Top 5 best homemade liqueurs with condensed milk

Manufactured and released in 1974, the legendary Baileys emulsion liqueur is one of the top best-selling drinks in the world. The Irish origin of the drink, combined with the high quality of dairy raw materials, has made this drink one of the favorites in 180 countries around the world. Baileys' unique production technology, which includes mixing high-quality milk cream with high-purity alcohol and good triple-distilled whiskey, allows you to feel the taste of the liqueur even after 2 years from the date of production.

The history of the world famous liqueur

Baileys liqueur does not have its own legendary and historical origins like other famous drinks, so manufacturers use associations pointing to the Irish origin of the drink, its cultural and centuries-old traditions.

The labels clearly hint at the Celtic origins of the Irish, which immediately casts a certain shadow of “ancient heritage” on the drink, although the drink itself can hardly lay claim to a 45-year history. The color palette and the bottle itself also illustrate our attempt at “creating history.”

Reference! The original recipe is kept under “seven seals”, but the producers say that it was the production of ice cream that served as the “muse” for the creation of Baileys.

David Dand , manager of Gilbeys of Ireland, which imports alcoholic beverages, can rightfully be considered the godfather of the legendary drink. David made his first Baileys right in his kitchen using a mixer, mixing cream and whiskey.

However, he was unable to immediately obtain high-quality liquor. The fact is that the souring of cream accelerates with the addition of alcohol, which obviously would not allow preparing a liqueur that could be stored for a long time. Through trial and error, David managed to mix the ingredients in the right proportions and get a liqueur that was excellent in quality.

The RA Bailey&Co company currently “manages” the production of Baileys. The name of the company hints to us at the founder, discoverer and creator of the liqueur. However, this is just a hoax. There has never been a person with that name, much less one who sold alcoholic beverages.

For a long time, the development team worked tirelessly to produce and improve the cream liqueur, which made Baileys desirable in more than 180 countries around the world . In 2005, the creators supplemented the Baileys line with two new varieties: “chocolate-mint” and “creamy-caramel”, and in 2010 a liqueur with hazelnut flavor appeared.


About half of all cows in Ireland give their milk to the production of the legendary Baileys.


You can take the path of “home alchemy” and prepare Baileys that tastes and looks worthy without leaving your own kitchen. Of course, homemade cream liqueur will be different from the original, and the shelf life will not be so long. The fact is that in the production of Baileys they use emulsifiers, as well as the technology of bacterial fermentation of whey. This “explosive” mixture allows the liqueur to be stored for a long time. Homemade liqueur will not have such “longevity”.

Video recipe for making baileys at home:

Vodka coffee recipes

The cocktail is easy to prepare at home. It is quite simple and requires a minimum of components. There are a number of basic instructions that should be followed during the cooking process:

  • Be sure to add sugar or other sweeteners. Otherwise, the drink will turn out bitter and sour.
  • Excellent as a base for espresso, as it contains foam.
  • Vodka is not very noticeable, especially if the coffee is served chilled, but medium or premium alcohol should be used to give the drink a more pleasant taste.
  • It would be a good idea to use flavored vodka.
  • You can add lemon or lime slices, milk, cream, but not all the ingredients together.
  • For variety and piquancy, you can add spices that are great for coffee drinks, such as cinnamon or vanilla.

Classic recipe

You will need 60 milliliters of double espresso, thirty milliliters of alcoholic beverages, sugar (1 tsp) or a substitute. The recipe is reminiscent of Karsk. Sugar is stirred into a hot drink, and then alcohol is poured in. An alternative is layered preparation, in which vodka is first poured into a glass, then espresso is poured in a thin stream, and finally, coffee beans can be placed on the foam as a decoration.

Coffee with vodka and milk

Espresso in a volume of 60 ml is mixed with vodka (30 ml), milk and sugar are also added. Russian coffee, as it is called, is based on adding warm milk to the classic drink, which gives the cocktail a soft and rich taste. The dairy product will also add a sweet taste.

Baileys: coffee with vodka and condensed milk


  • 100 milliliters of coffee;
  • forty milliliters of vodka;
  • 40 milliliters of cream;
  • forty milliliters of condensed milk.

The creamy mass and condensed milk are mixed and whipped. Then the mixture is slightly heated. Coffee is combined with alcohol, and then cream is added.

Coffee with vodka and cola

For preparation you will need:

  • instant coffee drink or espresso;
  • thirty milliliters of alcohol;
  • 50 milliliters of cola.

The cocktail is served cold, so you can add ice or chilled cola. The ingredients are mixed in one container. Sugar is not added, since soda is already in the composition. The drink will be invigorating, ideal for further physical activity.

Step-by-step recipe with cream

For the next recipe we will use a high-quality alcohol base. A good Irish whiskey or cognac brandy will do. You can add a little diluted food alcohol. Home “alchemists” often mix alcohol with whiskey in a 50x50 ratio. If time permits, you can first infuse the alcohol base with hazelnuts for two weeks.

A special feature of this recipe is the ability not to overheat the main component of the liqueur - cream.

Required ingredients:

  • 1000 ml. cream (20%)
  • 200-230 ml. whiskey or brandy
  • 200 ml. diluted food alcohol or good vodka
  • 180 g powdered sugar
  • 30 g instant coffee
  • 3 egg yolks

How to cook:

  1. Pour a liter of cream into a saucepan and place on low heat. Make sure that the temperature of the cream does not exceed 40 degrees Celsius.
  2. While the cream is heating, you need to separate 4 egg yolks and beat them until foamy in a bowl.
  3. In a saucepan with heated cream, gradually, stirring constantly, add the yolks, whipped until foamy. Then powdered sugar and coffee.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat and let cool to room temperature (18-20 degrees). When the cream base has cooled, you can add alcohol.
  5. Beat the resulting homogeneous mass with a mixer until a large amount of foam forms.
  6. Pour the resulting liqueur into bottles and seal well. Bottles of homemade Baileys must be cooled in the refrigerator for at least a day.

