How to make coffee with butter for weight loss

Among the most unusual recipes for weight loss is coffee with butter, a product that is usually avoided if you want to get rid of extra pounds.

However, an alliance with an invigorating drink is a completely different story.

We also recommend that you read our previous article on how coffee affects weight loss at this link. And also with the effects of green coffee with ginger on weight loss - here.

History of the drink

Successful American entrepreneur, nutritionist and author of several books Dave Asprey does not hide that the idea of ​​a unique weight loss product was born in his head during a trip to Tibet.

There he first tried tea, to which butter made from yak milk was added.

Dave was surprised not only by the unusual and quite pleasant taste of the drink, but also by the fact that after just one cup he was full, as if he had eaten a full breakfast, and was completely relieved of the feeling of hunger for several hours. You can find information about the benefits and harms of milk tea and its recipes here.

In his homeland, Dave began experimenting and came to the conclusion: it is better to take coffee, not tea, as the main ingredient (Arabica was ideal) - popular all over the world and the most “morning” drink, and butter from yak milk (where does such a wonder come from? ocean or in Europe?) replace with cow and vegetable oil - coconut, palm.

The tandem of these components reminded Dave of nuts and avocados - also quite fatty foods that have the property of optimizing the processes occurring inside the body, and not accumulating in unsightly folds in the waist area.

Dave Asprey outlined his thoughts in the book “The Bulletproof Diet,” which has already gone through several reprints.

According to his own conviction, which the author is trying to convey to readers, a weight loss product should:

  • perform the functions of “fuel” for the body;
  • do not contain toxins;
  • supply cells with a set of nutrients;
  • stimulate brain activity;
  • to be tasty, which means to give a person pleasure.

Unlike the authors of most diets, Dave Asprey is not inclined to torment people with inedible food; he believes that real success is impossible if the menu of a losing weight person is presented with tasteless and unsatisfying foods.

Bulletproof (“bulletproof” is the Russian translation) Coffee was created in 2009. In 2013, the author devoted himself completely to this idea and even created a corporation for the production of nutritional supplements, which is called Bulletproof, like his favorite brainchild.

Today, the delicious fat burner is sold in coffee shops in the USA and Britain (sometimes called “maslatte”), it is prepared in home kitchens - the author makes no secret of the recipe and receives favorable reviews, including from famous film stars.

Europe tried to oppose it, arguing that in most countries they have been drinking coffee with cream in the morning for a long time, but they do not get the “fat-burning effect,” which means the same will happen with butter.

However, the difference is significant: cream contains denatured whey proteins, which improve the taste of the product, but are harmful to the body, while butter does not contain them, but retains the beneficial components that natural milk is rich in.

Do you think coffee dilates or constricts blood vessels? Our publication will tell you the correct answer to the question.

If you are interested in how to froth milk for cappuccino, read this article.

What is the lethal dose of coffee and tea? Find out here:

Fatty goodness

I have already talked about the benefits of coconut for your figure, as well as some popular recipes for losing weight using it, in the article “Is it possible to lose weight with coconut?”

There, by the way, you can read about how to choose a coconut and how to open it (not an easy task for beginners, by the way).

Let me briefly remind you of the main thing

When is fat good for your figure?

Coconut is a fatty nut and seemingly harmful to your figure.

However, its fat is very healthy, and therefore the product is also welcomed by dieters. Or rather, the LCHF nutrition system (translated as “low carbohydrates - high fat”).

The fats in tropical guest are called medium chain triglycerides. They are well absorbed without being stored in reserve. They bring a feeling of satiety and serve as a source of energy.

In this regard, coconut oil is held in special esteem by those losing weight. At the same time, it is used both for dietary purposes and for cosmetic purposes, let’s say - for the beauty of the body inside and out.

It is believed that the benefits for figure and health are as follows:

  • promotes skin regeneration
  • smoothes wrinkles
  • nourishes hair and fights dandruff
  • removes cellulite
  • speeds up metabolism
  • prevents the accumulation of fat in the body and activates the process of burning it
  • reduces the amount of bad cholesterol
  • normalizes digestion
  • helps in the fight against a whole bunch of diseases - heart, joints, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid
  • and at the same time fights viruses and various types of harmful bacteria

How to choose oil

This is not an idle question, because the success of the whole business depends on quality.

The real thing melts at a temperature above 25 degrees, and if it is lower, it freezes. The easiest way to check the authenticity of a product is to hold it in your hand. If it starts to melt, it means it’s of high quality.

