What to look for when choosing a Turkish coffee pot, useful tips

To prepare a fragrant and unique drink, let’s try to figure out how to choose the right pot for brewing coffee. After all, this vessel allows grain particles to develop and preserve their taste. Not only the material of manufacture is important, but also the shape of the container and capacity. These are the main criteria influencing the preparation of the drink. Coffee lovers who often use a Turkish coffee pot must look at what the handle is made of and whether it is comfortable to hold in the hand.

What is Turka

Russian name

More than 10 centuries ago, coffee was brewed from beans ground in pots over a fire. However, this did not preserve the amazing aroma of the drink. Later, a copper container with a narrow neck, thick walls and a wide bottom was invented, called a cezve (the word has Turkish roots - cezve).

The vessel for preparing the drink spread throughout the world. And in Russia it received a second name - Turk. Detailed information is available in the publication “What is a Turk for Coffee”.

The material is important

When deciding what coffee to buy for a Turkish woman, they usually give preference to their own desires: Arabica, if you want a delicate soft taste, or Robusta, for those who like a strong drink.

Before you buy a Turk, it is useful to find out what material it is made of. If you can’t figure out which Turk for coffee is better, we recommend reading the article “What should a Turk be made of?” Here you will find information about the pros and cons of different products.

Further in the publication a comparative analysis of materials and their features in different types of coffee pots is provided.

Ceramic coffee pot

Ceramic Turk

Opinions about ceramic Turks are diametrically opposed. Some people think that a ceramic Turk is beautiful and reliable. Others believe that coffee, once brewed in a ceramic pot, retains its taste forever.

; supposedly this changes, as a result, the taste of any other coffee that ends up in such a Turk.

Is it true that a ceramic pot is not suitable for preparing different types of coffee?

Let's be objective realists and remember what ceramics are. And ceramics in dishes are mostly, so to speak, glazed clay

. In fact, it is precisely because of its porosity that clay is coated with glaze.

Yes, the layer of this glaze is not very thick - due to the same porosity. But if you take good care of the ceramic Turk, washing it thoroughly

, no aroma remains from the coffee pre-brewed in it.

Another thing is the Turk, made from clay and not covered with glaze. Such products can also be purchased anywhere. Well, there is a rational grain here - clay in its pure form retains the aroma

coffee constantly prepared in it. So such a Turk is more of a beautiful souvenir.

Clay Turk - a practical souvenir

And yet, you can brew coffee in a clay pot. Many lovers of this drink even recommend using a clay pot if you are going to constantly prepare the same type of coffee

. You can also get rid of old coffee aroma by keeping the dishes in a deep container with warm water for some time.

Another noticeable disadvantage of clay and ceramic Turks is the extreme fragility of the material. Such a Turk is easy to break by dropping it; and clay can even break even from a careless blow

on the edge of the table. However, simple clay Turks are quite inexpensive products; but ceramics are more expensive.

However, this difference in price is not critical at all! Because if such a Turk is handled carefully, it will serve faithfully

long years. By the way, modern ceramic Turks are protected from temperature changes much better than their clay counterparts.

Comparison of brass and copper cookware

For home use

It is generally accepted that the correct coffee pot is copper, but alloys are more often used for manufacturing than pure metals. As a rule, brass is preferred for Turks used at home.

In this regard, copper products are found on sale approximately four times less often. The cost of brass utensils is two and a half times higher than that of copper. The shops sell handicrafts and industrial designs.

Pros and cons of materials

For comparison, note the following:

  • Periodically, the copper pot for making coffee is renewed, as the material absorbs odors, changes color and acquires carbon deposits.
  • If the inner tin coating of a brass pot is damaged, it will oxidize and the pot will have to be replaced.
  • Copper utensils do not leave dents when dropped; they have high strength properties.
  • Thanks to the thickened bottom, the brass container does not tip over and stands stably on the surface.
  • Copper containers are made cone-shaped, so the coffee beans fully impart their taste and aroma.

Many people decide to choose a copper coffee pot due to its obvious advantages.

Interesting! How to brew coffee in a coffee maker

The best Turk for coffee

Brass Turk

A brass Turk in its parameters is not much different from a copper Turk. The strength of brass is quite sufficient

in order to use a cezve made from this material for many years without fear that it will become deformed.

Since brass basically contains the same copper, being a multicomponent alloy, making coffee in such a pot is almost the same as in a copper pot. At the same time, the cost of brass Turks

(unless, of course, it is decorated with some ornate embossing) slightly higher than copper cezves.

What are the main advantages of a brass Turk?

