What is frappe? Differences from Frappuccino and Milkshake


It is prepared on the basis of espresso with the addition of ice. In the process of whipping such a cocktail, a lot of foam is formed, making the taste softer. If you prepare it with instant coffee, the taste may have a slight sourness. Water takes away the bitterness, so iced coffee is much more pleasant to drink without added sugar.

Frappe coffee drink is usually served in glasses and drunk through a straw. The French recipe includes ice cream, which gives the cocktail an especially creamy taste. If alcohol or syrups are added to a cold drink, then it is no longer a frappe.

Despite its light taste and cooling effect, it can be consumed not only in summer, but also in the cold season. There are “winter” recipes in which milk, chocolate, honey and even nuts are added to the drink.

How to Serve Frappe Coffee

The temperature of the drink brings it closer to cocktails, so cocktail glasses are most often used to serve frappe coffee. The high foam is clearly visible in them.

  • Drink the drink through a straw.
  • A serving option could be an elongated ceramic cup, for example, a latte cup.
  • Frappe is often served over ice. To do this, place several large cubes directly into a glass, and then pour coffee on top of the ice.
  • Frappes are complemented by delicate flavors, so you can choose strudel with ice cream or cheesecake as a dessert. For those on a diet, marshmallows or marshmallows are suitable. Lovers of Italian desserts can opt for panna cotta or tiramisu. An excellent combination of frappe coffee and French dessert creme brulee with baked caramel crust.


Although the word “frappe” is of French origin, the roots of the drink are Greek. The frappe coffee recipe was accidentally invented by Nestle representative Dimitrios Vakondios at the international fair in Thessaloniki in 1957. Being a lover of instant coffee, he could not find boiling water to make his favorite drink, and simply filled it with cold water. To break up any undissolved lumps, he decided to mix the ingredients in a shaker. This is how the recipe for Greek coffee frappe came about - a cold cocktail with a high head of foam.

This recipe has taken root well in hot Greece and Cyprus. In Europe, it has also become popular and widespread, with each country having its own local combination of ingredients.

Coffee story

There are legends about the appearance of this natural “energy drink”. The most common of these is associated with the shepherd Kaldim and the events that occurred in Ethiopia in 850. This is how this story sounds according to handwritten sources.

Kaldim drove his herd along picturesque mountain slopes with rich vegetation. Suddenly the shepherd began to notice that, after chewing the leaves of a wild plant, the goats became too vigorous and excited: they began to run, jump furiously, and butt. The young man was frightened and thought that the goats were poisoned, and their inappropriate behavior was a sign of their death throes.

After thinking a little, the shepherd decided to seek advice from the wise monks. He collected several coffee fruits and brought them to the monastery. After listening to the young man’s story, the monks decided that the devil had sent these fruits to earth and they should be burned immediately. The grains were thrown into the fire, and then a rich coffee aroma, hitherto unfamiliar to people, spread throughout the entire monastery.

Judging that such a smell was unlikely to be poison, the beans were quickly pulled out of the fire, crushed and poured with water, thus preparing the world's first coffee drink. The monks liked the black water, and the invigorating properties of the drug helped the ministers tirelessly stay awake during long night services. Later, the popular drink in monastic circles began to be prepared in nearby cities, from where the fame of coffee spread throughout the world.

This is how the legendary legend tells about the appearance of coffee. According to historical information, the Greeks owe the arrival of coffee to the Mediterranean region to the Turks. In Hellas, this drink became widespread precisely during the rule of the Ottoman Empire. The first coffee houses in Greece were Turkish, and their opening dates back to the 16th and 17th centuries. At first, these establishments were visited only by Turks, but gradually representatives of the Greek nation began to be seen here more and more often.

In 1828, with the advent of independence, the first purely Greek coffee shop opened in Nafplion. Here visitors were offered not only to drink a cup of aromatic drink, but also to purchase ground or roasted coffee beans for making homemade Greek coffee. Later, specialized firms and shops appeared in Greece, importing and processing coffee products from different countries. And the drink became more and more popular every year.

Today, Greeks cannot imagine their life without a cup of aromatic coffee. This drink is consumed at every meeting, without paying attention to the time of day or the place of action. Any cafe will offer you several types of coffee drinks, and one of the most popular is the Frappe coffee recipe. This cool cocktail has become one of the symbols of tourist holidays in Greek resorts.

How to cook a classic version

This variation of the drink is most often found in southern Europe, although there it is simply called “iced coffee.” In the rest of the mainland, the recipe has undergone many changes and has rather become a cocktail with different flavors.

Ice cream coffee name

To make frappe coffee at home you will need:

  • 50 ml of freshly brewed espresso or strong coffee (proportions – 2 teaspoons of ground coffee per 100 ml of water).
  • Ice in proportions with coffee 1:1. To make the drink stronger, you can use 1 part water and 2 parts coffee.
  • Sugar to taste.

To make a real frappe, you will need a blender with a whipping attachment or a shaker. As a last resort, you can use a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid.

