Cheat sheet for coffee lovers, or how to drink coffee correctly without harming your health

Drinking a cup of coffee with sugar is a daily ritual for many fans of the aromatic drink. But isn't sweet coffee bad for your health?

In our blog we have already declared our love for black coffee. We wrote about the benefits of the drink, its special taste nuances and debunked old prejudices. It's clear that we love coffee in its purest form, that is, plain black coffee without additives. But we, of course, know that many people like to drink coffee with milk and sugar.

Nowadays, due to the trend towards healthy eating, sugar is not so popular. Many sweet coffee fans now think twice before sweetening their drink. We will explain to you what sugar is, why people love to add it to coffee, whether sweet coffee is really harmful, and how you can replace white granulated sugar.

How many calories are in coffee with sugar?

There is no definite answer to this question and there cannot be. Everything varies depending on the volume of the cup, the amount of dry matter, and especially the sweetener, as well as the method of preparation. But you can roughly calculate the number depending on how much and what kind of sugar you add, since the calorie content of the finished drink will depend entirely on the amount of sugar. At the same time, we assume that there are no more additives in the coffee.

Loose sugar

One standard size teaspoon holds:

  • 5 g without slide;
  • 7 g with a small slide;
  • 10 g with a large slide.

When they talk about a spoonful of sugar, they usually mean a small heaped teaspoon, that is, 7 grams.

Calorie table for different types of sugar

Type of sugarKcal per 100 gkcal, per 5 gkcal, per 7 gkcal, per 10 g
Raw, crystals3601825,236

Refined sugar

Refined sugar is not standardized in any way in terms of the weight of the cubes. Depending on the shape of the abs, one cube can weigh from 3.4 to 5.95 grams.

Caloric content of refined sugar – 400 kcal per 100 grams. To calculate the exact weight of one cube, you need to open the package, count how many cubes are in one layer, multiply by the number of layers. We get the total number of cubes in the package. Divide the total weight by the quantity, we get the exact answer. Sometimes manufacturers write this data on the packaging, but this is rare.

  • On average, small cubes weigh 4.5 g;
  • Large cubes of “standard” size – 5.5 g.

Based on the energy value and total calorie content per 100 g of product, we find that 1 gram of refined sugar contains 4 kcal.

Cube weightOne cube, kcalTwo cubes, kcal3 cubes, kcal
Cubes 4.5 g183654
Cubes 5.5 g224466

Sugar in sticks

Usually available in standard 5 gram sticks. There are exceptions in the form of large sachets of 10 g and small sticks of 4 grams. Ordinary granulated sugar with a nutritional value of 390 kcal per 100 grams is placed there, that is:

Packing1 piece, kcal2 pcs, kcal3 pcs, kcal
Stick 4 g15,631,546,8
Stick 5 g19,53958,5
Stick 10 g3978117

Morning cup lifehacks. Six rules for healthy coffee

Coffee contains caffeine, theophylline and theobromine, essential oils, antioxidants, which help prevent cardiovascular diseases and even some cancers.

It invigorates, improves mood, increases physical endurance and vascular tone, and stimulates mental activity. To get the maximum benefit and not encounter side effects of this drink, you should follow simple rules.

Natalya Denisova, a nutritionist at the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Candidate of Medical Sciences, recalled the rules .

Try to drink no more than 3-4 cups of coffee per day. Caffeine is an alkaloid that stimulates cardiac activity, increases vascular tone, activates the sympathetic nervous system and thereby tones the entire body. But if you drink too much of it - more than 3-4 cups a day, then problems may occur. For example, increased heart rate, anxiety, excitement, insomnia or other disorders of the nervous system. This state of overexcitation is especially dangerous for older people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, especially those associated with high blood pressure, the risk of cardiac arrhythmias, palpitations, and also those with thyroid diseases. In these cases, it is advisable to limit caffeine-containing drinks - drink little and not very strong ones. Also, coffee should not be given to children under 3 years of age. At an older age, children can drink caffeine-containing drinks (tea and coffee) in small quantities and not very strong.

It is advisable to drink coffee in the morning. Since caffeine and strong tea have a stimulating effect on the nervous system, drinking them in the evening can lead to increased excitability and sleep disturbances. There may also be unpleasant sensations from the heart, for example, palpitations, which also interfere with a peaceful sleep.

