What is frappe coffee and how to make it

What is frappe

Frappe is a Greek iced coffee that is perfect for hot summer days. It has unusual, interesting flavors. The French name was assigned solely for euphony, and frappe was invented in Greece.

The drink is considered low-calorie. Therefore, it can be safely drunk by those who are on a diet and watching their figure.

In addition, the cocktail has the following benefits:

  • Pronounced refreshing effect.
  • The caffeine concentration is low.
  • Easy to prepare. This task can be easily accomplished at home, even in the absence of modern technology.
  • Attractive appearance due to the high foam on the surface of the drink.
  • Low cost. All ingredients used are affordable. In addition, it is allowed to use not only natural ground grains, but also a soluble product.
  • Diversity. There are many variations of recipes, so every coffee lover will be able to choose the most suitable one for himself.


The frappe cocktail appeared relatively recently. It was first prepared by Dimitrios Vakondios, who worked at one of the Nestle fair stands. The recipe was invented due to a coincidence.

One summer day in 1957 the weather was very hot. Dimitros wanted to drink a portion of his favorite coffee drink, but he didn’t have boiling water on hand. But there was a shaker available. The guy just decided to mix sugar, coffee and cold water in it. He also added a few ice cubes to the shaker.

The result of such actions was pleasantly surprising. The Greek managed to prepare an invigorating and refreshing cold drink with a fairly strong taste. Besides, he looked attractive. While beating, a high foam formed.

Classic Greek frappe recipe


  1. High-quality instant coffee – 2-3 tsp.
  2. Water – 15 ml
  3. Ice in cubes - for shaker and for serving
  4. Cold water – 200 ml (for serving)

Cooking method

  1. Pour coffee into a shaker, add 15 ml of water and shake vigorously with ice for at least 15 seconds.
  2. Pour through a strainer into a highball glass with ice and top up with cold water.
  3. Insert straw and serve.

Properties of refreshing coffee

Greek iced coffee is a low-calorie product. 50 ml contains only 2 kcal. If you add sugar to the composition, then there will be 22 kcal per serving. Caffeine concentration varies between 60–120 mg.

The cocktail is served cold. Due to this, when it is consumed, the digestive process slows down. Therefore, it is customary to drink it separately from main meals.

The taste of the drink differs depending on the products used. If it contains natural grains, frappe is characterized by the presence of pleasant nutty shades. If the cocktail was based on instant coffee, it will contain an unobtrusive sourness.

Greek coffee recipe

Classic Greek coffee is easy to prepare. It contains the following ingredients:

  • instant coffee;
  • crushed ice;
  • milk;
  • sugar;
  • water.

The traditional recipe involves doing the following:

  1. Prepare and cool coffee.
  2. Using a blender or shaker, mix the sugar with the coffee drink. Beat the ingredients for three minutes.
  3. Place ice in a glass.
  4. Pour the whipped liquid into it from a shaker.
  5. Pour milk in a thin stream.

In a traditional recipe, it is allowed to use espresso made from natural coffee beans.

Milk is considered an optional ingredient. If desired, you can omit it or replace it with cream.

Raspberry cake

A special type of delicacy is in great demand among players. This is the recipe for Summer raspberry cake at Coffee House. It brings in good income and is in demand among visitors. To prepare it, you need simple ingredients, mainly generated by purchased equipment.

So, for the recipe for the “Summer” raspberry cake at the “Coffee House” you need the following ingredients:

  • Raspberry cake. It is produced by Raspberry Cake Showcase.
  • Ice cream "Plombir". This component has already been encountered, and it is generated by the “Ice Cream Display”.
  • Cream. The Whipped Cream Additive will produce this ingredient.
  • Lemon. It can be obtained using equipment of the same name.
  • Strawberry ice cream. Produced using the “Strawberry Ice Cream Showcase” machine.

This is what a simple recipe for “Summer” raspberry cake looks like at the “Coffee House”. All ingredients are available at different levels, which means you won’t be able to create it on the first one. However, having achieved what is needed, the player will already know how to prepare raspberry “Summer” cake in the game. This will help you earn extra money for your establishment.

How to make coffee frappe

There are many frappe recipes. Each of them has a number of features. It is worth highlighting the most popular and simple ones.

Ice frappe

The name “ice frappe” usually refers to a traditional cocktail. The following ingredients are used to prepare it:

  • 100 ml espresso;
  • 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • 40 ml cream;
  • 5 cubes of crushed ice.

Preparation boils down to performing the following manipulations:

  1. Brew espresso in any convenient way and cool.
  2. All components are mixed in a shaker.
  3. The cocktail is poured into a glass goblet.