Brass, as a material for Turks, in addition to strength, is distinguished by good ductility. This allows you to make classic-shaped cezves, which makes it possible to brew coffee while preserving all its aromas

. This Turk does not require additional care, and it looks more aesthetically pleasing than copper. A hammer made of brass with chasing is an excellent and practical gift.

One of the disadvantages of a brass Turk is that if the internal coating is of poor quality, an oxidation process
, which makes it unsuitable for further use. Such a Turk is more expensive than a cezve made of aluminum and a Turk made of steel (they will be discussed below).

Brass Turks should be purchased from manufacturers who guarantee the possibility of its practical use without danger to health. One of the main safety criteria is the presence of an internal coating (usually food grade tin)

. Also, the brass cezve can oxidize on the outside if it is rarely used, but this does not affect the safety of use of the product.

Comparison of ceramic and copper vessels

Environmentally friendly

It is quite rare to find a ceramic Turk. It is made from clay mixed with various plasticizers. Ceramic vessels are always more expensive. Depending on the manufacturer, the price of copper and ceramic products sometimes varies by four times.

Let's compare which Turk is better for cooking - copper or ceramic.

When exposed to high temperatures, ceramic products do not emit hazardous substances like copper products. Ceramic cookware will last longer if it doesn't break. It is fragile and not resistant to mechanical damage. Thick clay walls ensure slow heating of the mass.

The complexities of a unique product

If we compare copper with ceramics, handmade clay vessels cannot be made exactly the same. Each of them is unique. But the complex decor makes it difficult to care for the product; as a result, such dishes are often displayed on a shelf at home and are not used.

If the surface of a clay product is not covered with glaze, then large pores quickly absorb coloring pigments and foreign odors. For copper Turks, the advantage is its cone-shaped shape. Ceramic containers are chosen by people for whom environmental friendliness comes first.

How to choose the perfect coffee pot? Easily!

  • Posted by Inna Vasilevskaya
  • Date: March 28, 2017

As you know, people are divided into two types - those who love tea and those who are crazy about coffee (the article is for you, coffee lovers!). Of course, coffee can be instant, but this option is more suitable for a break from work, in those moments when there is no time to enjoy real freshly brewed coffee, fragrantly pouring into coffee cups from a tall, beautiful Turk. To prepare coffee correctly, you first need to take care of what it will be brewed in - think about the Turk and choose the one that is right for you.

  • 2 How big are coffee pots?
  • 3 Stovetop or electric?

    3.1 Table: pros and cons of traditional cezves and electric Turks

  • 4 How to choose the right Turk for the stove?
      4.1 Table: pros and cons of copper, brass, bronze and other cezves
  • 4.2 Video: how to choose a quality Turk for your home?
  • 4.3 Turks for a gas stove
  • 4.4 Video: review of the CEZVE ceramic model
  • 4.5 Options for induction hob
  • 4.6 An induction cooker conducts heat through the cookware, so when choosing a coffee pot, it is important to remember that ceramic and copper pots are not suitable for an induction cooker (they do not conduct heat well), it is better to use enameled steel pots.
  • 4.7 Video: tips for choosing for each type of stove?
  • 5 Quality Turks - what are they like?
  • 6 How to buy a high-quality electric Turk?
      6.1 Review of the electric Turk ZIMBER ZM-10732:
  • What kind of vessel is this?

    Turka, or, in Turkish, cezva, is a traditional vessel for brewing coffee, a vessel tapering towards the top, has thick walls and a long handle (it is used both for brewing coffee on the stove, and for more exotic for us, but traditional in Turkey and Arabia, options - for example, in sand, on wood or coal). A correctly chosen Turk makes the coffee drink thick and rich; roasted coffee beans, ground into fine grains, impart all their taste and aroma.

    Turks are made from various materials

    The choice of Turks in stores is simply huge. You can start from the material from which they are made, and from the volume of the Turk, and even from the material of the handle - this is usually important from a purely aesthetic point of view. There are Turks for making coffee on the stove, and there are electric ones.

    A good Turk has a thick bottom and is shaped like a cone - a wide base and a narrow neck. According to all the rules, the ratio between the neck and the base should be 1:2. Turkish legends say that the narrower the neck and wider the bottom of the cezve, the tastier the coffee, because the narrow neck retains the essential oils of the coffee beans, and the foam that forms in the neck when brewing coffee protects the drink from excessive air access.

    The neck of the Turk should be narrow

    What size are coffee pots?