Question answer

What is the difference between coffee granules and grain coffee? Don't replace breakfast with a cup of coffee. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach instead of breakfast is not recommended. Strong coffee, especially espresso, has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract due to the fact that it contains a lot of essential oils. Therefore, after drinking coffee on an empty stomach, people with gastritis and ulcers (and there are many of them) may experience pain, heartburn, belching, and other unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, they are recommended to drink coffee and tea with milk. Milk slightly softens the irritating effect on the mucous membrane. During periods of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, these drinks are generally contraindicated.

It is better to drink strong coffee with water. Caffeine stimulates blood flow well, including through the kidneys, so it has a diuretic effect and removes a fairly large amount of fluid. There is a popular belief that hypertensive patients should not drink coffee because it increases blood pressure. This is not entirely true. The first reaction after a cup of coffee will be a narrowing of blood vessels and a slight increase in pressure. But then the diuretic effect kicks in, and the body begins to get rid of excess water, and the pressure drops. Therefore, if there is no individual very pronounced negative reaction, then coffee in reasonable quantities is not contraindicated for hypertensive patients. And it can even be useful for those who suffer from edema. Coffee just gives you the opportunity to get rid of excess liquid. On the other hand, if you drink too much coffee and nothing else, it can even lead to dehydration. Therefore, it is recommended to drink strong coffee, such as espresso, with water. Good coffee shops usually serve a cup of espresso and a glass of water. Precisely in order to compensate for the loss of water in the body.

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Use healthy supplements. You can add any spices you like to your coffee. For example, cinnamon contains many antioxidants and stimulates metabolic processes in the body. In addition, cinnamon itself has a sweetish taste, so it can slightly smooth out the bitterness of the drink, and you can do without adding sugar. Excess sugar in the diet is always bad. Do you like the taste of cloves? Add. It also contains antioxidants and essential oils. Some people add hot ground pepper to their coffee—everything is individual.

Watch your calories. Coffee itself has virtually no calories. For example, a regular espresso or Americano without sugar and milk has almost zero calories. Once you add cream, syrup or sugar, the picture immediately changes. Let's say, a cup of cappuccino contains 200-300 kilocalories, because heavy cream is added to such a drink so that it whips into foam. If you are watching your weight, you should not drink this coffee often.

Calorie content of natural coffee with sugar

Ground natural coffee contains a minimum of calories, usually no more than 1-2 per 100 grams. Arabica has a little more, since this type of bean initially contains more fats and natural sugars; Robusta has a little less, but this is not significant. We previously wrote in detail about the calorie content of coffee without sugar.

A 200-220 ml cup provides 2-4 calories. Let's calculate the energy value if you put 1 or 2 tablespoons of sand in a cup, with or without a slide. If you use sticks or refined sugar, focus on the indicators of 1 or 2 level spoons (5 grams).

Calorie table for coffee with sugar

Type of drinkVolume, mlCoffee calories per serving With 1 spoon of sugar

5 g

With 2 spoons of sugar

10 g

With 1 spoon of sugar 7 gWith 2 spoons of sugar 14 g
Double Americano2404,424433259
Filter or French press coffee220222412957
Infused in cold water240626453361
In Turk, cooked200424433159

Is it possible to drink coffee with honey?

Coffee and honey go well together
Coffee and honey are an unusual combination; you won’t find it on the menu of most coffee shops and restaurants. It is not as popular as, say, cappuccino, latte, Americano or even ice. But this does not at all detract from the merits of this drink. It gently tones and energizes, can warm you up on a cold and rainy day, and also refresh you in the heat - the drink can be drunk both hot and cold.

Oddly enough, this set - coffee with honey - can be found in many traditional medicine recipes. A well-known fact: already in the 16th century in Great Britain, such a drink was called healing and was used to treat colds. To this day, it is considered an effective preventative that helps strengthen the immune system, defeat viruses and relieve cold symptoms.

Therefore, adding honey to coffee is not only possible, but necessary! The main thing is to follow reasonable restrictions and take into account some rules for preparing such a drink, which we will discuss later.

Calorie content of instant coffee with sugar

The nutritional value of instant coffee drink is higher than that of natural coffee. This is due to the fact that during the manufacturing process 15-25% of natural grains remains, the rest are stabilizers, emulsifiers, dyes and other chemical components. It happens that even crushed flour or chicory is added. Therefore, a teaspoon of instant powder or granules contains many more calories.