Cooking steps:

  1. We prepare espresso in a Turk or coffee machine.
  2. Strain the drink and, if desired, add sugar or honey to taste.
  3. Let the coffee cool down.
  4. Pour the chilled espresso into a frothing container and add crushed ice or ice water.
  5. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

The finished drink should have a thick layer of foam on the surface.

Greek recipe

The basis for making frappe coffee according to the Greek recipe is instant powder, as was done for the first time. It can be upgraded in your own way by adding sugar, milk or honey. There are various step-by-step recipes with photographs on the Internet, but you need to take the following ingredients as a basis:

  • 1-2 tsp. instant coffee.
  • 150 ml cold water.
  • Crushed ice.
  • Sugar to taste.

How to make frappe coffee using instant powder? There are two ways to do this:

  1. In a shaker, combine coffee, sugar and crushed ice. Shake the closed container thoroughly until the drink has a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Prepare the espresso and cool it to room temperature. Add crushed ice, half a teaspoon of coffee powder and 100 ml of cold water. Shake the resulting cocktail thoroughly until a stable foam appears.

Properties of coffee frappe

What properties does the drink have?

  • The calorie content of frappe prepared according to the classic recipe does not exceed 2 kcal per serving. If 1 teaspoon of sugar is added to coffee, the calorie content increases to 20-22 kcal. Any additives - cream, milk - increase the calorie content of a serving.
  • The caffeine content in a cup of frappe ranges from approximately 60 to 120 mg, depending on the type of coffee beans.
  • has a pronounced coffee taste Instant coffee frappe may taste slightly sour.
  • Frappe coffee is often served as a cooling drink on hot days. The low temperature of coffee can slow down digestion, so you shouldn't drink it after meals. It's better to treat yourself to an iced coffee taste in between meals. Coffee reduces appetite, which is why it is loved by those who have to adhere to dietary restrictions.

Winter recipe

This fabulous, delicious drink will warm you up on winter evenings, even if served cold.

To prepare, take:

  • 200 ml espresso.
  • 50 gr. bitter chocolate.
  • 150 ml chilled milk.
  • 10 ice cubes
  • 2 tsp. honey

Place crushed ice at the bottom of the glass. Brew espresso in the usual way, cool and add milk with grated chocolate and honey. Beat all ingredients thoroughly with a mixer or blender until a stable foam appears. Pour the resulting cocktail in a thin stream down the sides of the glass, so that the foam is preserved. Garnish the drink with grated chocolate.

Coffee with caramel

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 72 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

For lovers of sweet drinks, iced coffee with caramel is perfect. You can cook it yourself, but it is better to use ready-made caramel sauce, which can be easily found in the store. If the caramel sauce is not enough sweetness, you can add a little sugar or other sweetener based on taste preference.

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  • ground coffee – 50 g;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • ice – 8 cubes;
  • whipped cream – 50 g;
  • caramel sauce – 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Brew coffee in a coffee maker or any other method.
  2. Cool it well.
  3. Pour coffee water into a shaker or blender, add chilled milk and whisk thoroughly.
  4. Place crushed ice in two tall glasses and pour in cold coffee.
  5. Top with whipped cream and caramel sauce.

Frappe with ice cream

To prepare iced coffee with ice cream, you will need almost the same ingredients as in the previous recipe.


  • 200 ml freshly brewed double espresso.
  • 8 ice cubes.
  • 100 ml milk.
  • 100 gr. ice cream
  • Grated chocolate.

Brew strong coffee and strain it. Whisk the milk together with the ice cream until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream. In tall glasses, add crushed ice to fill 2/3 of the container and add milk and ice cream. Carefully pour in the cooled coffee in a thin stream so that it does not mix with the ice cream and creates a beautiful pattern. Decorate the resulting cocktail with grated chocolate.

Pineapple and strawberry coffee - for hot weather

Pineapple frappe is made from ice cream, Drambuie liqueur, pineapple juice, and coffee. Start by mixing ice cream with pineapple juice and liqueur. Add cooled espresso coffee to the finished mixture, pour the cocktail into a suitable glass, and serve with a straw.

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Fresh frappe with mint and strawberry notes - harmony of taste

Mint strawberry iced coffee is also suitable for quenching thirst in hot weather. To prepare you will need a standard set of products:

  • sugar;
  • milk;
  • coffee;
  • ice.

Additionally, mint frappe involves the use of mint and fresh or frozen strawberries.

Mix the cocktail by beating all the ingredients with a blender with pre-cooled coffee. The finished drink is decorated with mint leaves and served with a thick straw that allows pieces of fruit to pass through.

A variation on the theme of a strawberry iced coffee cocktail will be a raspberry frappe. To prepare it, 250 ml of espresso will be enough; strawberries are replaced with raspberries. The cocktail is prepared as follows:

  • crushed ice is poured into a tall glass;
  • raspberries crushed in a blender are placed on top of the ice cushion;
  • Coffee is carefully poured down the walls.

The finished drink is decorated with fresh raspberries, whipped cream, and chocolate chips.

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