What will happen to your body if you drink coffee on an empty stomach every day?

Many people start their day with a cup of coffee. There are even special alarm clocks that brew coffee at a given time so you can wake up and immediately drink your favorite drink without getting out of bed. And of course, we remember about such a moment of care as coffee in bed. But are they worries? Doctors around the world are warning about the dangers of drinking coffee on an empty stomach. But not everyone understands the consequences of coffee on an empty stomach, and knows what effect it has on the body. Let's look at all the benefits and harms of your favorite drink.

Coffee on an empty stomach - consequences

It is believed that caffeine causes the greatest harm: it irritates the nervous and digestive systems, causes heartburn, abdominal pain, bloating, etc. But in fact, the problem is chlorogenic acids (by the way, they are even found in decaffeinated coffee), which irritate the walls of the stomach. The acidity rises, but there is nothing to digest.

After just a few weeks of regularly drinking coffee on an empty stomach, you may feel nausea and heartburn. Over time, this can develop into gastritis, then into an ulcer, and the most severe option – oncology.

When we wake up, the body's hormonal background is rearranged, the hormone cortisol is released, which is precisely responsible for vigor and the ability to react quickly. Constantly drinking coffee on an empty stomach suppresses this hormone, the body gets used to external stimulation and stops producing it .
This is precisely what explains the complaints from people who simply cannot wake up normally without coffee. Some time after quitting coffee, the body returns to normal.

Coffee morning - what happens in the body

So, is it possible to drink coffee on an empty stomach or should the procedure be postponed to another time? In the morning you can pamper yourself with a cup of aromatic drink, but only after breakfast, and no less than an hour later.

Drinking coffee before meals immediately after waking up is the decision of a person who cares little about his own health. The traditional belief that you can’t wake up without a dose of coffee is actually false. Indeed, caffeine will invigorate you for a while, but its effect will end quickly, and the body will already be dealt a crushing blow to three systems:

  • nervous;
  • digestive;
  • circulatory

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Moreover, drinking coffee on an empty stomach in the morning every day develops into a bad habit that is not so easy to get rid of. However, understanding the processes occurring in the body in the first hours after waking up will help you do this faster.

In the morning, a person’s hormonal levels change. Some time after waking up, the level of cortisol in the blood increases. This is the hormone responsible for:

  • vigilance;
  • attentiveness;
  • stress.

It is cortisol that helps the body’s natural processes start as needed for its normal functioning. Morning coffee on an empty stomach inhibits the action of the hormone and over time the body, without “doping,” is no longer able to wake up and actively engage in work.

By giving a daily signal about the need for additional stimulation, the body will cease to cope with basic functions, the level of concentration and attentiveness, vigor and good spirits will noticeably decrease.

Regularly drinking coffee in the morning on an empty stomach increases the risk of developing problems with the gastrointestinal tract. First signs of failure:

  • heartburn;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • pain and discomfort;
  • cramps and bloating.

If nothing is changed, sooner or later a soil favorable for the development of gastritis, stomach ulcers and even oncology will form. This will happen due to chlorogenic acid, which is part of the drink, which aggressively affects the gastric mucosa.

The harm and benefits of coffee on an empty stomach

Much has already been said about the dangers of coffee on an empty stomach - problems with the digestive system, negative effects on the nervous system, hormonal imbalance.
But all this is possible only with regular coffee consumption, when almost every day begins with it. Occasional drinking of coffee on an empty stomach, on the other hand, may be beneficial. Coffee relieves stress, helps you concentrate, collect your thoughts, and ultimately invigorates. If you have important things planned in the morning, or because of jet lag you haven’t slept much and have important tasks to solve, you can drink a cup of coffee on an empty stomach without much harm. However, after a while it is still advisable to eat, at least a little, or drink a couple of glasses of water.

Coffee on an empty stomach is useful only if consumed rarely (no more than 2-3 times a month). If you constantly drink coffee on an empty stomach, forget about the benefits, it will only be harmful.

Is it possible to drink coffee on an empty stomach?

If you're one of those people who can't start the day without the aromatic ritual of morning coffee, you've probably heard countless times that drinking coffee before your first morning meal is not good for your stomach. But is there any truth to this, and does the scientific community agree with this thesis? Read below.

Coffee on an empty stomach: benefit or harm?

It is one of the most popular drinks around the world, right after water. Beyond the smell of your first morning coffee, its benefits are numerous. Today, caffeine is the most commonly used stimulant and has many beneficial effects on the body. Thus, caffeine makes you more alert and focused, and may also have the effect of increasing energy levels. Additionally, scientific studies have shown that coffee can improve other cognitive functions such as memory, mood, wakefulness , but also reduce reaction time.

Because caffeine increases metabolism, it is often associated with easier weight loss and greater athletic performance. By stimulating the nervous system, caffeine increases the availability of fat stores as an energy source, which leads to outstanding athletic performance, but also makes it easier to shed unwanted extra pounds.