Different manufacturers have different components of the finished product, and the energy value of pure soluble powder (or granules) can range from 45 to 220 kcal per 100 grams. One cup of instant coffee is usually placed with a large heap or 2 almost without a heap (10 g in total). Let's calculate the total nutritional value of a 200 ml drink made from coffee of different calorie content and different amounts of sand.

200 ml is the standard volume of an average plastic cup or medium-sized cup.

If you do not know the exact calorie content of coffee, calculate at the rate of 100 kcal per 100 g, this is the mass average. The energy value of granulated sugar is calculated as 3.9 kcal in 1 gram. The exact numbers for a specific brand and a specific product can be found on the packaging; we will focus on the 3 most popular values.

Calorie table for instant coffee without sugar, with 1 spoon, with 2 spoons

Kcal in coffee per 100 gramsKcal in coffee per 200 ml serving With 1 spoon of sugar

5 g

With 2 spoons of sugar

10 g

With 1 spoon of sugar 7 gWith 2 spoons of sugar 14 g

Syrups "Hazelnut", "Vanilla" and caramel

Additional ingredients added to coffee, such as caramel or sweet syrups, contain quite a lot of sugar. These supplements are very harmful to the body and cause rapid accumulation of fat in the body.

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Blood sugar levels may also increase, leading to diabetes. In addition, coffee with such additives can cause reflux, indigestion and gastritis. Consuming too much coffee with additives and sugar results in too many calories entering the body. We may feel instantly full, but then get hungry very quickly.

Thus, an excess of sugar and calories will lead to the accumulation of fat in the body and weight gain. This can lead to many different diseases.

Calories in decaffeinated coffee with sugar

Natural decaffeinated black coffee contains no more than 1 calorie per cup, instant coffee can have calories and about 15 kcal per cup of drink made from 10 grams of powder or granules (1 heaped teaspoon or 2 almost level). So if you drink a natural decaffeinated drink, you can simply add 1 calorie to the calories from the sweetener, regardless of cup size, and if you drink an instant drink, on average, you can add 10 kcal. The exact information can be found on the packaging.

Despite the fact that the natural decaf drink has almost no energy value, it is not recommended to consume it in quantities of more than 6 servings per day.

What kind of coffee can you drink on a diet?

Despite the fact that many nutritionists advise completely excluding coffee from your diet during the period of weight loss, you can still drink it at this time, since it itself contains very few calories. In this case, it will be necessary to exclude various additives. It is worth abandoning those types of drinks that necessarily require the inclusion of the same cream in their composition. These include, for example, Glace, Frapuccino, Mocha and Latte.

Iced coffee is a high-calorie type

Due to their ingredients, the listed drinks become high-calorie, which, naturally, does not contribute to weight loss. If you name low-calorie varieties that are not capable of ruining your figure, then these are Ristretto, Americano and Espresso. In terms of their energy indicators, they are very close to natural black.

In addition, it is also worth noting the fact that coffee drinkers sometimes notice a weight loss effect, which is why it is believed that coffee can “burn” fat. This is due to the fact that it has some diuretic effect. It is by removing excess fluid from the body that the extra pounds are lost. However, you should not abuse this drink, as it can harm the human nervous system in case of overdose. The standard norm is 3 small cups per day.

We should also talk about the so-called green coffee, which has recently been advertised as a great way to lose weight. In principle, this is the same coffee of standard classic varieties, but unripe. Unlike the usual one, it has pale olive-colored grains.

The medicinal properties, as well as the ability to “burn” fat with this drink have not been proven, but green coffee contains fewer calories in its beans than regular coffee, which is why it can be used as food while losing weight. In addition, it has a pronounced diuretic effect, which is also a plus for a person losing weight.

Green coffee contains fewer calories in its beans than regular coffee.

The main thing is not to consume those types of it that involve the use of fatty products: cream, chocolate, condensed milk.

Note! To summarize, we can say that coffee itself cannot significantly affect your energy balance, since it contains very few calories.

If you adhere to this rule, then you can drink coffee within reasonable limits even when you are on the most difficult diet. In this case, this drink can cheer you up and prevent depression, which can be accompanied by a sudden loss of excess weight. Drink natural black coffee without sugar and forget about excess weight!


  1. Basically, the calorie content of the drink depends on the amount of granulated sugar added - 390 kcal per 100 grams of sand, 400 for refined sugar.
  2. For maximum convenience of counting, you can take a heaped teaspoon of granulated sugar for 30 kcal.
  3. Instant coffee itself has more calories than natural coffee, and a drink in a standard 200 ml glass with two sticks / refined sugar cubes / level spoons of sugar is 50 kcal.
  4. In an average portion of natural coffee ~200 ml and with two sticks / cubes of refined sugar / level spoons of sugar - 40-43 kcal.

