The benefits and harms of coffee for the female body

Harm of coffee to the human body

Research even supports its effective effects in preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease. However, not everything is so smooth.

The tasty and invigorating drink has some drawbacks that can lead to deterioration in physical and mental health. What harm can coffee cause to the human body?

Benefits of coffee

What are the benefits of coffee?

  1. Able to prevent diseases such as: Alzheimer's disease, liver cirrhosis, gout, type 2 diabetes.
  2. Coffee is good for allergy sufferers . Caffeine reduces the body's production of histamine, which regulates many biological processes in the body, including allergic reactions. Therefore, a decrease in this compound leads to fewer allergic reactions.
  3. One cup of coffee a day has a beneficial effect on the human body, providing a surge of energy and increasing focus .
  4. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health say coffee increases levels of feel-good hormones and reduces suicidal thoughts in people with depression by about 45%.
  5. Improves productivity . This applies to both mental and physical work. It also increases reaction speed and physical endurance. This happens because coffee stimulates blood flow to the brain, as a result of which the efficiency of a person’s brain increases by almost 10%.
  6. It has been observed that 2-3 cups of coffee per day can reduce ringing and tinnitus characteristic of tinnitus.
  7. Based on the results of numerous studies, it was found that people who drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day have a 40% reduced risk of developing Parkinson's disease.
  8. Research has shown that those who drank 1 cup of coffee daily for 15 years were 12% less likely to experience fatal illnesses.
  9. Protects against liver cirrhosis and gallstones. To prevent this disease, it is recommended to drink 1 cup of coffee per day.

Some studies show that decaffeinated coffee increases life expectancy. This is because this aromatic drink contains more than 800 beneficial substances that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

With diseases of the cardiovascular system, things are also not simple: sometimes we are told that coffee protects against heart attacks and strokes, sometimes, on the contrary, it provokes them. Tired of conflicting opinions, experts from the Northern Ireland Center for Food and Health decided to find out once and for all.

They reviewed 1,277 studies and concluded: 2-3 cups of coffee a day have no negative health effects and even provide moderate benefits . But we are talking specifically about coffee cups.

In Turkey and Italy they are the size of a thimble, and you and I often pour coffee into our stomachs from tea mugs with a volume of 250-300 ml, thereby drinking more than normal. Of course, with this amount you can bring yourself to a hypertensive crisis, tachycardia, insomnia and exhaustion of the nervous system.


Analyzing the results of studies conducted in recent years, researchers at the University of Milan came to the conclusion that coffee does not cause cancer .

In fact, Italian scientists believe that this drink is even able to resist several types of cancer pathologies, including cancer of the oral cavity, liver, endometrium, prostate and colon.

Harm of coffee for women and men

Although caffeine and coffee have many benefits, there are several disadvantages of coffee as well as negative effects of caffeine.


Consuming too much caffeine can be addictive, leading to overdose. There is a danger that this may lead to overstimulation of the body.

Caffeine withdrawal can lead to headaches, anxiety, irritability, trouble concentrating, fatigue, digestive problems and changes in appetite.

Excessive coffee consumption can also cause fatigued adrenal syndrome.

May cause digestive problems

Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are just some of the possible side effects associated with drinking coffee. They are associated with the laxative effect of coffee, which is caused by the release of gastrin, a hormone that stimulates movement in the digestive tract. Research also shows that caffeine may worsen symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is a condition characterized by heartburn, nausea and belching.

May alter mood and increase anxiety

The caffeine in coffee has the ability to affect hormones, neurotransmitters, nerve signals and muscles. This is especially true if you have existing health conditions - such as anxiety, heart problems or diabetes. Or if you drink coffee to help change how you feel and get rid of fatigue. Because caffeine increases alertness and releases adrenaline, it can worsen anxiety and nervousness. So one of the benefits of giving up coffee and other stimulants may be an improvement in your mood, especially if you suffer from ongoing stress or chronic anxiety.

May contain many calories

Many women drink coffee only with sugar or milk, but there is no benefit from such coffee, only harm.

