What is Frappe coffee? Features, ingredients, composition, how to cook and best recipes

History of frappe coffee

In French, frappé means “broken.” This is how drinks with crushed ice, including coffee, were called back in the 19th century. For example, iced coffee with ice cream was called “frappe a la glace.” Gradually, the word frappé acquired another meaning - “chilled”.

But the drink that we know today as frappe was born on October 7, 1957 at the International Fair in Thessaloniki. The Nestle company presented chocolate powder there, which easily dissolved even in cold milk. During a break, an employee of the company, Dimitris Vakondios, tried to make coffee, but could not find boiling water anywhere. Desperate, Vacondios simply mixed Nescafe instant coffee and sugar in a shaker, poured cold water over it and shook it well. The result is cold coffee with a lush foam.

Perhaps if the exhibition had been held in some northern country, no one would have paid attention to what happened. But in Greece, soft drinks are vital. Coffee, which can be prepared quickly and does not require special refrigeration, is a real boon for both bartenders and visitors. In order to further reduce the temperature of the drink, crushed ice was added to it. The name for the new type of coffee was borrowed from the French.

Frappe recipe creator Dimitris Vacondios

The Nestle administration could not help but appreciate the prospects that were opening up. Thanks to advertising, frappe instantly became fashionable. This method of preparing instant coffee has become the main method in Greece. In 1979, frappe coffee was recognized as the national Greek drink.

There are 3 types of Greek frappe:

  • glycos (glykós, γλυκός) – sweet: 2 tsp. coffee and 4 tsp. Sahara;
  • metrios (métrios, μέτριος) – medium: 2 tsp. coffee and 2 tsp. Sahara;
  • sketos (skétos, σκέτος) – simple: 2 tsp. sugar free coffee.

Classic Greek frappe is made exclusively from instant coffee. There are no more standards either in the choice of ingredients or in the method of preparation. Sometimes the frappe is shaken with ice, other times the shaken coffee cocktail is poured over ice cubes.

Frappe with water and milk is called frapógalo (φραπόγαλο, frapógalo). In Cyprus, only a little water is added to the frapogalo to whip up the foam, the rest of the liquid is milk, and the fattier the better. In some coffee shops, frappe or frapogalos are served with ice cream.

Frappe with milk

There is also an option when iced coffee is not whipped, but stirred with a spoon, which is why it acquires a slightly different texture. This type of coffee is called κουταλάτος (koutalatos) - “ship coffee”: the preparation method was invented by sailors.

Tourists who visited Greece also brought with them the recipe for their favorite coffee. But after the 2004 Olympic Games, frappe became popular all over the world. True, in different countries adjustments were made to the drink recipe:

  • in Bulgaria, Coca-Cola is often used instead of water;
  • in Serbia, frappe is called hladan nes and is served with milk, ice cream and whipped cream;
  • In Denmark, water is replaced with cold milk.

Recently, frappe based on espresso (single or double) has gained popularity in Europe. In Italy, the word frappe is used to refer to a milkshake. Italians are not particularly fond of instant coffee. A drink similar to the Greek frappe, but based on natural coffee, is called granita al caffè in Italian.

In the northeastern states of the United States, where many immigrants from Italy live, the milkshake is called frappe (in English - “frapp”). In the 80s of the 20th century, the Coffee Connection coffee shop in Boston invented the Frappuccino drink, which is a milkshake mixed with coffee and crushed ice.

When Starbucks acquired Coffee Connection in 1994, it inherited the original recipe. Now coffee shops of this chain around the world serve Frappuccino - essentially the same frappe, but not with crushed ice, but with crushed ice. Starbucks also sells bottled Frappuccinos without ice. It is not Nescafe that is added to coffee drinks, but Via freeze-dried coffee, which is as close to natural in taste and aroma as possible.


Although the word “frappe” is of French origin, the roots of the drink are Greek. The frappe coffee recipe was accidentally invented by Nestle representative Dimitrios Vakondios at the international fair in Thessaloniki in 1957. Being a lover of instant coffee, he could not find boiling water to make his favorite drink, and simply filled it with cold water. To break up any undissolved lumps, he decided to mix the ingredients in a shaker. This is how the recipe for Greek coffee frappe came about - a cold cocktail with a high head of foam.

This recipe has taken root well in hot Greece and Cyprus. In Europe, it has also become popular and widespread, with each country having its own local combination of ingredients.

Selecting Frappe Ingredients

The main highlight of frappe is its high foam. The most fluffy and stable foam is obtained in coffee devoid of oils. Therefore, the best option for making frappe coffee base is powdered or granulated instant coffee. Freeze-dried coffee is a little more difficult to whip up, but if frappe is made without milk, this type of instant powder is preferable.

In expensive cafes, frappe is prepared using single or double espresso. This drink is tastier and healthier, but the foam on it is not nearly as stable as on instant coffee.

