A scent that will wake up even a sleeping beauty. How to brew coffee in Turkish?

Pros and cons of clay Turks

The material of the pot in which coffee is brewed plays an important role.
To get high-quality aromatic coffee, you should pay attention to all types of cezves that are on the market. The quality of the material affects the speed of coffee preparation, its richness, aroma and taste characteristics. Many fans of the coffee drink believe that a clay Turk is better than a ceramic or copper one. Especially if it is made from Yixing clay. This Chinese clay (from the city of Yixing) due to its structure saturates coffee with oxygen, which gives it a divine aroma and taste. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to find and purchase Turka made from this oriental material, but even simple clay has its advantages and has a beneficial effect on the quality of coffee.


In ancient times, clay Turks were used by poor commoners who could not afford copper utensils (it was available only to aristocrats). Modern coffee lovers find a number of advantages of cezves made from clay, which explains their popularity.

The advantages of using a clay cezve include:

  • The porous structure of the clay enriches the coffee with oxygen and enhances its aroma;
  • The material is environmentally friendly, which makes it safe for the body;
  • Low thermal conductivity, which helps maintain the temperature of the drink. After the coffee brews in such a container, it will acquire an indescribable deep taste;
  • Uniform heating helps to gradually reveal all the qualities of the coffee drink and taste characteristics;
  • Availability and wide range allow coffee lovers to purchase utensils for preparing coffee of various types and sizes. Even a handmade Turk will not be scared off by the numbers on the price tag. If Yixing clay is used, the price of dishes will be much higher than those made from ordinary clay.


The peculiarities of a clay Turk may discourage coffee lovers from using this type of cezve. Flaws:

  • Preservation of coffee aroma. Due to the porous structure of the walls, the Turks are saturated with the properties of the first coffee prepared in it. New coffee beans will not reach their full flavor potential due to the taste of the previous brew. Therefore, it is advisable to brew one type of coffee in a Turk.
  • Constant control over the cooking process. Because the clay cools slowly, the coffee continues to rise even when the Turk is removed from the heat. You need to learn to control the process of brewing an invigorating drink.
  • Sensitivity to temperature changes. Do not suddenly cool pottery after heating, as it may crack. When preparing a coffee drink, it is better to place a cold pot over low heat so that it heats evenly and there is no sudden temperature change.
  • Fragility. This type of dishware is quite easy to break, especially if the floor is tiled.

Which Turk is better, clay or ceramic?

Ceramic Turks differ from clay Turks in their glazed surface.
Along with clay Turks, ceramic Turks are also popular. They are also made from baked clay, but have a glazed finish. The surface can be glossy or matte.

The main feature that distinguishes earthenware from ceramic is that ceramics do not absorb odors. This material does not interact with the external environment, does not oxidize, and therefore can easily get rid of traces of a previously prepared drink. Ceramics are easy to clean; just rinse with water.

Therefore, if a person does not drink one type of coffee, but often brews different types of coffee beans, then he should give preference to a ceramic pot. It retains all the positive properties of clay, in addition, it eliminates traces of previous cooking.

Which Turk is better, clay or copper?

In ancient times, a copper cezve was considered a sign of wealth; only high-ranking officials used it. Nowadays, only true coffee connoisseurs prefer this type of Turkish coffee. Copper has its differences from clay, as well as some features. To decide which type of material is more suitable for a coffee lover, you need to familiarize yourself with its properties.

Copper differs from clay in that it heats up and cools down fairly quickly. This does not allow the coffee to simmer, thereby saturating it with taste and aroma, as in clay Turks. Nevertheless, it is possible to reveal all the flavor characteristics in copper cookware even with the help of hot sand, thanks to its good thermal conductivity.

Important! Just like clay, copper has the ability to absorb coffee aromas, so lovers of an invigorating drink should also pay attention to this.

Secrets of making coffee with foam

In order for the coffee to turn out foamy, you should also follow several rules.

  1. The first thing you should pay attention to is the difference in the diameter of the bottom and neck of the Turka. The larger it is, the higher the likelihood of making coffee with foam. However, this feature leads to the fact that the contents of the Turk heat up faster and threaten to end up on the stove, so you should carefully monitor the process.
  2. The grains themselves, or rather their type, do not in any way affect the formation of foam. A more important aspect is the grinding - the finer it is, the more foam is formed during cooking.
  3. To get a tasty and fluffy foam, you should heat the dry mixture a little in a Turk and only then add water.
  4. To prevent the foam from falling off during cooking, each time it rises, you need to remove the cezve from the stove and let it drop a little, and then heat the contents again.
  5. After preparation, you should first carefully remove the foam and transfer it to a cup, then pour the coffee over the side. The main thing is not to do it abruptly, but slowly and smoothly.