    The smallest Turks start from 70 ml (this is one small cup), larger ones hold up to 600 ml of drink (for 5 cups). To brew coffee, for example, for two people, that is, for two cups not for espresso, it will be more convenient to use a cezve with a volume of 350 or 400 ml.

    On the bottom of the Turk, some manufacturers indicate numbers from 1 to 7, this is the number of cups of coffee that can be brewed in this Turk at a time.

    Turk with a volume of 250 ml

    Stovetop or electric?

    On sale are both “manual” Turks for making coffee on the stove and electric ones. Both have a number of advantages and some negative sides.

    Table: pros and cons of traditional cezves and electric Turks

    "Tame" TurkElectric Turk
    • The rich taste of the drink, achieved by slowly boiling water in the cezve;
    • A wide range of Turks of different materials and volumes;
    • You can control the coffee preparation process and prevent it from boiling several times (this is used quite often in some unusual recipes).
    • Express coffee preparation, at high power, 40 seconds is enough;
    • It is easy to carry the Turk and use it outside the home and kitchen;
    • Reliability of the device;
    • There is no need to be afraid that the coffee will boil or “run away”; many Turks have an auto-shut-off function.
    • Slow cooking process;
    • You need to be careful not to let the coffee boil.
    • The taste of the drink is not as rich as when brewing coffee by hand, since the water begins to boil too quickly;
    • There is no variety of Turks of different volumes (standard electric Turks are available in 250–350 ml);
    • The main material of electric Turks is ceramics, which has a higher price than other materials and has the ability to absorb foreign odors;
    • Special care is required to prevent the appearance of scale on the walls of the electric Turk.

    If the speed of making coffee is important to you, feel free to choose an electric cezve, but if you are a coffee gourmet, then your kitchen should have a traditional “manual” cezve.

    The electric tourer is convenient to take with you on trips

    How to choose the right Turk for the stove?

    The main indicator that you should pay attention to when choosing is the material from which the Turk is made. It can be metal (copper or brass, stainless steel, bronze, silver, aluminum), ceramics or clay, glass. Each Turk has its own characteristics; consider the pros and cons of Turks made of different metals in the table.

    Table: pros and cons of copper, brass, bronze and other cezves

    Copper or brass cezves coated with food-grade tin or silver
    1. They have the correct conical shape and an optimal ratio of the length of the circumference of the bottom and neck;
    2. The bottom of such cezves is thickened, which promotes uniform heating of water when brewing coffee;
    3. Durable and reliable;
    4. Pleasant to look at;
    5. They have an affordable price (from 600 to 1000 rubles).
    1. Materials such as pure copper or brass require periodic cleaning;
    2. With prolonged use of copper or brass cezves, they may begin to absorb foreign odors, which affects the taste of the drink prepared in them.
    Stainless steel cezves
    1. Do not require special care;
    2. Steel is a very light metal;
    3. The vessel is durable and shock-resistant;
    4. They have a low price.
    1. They have a wide neck and do not have the classic cone shape;
    2. There is no thickening of the walls or bottom, which causes the water to heat up too quickly;
    3. Gives a metallic taste;
    4. They cool down slowly, making it easier to miss the moment when the coffee is boiling.
    5. You can only find stainless steel pots in large volumes - from 500 ml to 750 ml.
    Bronze cezves
    1. Durable;
    2. Look attractive;
    3. They heat up slowly - the coffee has time to reveal its aroma.
    1. It's easy to make a mistake and buy a fake.
    Silver cezves
    1. They look very aesthetically pleasing;
    2. Have the correct shape;
    3. Reliable.
    1. Silver cezves need regular cleaning;
    2. They heat up faster than copper or aluminum Turks, so the coffee may not have a rich enough taste;
    3. High price.
    Aluminum cezves
    1. Unpretentious in care;
    2. They have a low price.
    1. Gives coffee a metallic taste.
    Ceramic cezves
    1. Variety of designs;
    2. The presence of thick walls for slow and uniform heating of water;
    3. Ceramics is the safest material for health.
    1. Ceramic cezves are very fragile and not impact-resistant;
    2. The price of such cezves is quite high compared to Turks made of copper or aluminum;
    3. Ceramic Turks that are not coated with a special glaze absorb coloring pigments and foreign odors.
    Clay cezves
    1. Clay is a porous material that allows air to pass through, so coffee that is brewed in such a cezve is enriched with oxygen and becomes very rich.
    1. Clay has the ability to absorb odors, so it is recommended to prepare only one type of coffee in a clay cezve.
    Glass cezves
    1. They have a very attractive appearance;
    2. You can watch the entire coffee brewing process;
    3. Do not require special care;
    4. Universal - can be used not only for brewing coffee, but also for heating milk, for example;
    5. Nice price (glass Turks are sold in the price range from 350 to 600 rubles).
    1. Glass is a fairly fragile material;
    2. An extremely small assortment of glass cezves by volume, most often Turks from 500 ml go on sale;
    3. The water in such Turks heats up too quickly, the taste of the ground coffee beans does not have time to develop, and the drink turns out not so rich;
    4. They have a wide neck, not a narrow one, like classic cezves, so some of the coffee aroma and beneficial essential oils evaporate.