At home, frappe is made from double espresso or 50 ml of Turkish coffee. Coffee prepared in a French press or pour over is not suitable: it does not have foam. Since very little natural coffee is required to prepare frappe, there is no point in cooling it: it is better to immediately mix it with cold water or milk. For frappe you need soft bottled water, with a mineralization from 75 to 250 mg/l.

In Greece, they like to add concentrated (condensed without sugar) milk to frappe. It has a light caramel flavor. When mixed with melting ice, the concentrated milk is reduced to normal milk. Condensed milk can be replaced with regular milk with a fat content of more than 2.5%, or 10% cream. Skim milk should not be used: the frappe will taste too watery.

If ice cream is added to the drink, it is better to take ice cream. Whipped cream for decoration can be either natural or vegetable, although frappe with natural cream tastes better.

So where is all this talk about Frappe leading us?

When you're craving coffee but can't handle a hot drink, frappe is your best bet - strong yet refreshing! Make one of the many options from the comfort of your home or simply take a walk to the nearest coffee shop. But try and experiment when you see something new and exciting on the menu.

Frappe, despite the modest list of ingredients, is a very pleasant drink. With so many to choose from, you're sure to find yours.

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Characteristics of frappe

Coffee varietiesAny instant or natural coffee, both 100% Arabica and mixtures with Robusta are allowed
Type of coffee baseInstant coffee, espresso, Turkish coffee
Ready coffee temperature+10 ± 3 °C
Cooking time5 minutes
Portion output volume, ml200–250 ml
Caffeine content (strength)In a frappe made from 50 ml of coffee brewed in a Turk - approximately 30 mg per serving;
from one shot of espresso – 50–68 mg;

from double espresso – 100–136 mg;

from instant coffee – 100–200 mg (depending on brand), from Nescafe – 200 mg

Recommended intake (servings per day)1
Maximum permissible norm (servings per day)2
Calorie contentFrappe without milk and sugar – 2.25–4.5 kcal per serving;
with sugar without milk – 21.60–23.85 kcal

with sugar and milk with 2.5% fat content – ​​73.60–75.85 kcal;

with sugar, milk and 50 g of ice cream – 210.10–212.35 kcal;

with sugar and 10% cream (unwhipped) – 139.60–141.85 kcal

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of frappe depends on the recipe used to prepare the drink. The required ingredients include instant freeze-dried coffee, sugar and water.

Real instant coffee is made from natural coffee. The process of its manufacture is quite complex and consists of several stages:

  1. Roasting natural coffee beans (Robusta, Arabica, Excelsia, Liberica or blend).
  2. Grinding (roasted coffee beans are ground to a powder).
  3. Steam extraction (coffee powder is impregnated with high pressure steam, after which the coffee extract is condensed).
  4. Vacuum drying (the resulting coffee condensate is dried to powder).
  5. Granulation (coffee powder is pressed into granules).

The composition of instant coffee includes alkaloids caffeine and trigonelline, chlorogenic acid, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, tannins, vitamins, the amount of which depends on the type of coffee:

  • caffeine – 0.6-1.9%;
  • trigonelline - 0.2-1.3%;
  • chlorogenic acid - 4-10%;
  • other organic acids (more than thirty pieces);
  • proteins - 9.0-15.2%;
  • lipids - 2.8-3.6%;
  • carbohydrates - up to 7%;
  • tannins - 3.6-7.7%;
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 1 mg per 100 g;
  • vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - 20 mg per 100 g.

Instant coffee also contains minerals:

  • phosphorus - 250 mg per 100 g;
  • calcium - 100 mg per 100 g;
  • iron - 6.0-6.5 mg per 100 g;
  • sodium - 3.0-3.3 mg per 100 g.

The calorie content of this drink depends on the ingredients. If it is prepared according to the classic recipe, its calorie content is about 80-100 kcal per serving. When adding additional components, the calorie content will increase.

Frappe proportions

Frappe coffee lovers are advised to purchase a special mixer for liquids: using it, you can quickly get a lush foam. If you don’t have such a mixer, you can beat the coffee in a blender or shaker. The classic recipe suggests that frappe is prepared from 2 tsp. instant coffee or double espresso. But for those who can't afford a lot of caffeine, you can use one shot of espresso or a 1 tsp drink as a base. instant coffee.

The amount of ice varies from 3-4 cubes to 2/3 of a glass. Some baristas even recommend filling the entire glass with large ice cubes.

How to choose the right coffee?

Frappes are prepared differently in different countries. But there are strength categories that need to be clarified at the establishment, especially Greek, when ordering:

  • Strong black (from the Greek - sketos);
  • Medium sweetness (from Greek - metrios);
  • Sweet (glycos).