Another way is labeling. Extra virgin (as in the case of olive), first pressed, is the best choice in this case. The labels “Bio”, “Organic”, “Virgin” are also welcome, but dyes, additives and preservatives are not needed in the composition.

Well, after such a short introduction, let’s get on the road to getting slim!

The benefits and harms of coffee with butter

To get the desired result, you need to start by choosing the “right” products.

It should be, firstly, real black coffee, not instant, and, secondly, high-quality natural oil without any artificial additives.

In the USA, this is grass-fed ghee, obtained from the milk of cows whose diet consists exclusively of grass, and not forage crops such as corn and soybeans.

Russians are better off focusing on farm products and purchasing oil in health food stores.

The beneficial properties of maslatte are as follows:

  • metabolic processes occur more actively in the body, fats are burned;
  • the feeling of hunger does not bother a person for several hours;
  • Toxins are actively removed from the body, the intestines are well cleansed;
  • cholesterol levels are reduced, the risk of plaque formation is reduced (due to the presence of conjugated linoleic acid in the drink);
  • maslatte prevents various internal inflammations (the drink contains ideal proportions of omega-6 and omega-3 amino acids, which strengthens various organs at the cellular level);
  • the composition of the product has a beneficial effect on bone tissue, including teeth (due to vitamins D and K2);
  • the drink has a positive effect on the emotional state, saving a person from depression and nervous breakdowns.

The last of these properties is often underestimated, but in vain. People tend to eat up their negative feelings with something tasty and, as a rule, unhealthy.

It is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight under such circumstances. Dave Asprey's method solves this problem.

In addition, the author, in a purely American way, talks about the positive impact of the drink on his IQ (intelligence quotient) - coffee with butter allegedly increased his personal score by 20 points. This means that the drink affects other people in the same way.

An important point: the “bulletproof diet” is a means of combating excess weight when diagnosed with obesity. If excess kilograms are the result of any disease, maslatte will not be effective.

The drink can be harmful to the body:

  • strong laxative effect;
  • gagging (not every person adequately perceives the combination of coffee and oil);
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Nutritionist opinion

There are various rumors surrounding coffee. There is an opinion that the drink does not help during weight loss. It inhibits the release of bile and interferes with the normal functioning of metabolism.

But oil added to coffee, surprisingly, triggers metabolic processes in the body. A surge of energy and increased performance really await the one who drinks this strange drink. But it is not recommended to add more than 10 g of butter, because it can adversely affect the functioning of other organs and increase cholesterol.

It is important to note that you should not drink more than 1 serving per day. Also, avoid taking it in the evening to avoid insomnia. Of course, it is worth knowing the norm of the drink - you are allowed to drink a small cup of coffee, and not a whole glass.

There is no consensus among doctors on taking coffee with oil for weight loss, because the necessary studies have not been conducted to prove its effectiveness. However, if you decide to drink this drink, be careful and monitor your well-being.

How to make coffee with butter for weight loss: recipe

Maslatte is based on freshly brewed espresso. You can choose any brewing method: prepare the drink in a Turk or a coffee machine. We talked about how to properly brew Turkish coffee at home in this material.

It is advisable to use a grain product to grind the beans immediately before preparation - the drink will be more aromatic and will retain most of the beneficial substances contained in coffee.

In addition to coffee beans (15 g per 100 ml of water), you will need butter (25 g, necessarily unsalted) and vegetable oil - coconut or palm (6 ml).

If neither one nor the other is available or you are allergic to coconut oil (by the way, you are allowed to consume no more than three teaspoons per day), you can use olive oil.

Sugar is not added to this drink; in extreme cases, you can use a sweetener, and here the most suitable option is stevia.

You need to prepare the drink like this:

  • brew coffee and fill a large cup with it;
  • While it is hot, add butter – butter and vegetable – to the cup;
  • Mix the contents of the cup, preferably using a blender.

Thorough stirring is an important step in preparing the drink. If you don’t do this, the drink will turn out too oily and not particularly tasty.

If everything is done correctly, then even the appearance of the drink with thick golden foam, like a classic latte, will arouse your appetite. Find out what coffee latte is and its recipes here.

Those who are accustomed to adding salt to coffee will have to give it up in this case, otherwise the drink will not be as healthy as intended.

But you can enrich it with superfoods - plant products in which substances valuable to the body (minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, proteins) are in concentrated form.

