I Stopped Drinking Coffee and This Is What Happened to My Skin

Many people start their morning with a big cup of coffee. About 90% of the world's population consumes caffeine daily, and more than half consume more than 300 mg per day.

Caffeine is a stimulant and helps us wake up. But there are supporters of the theory that caffeine stimulates our skin. They say coffee peeling reduces cellulite and strengthens the skin. However, these results are usually temporary.

The desire to stay young causes many to do irrational things, often without spending time on research. If you were to look for scientific studies that support the use of caffeine as an anti-aging agent, you will find very little.

In this article, we'll look at the topic of caffeine and its effects on your skin.


Coffee has a significant drawback - it dehydrates the body. Internal organs also suffer from loss of fluid, but this is most noticeable on the skin, which loses its elasticity due to lack of moisture. Coffee lovers tend to have skin that is dry and prone to premature wrinkles. What to do? Firstly, do not forget that an adult body needs at least 2 liters of plain, still water per day for the normal functioning of its internal organs. Coffee, tea, soda, juices, soups are not included in the category of “plain water” - this is food. Secondly, remember the rule that must be strictly followed: one cup of coffee is equivalent to 2 glasses of water. Thirdly, in order to maintain youth and beauty, it is better to reduce your coffee consumption or even give it up altogether.

Skin cosmetics with coffee

Making coffee masks and scrubs is quite simple. There are several proven recipes:

  1. To obtain a scrub, mix a tablespoon of dried grounds with the same amount of oatmeal. Add a spoonful of kefir to this mass. The product is rubbed into the skin for ten minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.
  2. A mask for oily skin is made by mixing coffee grounds, orange peel and white clay in one container. All components are taken in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is diluted with water. The consistency should be similar to sour cream. Apply the mask to the face with a brush, then wait until the mixture dries and wash it off with cool water.
  3. To improve tone, a banana mask is used. To get it, chop half a banana with a fork, add a teaspoon of cream and twice the amount of coffee grounds. The mask is applied to the face and washed off after twenty minutes.

There are also many options for anti-cellulite products. To enhance the effect of coffee, the composition includes essential oils that have a warming property (citrus fruits, cinnamon). It is possible to soften the epithelium with the help of olive oil and sour cream.


The effects of alcohol on the body are, in principle, difficult to classify as “beneficial”. It has a bad effect on the nervous system, and in excessive quantities it is harmful to the liver and kidneys, which are responsible for removing waste and toxins.

In addition, various alcoholic drinks provoke dehydration of the skin, which invariably leads to dryness and irritation, as well as swelling. There is only one path to a solution - it was voiced by the hero of the cult film “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”: “You need to drink less, you need to drink less.”

Two drinks a day. Where do the myths about the benefits of alcohol come from? Read more

Effect depending on skin type

When asked how coffee affects facial skin, cosmetologists unanimously say that it is positive. However, when using products based on it, you need to take into account that different masks are used for oily and combination skin types. Depending on this criterion, additional components are added to them, and raw materials are taken that differ in the degree of grinding. Therefore, it is extremely important to consider what skin the coffee scrub or mask will be applied to:

  • dry, prone to peeling. The grounds are mixed with sour cream, cream or vegetable oil (almond or olive);
  • sensitive. The grains used are crushed as finely as possible. Large fractions can damage the integrity of the dermis;
  • fat. Components are added that have a drying effect. Oatmeal, kefir and yogurt can be used;
  • normal and combined. Absolutely all means are suitable. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to add fruit and vegetable juices and all kinds of oils to them.


Milk contains a large amount of calcium, it is ideal for baby food, unless, of course, the child has a history of milk protein intolerance, but adults should use it with caution. It is this product that is the main cause of the so-called “milky face”, which is evidenced by the presence of swelling under the eyes, constantly swollen eyelids, and spots on the skin. It has been proven that the adult body cannot fully cope with the digestion of lactose, which, in turn, leads to the accumulation of fluid in the intestines and causes edema. Among other things, milk, even in a package and powder, contains a large number of hormones, similar in their properties to female sex hormones, and therefore provokes the appearance of inflammation and pimples on the skin.

Dangerous spots. What diseases may skin problems indicate? Read more

Skin care products containing caffeine

The use of caffeine in skin care products has shown various benefits, especially for anti-aging. It's important to remember that most of these effects are temporary, and more scientific research is needed to determine if there is a connection between caffeine and anti-aging effects.

