Green tea instead of coffee: several good reasons

Strong coffee and green tea are drinks that are necessarily present in the diet of any person. There are people who cannot imagine a day without a cup of aromatic coffee, others start their morning with invigorating and tonic tea.

A popular Japanese diet suggests combining tea with coffee - this drink stimulates metabolism and helps you quickly get rid of extra pounds. What is better to use, tea or coffee for weight loss? This question interests many men and women.

The effectiveness of green tea with coffee for weight loss

Cappuccino coffee for weight loss with green tea is a drink not only for vigor and activity, but also for speeding up metabolism . Thanks to this, all food consumed is completely digested in the digestive system and is not stored as extra pounds.

The combination of natural coffee beans with aromatic tea leaves helps turn all food into energy , “tuning” the body to burn fat deposits. The drink is most effective when combined with diet and exercise.

Method developed by a Japanese doctor

The complex of tea and coffee for weight loss was developed by the famous Japanese doctor Takafumi Kudi , a leading specialist at one of the largest clinics in Tokyo.

As a result of his illness and sedentary lifestyle, he rapidly gained several dozen extra pounds. In search of an effective, fast-acting and safe diet, Takafumi Kudi created an unusual coffee drink with the addition of tonic green tea.

Which tea is best?

To prepare a diet drink, it is best to use high-quality loose leaf tea , which can be purchased at a specialty store. The best option would be to use a natural, loose, organic product that does not contain any additives.

Tea in bags with the addition of flavors, dyes and preservatives can not only be useless, but also cause harm to the body.

History of the drink

Translated from Spanish, “cascara” means: husk or shell.

In Europe, coffee did not take root immediately. It was a Muslim drink; at first, its path to the Christian world was closed, until Clement VIII liked grain coffee. The Pope, having tried this drink, was fascinated by the amazing taste and “absolved” his sins...

In the old days, the skins left after processing coffee fruits were used as fertilizer or added to compost. Sometimes it served as fuel. But more often the skins were simply thrown away.

True, in some countries there was a tradition of preparing original tea - in Yemen and Bolivia, berry peels were dried and then boiled with the addition of ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon. It was a drink of the poor and was also prepared for soldiers. Then people learned to make delicious coffee from roasted and crushed seeds.

Recently, cascara has found a second life - Salvadoran farmers have revived the tradition of its preparation. Today, this name can be found in the price lists of coffee roasters all over the world; rich tea with a coffee aroma is offered by many progressive coffee shops. Visitors to restaurants and cafes in different countries can order syrups, soda drinks and even beer created from these raw materials.

Beneficial properties of green tea for weight loss

Thanks to its unique biochemical composition, the tea drink effectively improves the condition of the most important internal organs . It normalizes intestinal function, stimulates the elimination of waste and toxins.

Regular consumption of green tea helps cleanse and activate metabolism , as a result of which the body begins to actively “burn” its own fat reserves. The drink has a mild diuretic and laxative effect.


Green tea contains many biologically active, natural components . These include:

  • vitamin complex;
  • minerals;
  • catechins;
  • tannin.

Green tea also contains a wide range of vitamins, micro- and macroelements , amino acids and antioxidants.

Effect on the body

Catechins, when combined with theatine and other active ingredients, provide benefits to the body . Their impact:

  1. Improves the functioning of the intestines and the entire digestive system.
  2. Relieves constipation and normalizes stool.
  3. Protects against regular stress.
  4. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  5. Protects skin and internal organs from premature aging.

Green tea contains a large amount of antioxidants that have anti-aging effects . They reduce signs of aging and protect the body from harmful environmental factors.

Frappe, Greece

Coffee, ice cream, condensed milk and ice water.

  • Pour about water into a tall glass onto your finger.
  • Add 1 spoon of instant coffee and sugar to taste.
  • Beat the mixture in any convenient way - there are special mixers, you can use a shaker, or you can do it as in the video below if you don’t have anything on hand!
  • When fluffy foam rises, add ice, milk and cold water to taste. Your frappe is ready!

9. Pharisee, Germany

Under the generous top of whipped cream there is a decent portion of rum in the coffee.


1. Strong coffee, which must be hot

2. Strong alcohol, preferably rum (but other strong drinks are also possible)


4. Whipped cream to soften the flavor

5. Spices to spice up the drink Brew strong black coffee. Pour it into a cup (up to half). Pour in 0.5-1 glass of rum. If desired, you can add sugar. Spread whipped cream on top.