It is better to entrust the selection of superfoods to a professional nutritionist, since each of the products acts on the body in its own way, and an uninitiated person does not know these subtleties:

  • collagen (1 serving per cup) is a source of easily digestible protein, good for the health of the intestines, joints, and skin;
  • ashwagandha, or Indian ginseng (half a teaspoon) – a natural immunity enhancer, anti-stress, necessary for balancing hormones in the body;
  • cinnamon (half a teaspoon) maintains normal sugar levels, stabilizes metabolism and makes appetite more moderate. We wrote in more detail about the benefits and harms of coffee with cinnamon here.

There is no need to prepare snacks in the form of baked goods and sandwiches for this drink, it is very satisfying.

If the feeling of hunger appears earlier than at lunchtime, the drink can be “strengthened” with a raw egg, whisking it together with other ingredients.

How to cook properly

All that remains is to find out how to make armored coffee and not overdo it with the ingredients, since an extra spoonful of some product can swing the pendulum in the wrong direction (for example, increase blood pressure above normal or add kilograms; the drink is, after all, quite fatty and high in calories). You can watch the video recipe above, just skip the point about whipped cream.

All calculations are based on one standard 250 ml .

  1. Take fresh ground grains (two level tablespoons) and mix with water.
  2. Cook in the usual way.
  3. Separately mix 20 grams of each type of oil.
  4. Mix the products and beat with a blender for 30 seconds (gives special airiness and makes foam).
  5. Pour into a cup and enjoy.

The most difficult thing in this recipe is not to add anything extra to the table: sugar, jams, buns. The drink is high in calories - about 400 kcal , so replace one meal with it (although you won’t want to eat it for a long time).

Maslatte Diet Basics

The diet, developed by Dave Asprey, is based on a number of principles, ignoring which means not getting the most important result: burning fat.

According to Asprey, the human body is ready to start the “burning” program early in the morning (so that it works throughout the day), which is why it is best to drink coffee with butter during breakfast, or rather, instead of it.

A drink with butter and coconut oil enriches the body with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats (they are often called “good”), thanks to which the burning of unnecessary accumulations is stimulated, but muscle mass increases, and the body receives additional strength for work and sports.

In order for the processes to proceed more actively, nutritionists recommend not limiting yourself to a healthy breakfast, but eating the healthiest food possible throughout the day: green vegetables, seafood, meat.

Natural fatty foods will also be useful: cocoa butter, fish oil, avocado. And also foods high in polyphenols (natural antioxidants): fruits, nuts, dark chocolate.

What you should avoid are the following foods:

  • high in gluten (it has a bad effect on cerebral circulation);
  • with sugar (this product activates cravings for food, which means it can negate all the achievements of the diet).

Healing properties and composition of coconut oil in facial skin care

Namely, coconut oil is a truly unique product for the face, due to the fact that it is suitable for any type of dermis.

The oil will benefit excessively dry or oily skin, help smooth out wrinkles, return the dermis to a healthy appearance, soften and moisturize it, give it softness and radiance, and help fight acne. This unique product is capable of all this thanks to its composition.

Let's look at the composition of coconut oil in more detail in the table below.

hyaluronic acid
  • removes fine wrinkles
  • retains moisture
lauric acid
  • has an antibacterial effect
  • eliminates redness and itching
  • increases elasticity
  • eliminates age spots
  • eliminates acne
palmitic, oleic, stearic, caprylic, linolenic, ascorbic, myristic, pantothenic, folic acids
  • nourish
  • moisturize
  • protect skin from environmental influences
  • fight against expression wrinkles, acne
  • relieves peeling and signs of wilting
  • whitening
  • strengthen local immunity
  • fight the harmful effects of free radicals
Vitamin B1
  • protects the epidermis from the harmful effects of weather conditions
  • prevents early aging
Vitamin B6
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect
Vitamin PP
  • responsible for cell regeneration
  • provides a healthy tone
Vitamin E
  • slows down skin aging
Vitamin A
  • soothes irritated skin

After such a detailed study of the product, we can confidently say that the benefits of various masks and scrubs made on the basis of coconut oil for facial skin are so obvious that it will be difficult to find an alternative.

The coconut palm is called the Asian tree of life. Thanks to the exceptional chemical composition of the drupe, we can confidently call it the tree of beauty.

Oil obtained from stone fruit will help you look a little more beautiful: it will slow down aging and withering, cure any inflammation, soften and soothe the dermis, and protect from the negative effects of the environment.