    Video: how to choose a quality Turk for your home?

    Glass coffee pot

    Turks for gas stove

    Both copper and ceramic pots are suitable for a gas stove; only when brewing coffee in the latter, it is better to use a flame diffuser so that the coffee does not boil ahead of time and the pot heats up more slowly.

    Video: review of the CEZVE ceramic model

    Options for induction cooker

    An induction cooker conducts heat through the cookware, so when choosing a coffee pot, it is important to remember that ceramic and copper pots are not suitable for an induction cooker (they do not conduct heat well), it is better to use enameled steel pots.

    Not all materials are suitable for an induction cooker

    There are specially designed models made of ceramic or copper, at the bottom of which there is an insert made of ferromagnetic material, which allows the induction cooker to “recognize” the bottom of the Turk. Usually the manufacturer notifies the buyer about this by leaving the word Induction on the packaging. The disadvantages of such a Turk are that it does not have a classic shape and its neck is too wide.

    Video: tips for choosing for each type of stove?

    If a magnet is attracted to the bottom of the Turk from the outside, it is suitable for an induction cooker.

    There are still some nuances regarding the choice of Turks for an induction cooker. For example, the diameter of the bottom of the Turk you choose should be in the range from 8 to 12 cm; if the bottom of the Turk is too small, the burner of the induction cooker may not turn on.

    You don’t have to give up using ceramic and copper cezves if you purchase an induction ferromagnetic disk that works as an adapter between the stove and the bottom of the Turk; the stove recognizes it and starts heating.

    Another way to brew traditional Turkish coffee is to use a frying pan filled with sand.

    You can make coffee on sand in a frying pan

    Quality Turks - what are they like?

    Good Turks made of copper, ceramics and clay must have a cone shape, thickened walls and bottom. Thick walls are responsible for uniform heating of the water in the Turk, and the bottom is responsible for rapid heating of the prepared drink. In addition, the bottom should not only be thick, but also hard - this prevents deformation of the Turk, which can lead to overheating of the drink and a negative change in its taste.

    As for the material, in particular, a copper Turk, it should not be purely copper - you need to choose an alloy of copper with other substances, or a Turk coated on the inside with a layer of food-grade tin or silver, because a substance such as copper can come into contact with coffee, oxidize and give a chemical reaction.

    Video: how to choose a quality Turk depending on the material?

    The material of the Turkish handle should be less thermally conductive than the main part (for example, wood), and the handle itself should be long and have a good slope so that you cannot get burned. In addition, the handle of the Turk should be attached to the main part with rivets, and not welded to it - this is much more reliable. There are also cezves on sale with a twist-off handle.

    On each Turk produced according to all the rules, at the bottom, on the outer side of the bottom, there must be a factory marking, and on the packaging of the Turk (and not on the bottom - this is important!) There must be a label indicating at least the country of origin of the product, at a maximum - about all the materials used in its production. Cezves made of copper (domestic production) usually have a stamp.

    The manufacturer's stamp on the Turk is an indicator of quality

    How to check the quality of Turks in a store?

    Pay close attention to the thickness of the walls and bottom; if it seems to you that they are too thin, it is better to put this cezve aside, as the coffee in it will heat up unevenly, tending to boil or run away.

    Choose a Turk with a non-metallic handle: getting burned is not very pleasant.

    The edges of the cezve must be carefully processed so as not to scratch or catch your hands.

    The handle of the Turk should be non-metallic, the edges should be carefully processed

    How to check the quality of a purchased Turk at home?

    When brewing coffee, the cezve should not emit any “extra” aromas, otherwise it is of poor quality. The bottom should remain as hard as when purchased and not deform from heating.

    The design of a ceramic cezve should not “float”, otherwise it may begin to release harmful substances into the air.

    Ceramic cezves are very beautiful

    Also, if you bought a low-quality cezve, a few days after use, its handle may begin to wobble - this is the “weakest” point of such utensils. You can try to fix it yourself or return the Turk back to the store.