Beneficial properties of coffee for weight loss

Natural coffee beans and green tea contain caffeine, as well as a number of other similar components . Therefore, these drinks have approximately the same effect on the body.

But you need to remember that coffee has a higher caffeine content, due to which it has a more pronounced invigorating and tonic effect on the nervous system. Therefore, most nutritionists agree that the choice of drink depends solely on the taste preferences of the person losing weight.


Natural coffee contains several dozen active plant components , due to which this drink is widely used in the field of nutrition:

  • caffeine;
  • chlorogenic acid;
  • fatty acid;
  • tannins;
  • mineral components;
  • stearins;
  • tocopherols.

The aromatic grains also contain substances that help reduce appetite and lower blood glucose , have a mild diuretic effect and help fight swelling.

Effect on the body

Black coffee normalizes lipid metabolism in the liver, reducing the load on this organ . Caffeine, which is found in both coffee and green tea, accelerates the production of lipase, a digestive enzyme that promotes rapid digestion of food.

And chlorogenic acid is considered one of the most powerful and effective “fat burners ,” which is why it is included in many dietary supplements and weight loss medications.

Egg coffee, Vietnam

The recipe is based on egg yolk, condensed milk and hot coffee.


1. Yolk of 1 egg

2. Ground Vietnamese coffee - 3 teaspoons

3. Condensed milk - 2 teaspoons

Brew a small cup of coffee. Beat the yolk with condensed milk until a fluffy foamy mixture, pour in a tablespoon of already brewed coffee and beat thoroughly again. Add to coffee. Bon appetit!

2. Lapland coffee, Finland

The recipe is simple: A piece of Lapland cheese, poured over hot coffee.

Benefits of combining green tea and coffee

The combination of green tea and coffee has great benefits for the human body. It has the following effects :

  1. Normalizes blood pressure levels.
  2. Reduces cholesterol levels.
  3. Lowers blood sugar.

A drink made from natural coffee with the addition of green coffee perfectly stimulates the nervous system and brain activity , invigorates and tones, increases activity and performance.

A week of drinking a diet shake will help you get rid of 2-4 extra pounds - provided you give up sweets, fatty foods and have enough physical activity.

Many men and women prefer to drink coffee with added milk or cream, considering the taste of the natural drink to be too bitter. Such supplements impair and slow down the absorption of chlorogenic acid, which is necessary for rapid fat burning.

Why should they be mixed and drunk together for weight loss?

This drink stimulates the digestive system and speeds up metabolism . This promotes the rapid breakdown of fat cells and activates the weight loss process. The author of this dietary system, Dr. Takafumi Kudi, lost 30 kg in 10 months of drinking the drink.

He conducted a study on the effectiveness of dietary drinking among his patients. On average, men and women lost 6.5-7 kg in 4 weeks, provided they consumed coffee with tea every day.

Both natural coffee and tea contain caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous and digestive systems . These ingredients are beneficial on their own, and their combination significantly enhances the positive synergistic effect.

Interesting coffee and tea recipes

Our experiments turned out to be interesting, but what about slightly more complex and “professional” combinations? We have found different ways for you to prepare this mix:

Eggnog Latte (Chai Eggnog Latte) from Starbucks

During the winter months, this drink can be found on the menu of some European Starbucks.

  • Tea – about 200 ml;
  • Espresso;
  • Beaten egg yolk with sugar;
  • Nutmeg.

Beat the yolk with sugar into a thick foam. Brew tea, preferably with spices - cloves, cinnamon, star anise, cardamom are suitable. Add a shot of espresso and top with egg foam and sprinkle with nutmeg. A spoonful of rum or brandy would be appropriate.

With honey and lemon

An anti-cold remedy when you also need to stay alert (ideal for those who can’t tear themselves away from work or school).

  • A cup of tea;
  • Espresso;
  • A tablespoon of honey;
  • Lemon.

Brew tea, add espresso or just a little strong coffee. We wait until the liquid cools down to a warm state, when you can already drink in normal sips, then add and stir the honey. In too hot water, honey loses its beneficial properties, and now we need not only taste, but also benefits. And add lemon, you can squeeze it into a quarter.

