Methods for making coffee without a Turk and a coffee maker. How to brew your favorite drink tasty and correctly at home?

Easy way

This option is widespread in the Middle East and came from there.
The classic method of preparation, which contains only 3 ingredients: ground coffee, boiling water and sugar.


  • ground coffee – 1-2 teaspoon;
  • sugar or sweetener (to taste);
  • water – 200 ml.


  1. Boil water, let it cool slightly to a temperature of 85-90 degrees.
  2. Pour boiling water over the mug.
  3. Pour coffee and sugar into a cup and stir the dry mixture. The drink has a pleasant taste and is sugar-free. For people watching their figure, you can add a sweetener or skip the sweets altogether.
  4. Pour boiling water into a cup, stirring, and cover with a saucer.
  5. Brew for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Stir a little and the drink is ready to drink.

Making coffee in Turkish

Choosing a Turk

Turka has been known since the times of the Ottoman Empire, and, in fact, the name of this dish speaks of its origin. In its historical homeland it is called cezve, and both names have taken root in the Russian language.

Today, Turks make from a variety of materials: copper, aluminum, stainless steel, brass and even ceramics. There are both small Turks for a 100 ml cup, and large ones for a solid mug.

Among coffee lovers, preference is given to copper small Turks.

Copper heats up evenly, and the small volume allows you to maximize the flavor of the grain.

Aluminum cookware heats up quickly, but in principle it is not advisable to use it for cooking any food, since this material reacts with food when heated. The stainless steel heats up unevenly, which is why a hot spot of the highest temperature appears in the center of the cookware, and the coffee begins to boil, although the temperature at the edges has not yet reached the desired level.

Ceramics and clay also warm up, but these materials continue to give off heat even when you have already removed the dishes from the stove: the foam will continue to rise, and there is a risk that you will flood the table or stove. Due to the porous structure, clay cezves absorb odors well, so over time the taste of coffee will only get better, but you can only use it for preparing one type.

If you have an induction cooker, then it makes no sense to take a ceramic pot: it simply won’t heat up. If you buy a copper one, please note that there should be special inserts in its bottom, onto which induction will be induced.

The most correct form of a Turk is a traditional conical one with a funnel-shaped bell. The cone will prevent the thickness from rising to the top, and the bell will prevent the foam from rising too quickly, which is especially important for those who have not had any experience using this cookware before. The handle can be any length, but the longer it is, the more convenient it will be for you to remove the Turk from the heat.

Cooking in Turk

Rinse the Turk, add 1 teaspoon of finely ground coffee and add 75 ml of cold water. Add sugar or a few grains of salt before putting the Turk on low heat. These components somewhat slow down the boiling process and make the foam denser.

Place on the fire, heat, but do not bring to a boil. Your main task now is not to be distracted and wait for the moment when the foam rises. Remember the funnel-shaped bell? It will increase your chances of capturing this moment and not letting the coffee flood the stove.

Remove the Turk from the heat, let the foam settle and put it back on the fire. Three times the foam should rise and three times you should lower it. The process is clearly shown in this video.

Using a Turk is not an easy task and requires attention and certain skills. But this particular method of brewing coffee has many followers, since it requires a minimum of equipment: only the right dishes and a stove.

Cuban version

In Cuba, this drink has been drunk for several hundred years, and its recipe remains unchanged to this day.
This method has its roots on the island of Cuba.


  • ground coffee – 1-2 tsp;
  • cane sugar (to taste);
  • water – 200 ml;
  • rum – 1 tsp.


  1. Boil water, cool slightly.
  2. Rinse the inside of the mug with hot water.
  3. Mix coffee and cane sugar in a cup. If you don’t have brown sugar, you can use regular sugar, a sweetener, or drink it without adding sweets. Alternatively, refined cane sugar can be consumed as a snack with a drink.
  4. Pour hot water over the dry mixture, cover and let sit for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Stir the finished drink a little and add rum.
  6. Wait until the mixture settles and the drink is ready to drink.

General information about the devices used

There is more than one name for cookware for making coffee. In the United States of America alone, about eight hundred patents have been issued for various variations of coffee makers. Essentially, all these devices are divided into two types:

  • electrical;
  • slab

Slabs require heating. The dishes are placed on the stove. Electric ones simply need to be connected to the mains. There are both simple devices that have been used for centuries, and modern units that perform many functions, including grinding beans and choosing the optimal dosage.

A method originally from Brazil

A special feature of brewing the Brazilian drink is the use of coarsely ground coffee.
The Brazilian version of preparation is widespread not only in the country itself, but in many other South American cities.


  • coarse coffee 2-3 tsp;
  • sugar (to taste);
  • boiling water – 200 ml.


