Barley drink: health benefits and harms

We want to tell you about undeservedly forgotten, but tasty and healthy drinks made from barley. We hope that after reading the information we have presented, you will agree that barley drinks should take pride of place in the menu of every person trying to take care of their health.

Like any product, drinks made from this cereal also have some contraindications. There are very few of them, but it still doesn’t hurt to know about them.

Next, we will try to introduce you in detail to the various options for barley drinks. Their benefits and harm will also not be ignored by us.

Long-term oblivion does not mean that the product is bad

For a long period, there was an opinion that of all agricultural cereal crops, barley is the least useful and valuable from the point of view of microbiological analysis. At one time it was even believed that pearl barley, which is made from barley, was an empty and useless product. What can we say about barley drink? The benefits and harms of this product were not even discussed. Most likely, this is due to the fact that its cost is relatively low and in times of famine it was barley that became a common guest on the tables of low-income people. He helped the poor both during the war and during the years of crop failure.

Barley is completely unpretentious in cultivation and grows almost throughout Russia. And what is always at hand, as is known, is usually perceived without much reverence. In addition, the direct dependence of the diet on material well-being is too obvious, and pearl barley is a traditional food during hard times. But everything flows and everything changes.

In recent years, interest in barley as a “healthy food” food has increased significantly. This trend cannot but rejoice. It affected not only barley, but also other gifts of the earth, in particular, quinoa and amaranth, which returned to our tables under exotic, overseas names - quinoa and amaranth. But they are not at all a curiosity for the Russian taste. By the way, both plants are considered weeds, and gardeners fight them mercilessly.

Barley drinks have returned to our diet no longer as cheap substitutes for morning coffee and tea and not as decoctions of medicinal plants to treat or restore the body weakened by illness, but as complete components of a healthy menu for all family members.

Beneficial features

Barley drinks have unique beneficial properties. They help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleansing the digestive system of waste and toxins. Barley helps eliminate cholesterol and prevents the formation of kidney and gallstones. It is hypoallergenic, so it can be added to the list of dishes for people prone to somatic reactions to various types of foods.

If you include any of the barley drinks in your daily diet, then be sure that in old age you will not begin to develop senile dementia. The fact is that one of the unique properties of barley is its high content of silicic acid, which destroys aluminum oxide, and aluminum alloys are actively used in the production of food dishes and cutlery. During contact with them, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which aluminum in an easily digestible form enters our body and settles in the cells. The consequence of the accumulation of harmful metals is Alzheimer's disease.

Distribution history

Barley drink appeared to replace coffee. At first, residents of Italy began to use it. But they didn’t start brewing it to avoid the health risks of caffeine. The fact is that coffee was too expensive, and not everyone could afford it. In addition, it was very difficult to acquire.

Did you know? The first drink that was made from barley was beer. The foamy liquid quickly became popular and at one time was even used as currency - it was used to pay hired workers in ancient Mesopotamia.

The Italians nicknamed the barley coffee substitute Caffe d'orzo. From their territory, the drink spread throughout Europe during World War II. He was especially loved in Spain. Already in the post-war years, about 20 companies producing it appeared here.


Barley drinks have virtually no contraindications. Two restrictions apply only to the following cases:

  • Excessive consumption of cereals can cause excess weight gain, so diabetics should only eat them after consulting with their doctor. In such a situation, barley drink is harmful only if it is drunk very thick and in large portions. The calorie content of barley is slightly inferior to any similar cereal.
  • Barley is also not indicated for patients with celiac disease. It contains gluten, and in this rare disease, the gluten protein of cereals, including barley, is not broken down and not absorbed. This disruption of intracellular metabolism provokes serious health complications.

Healthy barley drink

Today, various types of such drinks are often found; of course, many of us purchase them either out of curiosity or trying to reduce consumption. But, if you simply surrender to the pleasure of the unique taste of a barley drink, the benefits of which lie in the absence of caffeine, and in vitamins, and in the content of microelements, then your diet of hot drinks will become, by no means, richer.

Pleasant and beneficial qualities include the ability of this drink to influence the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and maintain the balance of hormones. Barley coffee drink, when consumed regularly, can provide water-salt balance and have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Since coffee is contraindicated for many people for various reasons, cereal “coffee” becomes a good alternative.