In this case, all the benefits of coffee as a means of losing weight disappear. Drinking coffee with sugar and cream can cause you to accumulate extra calories, which will ultimately hinder your overall weight loss. A good coffee option for weight loss is to simply enjoy your coffee black or use a natural low-calorie sweetener like stevia to add a hint of flavor. Almond milk, oat milk, or cinnamon and honey are some other easy ways to enjoy your cup of coffee without packing on the extra pounds.

Interferes with the absorption of minerals

Coffee seriously interferes with the absorption of vitamins and minerals from foods and dietary supplements. This fact is especially important for women. Because it is women who most often suffer from anemia, which is caused by a deficiency of iron or vitamin B12. But when a woman starts taking iron supplements to treat anemia, the iron will not be absorbed if she drinks it with coffee.

Coffee binds not only iron, but also zinc, copper, manganese and many vitamins. Therefore, if you are eliminating a deficiency condition, it is recommended to completely eliminate coffee from your diet. Otherwise, coffee causes you a lot of harm without bringing any benefit.

Not recommended for some people

In moderation, coffee can be safely consumed by most people as part of a healthy diet. However, there are several categories of people who should not consume caffeine in general.

Children, for example, have long been advised to avoid drinking coffee because of its potential effects on growth and development. It has been proven that coffee can cause problems such as hyperactivity and insomnia.

Coffee is also not recommended for teenagers.

Pregnant women should also limit their caffeine intake to 200 mg per day to prevent adverse birth outcomes and birth defects.

Antioxidants are contained only in natural, non-sublimated coffee.

How much coffee can you drink per day?

How often can you drink coffee? Scientists from the University of South Australia managed to find the answer to this question. They observed 347 thousand people from 37 to 73 years old.

It turned out that the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases by 22% if a person drinks 6 or more cups of coffee daily. It turned out that most people drink on average 1.5-2 cups of this drink per day and rarely anyone exceeds the safe limit.

Remember, we are talking about coffee cups. The optimal amount of drink is 3 cups. But this recommendation is only for healthy people who do not have chronic diseases. Sticking to these boundaries should not be an insurmountable barrier for coffee lovers.

Interesting fact: it is believed that the coffee tree was discovered by shepherds from Ethiopia. They noticed the vivacity of the goats as they ate the coffee. And we decided to try these leaves ourselves, feeling the same surge of strength after that. Later it was found that the grains give an even greater effect.

Why some people need more caffeine to perk them up

However, the researchers note, individual sensitivity to caffeine also matters - some people have the CYP1A2 gene, which helps absorb caffeine. That’s why some people can drink 2-4 cups in a row and not feel any effect, while for others one cup is enough to keep them awake all night.

By the way, to avoid an overdose of caffeine, baristas advise diluting strong coffee with milk and eating banana or cheese.

What do we know about coffee?

Coffee contains caffeine up to 1500 mg/l. It has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. When consuming caffeine, heart activity accelerates and blood pressure rises. It regulates excitation processes in the cerebral cortex, in large doses enhances positive conditioned reflexes and increases motor activity. The stimulating effect leads to increased mental and physical performance, reduced fatigue and drowsiness.

  1. The effects of caffeine last for several hours. As soon as it stops, fatigue sets in.
  2. Systematic consumption of caffeine in large doses (1000 mg per day or more) provokes depletion of nerve cells. After some time, addiction appears. A very large dose (approximately 10 grams) can cause death.
  3. Coffee actively affects the human body. Let's try to find the answer to the main question: “What outweighs the harm or benefits of coffee?”

Who should give up the aromatic drink?

