The best coffee for Turkish according to Control Purchase and Roskontrol

The Italians say that the main secret of good coffee lies in the three letters “M”. Translated into Russian, these main components of proper brewing of a drink are: melange (a mixture of varieties), hand (that is, a skill that comes with experience) and a machine. Coffee lovers have different opinions about the latter. Some people prefer geyser or drip type machines. Anyone who doesn’t want to bother too much with preparing the drink uses capsule or pod coffee makers.

But a true gourmet always remains faithful to the cezve, which the Slavs call “Turk”. There remain two more components of the ideal drink: hand and melange. Which mixture of varieties should I choose? What should the grind be? Or is it better to buy Turkish coffee beans? The ranking of the best brands will be presented in this article. We will also talk about how to brew coffee and give basic gourmet recommendations.

Arabica and Robusta

Unlike tea, the raw material for which is provided by one biological species, the Chinese Camellia, coffee beans are supplied by two plants. One of them is Coffea arabica. The homeland of this tree is Arabia, but now it is cultivated everywhere in countries with a suitable climate. Arabica is very whimsical, susceptible to diseases, and suffers from insects. She loves dry, but not very hot climates. Many people believe that good Turkish coffee is 100% Arabica. But is it?

Let's see what robusta is. The Latin name for this tree is Coffea canephora. In the tropics, robusta grows like nettle in our country. The tree is completely unpretentious, tenacious, like a weed, and at the same time produces a bountiful harvest, despite weather conditions. Naturally, Robusta is much cheaper than carefully cultivated Arabica. But these two types of coffee have different tastes. Arabica is soft, with delicate caramel undertones. Its aroma resembles either cream or blueberries. Robusta is more “plebeian”. But it has a higher caffeine content. And this substance gives the entire drink strength and a distinct bitter taste. From all this we can conclude that it is better to mix both types of grains to get the perfect drink.

Is it worth going by price?

The most expensive type of coffee is kopi luwak. It is produced only in Indonesia, the Philippines, southern Vietnam and India. One cup of the drink on the island of Sumatra, right next to the plantations, costs approximately 350 rubles. In Moscow you can buy 100 grams for 4,700 rubles. But is this type the best ground coffee and is it suitable for Turkish coffee? The huge price is due only to the production method.

After all, kopi luwak is obtained from... the excrement of musangs, small animals that eat “coffee cherries.” In the stomach, the pulp is digested, and the fermented grains are excreted in the feces. They are washed, dried, fried and made into a drink. Gourmets claim that kopi luwak coffee has an excellent, harmonious, delicate taste. But the price for it, to put it mildly, bites. Is it worth paying so much money for musang poop? Good Turkish coffee can be brewed from regular Arabica and Robusta varieties. And such pleasure will cost much less

The benefits or harms of coffee

The maximum recommended amount of this decoction is 5-7 cups per day. It is completely safe for a healthy person. But, if the body is susceptible to any chronic disease, then drinking such a volume of invigorating liquid can lead to some discomfort in the form of increased heart rate, increased irritability, anxiety, chills or trembling. Therefore, when using several cups of aromatic infusion, it is recommended to carefully monitor your health.

But, basically, the decoction brewed in Turk has a beneficial effect on the well-being and health of its lovers. Namely:

  • for women prone to frequent depressed mood, it is enough to drink 4 cups of drink a day to protect themselves from this condition;
  • being a moderate stimulant, it helps to sharpen vision, increases concentration, improves thinking processes, and activates the motor system;
  • according to recent conclusions of medical experts, coffee infusion is on a par with substances that help the body fight gout;
  • Thanks to the caffeine included in the drink, after drinking a cup your heart rate and pulse increase. It has a vasodilating effect on the vessels of the brain and kidneys, which ensures more active blood circulation throughout the body;
  • Based on numerous studies, scientists were able to establish that people who drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day are 1/3 less susceptible to secondary myocardial infarction than patients who completely excluded this drink from the list of consumed products. This is based on the presence in the infusion of a substance that can thin the blood, thereby protecting blood vessels from the formation of blood clots, which are the cause of myocardial infarction;
  • also, based on the observations of specialists, it was concluded that those who drink large amounts of the drink have the lowest risk of developing type 2 diabetes;
  • fibrous tissue formed during liver diseases, when used in the diet of a decoction, significantly slows down its growth.

An interesting fact, according to scientists, is that with prolonged contemplation of the dark brown color of the aromatic infusion, people become more loyal, sincere and compassionate, their mood improves and the charge of vigor and positivity increases.

Roasting secrets

Raw grains are supplied to the wholesale market. This makes them easier to transport, because fried beans are brittle and absorb moisture like a sponge. Raw coffee has a pale or light green appearance and is completely unappetizing. And the grains taste like bitter burnt rubber or poorly roasted peanuts. Different countries that buy raw materials and package them use their own roasting methods.

Italian was recognized as the best. We will not go into the intricacies of technology here. Let's just say that beans roasted using this method give an abundant foam cap on the surface of the drink. In addition, the Italian type allows the beans to be stored for a long time without losing their aroma.

There are three degrees of roasting. When weak, the grains have a light brown color. Medium roast gives the coffee a hint of chocolate. A strong degree of heat treatment brings the grains to a dark brown, almost black color. Then a bitterness and a smoky smell appears. A good Turkish coffee is one that has undergone a strong or medium roast.

Which one is better to choose?

Coffee lovers have the opportunity to purchase any of three types of coffee:

  1. Grain. The most traditional look, very convenient for storage. Does not lose taste and aroma for a long time.
  2. Powdery. Chalked grains are used for Turks, coffee makers, and coffee machines. It is not stored for a long time, loses its aroma and absorbs other people's odors.
  3. Capsule. Ground grains are placed in sealed packaging. Used in capsule coffee machine.

Capsule coffee is also used for brewing in a Turk. The contents of the package are poured into the cezve and cooked in the standard way.

Daniil Lobadin

Co-founder and head of the family manufactory Lobadin Coffee Roasters

Keep the method of making Turkish coffee from the family manufactory Lobadin Coffee Roasters:

You need a copper pot, 4 teaspoons of coffee, 160 ml of water (pour water from a filter, at room temperature). Important - coffee beans should be as coarsely ground as possible, like salt crystals. Not into the dust! Forget about this ancient misconception - after all, you are going to drink coffee, not eat!

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