Frappe - what is it and how to prepare chocolate, vanilla, Greek or mint at home

History of Greek Coffee Frappe

The Greek coffee frappe recipe is over 60 years old. It was first tried at an exhibition in Thessaloniki by a representative of the Swiss company Nestlé, who could not find boiling water for his instant coffee and used cold milk and a shaker to whip up drinks.

At that time, the composition included ingredients such as milk powder, cold water, and instant coffee powder. As practice shows, drinks using natural ingredients are much tastier, so at home you can prepare a cool cocktail for a hot evening with whole milk, espresso from natural beans. You can cool the ingredients with crushed ice, crushed in a blender or in a shaker.

History of the origin of the drink

The drink was first presented at the International Trade Fair in Thessaloniki (Greece) in 1957 by a representative of the world famous company Nestle, Yiannis Dritsas. The product was positioned as an instant chocolate drink for children, reminiscent of cocoa in taste. To prepare it, all you had to do was shake the mixture with milk or water in a container called a shaker.

Dimitros Vakondios (Dritsas's subordinate) during a break between work tried to get boiling water to brew his favorite instant coffee, but his attempts were unsuccessful. Then he decided to mix coffee with cold water, added sugar out of habit and was stunned by the result. The first frappe coffee was prepared in this way, which later became famous throughout the world. The modern recipe for the drink was developed by baristas of the world famous coffee shop chain Julius Meinl.

Cooking recipes

To prepare the classic Greek iced coffee called frappe, you use instant powder. Add 150 ml of pure ice water, a few ice cubes and sugar to 2 teaspoons . Place everything in a shaker and shake until foam forms. Pour into a glass and add more ice.

Frappe with cream

The milk component makes the drink softer. To prepare Greek frappe coffee with milk or cream, you need to take:

  • 2 tablespoons of natural ground grains;
  • 60 ml water for 1 serving;
  • sugar to taste;
  • 40 ml ice water to dilute the drink;
  • 40 ml cream or full fat whole milk.

Preparation procedure:

  • Brew espresso in a coffee machine, add and stir sugar.
  • Cool the drink.
  • Add ice water and cream.
  • Beat until foam forms.
  • Add ice and serve.

You need to drink the cocktail slowly through a thick straw.

With ice cream

The pre-brewed espresso is cooled, then mixed with ice cream and a third chocolate bar in a blender to grind the ingredients. Ice, preferably crushed, is added to the resulting whipped mixture. The drink is whipped into foam again and served.

With fruits

Iced coffee in Greece may be served with fruit, such as cherries, to add sourness. To do this, prepare espresso and cool it. At this point, pit the cherries and grind them in a blender with ice. Place the cold mixture at the bottom of the cup and pour in espresso.

Greek coffee with fruit can be made with the addition of cream, for example strawberries.

Frappe with cherry


  • espresso – 125 ml;
  • pitted cherries – 50 g;
  • ice – 5 cubes;
  • cherry on the stem for decoration.


  1. Brew espresso at the rate of 30 g per 125 ml of water. Cool.
  2. Grind pitted cherries in a blender at high speed.
  3. Add ice, stir.
  4. Place cherries with ice in tall glasses. Carefully pour in the espresso. Garnish with a chilled stemmed cherry.

Frappe coffee is a cold drink that can invigorate, refresh and even satisfy hunger. This cocktail is low in calories due to the large amount of ice in its composition. There is no standard recipe for its preparation. Only the main constant components are known - well-brewed coffee and crushed ice. You can prepare frappe with various favorite ingredients and feel free to experiment with its taste.


The legend about coffee, which appeared in Greece, is associated with kamaki - the foam that is formed when brewing coffee in a Turk. If the time has come for a girl to get married, then you can determine whether the groom likes you or not by the quality of the foam on the coffee. If it is dense and tall, the groom can count on reciprocity. If Greek coffee is served without foam, then the wedding will not take place.

The secret to making lush foam in the Turk is that the drink is never brought to a boil, but is removed every time the foam begins to rise. This technique is done 2-3 times, and it came to the Greeks from Turkey. The drink is considered properly prepared if there is still foam at the bottom at the end.