Why do most people believe that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can be harmful to your health??

Research shows that the bittering agents in coffee can stimulate increased stomach acid production, which is why many believe that coffee irritates the stomach lining, causing heartburn, nausea, and can worsen the symptoms of various digestive diseases and disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

People argue that drinking coffee on an empty stomach is especially harmful because there are no other foods in the stomach to prevent the acid from coffee from acting on the stomach lining. However, scientists have not yet found convincing evidence of a link between drinking coffee on an empty stomach and indigestion.

A small number of people are extremely sensitive to even the smallest amount of coffee, so they react quite violently. Symptoms include heartburn, abdominal pain and even vomiting. Such people are advised to avoid drinking coffee altogether, since the symptoms are the same whether they drink coffee on a full or empty stomach.

The most important thing is to listen to your body and pay attention to how it reacts to certain foods, including coffee. If you experience indigestion after drinking coffee on an empty stomach, but don't see any symptoms when you drink coffee after breakfast, listen to the signals your body is sending you and adapt to them.

The effect of coffee on the level of “stress hormones”

One of the main arguments against drinking coffee on an empty stomach is the effect of coffee on the amount of the “stress hormone” called cortisol. It has been nicknamed the " stress hormone " due to its increased secretion in stressful situations. With everyone leading a hectic and stressful lifestyle these days, it is no surprise that more and more people have chronically elevated cortisol levels, which can lead to various disorders and diseases such as thyroid problems, diabetes, high blood pressure or obesity.

Interestingly, coffee stimulates the formation of cortisol, but its concentration does not increase significantly in people who drink coffee regularly. Likewise, insufficient research supports that drinking coffee after meals may have the effect of reducing cortisol secretion. Indeed, if you drink coffee infrequently or occasionally, the random increase in cortisol levels is short-lived and does not have long-term negative effects on health.

Potentially negative effects of drinking coffee

Whether you drink coffee on an empty stomach or only when you eat something, coffee has its downsides. Caffeine is addictive and some people may be particularly sensitive. This reaction is caused by the effect of coffee on changing the chemical composition of the brain, which nevertheless requires more of this drink.

Drinking too much coffee can also contribute to feelings of anxiety, increased heart rate, headaches, and may also increase blood pressure. However, there is still no scientific evidence that drinking coffee on an empty stomach increases the frequency or severity of these side effects.

Likewise, the last coffee of the day should not be consumed in the afternoon due to the effects of caffeine, which can last up to 7 hours after consumption.

It's important to note that caffeine crosses the placenta and can take effect for up to 16 hours after consumption. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to reduce their intake of caffeinated beverages to 200 mg or one to two cups.

Finally, when is it time for your first coffee?

Many people like to start their day with a big cup of coffee. Despite persistent advice from laypeople, the scientific community has no conclusive evidence that drinking coffee on an empty stomach is harmful. In fact, consuming coffee has the same effect on the body whether you drink it on an empty stomach or after a meal.

It is important to listen to your body, which sends you clear signals if it doesn’t like something. Therefore, if you do not experience indigestion after drinking coffee on an empty stomach, try it.

Coffee or Guarana?

Few people know about such a product as Guarana. Guarana is a plant that is eaten as a tonic. Guarana provides a longer release of caffeine than a cup of coffee. That is, after taking guarana you will feel cheerful for a long time. It is also very convenient to take Guarana as dietary supplements; it is also produced in liquid concentrate; just drink 25 ml of the drink and you will be provided with an energy boost for the whole day.

The health blog Megapit.kz wishes you success, health and prosperity. We hope this article was useful!

What kind of coffee can you drink on an empty stomach?

Sometimes coffee is drunk on an empty stomach in order to lose weight - it is well known for its fat-burning properties. But for this, coffee beans should not be roasted; it is green coffee that is beneficial. It is advised to drink it on an empty stomach, 10 minutes before meals, so that it starts the process of burning fat, but on the condition that food will soon enter the stomach.

You can reduce the harm if you at least add milk or cream to natural coffee, or better yet, dilute it with a large dose of dairy products. You can brew a latte or coffee with milk, or add steamed or heated milk to espresso.

It is highly recommended not to drink instant coffee on an empty stomach . There is almost nothing useful in it anyway: studies show that the share of coffee in instant mixtures is sometimes about 15%, everything else is additives, and the chemical components additionally irritate the stomach. Instant coffee, even expensive products, contains emulsifiers, stabilizers, preservatives, taste and smell enhancers. They enhance the negative effect of coffee on the stomach, and in this case even milk does not help.

Does the effect on the stomach depend on the coffee recipe?

It is a big misconception that all types of coffee with milk on an empty stomach do not harm the body.
It is a common belief that all types of coffee with milk (frappuccino, latte, Viennese coffee, with ice cream and others) have a less negative effect on the stomach, since milk in a certain least weakens the harmful effects of caffeine.

