Drink green tea with coffee before meals to lose weight - a method from a Japanese doctor

Strong coffee and green tea are drinks that are necessarily present in the diet of any person. There are people who cannot imagine a day without a cup of aromatic coffee, others start their morning with invigorating and tonic tea.

A popular Japanese diet suggests combining tea with coffee - this drink stimulates metabolism and helps you quickly get rid of extra pounds. What is better to use, tea or coffee for weight loss? This question interests many men and women.

Yuanyang recipe

In order to cook an unusual product, you will need ordinary ingredients. The first is black tea, preferably without flavorings; both bagged and loose tea will do. Arabica is used for coffee; experimenting with Robusta is not recommended. Condensed milk must be concentrated.

It is most convenient to prepare coffee and tea in a small saucepan. Water and tea should be placed on medium heat. You need to take either 4 bags or 2 tablespoons, depending on what form the tea is taken in.

When the contents boil, turn down the heat and cook for three minutes. The main thing is that the water does not boil anymore, otherwise the drink will not work. After this, the pan must be removed from the heat. After cooling, add 1 teaspoon of condensed milk.

The next step will be coffee. Usually an amount equal to the amount of tea is taken. There should be a lot of coffee. The contents must be mixed thoroughly.

Typically, baristas, during the cooking process, replace condensed milk with regular milk or cream. This is just one of many options for preparing the drink. No one will forbid you to carry out experiments. Some people take a whole can of condensed milk, others say that the result is too sweet yuanyang.

The best recipes for tea and coffee cocktails

Of course, amateur experiments are interesting, but there are many popular recipes for such mixtures.

Be sure to read: Baileys coffee - exquisite “Irish” taste and unique aroma

Chai Eggnog Latte from Starbucks (or Eggnog Latte)

In European coffee shops of the Starbucks chain in winter they serve the following cocktail:

  • 200 milliliters of tea with spices;
  • a cup of espresso;
  • egg yolk, beaten with sugar;
  • a pinch of nutmeg.

Beat the yolk together with sugar until it forms a strong foam. The tea is brewed with the addition of cardamom, cinnamon, cloves and star anise. Mix with espresso and top with egg foam sprinkled with nutmeg.

With the addition of lemon and honey

A popular remedy for colds and flu consists of:

  • a cup of brewed tea;
  • a portion of coffee;
  • one tablespoon of honey;
  • slice of lemon.

First, mix tea with any coffee and wait until the mixture reaches a temperature at which you can drink it without fear of getting burned. And only after that they put honey in it so that it does not lose its medicinal properties due to thermal effects. After thoroughly stirring the honey, add a slice of lemon or its juice.

Yuanyang from Hong Kong

That very drink personifies the ideal union of two principles. It can be made either according to the classic recipe or simplified a little.

  • any black tea (it’s better to take loose tea, but bagged tea will do);
  • a portion of coffee;
  • milk and condensed milk.

More tea is added to this cocktail than coffee - the proportions are usually approximately 60 to 40 or 70 to 30. The tea is boiled in boiling water for about 5 minutes, then condensed milk is added to it to taste and left on low heat for another couple of minutes. Add milk and prepared coffee.

Bubble tea

It is popularly called Boba tea. Also popular is the name bubble and pearl tea. Black or green tea is suitable. There are dozens of flavors. Tea is infused with syrups, cream, plants, or fruit extracts. All ingredients are whipped and mixed together.

This special tea originates from Taiwan. The first experiments were carried out in the 1980s. At first, the number of ingredients was limited, as were coffee and tea. It was regular tea mixed with fruit syrup. Later, it became popular to add tapioca balls filled with juice. The drink turned out beautiful and tasty.

Worldwide distribution occurred later when the tea found its way into the Japanese media. The main countries that have tasted Taiwanese tea are the USA, Australia and China. Among the European countries, England and Germany stand out. Russians also love to drink the drink in cafes. You can try it in almost all major cities.

More: Instant coffee Armel and reishi mushroom to strengthen the immune system

The effectiveness of green tea with coffee for weight loss

Cappuccino coffee for weight loss with green tea is a drink not only for vigor and activity, but also for speeding up metabolism . Thanks to this, all food consumed is completely digested in the digestive system and is not stored as extra pounds.

The combination of natural coffee beans with aromatic tea leaves helps turn all food into energy , “tuning” the body to burn fat deposits. The drink is most effective when combined with diet and exercise.

Method developed by a Japanese doctor

The complex of tea and coffee for weight loss was developed by the famous Japanese doctor Takafumi Kudi , a leading specialist at one of the largest clinics in Tokyo.

As a result of his illness and sedentary lifestyle, he rapidly gained several dozen extra pounds. In search of an effective, fast-acting and safe diet, Takafumi Kudi created an unusual coffee drink with the addition of tonic green tea.

Which tea is best?

To prepare a diet drink, it is best to use high-quality loose leaf tea , which can be purchased at a specialty store. The best option would be to use a natural, loose, organic product that does not contain any additives.

Tea in bags with the addition of flavors, dyes and preservatives can not only be useless, but also cause harm to the body.