    If you are convinced that the cezve you purchased is of good quality, before using it and brewing coffee for the first time, you should treat it: pour clean water into the cezve, add a couple of slices of fresh lemon and bring it all to a boil. Rinse the Turk with cool water. You can also wash the cezve with soda. It is important to remember that you should not wash the Turk before or after brewing coffee with any dishwashing detergents; they will give the coffee an unpleasant aroma.

    How to buy a high-quality electric Turk?

    Expert Larisa Tsareva advises:

    An electric Turk should be chosen from high-strength plastic, good metal or steel. Important options for electric Turks are overheating protection (the Turk will not work without water) and automatic shutdown. Turks are small in size and can be taken with you on a trip. Many models have a folding handle, which is also very nice.

    Expert salesman Denis Basuev shares with buyers:

    The electric turk was invented for convenience. Brewed coffee is always with you - both on trips and in the office. A good electric Turk will never have any foreign tastes or odors. Choose an electric Turk made from the highest quality materials.

    Rating of the best models of electric Turks:

    1. Hotter HX-CM2039

    • volume 250 ml;
    • auto shutdown - yes;
    • materials - plastic and stainless steel;
    • country of origin: Great Britain.

    Video: how does the Hotter electric Turk work?

    2. ZIMBER ZM-10732

    • volume 300 ml;
    • auto shutdown - yes;
    • materials - metal;
    • country of origin: China.

    3. CENTEK ST-1080 W

    • volume 500 ml;
    • auto shutdown - no;
    • material - stainless steel;
    • country of origin: China.

    4. SINBO SCM 2916

    • volume 400 ml;
    • auto shutdown - yes;
    • material - metal;
    • country of origin is Türkiye.

    Video: review of the SINBO electric turk


    • volume 300 ml;
    • auto shutdown - no;
    • material - stainless steel;
    • country of origin: China.

    Photo gallery: rating of electric Turks

    Electric Turk Hotter

    Electric Turk ZIMBER

    Electric Turk CENTEK

    Electric Turk SINBO

    Electric Turk ENDEVER

    Review of electric Turk ZIMBER ZM-10732:

    I am very glad that I bought this Turk a year ago. I wanted the handle to be awkward. Coffee brews well, in time from 2 minutes 15 seconds to 2 minutes 50 seconds. It washes off very well (after all, it burned twice), it was as shiny as it was, and still shines after a year of almost daily use. When it boils over, the coffee pours out, but does not get on the contacts, although it’s bad that there is no shutdown without water. Volume: one large cup or two coffee cups.


    https://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/32499768/?yclid=85825519714572806&utm_source=yandex_direct&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=dynamic_appliance_feed_rf_23556161&utm_term=_bs1new&utm_content=k50id%7C0100 0000228864_%d0%94%d0%be%d1%81%d1%82 %d0%b0%d0%b2%d0%ba%d0%b0%7Ccid%7C23556161%7Cgid%7C2252491894%7Caid%7C3402098335%7Cadp%7Cno%7Ckw%7C%7Cpos%7Cpremium1%7Cmain&k50id=01000000228 864_%d0%94%d0 %be%d1%81%d1%82%d0%b0%d0%b2%d0%ba%d0%b0

    Review of the ceramic Turk “Slavic Ceramics”:

    About the effect of brewing coffee in ceramics... It feels like I'm brewing coffee on sand. When the coffee begins to rise (foam), you need to immediately remove the Turk from the heat; the foam will come out in a few more seconds. It happens that I pour several grams into a cup at once, otherwise I risk spilling it. In copper, such an effect is not observed. The effect of heating coffee in volume gives its unprecedented results: coffee is always foamy, tasty, rich and aromatic. I put the turk directly on the fire, I’m not afraid that it will crack. At first I used a fire spreader, but now I realized that there was no such need. I advise everyone to buy and try coffee from a ceramic pot; it tastes much better than the classic copper pot.



    Review of the electric Turk ENDEVER SKYLIN 220 KR:

    The coffee preparation process must be constantly monitored. The coffee boils very quickly - in a couple of minutes at most, so you need to be close to remove the pot from the heating element in time, otherwise the coffee will “run away”. We really liked the final version. The coffee is aromatic and practically no different from that prepared in a classic Turkish coffee.

