What to drink instead of coffee and tea in the morning and evening - delicious alternative drinks

Even those who can’t imagine mornings without the aroma of coffee sometimes want something different.

What to drink instead of coffee and tea, what to replace your usual drinks? What to choose if high levels of caffeine in the body provoke feelings of nervousness and anxiety, or cause digestive problems and headaches? There are tasty and healthy alternatives. Some even taste like tea and coffee. But many of them can be drunk in the morning, afternoon and evening, without fear of increased blood pressure and increased heart rate.

  1. Chicory - an alternative to coffee
  2. Matcha tea instead of green tea
  3. Lemon water instead of tea
  4. Mate - Indian drink
  5. Masala – aromatic tea
  6. Rooibos - a caffeine-free drink
  7. Apple cider vinegar is not just for those losing weight


Matcha, powdered green tea, can be a great substitute for coffee and is especially suitable for those who get too stressed. “In addition to caffeine, matcha contains L-theanine, which relaxes the brain without causing drowsiness. Recent studies have shown that L-theanine has a positive effect on perception and mood,” nutritionists report. In addition, matcha contains healthy fiber.

Matcha green tea

Fruit compote

Fruit compote can be an excellent substitute for coffee. You can use not only fresh products, but also frozen or dried ones. You can brew a wonderful assorted drink that will have a unique taste and aroma. The main thing is to choose the optimal proportions of ingredients.

If you regularly drink compote, you can significantly improve your health. It will be especially effective to use a new variety of this decoction each time.

  • Thus, apricot compote has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, liver and kidneys, while peach compote improves tone, strengthens the immune system and helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • A drink made from plums will help maintain a healthy stomach and alleviate atherosclerosis and rheumatism.
  • Pear decoction copes well with infectious diseases, and is also useful for disorders of the stomach, heart and kidneys.
  • Raspberry compote will be a storehouse of vitamin C. It is especially recommended for use during colds or flu.
  • If you are looking for a diuretic, then your choice is a drink made from grapes. Compote made from dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, apples) is no less useful.

If you want the drink to be more dietary, then it is better to drink it without sugar, and you can sweeten it with honey.

"Golden" milk

Although golden milk is usually drunk in the evening, some nutritionists believe that it helps maintain energy throughout the day as well as coffee. Warm milk with ginger, cinnamon, turmeric and black pepper is a traditional Indian drink. You can also add honey and vanilla. All of these spices have anti-inflammatory properties. Some studies have shown that 500 mg of curcumin can have the same effect as 50 mg of an arthritis medication. Also, “golden” milk improves memory and strengthens bones.

"Golden" milk


Hibiscus may well be an alternative to the usual tea. This drink is made from dried hibiscus petals. This tea will have many beneficial properties.

Its main advantage is the presence of anthocyanins. These substances help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and also regulate their permeability. In this regard, this infusion is often recommended for people suffering from various diseases of the vascular system.

Hibiscus contains citric acid in fairly high concentrations. It has a positive effect on the entire body. This substance becomes especially useful during the treatment of colds and infectious diseases.

The vitamins and minerals contained in hibiscus tea help a person cope more easily with stressful situations and chronic fatigue. Therefore, it is best for people with similar problems to drink hibiscus instead of coffee and regular tea.


Yerba Mate is a South American drink made from the leaves and branches of the plant of the same name. For centuries, people in this region drank this tea instead of coffee. Mate, like chocolate, contains a natural stimulant called theobromine. It helps maintain energy throughout the day. In addition, nutritionists say that yerba mate tea lowers blood pressure and prevents heart disease.


Chicory - an alternative to coffee

Chicory infusion is the most popular drink instead of coffee. Like coffee beans, chicory root is roasted, ground and brewed into a flavorful hot drink. It tastes very similar to coffee, but contains no caffeine at all. In addition, chicory acts as the richest plant source of inulin .

Its soluble fiber promotes good digestion and supports gut health through the growth of beneficial bacteria, namely bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. In addition, chicory root stimulates the gallbladder to produce bile, which is very useful for the absorption of fats.