Coffee with caramel

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 72 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

For lovers of sweet drinks, iced coffee with caramel is perfect. You can cook it yourself, but it is better to use ready-made caramel sauce, which can be easily found in the store. If the caramel sauce is not enough sweetness, you can add a little sugar or other sweetener based on taste preference.

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  • ground coffee – 50 g;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • ice – 8 cubes;
  • whipped cream – 50 g;
  • caramel sauce – 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Brew coffee in a coffee maker or any other method.
  2. Cool it well.
  3. Pour coffee water into a shaker or blender, add chilled milk and whisk thoroughly.
  4. Place crushed ice in two tall glasses and pour in cold coffee.
  5. Top with whipped cream and caramel sauce.


This recipe for natural Greek coffee is almost exactly the same as what is prepared in the East. The fact is that the Greeks were once under the rule of the Turks, then they freed themselves and declared independence. Some dishes and drinks from those times have remained relevant to this day.

For helliniko, you need to properly grind the grains, turning them completely into dust. The process goes like this:

  • Pour 2 teaspoons of powder into a copper pot, add sugar and add water.
  • Place on fire and watch when the foam begins to rise.
  • As soon as this happens, the Turk is removed from the heat and left for a minute.
  • Place on the fire again and bring to a boil.

The ritual is repeated three times. It is important to maintain a time interval between heating and cooling. This Greek equivalent of the oriental drink is served with a glass of water.

Interesting! In Greece, people never drink coffee quickly while running off to work. This ritual is performed in a cafe, although the prices there are much more expensive.

Varieties of frappe

Since this cocktail has gained popularity all over the world, there are many recipes for its preparation. From the simplest, very slightly different from the classic one, to completely exotic ones, like pineapple, cherry or raspberry. An exquisite recipe with ice cream is also popular - cream frappe with a bamboo cane instead of a regular straw.

Ice frappe

Since frappe coffee is already cold, ice frappe is a recipe similar to the traditional one.
Often this name refers to an ordinary Greek cocktail prepared according to a classic recipe. Ingredients for cooking:

  • Espresso - 50 or 100 milliliters.
  • Sugar - 2-4 teaspoons.
  • Milk or cream - 40 milliliters.
  • Crushed ice - 4-5 cubes in a 1:1 ratio with coffee.

On a note! If there is no ice, it can be replaced with very cold water.

All ingredients are mixed in a blender, mixer, shaker, or, as a last resort, in a regular bowl. After a thick foam has formed, the drink is poured into a tall transparent glass, decorated with topping and a straw is inserted.

Frappe with caramel

Caramel frappe is the best treat for those with a sweet tooth.
The recipe is simple, you will need:

  • Espresso - 50-100 milliliters.
  • Sugar - 1-2 teaspoons (no more - it will be too sweet).
  • Milk or cream - 30-40 milliliters.
  • Crushed ice - in a 1:1 ratio with coffee - 4-5 cubes.
  • Caramel syrup - 1 tablespoon.

The cooking method is no different from the classic one. This cocktail is decorated with toppings or whipped cream.

Mint frappe

Mint Frappe is the perfect combination of flavors that will brighten up even the hottest day. Mint will give a cold drink an additional refreshing effect.

For preparation, mint syrup is used, as well as fresh mint leaves as decoration. You can also add a little lime or a thin slice of lemon.


Another great recipe for those with a sweet tooth.

When whipping the drink, add grated chocolate - about 20 grams, as well as natural honey - about 5 grams. Pour the mixture, as usual, into a glass with crushed ice, and use chocolate chips or berries as decoration - fresh or frozen strawberries, cherries, raspberries or even cranberries.

Fruit Recipes

Exotic lovers will be delighted with interesting fruity iced coffee recipes. The most common variations:

  • strawberry frappe;
  • pineapple frappe.

They are prepared in the same way:

  1. You need to brew and cool the coffee, mix it with sugar and beat with a blender or shaker until a thick foam forms. Then cool the glass - you can place it in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  2. After this, chop up some ice and, after mixing it with pieces of fruit or berries, pour it into a glass, and then carefully pour the whipped coffee mixture into it. You can use grated chocolate or mint leaves as decoration.