  • Coffee is contraindicated during exacerbation of chronic gastritis and ulcers.
  • People with high blood pressure . Caffeine causes surges in blood pressure, vascular spasms, and even a hypertensive crisis.
  • People with heart problems . The same caffeine enhances the work of the heart, stimulates the vasomotor center and increases the pulse rate. Therefore, people with heart disease (for example, coronary artery disease) should stop drinking coffee. If after another cup of coffee you feel a rapid heartbeat or headache, which may indicate increased blood pressure, you should also give up coffee.
  • It is not recommended for elderly people and children to drink coffee . Until the age of five, this drink is contraindicated, since the child’s body is not yet strong (this issue will be discussed in more detail in the next paragraph).
  • Expectant mothers are not recommended to brew coffee too often , as caffeine can negatively affect the development of the fetus. In addition, this aromatic drink can reduce the effect of birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women.

If women drink too much coffee during pregnancy, their children are at higher risk of developing leukemia. However, these data are too contradictory to say for sure.

Precautionary measures

Want to know how much you need to drink to reap the health benefits without harming your body? Also, is it good to drink coffee every day, and can you drink coffee on an empty stomach?

A moderate amount for healthy adults is 300-500 mg of caffeine per day, which is about five cups of regular home coffee or a little more than one Starbucks Vent (which contains about 410 mg).

For pregnant women, this amount is lower - about 200 mg per day or less, although many pregnant women still choose not to drink anything at all to minimize the potential risk from coffee.

Most medical experts ideally recommend drinking one to two cups per day, which is not associated with negative reactions but appears to be beneficial for most people.

What are the side effects of coffee? Some of the most common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety, insomnia and headaches. Many of these are related to caffeine consumption, so for those who experience persistent side effects, it is recommended to reduce your caffeine intake or take advantage of the benefits of decaffeinated coffee.

Final Thoughts

  • Coffee is a drink made from roasted coffee beans, which are obtained from the berries of the Coffea plant.
  • Coffee contains several antioxidants and small amounts of riboflavin, pantothenic acid, potassium and manganese. The caffeine content of coffee can vary depending on many different factors, but the average cup contains about 95 mg of caffeine.
  • Health benefits of coffee for women and men include: improved cognitive function, liver health, physical performance and fat burning.
  • Is coffee harmful for women and men? Despite its potential benefits, there are disadvantages associated with coffee consumption. It can be addictive, increase anxiety, and cause digestive problems.
  • However, in moderation, coffee can be enjoyed as an excellent addition to a balanced, healthy diet for most people.

At what age can children drink coffee?

Children under five years old should not drink coffee, as the body is not yet strong . It is worth making a choice in favor of water, compote or herbal tea. The drink affects the nervous system and can cause increased excitability, and finally, coffee can cause sleep disturbances.

At the age of 12-13, it is also worth giving up an invigorating drink , since during this period the nervous system is under enormous stress. At this age, the child's hormonal changes begin. Therefore, coffee can lead to overexcitation of the nervous system and even heart rhythm disturbances. And also don’t forget that caffeine washes away calcium and slows down the absorption of important microelements.

Children can try coffee only from adolescence, that is, from 14-15 years old . During this period, the body has already overcome the hormonal surge, so it will be easier to cope with caffeine. But it is worth remembering the consumption rate, especially at this age. Of course, the best period for drinking coffee is 18 years and older, when the body is almost fully formed.

Myth No. 2 Coffee and pregnancy: can you drink coffee during pregnancy?

If you read some articles from the Internet with advice on whether pregnant women can drink coffee, then after reading them the desire to drink it will disappear completely. The articles talk about possible pathologies of the fetus and the development of various diseases in the mother. But is all this true and has a scientific basis?

The World Health Organization [Official source] conducted an experiment on the effect of coffee on pregnant women. It revealed that excessive coffee consumption by a pregnant woman can lead to retarded fetal growth and the birth of a low-birth-weight baby. However, if a woman drinks no more than 300 ml [Official source] of the drink per day, the child will be born healthy and of normal weight.

It should be noted here that a group of women participated in the experiment, and its results can only indirectly be applied to all pregnant women.

So if you are pregnant and want to drink coffee every day, consult your doctor about the dose that is safe for you. But remember that the removal of caffeine from the blood during pregnancy is slower, so its effect is longer lasting.