How to choose the right clay Turk

Today the market provides a large selection of cezves of different types and sizes. Clay Turks are widely represented by both artisans and factory production. Anyone who prefers factory-made cookware can be confident in the strength of the material and its quality. After all, they are all tested for fire resistance and have a guarantee of use.

Handmade Turks also find their buyers. Many people prefer the old method of making cezves because the soul and positive energy of the artisan is put into them. Therefore, the drink will have a more noble taste and aroma. Turks, made by hand, are also distinguished by individual decorative processing on the outside. You can choose them as a gift or for your own collection.

To choose the right cezve, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • The shape of the dish should be in the form of a cone (with a narrow neck and wide bottom);
  • The walls of the Turk must be thick enough (otherwise it can quickly crack due to temperature changes);
  • There should be no damage, cracks or roughness inside;
  • The handle should be at an angle, long enough and not hot.

Heating coffee in a Turk on the stove

Sometimes additional calcination of ground beans is used before cooking for a richer aroma
. To achieve a rich aroma of roasted coffee, you can lightly hold the ground beans in a dry container on the fire before pouring water. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the drink will become bitter and tasteless. It is enough to hold it for literally half a minute.

How to brew coffee in a clay pot

To prepare a tasty and aromatic invigorating drink in a clay pot you need:

  • Pour the required amount of ground coffee beans into a dry, clean cezve (the amount of coffee depends on the desired strength of the drink);
  • Add water up to the narrowest part of the neck;
  • Put on fire;
  • Wait for the boiling point (but do not boil!) and let it brew for a couple of minutes.

It is worth noting that you should not bring the coffee to a boil three times (as when using copper cezves). It is enough to leave the freshly brewed invigorating drink for 3-5 minutes in the Turk to reveal all its taste characteristics.

Is it possible to brew coffee in a clay pot on a gas stove?

Due to the fact that clay is quite vulnerable to temperature changes, many people wonder whether it is possible to put a clay Turk on gas. If you place a special fire spreader on the stove, it will be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the bottom, and there will be no risk of damage to the cookware.

Advantages and disadvantages of cookware

  • Clay has a porous structure, so it perfectly allows oxygen to pass through, which enhances the taste.
  • Lovers of environmentally friendly materials can confidently choose such a vessel made from natural raw materials.
  • One of the leaders in low thermal conductivity is a clay pot; you can brew coffee in it evenly until the heat spreads gradually, revealing the full potential of the aroma.
  • In this case, there is also a drawback - since after the end of the process the container continues to retain heat, there is a risk of spilling the drink.
  • Another disadvantage of the material is its fragility. In comparison with copper cookware, for example, the “Grape” model, increased caution must be exercised.

Features of operation and care

There are some nuances regarding the care of a clay pot.
If you have an idea of ​​the physical properties of clay, you can guess how to use such utensils correctly.

Before using it for the first time, you must rinse the purchased clay pot well; it is better to boil water in it. You can also immerse it in a container of water and leave it there for an hour. Then rinse and wipe dry.

To wash a clay cezve, you cannot use detergents, as their residues get into the drink and can spoil the entire impression of coffee pleasure.

If you had to change the type of coffee, then before brewing it is better to rinse the coffee pot in hot water several times. This will help get rid of the trace and smell of the previous type of drink. Modern clay cezves have a special protective coating on the inside. It is enough to rinse such dishes with water.

On a note! Many true connoisseurs claim that you can completely get rid of the taste and aroma of the previous coffee variety in a clay pot only by brewing a new coffee variety several times.

It is better to start the process of preparing coffee in a clay Turk on gas with a small fire that does not extend beyond the bottom. In this case, it will be good when the stove is initially cold. After turning off the heat, the boiling will stop, but the coffee will continue to enrich in taste and aroma.

You should be careful and not expose the cezve to mechanical stress. Even a small blow can result in a trip to the store for new dishes.

To make delicious coffee, use a fine grind

The finer the coffee beans are ground, the tastier the drink will be.
When crushing coffee beans industrially, before packaging, they certainly resort to sifting through several sieves of different calibers so that the particles in one pack are approximately the same. This is necessary so that during the cooking process the grains evenly impart flavor to the water. The smaller the particles, the faster this happens, and the finished drink turns out rich and aromatic. The peoples accustomed to preparing coffee in the Turks have long grinded the beans as finely as premium flour. This is exactly what you need to strive for in order to prepare a quality drink.

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