Frappe with ice cream

To prepare a soft and refreshing frappe with ice cream, you will need about 100 grams of ice cream and the same amount of milk.

Brew and strain the coffee, and whisk the milk and ice cream until the consistency of thick sour cream is uniform. Pour the crushed milk into a cold glass, then add ice cream to it, and then carefully pour in the coffee in a thin stream. Use any toppings as decoration.


Frappe with vanilla is the simplest and at the same time very tasty recipe, practically no different from the classics. Make traditional Greek coffee by adding a few drops of vanilla extract or regular vanilla. You can also use vanilla, but do not overdo it, otherwise the drink will taste bitter.

Winter recipe

This drink, despite being served cold, may be appropriate even in the winter season. Prepare according to the classic recipe, but add two important details to it:

  • When whipping coffee, add 50 grams of dark chocolate to it.
  • Add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to the milk and whisk as well.

Combine ingredients in a glass with crushed ice and garnish with a slice of orange or lemon.

Coffee Freddo – espresso and cappuccino

Greek coffee Fredo has two varieties - espresso and cappuccino. The first one is prepared simply - cold espresso and ice are mixed. The drink is not strong, as the melting ice cubes dilute the drink.

Greek Fredo Cappuccino coffee is made with cold whole milk, plus espresso and ice. The milk is pre-whipped cold to form foam. Put a lot of ice - up to half the container.

Instead of regular milk, you can add condensed milk, then it will be a very sugary drink that can make you thirsty in the summer. For the summer heat, an unsweetened strong drink with a double shot of espresso is more suitable.

Vanilla frappe

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 30 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Cold espresso with milk and vanilla will be an excellent replacement for high-calorie desserts. To enhance the vanilla aroma, the recipe uses vanilla sugar instead of the usual granulated sugar. You can decorate the finished cocktail called vanilla frappe with whipped cream. For dietary reasons, milk can be replaced with plain drinking water.


  • espresso – 250 ml;
  • milk – 250 ml;
  • ice – 8 cubes;
  • vanilla sugar – 10 g;
  • vanilla essence – 4 drops.

Cooking method:

  1. Brew espresso, add vanilla sugar.
  2. Chill the espresso well.
  3. Using a shaker, shake coffee water with cold milk and vanilla essence until a strong foam forms.
  4. Crush the frappe ice, pour into glasses, and pour chilled espresso.

Drink without cooking

To get a larger dose of caffeine, it is recommended to infuse coffee beans in cold water. It is best to do this at night - in 6 - 8 hours all chemical compounds are extracted into the liquid. Honore de Balzac is considered the first author of this drink.

Greek coffee is prepared from a mixture of beans - Robusta and Arabica. The ratio of varieties depends on the preferences of cafe visitors. If a person likes a sour-bitter taste, he will be offered a mixture consisting of 50% robusta.

It also contains more caffeine - almost 2.5 times, so the drink will be very invigorating. This is not recommended for hypertensive patients or people with heart problems to drink in hot weather. For everyone else, increased dosages of caffeine are not scary, especially if you drink a glass of water before a cup of Greek coffee.

The degree of extraction also depends on the grind - the finer it is, the more caffeine and essential oils will get into the water. You can make a drink without cooking from green grains - this type is popular among those people who watch their figure or practice a healthy eating style.

Roasted grains are tastier, but less healthy. Greens contain a large amount of the antioxidant chlorogenic acid, but when frying this chemical compound is completely destroyed.

To make extracted coffee without boiling, you need to pour ground beans into a container. The degree of grinding does not matter in this case. The mixture is left overnight and can be drunk in the morning.

What is frappe?

Frappe is a coffee-based cocktail famous for being a cold drink, perfect for hot days. It is loved by many connoisseurs not only for the interesting and unusual flavor shades that coffee acquires when chilled, but also for the simplicity of its preparation - even a beginner can cope with the task.

The recipe is easy to reproduce at home - it does not require additional equipment, as is the case with most other coffee cocktails.