Chicory is sold already ground and fried, so preparing it is not much of a trick. This can be done in a coffee machine with a filter, a French press, or simply brewed like instant coffee by pouring boiling water over a couple of tablespoons of the powder. You can also play with additives and flavors: with sugar, without sugar, black chicory or with milk (cream).

It is worth remembering that not everyone can drink chicory instead of coffee. It causes digestive problems in some people. And although inulin is beneficial for health, it sometimes causes side effects such as bloating and increased gas production.

It is also worth avoiding chicory during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to the lack of research on the effect of this plant on the body of expectant and nursing mothers.

Green tea

Green tea has many beneficial properties and can serve as an alternative to coffee. “It is minimally processed and is the healthiest of all teas. Numerous studies have shown that people who drink green tea have a reduced risk of bladder, pancreatic, stomach and lung cancer. In addition, green tea helps fight type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The caffeine contained in this drink increases brain activity and improves metabolism,” doctors say. True, to extract the maximum beneficial properties from this drink, you need to drink 3-5 cups a day.

Green tea

What is better to use instead of sugar and cream?

Coffee with sugar and cream is high in calories and fat. Those who are on a diet should definitely not drink this drink. However, these products are not the only options for coffee additives. How to replace sugar and cream in coffee when losing weight and for other reasons? What ingredients will make it taste better and healthier?

  1. Milk. When milk is added to coffee, the invigorating effect slows down and does not occur so abruptly, but the effect itself is prolonged.
  2. Cinnamon. An excellent option for those losing weight due to increased metabolic activity. This drink becomes even more effective as a tonic and fat-burning drink when you add ground black pepper and coriander to it on the tip of a knife.
  3. Ginger. It is also characterized by a fat burning effect. In addition, this coffee will help boost immunity and fight viruses. However, if you have gastritis or ulcers, you should not drink it.
  4. Carnation. Coffee with cloves warms and protects against colds, and is good for the stomach and blood. But hypertensive patients will have to refuse it.
  5. Lemon (lime) or orange. If you do not abuse this drink, you will strengthen your immune system, cure colds, cleanse the lymph and get rid of excess fat.
  6. Honey. Excellent substitute for sugar. Dangerous due to the possibility of developing allergies, but beneficial for the liver. It will help cleanse the body and boost immunity.
  7. Coconut oil. Relieves hunger while containing a minimum of calories. Tones, stimulates brain activity, good for the stomach and intestines.

Apple vinegar

Of course, you should not drink undiluted apple cider vinegar, but in a ratio of 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 250 ml of water, you can. The result is a caffeine-free drink made from fermented apples with the addition of acetic acid. Apple cider vinegar has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood sugar levels.

Apple vinegar

Lemon water instead of tea

Making your morning drink doesn't have to be complicated. So lemon water is a great option to start your day instead of coffee or tea.

It is calorie-free and caffeine-free, but will supply the body with a shock dose of vitamin C. As an antioxidant, it plays an important role in the immune system and protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. The acidic vitamin is also necessary for the production of collagen, a protein that provides the basic structure of the skin, tendons and ligaments.

Just one glass of cold water with the juice of half a lemon (1 tablespoon) provides 10% of the daily requirement for vitamin C. This is something tea and coffee cannot boast of. For variety, you can add other ingredients to the drink. Cucumber, mint and basil are among the most popular.


Photo: all4women.co.za

Rooibos, rooibos or Bushmen's drink is another exotic tea that is loved by many on our continent. According to representatives of African tribes, it is this drink that gives strength to survive in the difficult conditions of Africa.

Rooibos infusion is healthy and pleasant to the taste. The drink is recommended for everyone for whom caffeine is contraindicated - rooibos does not contain it, but it is an excellent tonic. Thus, it is an excellent replacement for tea or coffee.