Hong Kong Yuanyang

The whole of Hong Kong drinks it, so why not try it? Moreover, everything is very simple. You can follow the classic recipe or simplify it for quick preparation.

  • Black tea, preferably loose leaf, but also in bags;
  • Brewed coffee or espresso;
  • Condensed milk + regular milk.

The proportions are approximately 60x40 or 70x30, with more tea. You may not measure absolutely accurately. Boil a teaspoon of tea leaves in water for 5 minutes; if you have tea leaves, tear off the tag with the string and boil like that. Add a tablespoon of condensed milk and cook for another 2 minutes over low heat. Mix with coffee and milk.

How to brew and drink

To speed up metabolism and quickly lose weight, the Japanese method recommends preparing a drink from natural coffee and green tea , taken in equal parts. It is recommended to drink the drink 2-3 times a day, one cup at a time.

It is best to drink coffee with green tea before meals - this will help speed up digestion and prevent the accumulation of fat deposits.

Cooking methods

Preparing a diet drink from coffee and green tea will not take much time and effort. To do this, you need to take a teaspoon of ground coffee and tea; drinks are prepared separately . Green leaves should be poured with a cup of boiling water and left to steep for 12-15 minutes.

A spoonful of crushed grains should also be poured with boiling water and cooked using a Turk or coffee maker. After this, both drinks must be mixed in equal proportions so that the total volume of the prepared cocktail is 260-300 ml.

Rules of use

A dietary drink made from strong coffee and green tea, according to the Japanese weight loss method, it is recommended to drink 250-300 ml 2-3 times a day, preferably half an hour before meals.

Since it has a tonic and stimulating effect on the nervous system, the evening dose should be at least 2-4 hours before bedtime.

Is it possible to drink tea and coffee at the same time?

Short answer: why not? Such drinks are available in many countries; they are served in cafes and prepared at home.

  • In Malaysia there is a drink called Copi Cham, which means "mixture", - both ingredients in almost the same proportions + a lot of condensed milk.
  • In Hong Kong, they love Yuanyang - a portion of strong drip coffee + brewed tea with milk and sugar, or condensed milk. For more than 150 years, Hong Kong was a British colony and adopted tea traditions. But after 1997, when British rule ended, the city became an economic powerhouse that never seems to sleep. To cheer up, people choose coffee and, out of habit, drink it with tea, usually after 15:00.
  • Spreeze or Spris from Ethiopia is a 50x50 coffee and tea mixture in one cup. When poured correctly, the black coffee separates and floats above the clear tea. And be sure to add a heaping spoonful of sugar.
  • Dirty Chay/Tea – This is said to be a Starbucks “secret menu” drink. That is, it’s not on the menu, but you can ask for it, although not all baristas understand this slang. Either way, Starbucks makes it easy to mix drinks, and you can definitely ask for a single or double espresso in your glass of tea.

This is interesting: the Chinese name Yuenyeung refers to mandarin ducks and is a symbol of marital love in Chinese culture, as the birds usually appear in pairs and the male and female look very different. This name for a “pair” of two dissimilar objects is also used to name a tea and coffee drink.

What do people drink more of these drinks: statistics

It is impossible to say which drink is most preferred around the world. But such statistics exist for individual countries.

In Estonia and Poland, tea and coffee drinkers are approximately the same - 49% and 51%, respectively. Latvia can be called a “tea” country, since 71.1% of the population drinks tea. But residents of Lithuania prefer coffee to a greater extent - 59.8%, as opposed to 40.2% of tea drinkers.

The most tea-drinking countries are Uzbekistan (99.6%), Kenya (99.2%), Azerbaijan (99.1%), Pakistan (99%), China (99.9%) and Egypt (98.5%). ).

Residents of Morocco (96.1%), Kazakhstan (95.6%), Nigeria (95.4%) and India (89%) also prefer tea; these countries close the top ten most “tea” countries.

Guatemala is named the most coffee-rich country - 99.6%. The highest number of coffee drinkers are also in the Dominican Republic (99%), Brazil (97.4%), Ecuador (97.4%), Costa Rica (96.9%), Greece (96.8%), Colombia (92. 2%).

Coffee is also preferred by residents of the Philippines (94.7%), Denmark (92.2%) and Venezuela (92.2%), which closes the Top 10 most “coffee” countries.

In Russia, 77.5% of the population prefer tea, and in the UK - 78.4%.