  1. Boil water and cool slightly.
  2. Mix the ingredients in a cup, after pouring boiling water over it.
  3. Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave. With this method, there is no need to cover the mug, since due to the coarse grinding, foam rises, which retains heat and aroma.
  4. Wait 3-5 minutes.
  5. Stir and the drink is ready to drink.

Making coffee in a geyser coffee maker

Choosing a coffee maker

The first geyser coffee makers appeared back in the 1930s. By the way, the company that designed them still exists today - the Italian Bialetti. Today, coffee makers of this type are produced by different companies.

When purchasing, you should focus on the material from which the coffee maker is made. You definitely shouldn't take aluminum specimens. But stainless steel or ceramics is a matter of taste.

Pay attention to the number of cups the coffee maker makes at a time.

In the case of a geyser coffee maker, you won’t be able to pour less water and add a spoonful of coffee in order to make one cup for yourself instead of six. You should always prepare the full amount. Moreover, different manufacturers may interpret the volume of one cup differently. For some it is 40 ml, for others it is 100. Find out this point before purchasing.

Cooking in a geyser coffee maker

Choose medium grind coffee and pour it into the filter. If you later find that there are coffee particles floating in your cup, it means that the grind was not coarse enough. Pour water into the bottom of the coffee maker.

As soon as the water boils, remove from heat. In this case, there is no need to be afraid of boiling, since the coffee itself will not heat up to 100 °C. Water under the pressure of the steam generated during boiling will pass through the filter with coffee and settle in the upper part of the coffee maker. With an electric device it is even simpler: as soon as the coffee is ready, it will turn off itself.

The entire process is shown in detail in the video instructions below.

If water leaks from the sides during use, it means that you have not tightened the parts tightly or have exceeded the maximum water mark.

Modern method in 5 minutes

This method uses grains of any grind.
This method appeared relatively recently and involves using 5 minutes of brewing along with cooking.


  • ground grains 1 tsp;
  • sugar (to taste);
  • water -150 ml.


  1. Boil the kettle.
  2. While the boiling water is heating, warm the mug in the microwave.
  3. Pour the ingredients into a warm cup.
  4. Pour water and leave for 2-3 minutes under a saucer.
  5. Stir and the express drink is ready.

In the microwave

Brewing coffee in the microwave is the most unusual way to prepare this drink.

How to cook:

  1. Pour boiling water over a ceramic bowl or heat it in the microwave. To brew coffee in a microwave oven, it is recommended to select a container with a volume of at least 300 ml and fill it 2/3 so that the rising foam does not escape from the container.
  2. Pour 2-3 tbsp into a dry, warm cup. l. ground coffee.
  3. Fill the raw material with cold water and place the container in the microwave.
  4. Start the appliance and carefully monitor the condition of the drink: as soon as foam rises in the bowl, turn off the microwave immediately .
  5. Let the drink brew inside the oven for 1 minute and remove using a potholder.

Depending on the power of the device, it takes an average of 2-4 minutes to prepare a treat .

During preparation, you must monitor the state of the drink very carefully and not leave the stove for a second: coffee can boil and escape from the cup at any moment .

Microwave dishes should not be placed on a cold or wet surface, otherwise the cup may break due to temperature changes.

A microwave allows you to get a ready-made drink in the shortest possible time, but coffee from a microwave oven does not have outstanding taste or rich aroma .

Creamy taste

This recipe is widespread in European countries.
This method is well suited for those who do not like strong drink. Cream or milk can be added to its composition.


  • finely ground grains – 2 tsp;
  • sugar (to taste);
  • boiling water – 250 ml;
  • cream 20% fat or milk 2.5% - 50 ml.


  1. Bring the water to a boil and leave to cool.
  2. Pour boiling water over the mug and put the ingredients into it.
  3. While stirring, pour hot water over the dry mixture.
  4. Cover with a saucer and wait 5-7 minutes
  5. After steaming, stir, add cream or milk. The drink is ready to drink.

French press is one of the best ways to brew coffee if you don’t have a Turkish coffee pot.

In our country, the French press is traditionally used for brewing tea, but the French originally invented it specifically for making coffee. Essentially the same brewing as in a cup, but with the ability to easily strain off the grounds. The taste is close to filter coffee or Americano.

  • Take a French press and rinse thoroughly to remove any remaining tea on the walls; this can even be done with an iron sponge, but do not use chemicals.
  • Set the water to boil for about one and a half French press.
  • Rinse the walls with boiling water to warm the container, it will not crack.
  • Add coffee (one and a half spoons per cup). You can add spices right away.
  • Pour in the water in a slow circular motion, watching as the coffee head forms and rises.
  • Lift the piston up until it touches the top and cover the cylinder with the cap.
  • After about five minutes, gently push the piston down to remove the grounds. Do not press hard, otherwise it will splash out if there is a lot of it.