These categories show the amount of milk or cream added to the drink, its sweetness and method of preparation.

Classic frappe recipe without milk


  • 1–2 tsp. instant coffee;
  • 1–2 tsp. Sahara;
  • crushed ice;
  • 100 ml cold water;
  • vanilla, cinnamon, grated chocolate, whipped cream - optional.

Cooking technology

  1. Mix coffee and sugar in a deep vessel or shaker.
  2. Pour the mixture 2 tbsp. l. water.
  3. Beat with a mixer or shaker.
  4. Place ice in a tall glass.
  5. Fill it with coffee foam.
  6. Add water.
  7. Stir with a cocktail straw.

You can use more or less water than called for in the recipe. Vanilla sugar or cinnamon is added to the coffee base to taste. The top is often decorated with whipped cream.

Recipes for preparing the drink at home, its composition

This drink is very pleasant to prepare at home, surprising your family and friends. Moreover, you can fully express your imagination and creativity by using ingredients that are unusual for bars and cafes.

For example, black currants from your own summer cottage or cranberries.

You can also diversify the taste of frappe with the help of: cinnamon (it is added to coffee during brewing); honey (it will perfectly replace sugar in the drink), cherry syrup (cherries are generally ideal for any desserts and cocktails), pineapple and apricot (the drink will take on tropical notes), cognac or liqueur (a wonderful option for a romantic dinner).

Proportions are chosen based on your own preferences. Prepare the drink using a mixer, blender or shaker (whoever has what).

The main thing is that as a result of your efforts the foam is dense.

Read our article about what a French press is and how to use the device for brewing coffee and tea.

If you are interested in the benefits and harms of cinnamon coffee, read this publication.

Caring for a houseplant Arabica coffee is described in detail here: https://chay-i-kofe.com/kofe/vidy-kf/vyrashhivanie-kofe-arabika-i-uhod-za-dannym-komnatnym-rasteniem/


The ratio of ingredients in this recipe should be as follows: freshly brewed coffee - 200 ml, milk - 150 ml, ice - a dozen standard cubes.

Beat the ingredients with a mixer and pour into a glass already filled with ice. Insert a straw into the glass.


In addition to traditional ingredients, you need to take ice cream and grated chocolate.

First, milk and ice cream are churned. Tall glass glasses are filled one third with crushed ice and milk and ice cream are poured into them, followed by coffee. Decoration for the drink - chocolate chips.

You can find other recipes for making coffee with ice cream, called glace, here.

With caramel

This version of frappe is a kind of cocktail made from coffee, milk and syrup .

The first thing you need to do is prepare coffee (120 ml) and blend in a blender, adding the same amount of milk, a couple of teaspoons of sugar and caramel syrup.

All these products are combined with ice cubes and whipped again (for one minute). Decorate the frappe with caramel sauce and a top of whipped cream.

Here is a video with one of the options for making frappe coffee:

Mint with strawberries

For this recipe, beat milk, strawberries and sugar (brown works best). Coffee and a mixture of whipped ingredients are poured into a glass with ice. Decorate with mint leaves.

You need to choose a thicker straw for this drink, as there will definitely be pieces of berries in the drink.


The basis of the drink is double espresso (250 ml). You will also need ice and one hundred grams of berries, which are blended with a blender.

Ice is poured into glasses, and berry puree is placed on top (to make it denser, it must first be kept in the freezer for a while).

Coffee is poured into the glass carefully, along the sides. Decorate with fresh berries.

With vanilla

This drink can be prepared according to the classic recipe. Adding just one drop of vanilla extract changes the taste of the frappe coffee.

Many believe that in this way the classic version achieves perfection, because a refined aroma is added to the wonderful tastes.

With chocolate

This coffee frappe is called winter because it uses warming ingredients such as honey and chocolate.

To make a chocolate drink, start by preparing double espresso, mix it (slightly cooled) with other ingredients - milk, chocolate, honey.

This mixture is whipped using a blender, then poured into a glass that already contains pieces of ice, and decorated with chocolate chips.


This recipe is considered an analogue of the one that was born in 1957 and with which the history of frappe began. That is why it will be interesting to reproduce it in the home kitchen literally in the smallest detail, without allowing your own imagination to run wild.

To prepare it, you should take a couple of teaspoons of instant coffee, 50 ml of water, and twice as much milk as water.

Sugar is something you can add based on your own taste - more or less.

All frappe ingredients are mixed in a mixer or shaker. You need to ensure that the foam is thick. This mixture is poured into a glass, in which 3-5 ice cubes are already glistening.


First, brew espresso (50 ml). Melt the chocolate bar (you can use a water bath). Take a blender and beat coffee and one banana, add 100 ml of milk and vanillin and beat all these components together again.

Chocolate is poured into a tall glass goblet, then the whipped mixture is poured. The finishing touch is a decoration of whipped cream.