It is not entirely clear what the rating of drinks in a country depends on. But the data is interesting.

Drink comparison

Coffee Beans and Ground
Numerous studies have found no connection between coffee and hypertension. A hot drink raises blood pressure and can replace caffeine to a small extent. A cup of coffee is considered the best option for people suffering from low blood pressure. If the patient has hypertension, it is better to refuse the drink.

This effect of coffee is related to its composition. Its components increase cholesterol levels. It should be avoided if you have heart disease. At the same time, the drink is effective against migraines and asthenia. Coffee speeds up metabolic processes in the human body.

Myths about coffee:

  • helps you sober up - in reality, no, but the drink alleviates a hangover;
  • rapid weight loss - the drink only speeds up metabolism, but does not help get rid of extra pounds;
  • slows down growth - the composition does not contain components that slow down human growth;
  • pregnancy - does not affect the development of the fetus, but it is recommended to reduce its consumption during this period due to increased tone of the uterus.

Tea leaves have a positive effect on the nervous system. According to the results of the study, people who drink 3 cups of green tea per day are 37% less likely to experience depression than those who do not drink the hot drink.

Coffee, unlike green tea, has a negative effect on the human psyche. However, there is evidence to suggest that long-term coffee consumption helps develop protection against psychological problems.

Coffee for various diseases

A “meta-analysis” conducted by scientists, in which more than 300 thousand individuals participated, found that one cup of coffee reduces the risk of developing depression by 8%.

British scientists analyzed the effect of green tea and sweet soft drinks on adults. The latter increase the risk of developing mental pathologies. Tea, on the contrary, prevents the transmission of nerve impulses, calming the functioning of neurons. With the help of a hot drink, the reaction to stress is reduced and mood improves for a long period.

Myths about green tea:

  1. For brewing, boiling water is required - for different types of tea, water heated to a certain temperature is used;
  2. The finished tea should be kept in the teapot for up to 24 hours - it is recommended to drink any variety as soon as possible after brewing it, since harmful substances form in it over time;
  3. Avoiding tea during pregnancy - if the tea is weak, you can drink it during pregnancy;
  4. Making green and black tea from various plants - these types of drink are obtained from the leaves of one bush;
  5. Green tea is considered healthier than black tea - each drink has different beneficial properties, so it is recommended to drink them in turn.

Modern doctors believe that coffee and green tea have the same number of positive properties.

Coffee tolerance

Still, if you feel like you've been drinking too much coffee lately or that it's no longer energizing for you, it might be time to take a break.

The scientific explanation for this need to be separated from coffee is tolerance. But not the one that has become fashionable to talk about on TV. Caffeine tolerance is a decrease in the effectiveness of its effects on your body. In other words, it’s addictive. When a drink no longer invigorates as before, does not provide additional energy, and simply does not make you happy.

You can choose coffee with up to 50% discount here>>

The culprits are adenosine receptors in the brain. They are responsible for the change in states of sleep and wakefulness. Caffeine blocks them, thereby increasing our alertness. But a wise organism is accustomed to looking for balance in everything. And the more often we drink tea, coffee or caffeine-containing drinks, the more of these receptors appear in the brain. This is why the expected effect does not occur after the usual cup of coffee: caffeine simply cannot block all receptors. This process can be endless: that is, as you add more and more caffeine to your diet, you will stimulate more and more production of adenosine receptors. And this is no longer safe for health.

Does drinking mean loving?

The study was conducted using the Implicit Association Test (IAT), which allows the study of unconscious emotions and perceptual processes. Such tests are often used in advertising psychology to better understand consumer preferences.

Two groups of volunteers took part in the experiment. The first consisted of those who do not drink coffee or drink it only occasionally. The second group included participants who were accustomed to drinking at least 3 cups of coffee a day. All volunteers passed two specialized tests: one to determine their attitude towards coffee, the second to determine their desire to drink it. The results surprised scientists.

The level of liking for the drink turned out to be approximately the same in both test groups: among those who drink coffee rarely or not at all, and among those who drink 3 cups a day or more. At the same time, the desire to drink coffee among people from the second group was much stronger. It turns out that they drink a lot of coffee without feeling a strong liking for the drink. The desire becomes independent of attitude and is enhanced by regular caffeine consumption. According to scientists, there is a typical sign of addiction: I don’t really love it, but I really want it.

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