The liquor is ready!

Classic coffee liqueur

The drink is memorable for its rich coffee and milk taste; one might say that it is an alcoholic latte.


  • vodka (alcohol 40%, moonshine, cognac) – 0.5 liters;
  • ground coffee – 100 grams;
  • fresh milk of minimal fat content – ​​200 ml;
  • sugar – 500 grams;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 pinch (to taste).


1. Pour coffee and vanilla sugar into a container for infusion (glass bottle or jar), pour in an alcoholic base (vodka, moonshine, etc.), stir, and seal tightly with a lid or stopper.

2. Leave for 7 days in a dark place at room temperature. Shake once a day without opening.

3. Strain the coffee infusion through cheesecloth or a fine strainer, removing the sediment.

4. Add milk, sugar and water. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

5. Pour the drink into a clean container for infusion. Close tightly. Leave at room temperature in a dark room for 12 days. Shake once every 2-3 days.

6. Filter the finished homemade coffee liqueur through 2-3 layers of gauze, then through a coffee filter or cheesecloth.

7. Pour into bottles for storage. Close tightly.

Store in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 months due to the milk in the composition. Serve well chilled. It is advisable to drink within a few days after opening the bottle. Strength – 18-20% vol.

With condensed milk and coffee

Coffee will give your Baileys a unique aroma and add several notes that differ from the classics. To prepare Baileys with coffee and condensed milk you will need :

  • 1 l. cream (at your discretion 10-25% fat content)
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1.5 tablespoons vanilla sugar
  • 3.5 teaspoons instant coffee
  • 460 ml. whiskey

Pour 0.5 l into a deep bowl. cream. The bowl should be of such a size that it is easy to beat with a mixer. Add egg yolks and 2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar. Beat thoroughly with a mixer or whisk until a homogeneous substance is obtained. Next, add condensed milk and also beat thoroughly. Add coffee and Irish whiskey. As a finishing touch, pour in the remaining 0.5 liters of cream and stir until foam forms.

Pour the resulting liqueur into bottles and screw tightly. After four days spent in the refrigerator, you can try homemade Baileys.

Video of this recipe:

Other recipes

One of the most delicious cream liqueurs, according to “home alchemists,” is Baileys prepared according to the following recipe.


  • 600 ml. whiskey, good vodka, cognac brandy or diluted food alcohol
  • 3 teaspoons vanilla sugar
  • 1 whisper of cinnamon
  • 1 can of condensed milk (400 ml.)
  • 1 pinch of oak bark, ground into flour
  • a third of ground nutmeg.
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of granulated coffee
  • 5 tbsp burnt sugar
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of honey. Forest honey will give a richer taste, but floral honey is also suitable.
  • 700 ml. no heavy cream

This recipe requires a significant time investment, but the quality and taste of the liqueur are worth it . First you need to infuse the alcohol by adding burnt sugar, honey, a pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon, and also sweeten with half of the vanilla sugar. Your alcohol base must stand for at least 10 days. After the specified period, it should be filtered in order to have a sediment-free base at the output.

Now let's start making the liqueur masterpiece itself. Whole condensed milk should be mixed with cream and beat thoroughly in a blender or mixer. Add the yolks, the rest of the vanilla sugar and coffee to the resulting substance, and after thoroughly mixing, pour in the settled alcohol base.

Pour the liqueur into bottles and refrigerate. After 3-6 days in the refrigerator, the amazing cream liqueur is ready. The average temperature of your drink will reach 17-18 degrees.

Reference! On the Internet, it is not uncommon to see moonshine mentioned in Baileys recipes as an alcoholic base. It is not recommended to do this. Moonshine is not suitable.

Coffee liqueur with condensed milk

A drink with a coffee-creamy taste, reminiscent of the famous Baileys liqueur. For greater similarity, it is advisable to take whiskey or cognac instead of vodka. The advantage of this recipe is that it is quick to prepare. Tasting can begin in 3 days.


  • ground coffee – 4 teaspoons;
  • vodka (alcohol, cognac, whiskey) – 300 ml;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • condensed milk – 200 grams;
  • sugar – 100 grams;
  • star anise - 1 piece;
  • cloves – 2 buds;
  • cinnamon – 1 pinch;
  • vanillin – 1 gram.

No milk or cream used

It’s good when there is an ingredient that can be used to replace the missing one. For example, use milk instead of cream. Well, what if there is no milk? This recipe allows you to make wonderful Baileys using clean water. Believe me, the taste and quality are no worse than “creamy” Baileys.

What do you need:

  • 300-350 ml of clean water.
  • 1.5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa
  • 500-600 ml. good quality vodka
  • 1.5-2 cans of whole condensed milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of vanilla sugar (not vanillin)
  • 1/2 nutmeg grated into flour
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey

Reference! It is strictly forbidden to use tap water. This water is only suitable for taking a shower and washing dishes. Also refrain from using boiled water. The structure of water that has been subjected to heat is not suitable for the preparation of alcoholic beverages.

Pour water and whole condensed milk into a deep enamel bowl, add cocoa and vanilla sugar. Using a mixer or whisk, mix everything thoroughly. Next, add egg yolks, honey and grated nutmeg to the resulting mixture. Whisk everything again until a large amount of foam forms, gradually pouring in vodka.

Pour the resulting liqueur into bottles and screw them tightly. After a 12-hour rest in the refrigerator, you can treat yourself to an amazing drink.

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