Products made from the fruits of this tall, mysterious and exotic tree will take care of your dermis day after day, giving it beauty and health.

To whom is it contraindicated?

The “bulletproof” diet is not suitable for diseases:

  • heart and blood vessels;
  • gastrointestinal organs;
  • hypertension;
  • allergies to any of the components present in the drink. We talked more about the symptoms of a coffee allergy here.

There are also age restrictions - children under 16 are not recommended to drink coffee with butter.

And gender-specific - the drink is prohibited for expectant mothers and women breastfeeding.

What types of coffee made from animal poop do you know? Read about unusual and very expensive coffee in our article.

You will find aphorisms and quotes about coffee in this publication.

Face scrub with coconut oil

Exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the dermis is an extremely necessary procedure. At the same time, we should not forget that the dermis of the face is much more delicate than the skin of any other part of the body and everything must be done especially carefully and carefully.

Coffee peeling

  • The first step is to add 1 tablespoon of brewed coffee grounds to a teaspoon of refined oil. Stir until smooth. For best cleansing, you can add a tablespoon of baking soda to the mixture.
  • Rub the mixture in with massaging movements. We wait 10 minutes.
  • We wash ourselves with warm water.
  • Moisten with the cream you use.

The scrub helps cleanse the skin, remove dead cells, and give a fresh, radiant look.

Sugar peeling

  • Take 5 ml. melted refined coconut oil.
  • Add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of cane sugar to it. It is important that the honey is candied for a scrubbing effect.
  • Stir thoroughly.
  • Apply onto the face using massage movements. No need to wait. We wash it off.
  • Moisten with the cream you use.

Using this scrub will make the skin softer, more elastic, and wrinkles will be reduced, as peeling has a rejuvenating effect.

Yogurt peeling for acne

  • Take 20 ml. melted refined coconut oil, add 35 grams of sea salt. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Now exfoliate using the paste prepared in the first step.
  • Remove the scrub with warm water.
  • For moisturizing and healing effect, apply natural yogurt to your face. Hold for about 5-7 minutes. Rinse it off.

For most women, it is common for the skin to become accustomed to one or another type of care. To prevent such a situation from arising, it is enough to change the means of influence every 2-3 months, alternating them with each other.


Lisa N.: “I like to drink coffee with butter and lose weight at the same time. My experience in this diet is two years, and the main achievement is that I am not bothered by cellulite, although for most of my peers this is already a serious problem.”

Vadim P.: “I don’t like oatmeal and scrambled eggs, and in the morning there simply isn’t enough time to prepare such food. But with the help of coffee with butter, I am full until lunch, I feel energetic, ready to cope with the most difficult work.”

Irina Z.: “Thanks to Dave Asprey’s diet, I’ve definitely lost five kilos in the last couple of months. At first my friend tried to dissuade me: it would be disgusting, just imagine - coffee and butter, what a combination, and you can’t even add sugar. But I even thought it was quite tasty; now I can’t imagine the morning without such a drink.”

Andrey O., nutritionist: “High-quality fats help raise Omega-3 levels and provide the body with essential nutrients, so I see positive aspects in the Esprit diet. However, a person must lead an active lifestyle so that there is an outlet for the energy that this drink gives the body.”

Tamara M., nutritionist: “Weight loss will not happen with coffee and butter alone. A person as a whole should focus on healthy eating. Although, it must be admitted that butter as an addition to coffee is chosen correctly, it is often called the “ideal dairy product”, since, unlike cream or milk itself, butter does not contain harmful casein, which is formed when these products curdle in hot coffee.”

The most effective face masks made from coconut oil

Coconut oil is known to be great for the skin when used as a face mask with the addition of some other natural ingredients. The following procedures are recommended to be carried out 2-3 times a week.

Before use, cleanse the skin. It’s better to steam it to open the pores and ensure the best effect.

Mask for any skin type

  • Take 5 ml. melted refined coconut oil.
  • Add 15 ml. honey and 20 ml. sour cream (for dry) or 20 ml. kefir (for oily dermis).
  • Apply the resulting mixture to your face with massage movements. We wait 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water.

The product is suitable for use twice a week. Honey is another great ingredient for any dermis. In combination with drupes, they have a softening effect and relieve inflammation.