    Alisa Li


    Review of the copper Turk “Stanitsa”:

    Before purchasing a Turk, I read that the best Turks are made from copper. I was very happy when I saw this in the store, although there were options made of aluminum and stainless steel. Without hesitation, I bought a copper pot and have been using it with pleasure for the second year now. The pot is small, you can brew coffee for a maximum of three people, but it should be small; they don’t brew a lot of tasty coffee. It has a classic shape - wide at the bottom and narrow at the top, as well as a thick, seemingly double bottom. The Turk has a long wooden handle, it does not heat up and no oven mitt is needed. A big plus for me is its appearance, it is beautiful, you don’t want to hide it in a closet, it stands in a visible place as a decoration and is always at hand. I really love such special, cozy little things that can tell something about their owners. This Turkish woman seems to be saying: “They love coffee in this house!”



    Review of the Hotter HX-CM2039 electric tourer:

    The coffee maker works on the principle of an electric kettle on a heating disk. Its volume is small (250 ml), so coffee is brewed within 1–2 minutes. The only negative is the lack of automatic shutdown in emergency situations (for example, if the coffee runs out), although it is stated in the operating instructions. But this minus does not greatly complicate the process of preparing your favorite drink.



    Review of the electric Turk CENTEK ST-1080 W:

    This pot is not for home use, of course you can use it at home if you live alone, it just has a volume of only half a liter for one person, for a family you need to buy something larger for an apartment.



    Review of the electric Turk SINBO SCM 2916:

    It looks very stylish, the surface is completely made of stainless steel, which is easy to clean. Yes, during the coffee brewing process you have to watch and turn it off in time. But the coffee maker boils very quickly, so there are no problems. The bottom of the Turk does not heat up at all, so the Turk can be placed on any surface immediately after making coffee.



    Making your morning good and invigorating you for the whole day is not at all difficult; it’s a matter of good coffee. But it cannot be cooked in the wrong pot. Follow our tips for choosing it, and you will succeed!

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    • Author: Inna Vasilevskaya
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    Comparison of copper and stainless steel cezves

    Impact resistant

    The price of products made from these materials differs slightly from each other, but for some manufacturers the cost of stainless steel is higher.

    When choosing which Turk is better - stainless steel or copper, you should pay attention to the fact that copper tends to oxidize. Especially under the influence of acids contained in coffee. Stainless steel is a neutral alloy.

    A stainless steel Turk does not require special care; it is lightweight. A copper product is much heavier and needs to be cleaned from carbon deposits. When using copper cookware at home, do not be afraid to scratch or break the bowl. It is durable and there will be no marks left on it after a fall or accidental impact.

    Disadvantages of a stainless steel ladle

    Stainless steel vessels have too wide necks. The bottom and walls have the same thickness. This is bad for a Turk, because in such a vessel the drink boils too quickly. Coffee beans do not have time to develop their taste and aroma. The foam quickly rises and, without encountering any obstacles, easily escapes.

    A stainless steel pot looks more like a ladle in appearance; you won’t be able to brew aromatic and tasty coffee in it.

    How to care

    Not everyone knows that a product such as a Turk requires certain care. For each product, depending on the material of manufacture, there are certain care rules, compliance with which significantly extends the service life and improves the appearance.

    • Copper and brass cezves are coated with food-grade tin, which is easily damaged and therefore requires gentle washing. The use of metal meshes and cleaning products containing abrasive particles is prohibited. Manufacturers do not recommend washing in the dishwasher; the product is washed by hand in running water. There may be streaks left on the Turk that has dried on its own, so it is better to wipe it with a towel, this will give it a characteristic shine.

    Such products tend to darken over time, so the outside is periodically cleaned with special means or traditional methods.

    Manufacturers do not recommend washing in the dishwasher; the product is washed by hand in running water.

    • Aluminum and stainless steel products can be washed in the dishwasher and using abrasives.

      Aluminum and stainless steel products can be washed in the dishwasher and using abrasives.

    • Glass and clay cezves do not require additional care or hand washing, but the process requires care due to their fragility.

    A generalized answer to the question that interests many people: “Turks for coffee - which models are better?”: having traditional proportions, heating evenly, cooling slowly, durable.

    The entire existing modern variety of products is still inferior to the copper Turk invented in ancient times, which is ahead of its analogues in many respects. Ceramic Turks are a good option, but, unfortunately, they are susceptible to the formation of microcracks.

    For adherents of exclusively one preparation recipe, clay products are good; they absorb the aroma of the prepared coffee and saturate the subsequent brewed drinks with it.

    For adherents of exclusively one preparation recipe, clay products are good; they absorb the aroma of the prepared coffee and saturate the subsequent brewed drinks with it. For people who have no experience in brewing coffee, the best option is a glass cezve; its transparency allows you to learn to control the process.