Benefits of caffeine for skin:

  • Caffeine dilates blood vessels under the skin, improving blood flow and reducing the appearance of cellulite.
  • Caffeine is a stimulant when taken orally, but when applied topically it has a calming effect due to its antioxidant content.
  • Applying caffeine to the skin reduces the appearance of redness, wrinkles and age spots.
  • Chlorogenic acid found in coffee has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce hyperpigmentation.
  • Drinking coffee regularly helps fight harmful bacteria, which, combined with its anti-inflammatory properties, can help fight acne.
  • Caffeine dilates the blood vessels under the skin around the eyes, helping to get rid of dark circles.
  • Adding caffeine to sunscreen provides protection against ultraviolet radiation.

If you want to reap the benefits of caffeine-containing treatments, you'll need to be careful in your choices. You must know what you are looking for and be realistic about the results of using these tools.

Here are some tips for purchasing caffeine products:

  • Guarana Scrub can be used to exfoliate the skin to cleanse the skin and dilate blood vessels to improve blood flow. This will give the skin a surge of energy, remove dullness, so that the complexion becomes even and the pallor will disappear.
  • Sunscreen with caffeine can soothe the skin in addition to providing UV protection.
  • Caffeine solutions containing 5% caffeine or more may reduce the appearance of puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. There is also an alternative - Phyto-Contour Cream which works in the same way, but without caffeine.
  • Caffeine-enriched body creams may provide skin firming benefits. You will have to use the drug for several weeks to see real results.
  • Facial cleansers/scrubs made with caffeine can tighten the skin, while the anti-inflammatory properties reduce redness and irritation for smoother, even-toned skin.

Skin care products containing caffeine are readily available, but it's important to remember that research results are mixed. Know what you'd like to get from caffeine-infused skin care products before you buy so you don't waste your money.


Let's start with the fact that the most harmful types of meat are still red: beef, pork, lamb, etc. Not only is all the modern meat that we buy in supermarkets stuffed with various chemicals in production, but also the consumption of red varieties leads to the formation of free radicals in the body, which precisely affect the aging process, inevitably hastening it. Fried meat is also harmful because during the cooking process, toxic substances are released that poison the body from the inside, which, in turn, leads to skin allergies and rashes.

Two days without meat and five types of oils. Nutritionist on the basics of healthy eating Read more

Coffee and hormones

Caffeine can interfere with normal hormone levels in the body and may be a problem for those who drink coffee regularly.


Research has shown that caffeine can increase levels of the so-called “stress hormone” cortisol.

Too much cortisol can have harmful effects on the body. A study of 144 young women found that higher levels of stress led to more acne.

Cortisol can also cause the skin to produce more sebum, which can potentially lead to acne.

Chronically high cortisol levels can affect other health problems that may be associated with acne, including:

  • weight gain;
  • depression;
  • digestive problems;
  • anxiety.

Additionally, caffeine can interfere with sleep, and insomnia or poor sleep itself affects cortisol levels.

Lack of quality sleep causes the body to produce more cortisol, which can increase inflammation. This inflammation can affect the skin, causing more acne.

To avoid some of the potential negative effects of coffee, simply avoid drinking it at least a few hours before bed.


Caffeine can also cause insulin levels to spike, and research shows that this can make acne worse.

However, another study found that people who had higher insulin levels were already more likely to suffer from severe acne.


Caffeine may alter estrogen levels in women of childbearing age, but this varies from person to person.

An older overseas study of 250 women found that daily consumption of 200 milligrams (mg) of caffeine increased estrogen levels in Asian study participants but decreased them in white participants.

Coffee, milk and acne

Many people add milk or cream to their coffee. There is some evidence that consuming large amounts of dairy products may cause acne or worsen the appearance and condition of existing acne.

Another study found that teenagers who consumed more skim milk or other low-fat dairy products had significantly more acne than those who consumed whole milk or no milk at all.

Another study of 57 people with acne found that those who consumed more milk tended to have more acne.

So, research into the link between diet and acne confirms that drinking milk increases levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). Further research claims that high levels of IGF-1 lead to acne.


Coffee contains beneficial antioxidants that can be beneficial for your skin and overall health. However, drinking too much caffeinated coffee and adding sugar or milk can make acne worse.

Acne-prone people should try cutting back on caffeine, dairy (especially low-fat dairy), and sugar to see if it helps improve their skin.

If your acne continues to get worse or doesn't improve, don't waste any time scheduling a consultation with a dermatologist.