Cold coffee

An iced latte or filtered coffee with milk is a good choice for hot summer days. The calorie content of this drink is minimal. It can be a good choice throughout the day as it helps maintain optimal sugar levels in the body.

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However, when consuming iced coffee, you need to remember a sense of moderation. Although it feels fresh and tastes good, it can be a pretty bad choice in the long run. This coffee contains quite a lot of sugar and has no nutritional properties.

This drink is especially harmful for pregnant women, people with type 1 and 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure. In addition, it is contraindicated to consume iced coffee in patients with insulin resistance, gastrointestinal problems, high cholesterol, kidney and liver diseases.

Black coffee

The drink must be poured to the brim of the cup, otherwise you should expect losses.

You shouldn't leave coffee in the cup because it means bad luck. In the worst case, something will happen that will force a person to go into serious spending.

If one of your loved ones, in a hurry to work or study, left coffee in a cup, you should not finish it. Otherwise, you can, in addition, “drink away” all the worries and sorrows of a loved one.

A person who accidentally spills coffee should expect trouble. If you scatter it on the table, you will not avoid a family quarrel. Skeptics are sure: coffee is an expensive drink, and anyone who spills it may face being reproached for being careless.

A broken cup of coffee promises great success, but before that a person will have to suffer and even suffer losses. If a cup is broken by a young “bachelor”, she should carefully count the fragments: as many as she counts, she will wait the same number of years for her betrothed.

Dousing yourself with coffee is a sign of great luck. This could be a useful acquaintance, a promotion, or receiving a large sum of money.

A person who spilled coffee on the floor will soon part with his loved one. But this only applies to those people who have not yet gotten married. A conflict between spouses over coffee spilled on the floor will definitely end in reconciliation.

The most pleasant sign is the appearance of bubbles in a cup of morning drink. This indicates that the person will soon make a profit. If bubbles appear on the side of the cup from which he drinks, then his financial situation will improve very soon. If bubbles accumulate on the other side of the cup, then the money will need to wait a little.

Notes on whole bean and ground coffee

If, before you start grinding coffee, your hand trembles and the beans fall on the table, most likely fate has a few minor troubles in store.

Scattering ground coffee on the table means a family quarrel.

If ground coffee spills on the floor, married people will quarrel, and lovers may separate. But for those whose hearts are free, this sign promises a meeting with their soulmate.

Even someone who doesn’t fundamentally believe in omens should think about it. After all, the fact that a person spills coffee indicates inattention or fatigue. In such a state, it is quite possible to start a serious quarrel out of nowhere, make a mistake in financial calculations, stumble and twist your ankle, or get burned or accidentally hit yourself. The subconscious signals that it would be nice to relax, unwind, and arrange a small holiday for yourself and your loved ones.

Signs about coffee with milk

If during the preparation of a milk-coffee cocktail the milk runs away, this means losses and troubles. Actually, troubles appear immediately: you urgently need to remove the milk that has fallen on the stove before it burns. The drink will be less tasty than if the milk had not been brought to a boil.

Spilling milk on the floor means trouble.

Spill milk on the table - guests. If this happened on February 7 (St. Gregory’s Day), you should expect a joyful event soon.

Spilling milk on the ninth lunar day means changes in life.

Staining clothes with milk means good luck and prosperity, and for women – beauty and health.

How to make the right choice?

Coffee beans are much healthier than instant coffee. And the taste cannot be compared. Therefore, we will focus on buying natural ones.

Good and high-quality coffee is not cheap. It is better to buy 200 grams. so that the taste is preserved. Choose proven brands (Italy, Finland, Switzerland, Germany).

Decide which drink you prefer: a softer taste is Arabica, or, conversely, strong and sharp, with a high caffeine content - Robusta.

Most manufacturers mix varieties in different percentages. The resulting bouquets vary in taste.

When purchasing, carefully read the composition and country of origin, since depending on the place where the grains grow and their taste is different.

For example, varieties from India are very strong, from Colombia - with sourness and a velvety taste, from Guatemala with the taste of herbs and spices, from Brazil - very tart and strong, with a nutty taste.

There are many types of coffee drinks:

  • black;
  • with cream;
  • with milk;
  • cinnamon.

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