If you are interested in the difference between espresso and Americano, as well as the history of the appearance of drinks and recipes, read our publication.

Recipes for making coffee with cognac are presented in this material.


This recipe is interesting because the water used in it is carbonated, you need to take 200 ml of it. Using a mixer, beat this water with a teaspoon of instant coffee and the same amount of sugar.

Pour the mixture into a glass where ice has already been placed. A teaspoon of almond syrup is poured on top.

Classic frappe recipe with milk or cream

The ingredients are the same as in the previous case, additionally - 50-100 ml of milk or 10% cream, water - to taste (you can only add coffee foam).

Cooking technology

  1. Beat coffee with sugar and 2 tbsp. l. water.
  2. Place ice in a tall glass.
  3. Fill it with coffee foam.
  4. Pour in milk or cream.
  5. Add water.
  6. Stir with a cocktail straw.

Taste experiments

Frappe is the author's fantasy. There are a lot of cooking methods, you can add different toppings according to your preferences. The most popular:

  • Cinnamon;
  • Honey;
  • Caramel;
  • Nutmeg;
  • Fresh seasonal fruits;
  • Condensed milk;
  • Syrups to choose from (the choice in stores is now quite large);
  • Vanilla sugar;
  • Ice cream;
  • Cocoa powder.

This is not a complete list of what you can experiment with when preparing frappe.

Frappe with natural coffee


  • 50 ml of Turkish coffee or 25–50 ml of espresso;
  • 1–2 tsp. Sahara;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • crushed ice;
  • vanilla, cinnamon, grated chocolate, whipped cream - optional.


  1. Blend coffee, sugar, milk and crushed ice in a blender.
  2. Pour into a tall glass.
  3. If desired, decorate with whipped cream and chocolate.

How to cook a classic version

This variation of the drink is most often found in southern Europe, although there it is simply called “iced coffee.” In the rest of the mainland, the recipe has undergone many changes and has rather become a cocktail with different flavors.

Ice cream coffee name

To make frappe coffee at home you will need:

  • 50 ml of freshly brewed espresso or strong coffee (proportions – 2 teaspoons of ground coffee per 100 ml of water).
  • Ice in proportions with coffee 1:1. To make the drink stronger, you can use 1 part water and 2 parts coffee.
  • Sugar to taste.

To make a real frappe, you will need a blender with a whipping attachment or a shaker. As a last resort, you can use a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid.

Cooking steps:

  1. We prepare espresso in a Turk or coffee machine.
  2. Strain the drink and, if desired, add sugar or honey to taste.
  3. Let the coffee cool down.
  4. Pour the chilled espresso into a frothing container and add crushed ice or ice water.
  5. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

The finished drink should have a thick layer of foam on the surface.

Caramel frappe with natural coffee

The ingredients are the same as in the previous case, additionally 25-30 ml of caramel syrup.


  1. Decorate the walls of a chilled glass with patterns (waves, curls) made from syrup.
  2. Whisk coffee, sugar, milk, crushed ice and 20 ml of caramel syrup.
  3. Pour the whipped mixture into a glass.

Restrictions on use

Of course, frappe is very suitable for the summer heat, but it is worth considering:

  • In extreme heat, the load on the human body increases. If you have any health problems (high cholesterol, blood pressure, heart failure) you should avoid drinking frappe.
  • It is recommended to drink coffee no more than 2 times a day.
  • The version with alcohol should generally be avoided if you are very tired during the day, have poor health and have poor sleep.
  • You should not drink frappe on an empty stomach due to the possible occurrence of heartburn.
  • It is worth considering other harmful side effects of the drink.

However, do not despair, because coffee has many positive effects, so everyone can drink it in small portions!

Raspberry frappe


  • 100 ml coffee brewed in a Turk, or 25–50 ml espresso;
  • 1–2 tsp. Sahara;
  • 50 ml 10% cream;
  • 25–30 ml raspberry syrup;
  • 50 g ice cream;
  • 50–75 ml cold water;
  • grated chocolate - to taste;
  • crushed ice.


  1. If the coffee base is espresso, add cold water to 100 ml.
  2. Beat coffee, cream, sugar, 20 ml of raspberry syrup, crushed ice with a blender.
  3. Pour into a glass.
  4. Place a ball of ice cream on top, decorate with the remaining raspberry syrup, sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Alcohol recipes

For those who like to drink coffee even in the evening, we offer the top 5 most popular liqueurs suitable for a cold treat:

  • Amaretto;
  • Kahlua;
  • Banana liqueur (easy to make at home, strength 25-35 degrees);
  • Orange liqueur (if cooking with milk, add carefully);
  • Cherry liqueur.

You can experiment with this set of liqueurs and add to your taste. The treat will be soft, but with a twist, like a real alcoholic cocktail.

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