Important! Frappe is a low-calorie drink, so it is ideal for those who are on a diet and watching their figure.

Coffee frappe is prepared according to different recipes - both based on instant granulated coffee and with natural ground Arabica or Robusta.

On a note! Frappe is traditionally a Greek drink, but its name has a French word. Therefore, some are mistaken in believing that cold iced coffee was invented in France. In fact, the French name was assigned to the cocktail simply for euphony.

Milk, sugar and even fresh fruit can be added to the drink. But its main distinguishing feature, characteristic of any recipe, is the low temperature of the drink. Therefore, in the process of preparing it, crushed ice, also called “crash”, or ice water, is necessarily used.

The very name of the drink already tells us about its unusual composition: translated from French, the word “frappe” means “beat, prick.” When pronouncing it, it is correct to emphasize the second syllable, and, of course, you need to talk about it like coffee - in the masculine gender.

On a note! Be careful: in France, the word “frappe” refers to any drink that contains crushed - granulated - ice, and not just the usual coffee cocktail. Therefore, ignorance of this feature when visiting France can lead to misunderstandings.

Benefits of this cocktail:

  • Perfectly cools in hot weather.
  • Low-calorie, will not harm your figure.
  • Caffeine content is low.
  • Easy to prepare - you can easily make it yourself at home.
  • It looks impressive thanks to the foam cap, especially in a transparent glass.
  • Inexpensive - the cost of one serving, prepared at home, is only 10-15 rubles.
  • Varied - the recipe has many variations, and everyone will find something they like.

Cyprus coffee

Those vacationing on the island of Cyprus, not far from Greece, can be offered a cup of the Congolese Robusta variety in the cafe. This is a very rich drink, unlike Arabica. The preparation recipe is no different from Turkish, but Cypriots do not like it when Cypriot coffee is called Turkish.

There are several types of sugar based on the amount of sugar:

  • sketo – 1 spoon or without sugar;
  • metrio – 2;
  • in Greek glyco coffee there are 3 - 4 tablespoons of sugar - to taste it is sugar syrup with the addition of espresso;
  • Frappe is an iced cocktail, also called Greek coffee.

When ordering, the name of the coffee in Greek must be supplemented with the characteristics described above so that the barista knows how much sugar to put in the cup. If you don't specify, he will put 1 spoon.

In Cyprus, the most famous and best-selling brand is Dundalis.

Video: How to properly brew Greek coffee drink

Greek iced coffee

  • Time: 5 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 50 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The cocktail has become very popular in hot Greece; it perfectly quenches thirst. Traditionally, Greek frappe is prepared with milk; any fat content is suitable; this recipe uses a dairy product with a fat content of 2.5%. It is worth noting that the higher this indicator, the more caloric the frappe will be. For taste, just one teaspoon of sugar is enough for two glasses of coffee.


  • instant coffee – 50 g;
  • milk – 300 ml;
  • ice – 8 cubes;
  • sugar – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour instant coffee and sugar into a shaker.
  2. Fill the contents with cold milk.
  3. Close the lid tightly and shake for several minutes.
  4. Place crushed ice in a tall glass, pour the drink, insert a straw and you can serve the frappe to the table.

Cost of frappe

The cost of the cocktail will depend on its composition, as well as on the prestige of the establishment where it is served:

  • A regular drink will cost on average from 60 to 150 rubles.
  • Cocktail with fruit - about 150-250 rubles.
  • A drink prepared at home will cost you 10-15 rubles.
  • Homemade frappe with fruit or ice cream - about 30-50 rubles, depending on the price of the ingredients used.

Frappe is one of the most unusual coffee cocktails, because unlike others, it is served with ice and used as a soft drink. It was invented in hot Greece, but is loved in all countries, not just the south. A wide variety of recipes suggests that frappe is a versatile and interesting cocktail. In addition to its attractive appearance and excellent taste, it is also chosen for its low calorie and caffeine content, as well as its relatively low price. And the last highlight of the drink is that it is incredibly easy to prepare at home, so anyone can enjoy it!

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