For a French press, it is better to take medium or even coarse grinding grains; fine grinding - brew directly in a cup, because grains of grounds will still pass through the strainer.

Spicy drink

Various spices can be added to the drink: cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, cloves and even black pepper.
This method has been used in the Middle East for many centuries.


  • ground grains – 2 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 1/3 tsp;
  • cardamom – 1/3 tsp;
  • black pepper – 1/4 tsp;
  • sugar (to taste);
  • boiling water – 200 ml.


  1. Boil water and let it cool slightly.
  2. Rinse the cup with hot water, add coffee and spices. With this method, it is advisable not to add sugar, but eat it as a bite.
  3. Mix the mixture well and add hot water.
  4. Cover and let sit for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the drink and all the spices will reveal their aroma.
  5. After the drink has steamed, stir and serve with sweets.

Coffee pot

The Turkish method of making coffee was widespread until the English physicist Raeford invented the coffee pot at the end of the 18th century. Since then, this simple device has been endlessly improved. Coffee pots, which need to be heated on the stove, are still produced today by manufacturers, including luxury tableware, despite the constant modernization of electrical household appliances.

In general, all coffee makers can be divided into two groups: those that need to be heated on the stove, and electric ones. Moreover, the former can be either ordinary or geyser. Coffee makers of the second type, in turn, are divided into drip-type (filtration) and espresso machines, and recently combined ones have appeared.

Italian coffee pot

In a vessel for preparing Moco Express coffee, called an Italian coffee pot, preparing the drink is quite simple, and the result is excellent even for beginners.

  • Pour cold water into the lower compartment.
  • Place the required amount of coffee powder into the filter strainer, based on the volume of the device.
  • Put on fire.
  • Wait until the coffee finishes flowing into the upper tank.
  • Remove the finished drink from the heat and pour the coffee into a cup.

Drip coffee maker

Drip coffee makers are produced by many manufacturers, but the key elements are the same for all devices. The following are the basic nodes.

  • Cold water reservoir. It is often non-removable and is located at the back.
  • A tank or boiler in which heating occurs.
  • A heating element.
  • Funnel and filter for ground coffee. The funnel in some machines is removable. The filter is self-contained and can be disposable or for regular use.
  • Container for ready-made coffee. It can be made in the form of a flask, a coffee pot, and sometimes ordinary cups play this role.

Operating principle of a drip coffee maker

Its operating principle has changed little over the past two centuries, although the device has acquired a modern appearance and some additional functions.

  • Water from the reservoir, which is usually located at the back, enters the boiler.
  • In the tank, the water heats up and rises up the tube.
  • Drop by drop it flows through the thickness of the coffee powder and falls into the lower compartment.
  • When all the water is heated and drips through the filter, the coffee is ready.

The coffee grounds remain in the filter and do not stain the cups, and the platform on which the tank with the finished coffee is installed can have a heating function and maintain the temperature of the drink.

Despite the similarity, coffee makers from different manufacturers differ in design, volume, materials, and power. The most differences are observed in additional functions: the presence or absence of auto shut-off, delayed start timer, indication, mechanical or electronic control.

Combination coffee maker

Combination coffee makers are actually two models in one. One is a drip coffee maker that can brew a whole liter of coffee, and the other can brew a cup of espresso. Combination coffee makers also have a separate device for frothing milk for cappuccino. Most likely, this coffee maker is suitable for those who cannot decide which coffee they like best: espresso or traditional. Combination coffee makers are very convenient in a small kitchen, as they save a lot of space.

A combination coffee maker is called a coffee machine and can be purchased at any hardware store.

But combination coffee makers have their drawbacks, the main one being that each part of the machine requires specific care and different types of ground coffee. In addition, such devices are not cheap: for the same money you can buy a very decent drip coffee maker and an espresso coffee maker separately.

Let's start from the beginning - who should drink coffee?

Although a ton of research shows that coffee has health benefits, unfortunately, this doesn't apply to everyone. Whether coffee is right for you depends on genetics. Author of the book Ketotarian, Dr. Will Cole, explains: “We all have two variants of the caffeine gene, CYP1A2 and AHR, which determine how we metabolize caffeine. Either you metabolize caffeine quickly, meaning you tolerate it well and it is quickly eliminated from your body, or you metabolize caffeine slowly, meaning caffeine stays in your body longer, making its effects stronger and longer lasting.”


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According to Cole, those with both genes for fast metabolism can drink coffee without any discomfort and get all the benefits from it. “But if one of the genes is fast and the other is slow, or both are slow, then you are likely to experience not only the wake-up effect of caffeine, but also, unfortunately, shaky hands.”

You can find out your set of genes using a test, but you can also be guided by your feelings. If you don't feel very good (and even anxious) after drinking coffee, it's probably not good for you. If coffee makes you feel better, well, let's find the healthiest way to brew it.

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