    Volume of Turks: from one serving to a large group

    For yourself and a friend

    There are cezves of all sizes on sale, so you need to decide exactly which Turk to buy. To get delicious coffee, it is important to fill the vessel with a certain precision. The contents are consumed immediately. That is why it is recommended to purchase a product whose volume is enough for one brew.

    If you need one serving of coffee, we recommend an individual, that is, a small container volume of 100 to 150 ml. After cooking, you get one cup.

    The most popular and universal volume of Turka is 250-350 ml. It holds two cups of aromatic drink. This is a popular option.

    For guests

    A 500 ml cezve is the best choice for a family in which three or four people drink natural coffee at the same time. This is the best option for a small number of guests.

    The 750 ml Turka is suitable for family celebrations and large groups, when 7-8 people are treated to a drink at once. Stainless steel cookware is suitable, which is produced only industrially and only in large volumes - from 500 ml (rarely 400 ml) to 750 ml.

    What size pot is better?

    When thinking about which coffee pot to choose, special attention should be paid to the capacity of the dishes.

    It is noted that the best result when brewing coffee beans can be obtained if the cezve is filled to the maximum.

    The following points need to be taken into account:

    • a volume of 100-150 milliliters is suitable for brewing one cup of coffee and when using the method of preparing the drink on sand;
    • The optimal size is 350 milliliters. This container can hold two cups of drink;
    • a container with a capacity of 500 milliliters is purchased if there are 3-4 coffee lovers in the family;
    • Models with a volume of 750 milliliters are worth choosing for the office.

    The key to delicious coffee is the shape of the vessel, bottom and neck

    Before choosing a Turk for brewing coffee, look at the shape of the pot. The aroma and taste of the drink depends on it. When choosing, consider the following points.

    Interesting! Why can coffee sour?

    If the bottom of the vessel is wider than the top, then the walls of the Turka have a steep slope. This form is the best, as it prevents the heated grounds from rising upward. The mass will concentrate at the bottom, as a result the coffee will brew better.

    A good Turk should have a narrow neck. This top allows you to create a dense foam cap on the surface, which plays the role of a kind of plug. The aroma of the brewed drink and essential oils do not disappear through it. This will allow you to cook a delicious treat.

    The size of the bottom of the dish should be twice the diameter of the neck. This bottom heats the coffee evenly and maximizes the flavor.


    When choosing a Turk for coffee, you need to rely on your own taste preferences. It would be useful to take into account several important points:

    • Dishes of dark colors retain their beauty longer. It is noted that on copper models with a platinum “effect” the darkening is less noticeable;
    • An excessive number of decorative elements gives the cezve an attractive appearance, but makes it difficult to maintain. It is easier to wash products that have a minimum of depressions and depressions;
    • There are models with a strainer. This simple element allows you to get rid of the grounds that often end up in the finished coffee.

    Comfortable handle for easy cooking

    Reliability is ensured by bolts

    Before purchasing a cezve, pay attention to the material and method of attaching the handle. This affects comfort and safety during cooking.

    The handle must be attached to the product with bolts - this is the most acceptable option. Soldered holders are not as reliable. This is explained by the fact that the Turks often coat them with compounds that prevent the oxidation of the metal, but impair the quality of soldering. Such a handle will simply fall off at any moment.

    Features of materials

    Metal handles are traditionally found on cheap products. Such parts heat up quickly, so you will have to constantly use an oven mitt.

    Wooden handles do not heat up, they are beautiful and environmentally friendly, but as a result of frequent washing they quickly lose their neat appearance. Used for vessels made of copper and ceramics.

    Bakelite has been especially popular lately - it is a type of plastic that is lightweight and cannot be heated or melted. Most often, such holders can be found on glass and steel products.

    Turks design

    Complex and simple decorations

    The appearance of the product plays only an aesthetic role here. If the shape of the vessel is respected, then when choosing a design you should be guided solely by personal preferences and some nuances.

    Lessons come in dark color or with an artificially aged surface. It will retain its original appearance longer. Decorative elements in the form of modeling, openwork patterns and appliqués look impressive. But they complicate the care of the product.

    Possible decorative overlays may come loose as a result of frequent heating, so you should not overpay for them. Easy to care for engraving and embossing. This is a very beautiful finish.

    Attention to the spout

    We advise beginners to buy transparent coffee cups. This design allows the mass to boil under constant control.

    To avoid spilling coffee and damaging the foam when pouring into a cup, there should be a small spout at the top of the coffee pot. Its good shape is not too sharp, round, otherwise the foam will collapse. For left-handers, we recommend choosing models with spouts on both sides.