How to drink coffee correctly

Just not on an empty stomach

This is the main rule of coffee lovers. Why is it harmful to drink coffee on an empty stomach? An invigorating drink drunk on an empty stomach will fill the body with additional acids and tannins, which will negatively affect the stomach. The habit of drinking coffee on an empty stomach can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane and the development of gastritis, ulcers, and problems with the liver and pancreas.

Don't forget that coffee removes fluid from the body.

Why should you drink water after coffee? Coffee is a powerful diuretic. When you drink a cup of coffee, after 20-30 minutes you will have the urge to go to the toilet. You shouldn't drink coffee before leaving somewhere. Or be sure that in 20 minutes there will be a toilet on your way.

Some doctors use this. If a patient comes to an ultrasound examination of the bladder with an empty bladder, the doctor gives a small cup of coffee. After 20 minutes, the bladder is full and the examination can begin.

Since coffee is a diuretic, the body becomes dehydrated. So don't forget to drink a glass of water after your cup of coffee.

Did you know that in Italian restaurants they always offer a glass of water with a cup of coffee.

Drink coffee through a straw

Coffee darkens teeth . Therefore, drinking coffee through a cocktail straw is considered ideal. In order for the coffee to immediately get beyond the front surface of the teeth.

Don't drink too hot

Coffee should be drunk at a temperature below 60 degrees . Otherwise, the risk of esophageal cancer increases 8 times. This rule also applies to tea.

Don't drink coffee immediately after waking up

You should not drink coffee in the morning, even if you had breakfast before. It's better to wait 2-3 hours. The fact is that the level of cortisol in the body reaches its highest point in the morning. Cortisol is a stress hormone that helps a person wake up and be alert in the morning. Caffeine has a direct effect on cortisol production.

If we drink a cup of coffee early in the morning, our body begins to rely on caffeine instead of producing cortisol. If this happens, you will become dependent on this drink and without it you will feel sluggish in the morning.

A little trick on how to feel more energetic. If you urgently need a big boost of energy, drink a mug of coffee and immediately lie down to sleep for 15 minutes. During sleep, the amount of adenosine acids in the brain that causes fatigue decreases, making it easier for caffeine to block the remaining ones.

Peaks in stress hormone production occur at 7-8 am, 12-1 pm and 5:30-6:30 pm. At this time, a person is naturally alert and fresh, but caffeine causes an additional blow to the nervous system. And also, if you drink coffee at the peak of cortisol release, the body gets used to it and gradually stops producing it when necessary.

Thus, the best time for a cup of coffee is 10-12 am, and in the afternoon from 13.30 to 17.00. If you wake up in the morning without drinking coffee and feel exhausted and tired, most likely your biological cycle of vigor is disrupted. In this case, it is worth reconsidering the time of drinking the aromatic drink.

Healthy Coffee Alternatives

If you're trying to cut back on your caffeine intake or are simply looking for other healthy drinks to add to your morning routine, here are some healthy coffee alternatives you might consider:

  1. Chicory. Made from chicory root rather than coffee beans, chicory coffee has a nutty, slightly woody flavor and is used as a popular substitute for regular decaf coffee.
  2. Lemon water. Swapping your coffee for lemon water is an easy way to stay hydrated and refreshed, while also giving your body a generous dose of vitamin C.
  3. Mushroom coffee. This type of coffee is half regular coffee and half mushroom extract, providing the benefits of both while reducing the caffeine content of the drink.
  4. Tea . Available in green, black, white or herbal tea varieties, tea is an antioxidant-rich alternative to coffee that contains less caffeine but contains many of the same polyphenols and flavonoids.
  5. Kombucha. Made from fermented tea, this sparkling drink contains probiotics and health benefits to help you get through your morning.
  6. Turmeric latte. This soothing hot drink is made using a blend of spices such as turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper and ginger root powder, all mixed in a combination of almond milk and ghee.


Scientists are still arguing about whether to drink coffee. If you do not exceed the daily norm, the aromatic drink can bring great benefits to the body. Therefore, follow the above recommendations and do not worry about the harm that coffee can cause to your body.

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Article updated 03/31/2020

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