Girls, this world is not so bad as long as there is coffee in it :) Take care of yourself. Write in the comments what else you would be interested in reading about. See you in new articles!

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I Stopped Drinking Coffee and This Is What Happened to My Skin

One of the most common pieces of advice that dermatologists around the world give their patients is to stop drinking coffee. Personally, as a beauty editor, I also heard and read about this a thousand times - although, I admit, I still wasn’t going to give up coffee... Until recently, when my interest eventually outweighed my coffee addiction. I lived without coffee for three weeks to tell you about some unexpected results.

Why coffee? What's the point?

If you delve a little into chemistry, you will find that the drink beloved by millions contains more than thirty (!) different organic acids, including malic, citric, acetic, caffeic and others. Despite the fact that all of them have a good effect on the activity of the stomach and can improve digestion, when there is an excess, the same substances begin to manifest themselves in a completely different way. High doses of caffeine can provoke increased secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone, by the adrenal glands, thereby causing excessive sebum production. On the other hand, in even larger quantities (four cups a day or more), coffee can act as a diuretic, thereby depriving the skin of moisture from the inside and turning it dry and dehydrated.

Two weeks without coffee. Result outside

In theory, the experiment should last a month for the results to be truly obvious. But for some people a week is enough for positive changes, so I decided to choose the average period - three weeks. During these three weeks I did not drink a single cup of coffee.

To be honest, I was quite skeptical and did not expect a miracle. What’s most interesting is that it didn’t happen within two weeks. The skin was in its usual state, there were simply no noticeable changes worth mentioning. But I decided to continue the research.

The last week. Result outside

The third week turned out to be decisive. I was no longer expecting a special effect, when suddenly I saw that day after day my face was truly becoming cleaner than before. Minor imperfections disappeared, pores became less noticeable, and overall the skin became more well-groomed. At least the experiment no longer seemed so useless.

Another aspect to pay attention to is your skin's hydration level. I usually have problems with dry skin and flaking, but by the end of the third week everything had surprisingly gone away. Apparently, coffee had a really big effect on my skin's dehydration.

Was it worth it?

According to the results of the experiment, I did not get perfect photoshopped skin, although, it should be noted, it became better. I think if I hadn’t given up on day 23 and gone to Starbucks for my favorite Frappuccino, the effect would have been more noticeable.

Result from the inside

By all external signs, I was on the path to success, but what I especially want to emphasize is my well-being. I was sure that without coffee it would be too difficult, but no: it turned out to be the opposite. The first two days were unusual, but tolerable, and the rest of the time passed without any problems at all. Moreover, after drinking a Frappuccino on the 23rd day, I felt sick.

Now I almost don’t want coffee, I drink water and green tea more and more. And I advise you!

I stopped drinking coffee - and this is what happened to my skin was last modified: October 28, 2021 by 7sisters


The effects of coffee on the face. How it is reflected externally and changes color

There is an opinion that drinking coffee drink and using it in cosmetic masks affects the complexion.

Scientists have proven the opposite. A fragrant product in acceptable quantities, without abuse; rather, on the contrary, it gives the skin radiance and a healthy tone and color.

When using it as a mask, many are mistaken, thinking that coffee with its dark, rich color will create a tanning effect. In fact, there are no coloring enzymes in it, and the color does change, but for completely different reasons.

  • Firstly, under the influence of coffee masks, the dermis is completely restored, the cells are regenerated, and the necessary water balance is replenished. Masks remove dryness and restore natural softness to the skin of the face.
  • Secondly, once it enters the epidermis layer, proper blood circulation is restored, and outflow to the upper layer of the skin occurs on its own. Natural metabolism occurs in skin cells. New cells grow and damaged ones are restored.
  • Thirdly, the rejuvenating effect and replenishment of collagen reserves contribute to changes in skin color due to proper nutrition. Collagen not only tightens sagging skin, restoring elasticity, but also nourishes cells, restoring natural color and shade.
  • And finally, only clean facial skin can look velvety and healthy. Coffee has an incredible effect when used in cleansing masks and facial scrubs. Even ground coffee diluted in liquid remains the same dense structure, and the roughness of the particles allows you to painlessly remove dead skin cells.

Consumer Reviews

Today, many women actively use a variety of cleansing and toning masks prepared using coffee. Reviews are listed below.