  1. The composition contains a substance that can prevent the development of tumors in the large intestine. The drink is a leader in the content of polyphenols, which have an antioxidant effect. Eliminates constipation and ensures normal bowel function. Laxative properties reduce the likelihood of the appearance and development of cancer. Studies have shown that those who use it no more than 2-3 times daily are less likely to develop tumors.
  2. Those who regularly consume the energizing drink may not have to worry about the formation of liver stones. Caffeine, as scientific research has found, cleanses the gallbladder, resulting in the prevention of cholesterol plaques.
  3. Drinking the drink temporarily compensates for the lack of sleep: the degree of perception improves, and strength appears. For example, if you have sleepless nights while preparing for exams, or for other reasons, when you couldn’t get enough sleep, this is a proven assistant. It is important to observe moderation.
  4. Stimulation of the central nervous system and brain. Scientists have found that a couple of mugs a day helps to cope with work tasks, tune in to work, be active, and productive.
  5. Drinking a glass of an invigorating drink before training increases the body's endurance. Used by athletes.

Lemon-honey drink

Photo: purebread.co.nz

Useful, invigorating and accessible to everyone. Despite its apparent simplicity, this drink can energize, awaken and give vitality for the whole day. Lemon is incredibly rich in vitamin C, honey is also not inferior in the presence of active substances, but it is the combination of these two products that works as a natural energy drink.

The recipe is simple - dissolve a spoonful of honey in warm water and add lemon juice. The drink is especially relevant in winter, during times of flu and colds, as it has an immune-strengthening effect.

Nestle Nesquik cocoa – review

THE SECRET OF YOUTH OF WOMEN'S SKIN is morning COCOA instead of the usual coffee.

I am for a healthy lifestyle and decided to write this review because I felt offended that people forgot about such a simple and healthy drink as cocoa! People drink coffee en masse - people run to work in the morning with plastic cups of coffee from chain cafes. Children with glasses of Coca-Cola walk around the city and cinemas.

The population is heavily consuming harmful products.

And that’s why I sincerely want to remind everyone, everyone, PRO cocoa. Moreover, now any supermarket sells “Nesquik” - this is cocoa that does not need to be boiled while standing at the stove.

Personally, I have been drinking Nesquik every morning for about 4-5 years. Its chocolate taste helps me perk up quickly. Cocoa is also a very high-calorie drink, so having a cup of cocoa in the morning you are guaranteed not to get hungry like a wolf before you even get to work. In addition, cocoa, unlike coffee, does not change the color of your teeth - this is also very important for me.

I am so used to morning cocoa that, for example, on vacation I SUFFER physically due to the lack of opportunity to drink this wonderful tonic drink. Without cocoa, I feel lethargic throughout the first half of the day. There is an acute energy shortage. Just like that!

Nesquik cocoa can be drunk either hot or cold. But personally, I prefer it hot. Nesquik is very easy to brew: I put 3 teaspoons of cocoa powder, one spoon of sugar and pour it all with boiling water and hot milk in a 50/50 ratio. And that’s it – the drink is ready.

What's good about cocoa?

How is cocoa beneficial for humans? It is known that the indigenous Indian tribes who eat it are distinguished by longevity and are also not susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. But this is not the entire list of beneficial properties of cocoa beans.

Useful properties of cocoa powder

Cocoa can improve mood and is a good preventive and therapeutic agent for combating depression. This is explained by the fact that chocolate tree beans contain two special substances: anandamide and tryptophan. They cause increased production of the hormones endorphin and serotonin, causing a feeling of euphoria and satisfaction.

Theobromine, found in cocoa, is the closest relative of the well-known caffeine. Therefore, traditional coffee in the morning can be safely replaced with a cup of hot cocoa, the effect will be the same.

What are the benefits of cocoa for women?

This product, thanks to flavonoids and natural antioxidants, helps the body fight free radicals, which cause pathological health conditions and cause the body to wear out and age faster. After all, it is important for women to remain young and blooming as long as possible. Also, a drink made from cocoa, when consumed regularly, has a good effect on the menstrual cycle, alleviates the symptoms of PMS, which means it will be useful for women and girls with this kind of problems.

Recent studies have shown how cocoa drink is beneficial for older people. It turns out that it regulates blood pressure levels and also has a good effect on blood circulation in the brain, helping to maintain mental clarity for a long time.


Cocoa helps children grow healthy, energetic and smart (by the way, for some reason children love Nesquik cold, my nephews only drink it that way). For adults, cocoa can easily replace coffee. And thanks to vitamins A and E, cocoa is especially useful for girls, it keeps our skin youthful and provides us with a good mood - 7 days a week, 365 DAYS A YEAR!