Coffee for geeks

Created by Dave Iceprey. For tourism purposes, the American visited Tibet and tried milk tea, which inspired him to create a new recipe. He took coffee as a basis, since he loved it more than tea. Milk and sugar added calories to the drink, so it was decided to abandon them.

The experiments took several years. The result was a drink consisting of 1-2 tablespoons of butter, and the same volume of vegetable oil with STC. Thus, coconut oil, which negatively affects the taste, was replaced.

Thanks to its unique composition, the drink has lost its toxicity. It is quickly absorbed by the body, giving energy. Dave decided to use only organic oil.

The natural drink quickly became popular in the United States and was appreciated in Silicon Valley. In English it is called Bulletproof coffee.

Mixing coffee and tea: good, but in moderation

Of the recipes above, we especially liked the Hong Kong Yuanyang. To prepare it, it is better to take black varieties of tea; variants based on green ones seem a bit bland.

Most of the tea and coffee mixtures we tried did not seem very interesting in their pure form without the addition of milk and sweeteners. But they are wonderfully invigorating and can be good for weight loss due to their ability to speed up metabolic processes in the body. The main thing is not to drink them on an empty stomach and know when to stop so as not to get a caffeine overdose (symptoms include hand tremors and tachycardia).


In Tibet, Chaisuma is extremely popular. The basis of the drink is yak milk, to which butter and salt are added. It adds energy, warms you up in the cold and gives you satiety.

Traditionally, it takes a long time to prepare. First, the tea leaves are boiled for 3 hours, then the tea is poured into a churn, where other ingredients are added, resulting in a thick mixture.

Thanks to tourists and climbers who visited Tibet, the whole world drinks butter tea.

Is it possible to drink tea instead of or after coffee?

Coffee beans
Scientists believe that tea is beneficial for the body due to the properties of polyphenols and photochemical properties of the leaves. Since they and the beans contain caffeine, drinking green tea after any coffee is prohibited. Otherwise, your blood pressure will drop and your overall health will worsen.

You can drink green tea instead of coffee. Tea leaf extract removes heavy toxins from the body. If you add honey, the drink will have tonic properties. Nutritionists advise drinking it if you are obese. The product contains the following components:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus.

Zinc is considered a good antioxidant. It maintains normal levels of vitamin E in the blood, promoting the absorption of vitamin A. Tea leaves contain catechin, which prevents the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's syndrome. The risk group with this diagnosis includes older people.

Other reasons why it is better to replace coffee with tea:

  1. Protection of the oral cavity from streptococci and other bacteria;
  2. Prevention of diabetes. The drink contains thiamine, which regulates the process of sugar metabolism;
  3. Pore ​​cleaning. The extract has a positive effect on the skin, protecting it from toxins;
  4. Prevention of atherosclerosis and heart pathologies. Green tea accelerates the process of decomposition of fats and cholesterol. The drink maintains the elasticity of blood vessels, preventing fatty liver;
  5. A cup of tea after drinking alcohol effectively fights a hangover;
  6. The drink slows down the aging process of the body. Scientists have proven that green tea is 18 times more effective than vitamin E in the process of cell rejuvenation.
  7. Green tea lotions for the eyes are very effective.

Several reasons why you should drink matcha every day

Traditional Japanese tea has healing qualities unsurpassed by other types of tea. Its positive effect on health is simply enormous.

Matcha contains a record amount of antioxidants compared to many other varieties and varieties of tea. It is the leader in antioxidant content even among berries and fruits. Matcha contains many more antioxidants than green tea. Due to this, the aging process is stopped and the negative impact of the environment is reduced.

One cup of matcha tea a day strengthens the immune system and helps resist colds, and many other, much more serious diseases.

A cup of matcha will help improve brain function, increase concentration and help you better absorb even large amounts of information.

Matcha relieves nervous tension - in Japan it is very popular among students during the session.

Matcha reduces bad cholesterol and invigorates and gives a boost of energy. At the same time, tea does not have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels. The effect of 1 cup of drink lasts up to 6 hours. the whole secret is in the amino acids contained in matcha, which give strength.

Excellent prevention of urolithiasis is just one cup of matcha a day. The drink also cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

In addition, matcha relieves depression and improves mood.

Taste and benefits of cascara

Coffee tea turns out to be a romantic amber hue... It looks like apple juice.

The drink has a soft, subtle aroma and light sweetness. You shouldn’t expect “Nectar of the Gods” from coffee peels, but the taste is pleasant. The flavor spectrum is rich and depends on where the coffee is grown: the variety of fruit and berry shades of dried grapes, rose hips, prunes, pears, and mangoes is amazing. Some varieties of cascara allow you to get a drink with the taste of hibiscus, papaya, and green apples.

Many people think that both cascara and coffee contain the same amount of caffeine. But that's not true. Studies conducted by experts show that cascara contains several times less caffeine. “Coffee lovers” note that irritation of the gastrointestinal tract does not occur, as often happens when drinking coffee. But coffee tea contains a lot of vitamin C. It is considered an antioxidant, helps destroy free radicals and prevents premature aging of the body.

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