    History of the origin of the Turks

    People started brewing coffee about a thousand years ago. The first to do this were nomadic tribes. They brewed coffee in small copper pots. Coffee beans were highly valued, so in order not to waste the expensive drink, they began to make dishes for it with a tapering neck. The pot was replaced by a “dalla” - a copper vessel in the form of a jug, with one handle and a long spout, and for stability, the round sides were lowered down. The nomads brought both grains and a jug for it to the Arabian Peninsula, where the Turks appreciated the wonderful invigorating drink.

    Coffee was so valued that even spilling a drop of it was considered a waste, so the form was also changed. The Turks narrowed the neck of the “dalla” even more and lengthened the handle for convenience.

    Helpful Tips and Reminders

    Based on the above, we can draw a conclusion about how to choose a Turk for coffee.

    This must be done responsibly and carefully; there are many options. The best choice for gourmets would be a copper vessel of rich color, and for people who prefer environmentally friendly materials - a ceramic one.

    The fewer decorative elements on a product, the better. It’s good if there is a removable, non-heating handle - it will be easier to wash the container.

    Do not use abrasive or aggressive substances for cleaning, otherwise the coffee will absorb their smell. After using it at home, rinse the vessel with hot water while wiping it with a sponge.

    In general, which Turk is better to brew coffee in is an individual choice.

    Interesting! How to clean a copper pot well at home

    Alternative Turkish materials - what to choose

    Undoubtedly, the best strong coffee is obtained from expensive copper Turks. But there are many other options for any wallet made from other materials:

    • ceramic cezves. Affordable, they retain all the properties of coffee beans well during brewing. They are fragile and require careful handling;
    • aluminum. Affordable, budget option. Strong and durable, but the metal itself is very soft. Failure to comply with the proportions (neck and bottom of the same shape) does not affect the drink for the better;
    • bronze. Expensive, durable and durable material with good thermal conductivity. The coffee in such cezves turns out tasty and aromatic.
    • clay. Affordable and environmentally friendly material has made such cezves quite popular. Unfortunately, the porous structure of the walls absorbs odors well, so this pot is only suitable for brewing one type of bean.

    A brass pot will be a good alternative to a copper one - affordable price, correct shape, attractive design, long service life. The main condition is to take a responsible approach to choosing a cezve and take into account all the parameters when purchasing.

    How to choose a container depending on the type of stove

    What to cook with gas

    When deciding which Turk to choose for brewing coffee, they take into account not only the features of the model, but also what the drink is prepared with. This is explained by the fact that some materials are suitable for gas burners, while glass ceramics require others.

    Metal, ceramic and glass cezves are suitable for preparing coffee on a gas stove with burners. In this case, decorative metal elements burn. Whatever options you choose, it is advisable to use a flame optimization device without holes.

    For electric heating and glass ceramics

    It is allowed to brew coffee in any pot on a glass-ceramic stove, provided that the container has a smooth and level bottom. Brew the drink on a large burner and place the cezve on the edge. Turn the handle so that it does not heat up.

    For an old electric stove, take a metal cezve. Such a container is placed on a hot surface without risk.

    In the publication “Turks for Induction Cookers” you can read about which Turks are suitable for this type of appliance.

    Turkish pen

    An equally important parameter. First of all, the handle should be long and preferably at an angle. This way you will protect your hands from burns. Also, the handle should not get hot. The best option would be a metal handle with low thermal conductivity. Plastic ones are also good, but when heated, they do not emit the most pleasant aroma, and if not taken care of, they can completely melt. Wood is suitable, but over time, especially when in contact with water, the wooden handle loses its shape (the wood shrinks or swells) and becomes loose. On the other hand, it can always be replaced.

    All of the above in one picture.

    Electric Turk as an alternative

    If you do not have access to a stove, use an alternative option - an electric cezve. In this case, the taste and aroma of the treat will not be rich and bright, but this is compensated by the speed of preparation.

    There are two types of electric Turks: with or without an auto-shut-off function. A device without automatic shut-off is similar to a miniature electric kettle. The device is placed on a heating base that has a built-in sensor. At the moment the drink boils, the electric cezve is removed from the platform or disconnected from the network.

    More details about such vessels are written in the article “What is an electric Turk”.

    Turk wall thickness

    Optimally - one and a half millimeters when it comes to copper. A too thick bottom and thin walls indicate that the cezve is not solid, but welded together from separate sheets. On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with this, and thick-bottomed vessels are ideal for heating on the sand. But such a Turk should cost a lot of money, because silver must be used for such soldering according to food technology. It seems that instead of silver, most manufacturers use less “pedigreed” substances of dubious origin.

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