Doctors conducted studies and found that people who drink coffee with milk have more health problems than those who drink coffee without additives. It turns out that tannins, substances that make up coffee, prevent protein from milk from being absorbed to the required extent. Because of this, a substance is formed in the stomach that is quite difficult to digest even with hydrochloric acid, which subsequently leads to heaviness in the stomach and heartburn.

Experts say that if you do not get carried away with this drink, the risk of disease will be extremely low. You shouldn’t give up your favorite coffee, you just need to remember that everything is good in moderation and then the benefits and pleasure will be equal.

When can you drink coffee without harm to your health?

Doctors unanimously recommend drinking coffee after eating, and at least half an hour later. During this time, the food will begin to be digested, and chlorogenic acid, which increases the acidity in the stomach, will be useful as it will help digestion.

If you eat breakfast around 8 a.m., the best time to drink a cup of coffee is between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m., at which time your cortisol hormone levels drop and caffeine will help boost your alertness. And by the way, it will be completely safe for health.

The best time for coffee pleasure

In fact, you don’t need to drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach to wake up and perk up. You can achieve the same effect if you wait just a few hours. Moreover, in this case, the drink will not only not harm, but will also benefit the body.

So, when is drinking coffee in the morning really beneficial? From half past nine to half past eleven in the morning, the level of cortisol in the blood decreases. This means it's the right time for coffee. It is at this moment that he can become a real source of vigor and energy.

During this period, the drink will not harm the body and will actually increase performance.

In order for the consequences of drinking a cup of coffee to be only positive, you need to take some pause after eating. An hour or an hour and a half will be enough for the intestines to start working, digesting what was eaten for breakfast and to be sufficiently prepared for drinking coffee.

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There are certain rules for consuming coffee in the evening. It is believed that drinking an aromatic drink at night will lead to insomnia and a bad mood in the morning. In fact, you can allow yourself to relax with a cup of coffee after lunch. Moreover, if you do this at the right time - from 14-00 to 16-00, then the drink will help you cheer up and tone up, motivating you for further work.

Drinking coffee at a later time is undesirable, since indeed, given the digestion time of the drink (up to 4 hours), the body may not have time to return to normal before bedtime, which can cause a sleepless or restless night.

However, here a lot depends on the personal characteristics of the person. People who are used to going to bed late and getting up late can allow themselves to deviate from the rules by shifting the permissible time for afternoon coffee by several hours.

Coffee in the morning improves your body's productivity. Truth or Myth

Most people note that it is after an invigorating cup of coffee in the morning that a feeling of increased energy and performance arises. From a medical point of view, this fact is explained as follows.

When a person experiences severe stress or fear, his body begins to produce cortisol. This hormone also plays a significant role in the formation of the circadian rhythm. Using this life clock, the body determines the time of rising and sleep. This is due to the release of the hormone. Therefore, a person has a feeling of vivacity and a surge of strength.

According to the results of the research, periods of the day were identified during which it is inappropriate to consume a caffeinated drink. Since the maximum concentration of cortisol in the body is in the morning, coffee at these hours is not recommended for two reasons:

  1. Due to the effect of caffeine on the production of cortisol, the body releases less of the hormone than it should, relying on caffeine.
  2. If at the time of the highest stage of hormone release a person regularly drinks coffee, then the body gets used to caffeine. For this reason, passionate coffee drinkers note that coffee does not affect them.

What actually happens is that caffeine acts instead of cortisol. The invigorating effect is not enhanced, but replaced. The intervals when the maximum surges of the hormone are individual for everyone. But on average, this process occurs three times a day: in the morning from six to ten, around twelve in the afternoon and in the evening around six o’clock.

The optimal hours for drinking coffee are considered to be in the morning from ten to twelve and in the afternoon from two to five. During these time intervals, the incoming caffeine naturally supports the working mechanism of the system in the body.

The complaints of coffee lovers who were unable to drink coffee in the morning about their broken state is explained by the fact that they have knocked down their biological clock and cannot achieve a cheerful and energetic state of health without additional help in the form of caffeine.

How many mugs of coffee is considered normal?

Consuming three hundred to five hundred milligrams of caffeine daily will not harm your health. On average, one mug of drink contains about one hundred milligrams. The volume depends on the raw materials. Three or four mugs of high-quality coffee will bring more benefit to the body than harm. If pregnant women cannot control themselves and drink coffee, they are recommended to drink no more than two mugs a day. But in this case, the diet should not contain products that still contain caffeine. Side effects of coffee can occur if a person drinks more than five cups a day.

Each person is looking for the best way to wake up in a cheerful and excellent mood. If coffee helps in the morning, then you should choose high-quality raw materials for the drink and follow a reasonable approach to drinking the drink. If you follow the golden mean and don’t get too carried away with caffeinated drinks, then the body can be provided with useful substances. And don’t forget to listen to yourself. If negative symptoms appear and your health worsens, it is better to temporarily give up coffee.


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