The barley grains from which drinks are made contain components that allow them to be used in the treatment of a number of diseases. And derivative products from this grain have the same beneficial properties. Barley, in addition to proteins and carbohydrates, contains a lot of fiber. It contains potassium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium and a number of vitamins: A, E, D and B. Barley drinks are approved for consumption by expectant mothers and children.

Barley coffee

Coffee made from barley is called a surrogate for real coffee. However, the so-called “Barley” coffee drink only tastes like coffee. Unlike the real thing, it does not excite the nervous system and is suitable not only for a morning meal, but also for drinking throughout the day. Barley drink, the benefits of which are undeniable, is allowed even for small children.

You can buy ground barley coffee at the store, but it’s easy to make your own. Unpeeled barley grains should be fried in a dry frying pan until light brown and ground in a coffee grinder. Ground beans are brewed in a coffee grinder at the rate of one spoon per cup of boiling water. The result is a brown, bitter drink, slightly reminiscent of coffee. It is customary to drink it with sugar and milk or cream.

Beneficial properties of barley coffee

The rich chemical composition determines the benefits of the described drink. It can be consumed by almost all people - children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly. It is not contraindicated for such serious diagnoses as diabetes, pancreatitis, gastritis. Its use is also recommended for people who want to lose weight or who carefully monitor the condition of their body.

Overall health benefits

  • In general, barley coffee can have the following beneficial effects on the human body:
  • Increase the excretion of fluid in the urine.
  • Have a cleansing effect from toxins.
  • Strengthen the body's defenses.
  • Activate the excretion of bile.
  • Tone.
  • Have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Calm and normalize the activity of the central nervous system.
  • Improve the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Stabilize hormone and blood glucose levels.
  • Restore strength.
  • Promote weight loss.
  • Make your skin and hair better.
  • Help to recover faster from infectious diseases.

For children

Barley drink can be useful for children due to the fact that it has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. With regular use, it is able to saturate the growing body with the missing elements.

We advise you to find out whether buckwheat is an allergenic product.

In addition, such drinking calms the nervous system and improves brain activity. The beneficial effects of the drink, such as maintaining fluid levels at the proper level and strengthening the immune system, are especially important for children.

When losing weight

Barley has antioxidant properties. This means that its regular use will help cleanse the body of toxins. The presence of fiber in the coffee substitute leads to the fact that it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, including regular bowel movements, as well as metabolism. All these actions together help to get rid of extra pounds.

Is it possible to drink

There are a number of health problems, as well as periods in people’s lives, when certain drinks and foods are prohibited from being consumed, since they provoke a deterioration in the condition and cause harm. For example, diabetics, ulcer sufferers, and those who suffer from disorders of the digestive tract should not drink coffee.

You will be interested to know how to lose weight using oatmeal jelly.

It is also prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. But barley coffee is considered a healthy drink. However, before introducing it into the diet, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to its use.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnancy and lactation are those important periods in a woman’s life when she must take special care of what goes into her body, since the health of the baby directly depends on the quality and properties of foods and drinks. Pregnant women should not use it, as it can cause a sharp rise in blood pressure, which is dangerous because it leads to termination of pregnancy or untimely delivery.

Everyone knows that drinking coffee is strictly prohibited at this time. There are no contraindications for barley drink in women bearing children. The main thing is not to abuse it. Drinking barley coffee is not contraindicated for women who are breastfeeding. It is believed that it is completely harmless to either mother or child. It does not provoke allergic reactions, stimulation of the nervous system, or sleep disturbances.

Important! Adding honey and milk to a barley drink can lead to improved lactation.

For diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is not a contraindication for drinking barley coffee. Fiber, which is included in large quantities, can slow down the absorption of carbohydrates. And this, in turn, leads to blood sugar levels stabilizing. The described drink is even recommended to be consumed to prevent the development of diabetes.

For pancreatitis and gastritis

Barley coffee substitute is allowed and even recommended for use by people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is not contraindicated even for such serious diseases as pancreatitis, gastritis, and ulcers.

Learn how to prepare oatmeal jelly for use with pancreatitis.

This is explained by the fact that barley is able to provoke cleansing and toning of the epithelium of the stomach and intestines, removal of bile, and relief of inflammation. The elements it contains provoke the growth and maintenance of healthy microflora in the intestines.

Drinks “Barley Ear” and “Golden Ear”

These two barley drinks are analogues of ground coffee. They are sold in regular supermarkets in the grocery section.