“Whoever has tried to treat acne at least once in their life knows how thankless it is. Not a single cleansing gel was suitable for me; new inflammations constantly appeared. Dryness and irritation were also common. Clear skin seemed like an unattainable dream for me. Cleansing masks with coffee helped form a new perspective on the problem. At first it was interesting to try folk remedies, but I didn’t expect such a brilliant result. Soon I noticed that acne stopped appearing. I started using natural ingredients regularly and was pleased with the results.”

Irina 28 years old

“Problem skin is frustrating. So it was with me. Endless rashes spoiled my mood; I didn’t want to leave the house. I was very upset about my appearance and didn’t want to communicate with people. Acne did not allow me to live life to the fullest and enjoy simple things. When I used cleansing masks with coffee, my face seemed to be transformed and acquired a hint of cheerfulness. Now I can enjoy the reflection in the mirror. Pimples and blackheads are gone."

Olga 25 years old

“I didn’t realize that coffee helps fight acne?! I tried many products to care for oily skin, but the effect did not suit me. The acne seemed to go away, but after two weeks it appeared again. One day my hands gave up. I didn't want to waste time and money. By chance, I tried masks based on natural ingredients and was pleased. Now I constantly use them in addition to facial care. I have loved coffee since my youth, so I am happy to use it as a basis for proper cleansing. The number of acne began to decrease."

Christina 30 years old

Thus, the opinions of experts about coffee are very contradictory. It is better to use this product as a cosmetic than to ingest it.

The benefits of coffee cosmetics

If you think coffee is giving you acne, try drinking less and applying more to your skin. Coffee scrubs, peelings and masks are excellent cleansers. And this is not their only advantage. The widespread use of coffee in cosmetology is not an accident. Ground coffee beans have a complex effect on the skin of the face and body:

  • tone and increase elasticity;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • improve local blood supply;
  • remove impurities and exfoliate dead skin cells;
  • normalize fat balance.

If coffee grounds are most often used for the face in the form of masks and scrubs, then body wraps are also used. Such procedures help you lose weight and get rid of cellulite, while improving the appearance of your skin.

Recipes for face masks with coffee

Those with clear skin have every reason to be proud of their appearance. How does coffee help cure acne? This drink can be an effective cosmetic remedy against skin imperfections. Useful recipes are given below.

Toning mask with nuts

Do you like walnuts? What could be tastier than experiencing this refined taste? They can be used not only for food. Take a small amount of your favorite gourmet coffee and combine it with a few pieces of nut. For convenience, the drug can be crushed into powder until it takes on the appearance of a paste. Treat your face with a pleasant elixir of beauty and youth! You will see that acne will gradually begin to disappear. The effect will be noticeable immediately: the skin will cleanse, become velvety and pleasant to the touch. If you wish, then throughout the entire healing course you can drink only natural coffee, no more than twice a day.

Yogurt scrub for oily skin

The face constantly needs systematic cleansing. Regular care will help make your skin smooth, without oily shine, acne and pimples. It is impossible to do a deep cleanse using cleansing gel alone. It is best to use a coffee-based scrub. Buy a cup of yogurt, but don't eat it all. Leave a small amount of deliciousness to nourish the skin. Mix it with coffee and calmly start spreading it on your face. During the process itself, try not to rush, do everything smoothly and thoughtfully. It is better not to wash off the scrub immediately, but to let it absorb. While waiting, relax as much as possible: listen to pleasant music, watch your favorite TV series. It is advisable that the dairy product be without additives, then the effect will be higher. After some time, you will be surprised: there will be no acne.

Oatmeal mask

Tired of endlessly struggling with pimples and acne? This recipe is especially useful for those who need to tidy up their facial skin in a short time. If you are planning some serious and important event (wedding, birthday or just visiting), a cleansing mask will help you look impressive. Even if you don't like oatmeal for breakfast, that's no reason to miss out on the benefits it can provide to your skin. You need to take some oatmeal and soak it in freshly brewed coffee. Apply the fragrant mixture to your face. You will feel your skin begin to breathe. Pimples will not appear for a long time.

Citrus mask

Suitable for those who constantly suffer from acne and are trying to get rid of them. Take equal proportions of coffee (preferably natural, but instant coffee), clay, and a few slices of orange. If desired, the last ingredient can be replaced with lemon, tangerine or grapefruit. Your skin will love this divine combination of citrus and coffee. It is better to use the mask at least once or twice a week. Soon you will see that acne disappears, your complexion evens out and acquires a hint of freshness. Experiment, delight yourself with new delicious recipes!

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