Anti-wrinkle eye mask

  • Warm up 3-4 ml. main ingredient. Add a vitamin E capsule. Mix thoroughly.
  • The application technique was discussed in detail above.
  • Exposure time – 15 minutes.
  • There is no need to wash off the composition, just blot with a napkin.

Let's look at a few more formulations that will help make your skin young, radiant and healthy.

Ingredients Recipe
  • 40 grams of oatmeal.
  • a teaspoon of honey.
  • 5 milliliters of the main ingredient.
Normal dermis
  • Mix all the ingredients of the recipe.
  • Keep it on your face for 20 minutes.
  • a tablespoon of gelatin.
  • 80 ml. water.
  • a teaspoon of base.
Dry dermis
  • Pour gelatin with water. Let it swell.
  • Heat until dissolved.
  • Add base.
  • Stir.
  • Apply and leave for 15 – 20 minutes.
  • 2 large spoons of yellow clay.
  • ghee drupe butter.
  • sour cream.
  • a couple of drops of tea tree ether.
Oily dermis
  • Dilute the clay with oil, add sour cream.
  • Add ether to the resulting composition.
  • Leave for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Any anti-wrinkle product has a strong effect, so you should use it no more than once a week. The mask copes well with fine wrinkles, smoothes, moisturizes, and nourishes the dermis, making it silky.

Mask for aging skin

  • Take 5 ml. melted refined coconut oil.
  • Add 3 drops of orange essential oil.
  • Add a teaspoon of blue clay. Mix thoroughly.
  • Massage onto the skin. Keep for a quarter of an hour.

This recipe is well suited for mature women. After regular use, the skin will take on a fresh look and be nourished with valuable vitamins and minerals. You will be able to look younger.

Mask for problem skin

  • Take 30 ml. melted refined coconut oil.
  • Pour 5 drops of tea tree ether + 4 drops of lemon juice into the mixture.
  • Add the egg white. Mix thoroughly.
  • Massage onto the skin.
  • Exposure time – 30 minutes.

This mixture will soothe the skin and have a positive effect on the negative signs of problematic dermis.

Let's look at a few more formulations that will help fight acne, acne and post-acne.

Ingredients Recipe
  • 40 grams of rice flour.
  • chamomile.
  • 5 milliliters of the main ingredient.
  • 3-4 drops of tea tree ether
  • pour chamomile decoction into the flour.
  • mix.
  • pour in the remaining ingredients.
  • impose.
  • 15 minutes of exposure.
  • chamomile.
  • blue clay.
  • a teaspoon of base.
  • lemon ether (2-3 drops)
  • We dilute blue clay with chamomile decoction.
  • stir until smooth.
  • add the remaining ingredients.
  • mix.
  • wash after 15 minutes.
  • 60 milliliters of kefir.
  • 10 grams of yeast.
  • a teaspoon of base.
  • 5 ml. lemon juice.
  • mix all the ingredients.
  • Leave on the counter until the mixture foams.
  • spread onto face.
  • wash after 15 minutes.

Mask for sensitive dermis

  • Take a teaspoon of the main ingredient.
  • Add 10 grams of wheat bread to the bowl with butter. Mix.
  • Pour in 2 teaspoons of milk.
  • Exposure time – 30 minutes.

Mask based on a mixture of coconut oil and honey to moisturize the dermis of the face

  • Take 20 ml. drupe pomace.
  • Add a tablespoon of honey to the bowl of butter. Mix.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of avocado pulp to the resulting mixture.
  • Exposure time is 8-10 minutes.

The mixture made according to this recipe is perfect for protecting the dermis from harmful environmental influences.

Nutrition mixture

  • Take 5 milliliters of coconut pomace.
  • Add 30 grams of rice flour to the bowl with the main ingredient. Mix.
  • Keep for 15 minutes.

Lightening mixture

  • Mix a teaspoon of drupe juice with four drops of rosemary ether.
  • Keep for 15-20 minutes.

Allows you to reduce acne marks and reduce pigmentation.

Be careful, contraindications!

Most of our compatriots choose diets, believing fashion magazines and Internet portals. A personal nutritionist is expensive, but before losing weight, it makes sense to consult with a therapist. Coffee enriched with vegetable oil and butter has a number of contraindications. This drink is not suitable for people with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular or digestive system. You should not drink butter coffee if you have some other pathologies. Moreover, even completely healthy people are not recommended to give up breakfast every day in favor of a fatty drink. Individual reactions to this drink may also occur, the most harmless of which is diarrhea.

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