“Ear of Barley” contains roasted ground barley grains and chicory root. The brewing method is indicated on the packaging. As a rule, one tablespoon of powder is required for one large mug. Barley coffee is brewed in the same way as regular coffee, in a Turk or coffee maker.

“Golden Ear” is a mixture of barley and rye grains. It is prepared in the same way as “Ear of Barley” or regular coffee.

It’s probably time to stop treating “Barley” and “Golden Ear” as cheap analogues of Brazilian coffee. The “Ear of Barley” drink resembles traditional coffee only in its brewing method and color. Its properties and taste are in no way similar to coffee, and its health benefits are significantly superior to the latter. Negative side effects can only be associated with the quality of barley raw materials and the additives that will be included in the drink.

Barley coffee: benefits and harms

Barley has been used for preparing dishes and drinks since ancient times - 4-5 thousand years BC. e. Its presence in the people's diet can be learned from Russian epics and historical tales about gladiators. In the countries of the ancient world, it was believed that food cooked with barley increases a person's stamina, physical and mental strength.

Europeans were the first to make coffee from barley, since coffee beans were a scarce product and were sold at high prices. The main difference between barley coffee and regular coffee is the absence of caffeine, making it absolutely safe for human health.

Barley, like other grains, contains a large amount of useful substances. It ranks second among all grains in fiber content. Its amount is at least 9%. Protein in it is up to 15.5%, carbohydrates up to 75.5%. One cup of barley coffee contains approximately 20-25 kcal, 4-5 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of protein.

Barley drink is rich in vitamins and beneficial elements, including:

  • group B (B1-B4, B6, B8 and B9);
  • macro- and microelements (iodine, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, fluorine, silicon, etc.);

Barley grains also contain a large amount of beta-glucans - dietary water-soluble fiber. They help cleanse the body of harmful substances, remove cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels.

Beneficial features

Barley drink has unique medicinal properties. If you include it in your diet, you can reduce the likelihood of Alzheimer's disease, the risk of which is increased due to the accumulation of aluminum oxide. Barley contains silicic acid, which neutralizes it.

Beneficial properties of barley coffee:

  • improves the condition of the cardiovascular, urinary and endocrine systems;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • restores hair growth;
  • Helps relieve stress and restore the body after overwork.

Cooking rules and taste

The taste of barley drink is not very similar to natural coffee. After brewing, it emits a pleasant bready aroma, and if you add hot milk, the taste will begin to resemble cappuccino. To enhance the coffee aroma, you can add chicory - half a teaspoon per cup.

You can prepare a barley drink from ready-made dry powder or from grains. Brewing coffee from ready-made instant concentrate is much faster, but its taste may vary depending on the manufacturer. The taste also changes depending on the cooking method. Coffee brewed in a cup and in a Turkish coffee cup will be quite different.

A simple and most popular recipe for making a coffee substitute from barley powder:

  • 4-6 g of coffee is poured into a 150 ml cup.
  • Fill with hot water.

To avoid lumps, it is recommended to first pour a small amount of water and mix thoroughly. Once the powder has dissolved, the cup is filled to the desired volume.

The method of preparing coffee from beans is more complex and time-consuming, but its taste can be changed depending on the degree of roasting of the barley. The stronger the roast, the more bitter the drink will be.

Classic recipe for cooking with grains:

  • The barley is washed and dried.
  • Dry grains are poured into a heated frying pan (no oil is used).
  • Barley is roasted until darkened and a characteristic smell appears.
  • The grain is poured out and left until it cools completely.
  • The cooled barley is ground in a coffee grinder.
  • The required amount of powder is poured into the Turk and cooked until it boils.
  • As soon as the drink has boiled, remove it from the heat, close the lid and leave for 5-8 minutes.
  • Coffee is poured into a cup, and other ingredients are added to taste - milk, cream, sugar.

You can drink barley coffee at any time of the day, as it does not have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

Contraindications and possible harm

There were no obvious negative consequences from drinking the drink. The product is contraindicated only for patients with cyalecia, as it contains gluten.

People with diabetes should consult their doctor before drinking barley coffee. Everyone else should remember that the recommended consumption is no more than 2-3 cups per day.


Malt drink

Barley malt drink is a real storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements. For this purpose, the grains must be germinated within one to two days. As soon as the white sprouts hatch, the grains should be washed and dried. Grind the dry grains and pour boiling water over them. Leave in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. For two or three tablespoons of ground barley, one and a half to two glasses of boiling water is enough.

