because during this time it still shows its properties, and the color becomes even more beautiful.

Hair mask recipes

Henna and coffee for hair proportions imply the following: henna (25 g) is combined with coffee (50-100 g), and then the purchased mixture is diluted with boiling water so that a sour cream mixture comes out.

It is recommended to keep in mind certain nuances when making masks:

  1. The mixture should only be poured with boiling water and should not contain lumps after mixing.
  2. To prevent the prepared composition from cooling down, it should be placed in a container with hot water.

Regular mask of henna and coffee

Dyeing your hair with henna and coffee will not only give you a beautiful color, but also have a beneficial effect on your hair and scalp.

The basic ratio of ingredients is 2:1. If you need a blacker hair color, then you need to add more basma. Dry ingredients are poured with boiling water until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The acquired substance is applied to the scalp and strands. Thanks to its natural composition, this mixture can be kept on your head for 1-8 hours, depending on the appropriate color. Then it is recommended to carefully rinse it off with warm water; it is not necessary to use shampoo.

To consolidate the effect, you should not wash your hair for the next 3 days.

Dull henna and coffee mask

There is another color recipe that contains dull henna. Its difference from other types is that it does not contain a coloring pigment. This type is used to improve hair health.

But dull henna with coffee is also used to color hair. This option is suitable for those who want to improve their health and slightly darken the color of their curls or make them more saturated in color.

The recipe contains a basic ratio of ingredients. The prepared mixture should be applied to clean and dry strands. After this, you need to put a shower cap on your head (you can use cling film instead), and then wrap it in a towel. After a few hours, you need to wash off the mask with warm water.

Mask with henna, basma and coffee

A mask containing these 3 components gives the curls a blacker color without a reddish tint. In addition, this dye is great for gray hair.

Basma is also a natural dye. It is better to use it together with other coloring substances, since with one basma the hair can get a green-blue color. This component stimulates hair growth, gives it shine, improves structure and helps get rid of dandruff.

To prepare a recipe from 3 ingredients, you need to add henna to the basma powder, and then add coffee. The resulting mixture must be diluted with boiling water until a homogeneous paste is obtained.

Coffee, henna and basma (or coffee and basma) are mixed in proportions corresponding to the desired color. For example: a 1:1 ratio of henna and basma will give a chestnut color; 1:2 - bronze or copper-chestnut; 2:1 - dark chestnut or dark.

Mix the ingredients as you wish. The darker the desired color, the more basma it is recommended to add.

Staining procedure

This recipe involves the use of natural coffee in combination with tea. Products can be colored chocolate or chestnut color. You don’t have to visit a salon, because all the work can be done at home.

  • You will need onion peels (0.5 cups), which are filled with hot water. The product must be completely covered with water.
  • The composition must be boiled and allowed to cool for 30 minutes.
  • Then you need to bring it to a boil again, then mix the composition with black tea (1 tsp), and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  • It is necessary to strain the broth and heat to a boil. After this, you can add coffee (1 tbsp.).
  • The composition must infuse, and then henna is added to it. Before painting is carried out, it is necessary to heat the solution using a water bath. Only after this can you use the composition to renew your hair color. The composition must be applied evenly over all curls, and then wrap the head in polyethylene and a towel.
  • The duration of the procedure should be about 40 minutes. If you want to get dark hair color, it will take longer. The recipe effectively helps improve the appearance of curls. With its help, you can perform procedures at night, and in the morning you need to wash it off without shampoo. You should not wash your hair for 3 days so that the shade becomes stable.
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