Frappe with caramel

This coffee-caramel cocktail is sure to please those with a sweet tooth. To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • 50 ml espresso;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • 30 ml milk;
  • 4 ice cubes;
  • 1 tablespoon caramel syrup.

The cooking method is no different from the classic version. In this case, it is customary to decorate the finished drink with whipped cream, but this condition can be omitted if desired.


The recipe for frappe coffee with chocolate is in many ways similar to the traditional one. Its only difference is the use of additional components. When whipping, add 20 g of grated chocolate and a teaspoon of honey to the mixture. Decorate the finished drink with berries and chocolate chips.

Fruit Recipes

This is a festive, exotic cocktail. Among its most popular variations are:

  • pineapple;
  • banana;
  • strawberry.

Preparation of frappe is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Initially, black coffee is brewed and cooled.
  2. Add sugar and beat the drink until a tasty foam forms.
  3. The glass is cooled. To do this, place it in the freezer for ten minutes.
  4. Ice is mixed with pieces of berries or fruits and placed in a glass.
  5. Pour the coffee mixture on top.
  6. Decorate the cocktail with a mint leaf and chocolate chips.



Frappe with ice cream

Making a delicate, refreshing frappe at home is quite simple. In addition to the main components, you will need 100 g of ice cream and 100 ml of milk.

Cooking method:

  1. Brew coffee in a Turk and strain it.
  2. Mix ice cream with milk and beat these ingredients. The result should be a mass similar in consistency to sour cream.
  3. Place ice in a chilled glass.
  4. Place ice cream whipped with milk there.
  5. Finally, pour in the chilled espresso in a thin stream.


Vanilla cocktail has a delightful aroma and exquisite taste. The recipe for its preparation is not difficult. It is practically no different from the classic one.

To make a vanilla frappe, you first need to prepare a traditional Greek cocktail. Then simply add a pinch of vanillin or 2-3 drops of vanilla extract. You can use vanilla. True, in this case you need to be extremely careful. If there is too much vanilla in the drink, it will taste bitter.

Mint frappe

This cocktail creates a real harmony of flavors. It can refresh even on the hottest summer days. This effect is achieved by adding mint to the composition.

The recipe for preparing the drink differs from the traditional one only in the use of mint syrup. Garnish the cocktail with mint leaves. You can add a small slice of lemon or lime. Due to this, the taste will become even brighter.

Winter recipe

Hot coffee is not used to make frappe even in winter. The serve also stays cold. The drink is prepared according to the classic recipe, but with some changes:

  • when whipping espresso, add 50 g of melted dark chocolate to it;
  • milk is mixed with a couple of spoons of honey and whisked thoroughly.

After preparing coffee frappe at home, you can garnish it with a slice of lemon or orange.

How to make donuts in a virtual cafe

Donuts are an all-time great addition to coffee.
This is interesting Steam trade link

Let's find out their recipes in the popular My Coffee Shop app:

  • Wonderful Donut - you need coconut, hazelnuts, cinnamon, donut and caramel syrup;
  • Donatello donut - prepare it from lemon, hazelnuts, marshmallows, honey, donut;
    Donut “Wonderful” recipe
  • Four Syrup Donut - made with caramel syrup, as well as vanilla syrup, honey and chocolate syrup;
  • The Caramel donut can be made from honey, coconut, hazelnuts, and caramel syrup.
    Donut “Four Syrup” recipe

How to submit correctly

Iced coffee frappe is a cocktail. That's why it is served in a tall glass. As a rule, transparent dishes are used. Due to this, it is possible to emphasize the unusual layered structure of the drink.

It is customary to drink frappe through a straw. If it is prepared with the addition of berries or fruits, an additional dessert spoon is served. The drink is poured into pre-chilled glasses.

This cocktail goes perfectly with a variety of sweets. You can serve it with panna cotta, tiramisu and other desserts. Pastille and marshmallows can highlight its refined taste.

The decoration of the drink deserves special attention. For this purpose, fruits, berries, mint leaves and ice are often used.

Frappe is an amazing cocktail with an extraordinary, refined taste. A big plus is the ease of preparation. The main advantage of this drink is the abundance of recipes. Almost the same ingredients can be used to prepare a new cocktail every time.

Caramel frappe recipe


  1. Ice – 4 cups
  2. Chilled black coffee – ½ cup
  3. Milk – ¼ cup
  4. Vanilla – 1 tsp.
  5. Caramel sauce or syrup - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  1. Beat all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  2. Top the drink with whipped cream and caramel sauce.

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