Sprouted grains can be stored for future use and used as needed. They are stored both whole and ground.

How to prepare beans for barley coffee: recipes

There are many different options for making coffee from barley. Each cooking option is good in its own way, but only if everything is done correctly.

In order for the finished drink to have good taste, aroma and color, it is worth using a combined method of roasting selected barley grains. To do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Select large grains of barley, wash them well, and then dry them no less thoroughly.
  2. Pour the prepared grains into a dry frying pan and fry over medium or low heat, stirring constantly for 20–30 minutes.
  3. Divide the amount of beans to be roasted into two parts. Pour one part into a suitable container, and continue to fry the second for 15 minutes, also in a dry frying pan and low heat.
  4. Mix the beans and grind using a coffee grinder. Barley coffee is ready for preparation.

No less popular than the option described above is coffee made from barley and rye. This drink dates back to ancient India; it was considered a means of achieving eternal youth. Making coffee involves the following steps:

  1. Select large grains of barley and rye. Wash them thoroughly, then pour them into a suitable container and fill with cold water. Leave for 24 hours to infuse.
  2. Now proceed to wet heat treatment. To do this, cook the grains over low heat until they begin to crack. After this, rinse them thoroughly again in cold water.
  3. Leave in the sieve for a while to release excess moisture, and then start frying the grains. This will take a small amount of time, but will require special care. During the process, ensure uniform heating and frying. Readiness will be indicated by a change in the color of the cereals - the color should change to dark brown.

After this, you can begin to directly prepare the drink.


Barley jelly is made both from purified grains, that is, from pearl barley, and from unthreshed ones. The proportions look quite arbitrary: at least 50 g of barley is required for one liter of water. If you like thick jelly, add more.

Barley is filled with water and placed on fire. After boiling, cook for another 20 minutes. Then it infuses and cools. Only the drink made from unrefined barley is filtered.

Barley jelly is a traditional dish for Russia. Previously, it was boiled thick and eaten with butter, seasoned with a pinch of salt. Sweet jelly with honey or berries was prepared for children.

Barley jelly is by no means a primitive dish with a couple of options. You could write a whole book about the methods of making jelly from barley, because this drink can be brewed from fresh unthreshed grains, from dry peeled grains, and from sprouted grains. It is made in different thicknesses, eaten sweet and salty, diluted with milk, vegetable oil, meat and vegetable broth.

Barley jelly has a fairly neutral taste, so it can be combined with a wide variety of foods.

On its basis, formulas are prepared for feeding infants if the mother has little milk of her own.

Mugitya, damaicha and porichha

Mugitya, damaicha and porichha are three names for the same barley drink, very popular in Japan, China and Korea. It is similar to the Russian one, which is sold in our stores under the name “Summer”.

This is barley coffee made from whole, unthreshed, roasted and ground beans without any additives in the form of milk powder, sugar or preservatives. It is brewed like regular coffee, but it is customary to drink it cold, putting a slice of lemon and ice in a cup. This drink is also produced in the form of an instant concentrated powder.

We hope you found the article interesting. In it we looked at barley drink, the harm and benefits it brings to the body.

Useful properties and calorie content

The cereal and its decoction contain a lot of fiber and protein, vitamins B1-B4, B6, B8 and B9, E, A, D, as well as potassium and magnesium, iodine, phosphorus and other micro- and macroelements, including dietary fiber, beta-glucans, which are involved in cleansing the body of cholesterol, toxins and other harmful substances.

Barley coffee is a powerful natural antioxidant. It quickly restores strength, normalizes sleep, helps with weight loss, slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, normalizing glucose levels.

The drink is effective for the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis, liver and kidney diseases, has a choleretic effect, helps with colds, arthritis and rheumatism.

The decoction also contains lysine and silicon, which are involved in the process of producing collagen in the body - a protein responsible for the firmness and elasticity of skin, hair and cartilage.

Coffee made from barley has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improves hematopoietic processes and stabilizes the water-salt balance. You can drink it for gastritis and even stomach ulcers.

Since barley is a cereal grain, three-quarters of its composition is carbohydrates. That is why barley drink is relatively high in calories: one cup of such coffee without additives contains 20-25 kcal. If you're watching your caloric intake, pay attention to this.

There is no caffeine in the decoction, it does not stimulate the nervous system, for which barley coffee was even nicknamed “children’s coffee.”

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