Cocoa is a storehouse of useful microelements and a source of energy!


I hope that at least some of you, after reading my review, will REMEMBER the undeservedly forgotten and healthy cocoa drink and will buy Nesquik cocoa !



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Why coffee is essential for the body

To wake up faster, many people start their morning with a cup of strong coffee drink. The antioxidants and caffeine it contains allow the body to start working at full capacity from the very early morning.

Coffee affects the body in the following ways:

  1. Produces a stimulating effect. Caffeine, contained in large quantities in the drink, has a beneficial effect on blood flow. This in turn allows the brain cells to receive an optimal supply of oxygen, and the person’s condition improves.
  2. Helps protect against various stresses. Thanks to serotonin, which is also called the “happiness hormone,” the body actively fights fatigue and depressive mood.
  3. Coffee is a real storehouse of antioxidants. When consumed, the negative effects of oxygen radicals are suppressed.

The benefits of the drink have been scientifically proven:

  1. Italian researchers have determined that if you drink 2 cups of the drink daily, the likelihood of developing asthmatic diseases is minimized.
  2. Scientists at the Harvard College of Public Health observed the results of an experiment in which about 60 thousand people participated for 10 years. They concluded that morning coffee helps protect the body from hypertension and diabetes.
  3. Scientists at the Humboldt University of Berlin have found that the drink also prevents the formation of gallstones.

Why does a coffee drink invigorate you?

People drink coffee in the morning precisely because it helps to cheer up. To understand how this effect is achieved, you must first consider the composition of this drink:

  • caffeine. This is a vasoconstrictor that has a hypertensive effect;
  • vitamin PP, theophylline, theobromine. The components promote vasodilation and have hypotensive properties;
  • fats, tannins and a number of other components.

In addition to the invigorating effect, after drinking coffee there is an increase in blood pressure.

The structure of the alkaloid is in many ways similar to adenosine. This substance is designed to regulate the process of transition into a state of sleep and wakefulness. Caffeine, replacing it, prevents connection with receptors and triggering a signal about the desire to sleep. The effect of drinking the drink is noted after just a quarter of an hour. Thoughts become clear, and weakness and fatigue disappear.

The tonic effect is manifested as follows:

  • awakening. Mental processes are activated and inhibition disappears;
  • increased heart rate. Increased blood pressure and rapid breathing are often observed. Such changes are due to the fact that the brain is quickly saturated with oxygen;
  • active activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The release of gastric juice and the appearance of appetite are noted;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes. By getting rid of toxins, the body becomes much easier to function.

After a while, the invigorating effect is replaced by a feeling of depression and fatigue. This is due to a decrease in caffeine concentration. The effect of vasodilating substances is manifested. Blood pressure begins to decrease, and malaise is noted. It is not recommended to drink a new cup of “doping” right away. In this case, changes such as tinnitus, increased excitability, insomnia, and increased heart rate may appear.


Photo: superfoodevolution.com

In the Far East, instead of tea, they often drink lemongrass with sugar or honey. A decoction of lemongrass improves tone and strengthens the immune system. It has a pleasant aroma, only vaguely reminiscent of the smell of lemon zest. The dried fruits of this relict plant can also be brewed instead of tea. There will be no problems with availability, since lemongrass is exported from China in large quantities.


Photo: starina.ru

Drink of the Mayan Indians. This South American tea is obtained from the bark of the ant tree. Lapacho grows in Mexico and Peru, where it is incredibly popular. The tonic properties allow lapacho to fully replace coffee. Moreover, lapacho perfectly relieves chronic fatigue. The drink has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

Rose hip

Photo: organicfacts.net

Rosehip infusion can be drunk daily. It gives strength, strengthens the immune system, which means it can easily replace both tea and coffee drinks. Fans of rosehip claim that it is a cure for all diseases.

There are a lot of recipes for brewing rose hips. The following method promises the maximum healing effect: Pour a tablespoon of dry fruits into two glasses of boiling water, after which it should be left for a day in a thermos. You can add honey or sugar to taste.

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