What happens to the body if you stop drinking coffee?

Symptoms and signs

Observations of a group of individuals who regularly drink coffee and suddenly stop drinking the drink indicate that they began to develop pathological symptoms such as:

  1. A feeling of general weakness and fatigue present throughout the day. This is due to the body’s anticipation of the next dose of caffeine.
  2. Stool disorders in the form of constipation. The symptom is explained by the ability of coffee to stimulate intestinal motility.
  3. Deterioration in mood is caused by depression due to the lack of caffeine in the body.
  4. Feeling of nausea and vomiting.
  5. Pain in the head area.
  6. Inability to perform work that requires concentration.

Sudden withdrawal from caffeine can lead to withdrawal symptoms. The intensity of the manifestations of its pathological symptoms will depend on how the body manages to adapt to the absence of the substance in the bloodstream.

Research confirms that stopping caffeine inhibits blood flow and flow to the brain, causing it to starve because it doesn't receive enough oxygen.

A decrease in the amount of caffeine entering the body leads to the brain being filled with adenosine and dopamine. These hormonal substances play a role in mental activity and mood regulation. This has a bad effect on the functioning of the brain.

Caffeine withdrawal symptoms such as:

  • feeling of headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • loss of vitality and energy;
  • unmotivated fatigue;
  • lethargy;
  • increased level of irritability;
  • Bad mood;
  • seizures;
  • stiffness of motor activity;
  • loss of ability to concentrate;
  • disturbance of sleep and falling asleep;
  • increased level of anxiety.

Addiction Avoidance

Like drugs, caffeine changes your brain chemistry if you take it regularly over time. You may also become addicted to it and after a while you will need more and more to feel the effects.

For example, you may even feel serious ailments like severe headaches, anxiety, spasms, voluntary muscle contractions when you do not consume coffee even once a day. This suggests that the drink is no worse addictive than cigarettes, alcohol or even drugs. Be careful. Even if you don't want to stop drinking, take breaks from time to time to avoid becoming addicted.

How long does withdrawal last?

Pathological symptoms of caffeine withdrawal, the intensity and duration of their manifestations will depend on the amount of caffeine consumed per day. If this is a few cups of the drink, the manifestations of the pathology will disappear after a few days.

If you were inseparable from a cup of coffee, unpleasant sensations will accompany you for several months. These terms are arbitrary, it all depends on the characteristics of the body.

Sometimes, even if a person drank a lot of coffee, the disappearance of severe symptoms was observed within a week after suddenly stopping the drink.


Better absorption of nutrients

Large amounts of caffeine keep your body from absorbing vitamins and minerals well, as it shouldn't. In fact, if you take a multivitamin with your morning cup of coffee, the caffeine may prevent you from getting its benefits. Therefore, you are simply wasting your day on possibly expensive medications. You absorb them, but they are not completely absorbed by the body, which is why you will not be able to achieve the desired result. This problem is especially relevant for those who really need all the microelements from these vitamins. For this reason, if you are ill or pregnant, it is better to forget about a drink such as coffee.

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What to do, how to alleviate and get rid of

Caffeine withdrawal syndrome is not a death sentence; you can ease its course, and soon get rid of it, by following these recommendations:

  1. Don't rush to suddenly stop drinking coffee. If you have developed the habit of drinking a drink several times a day, then it will suddenly be wrong to end this activity. After all, you will have to experience all the “beauty” of caffeine withdrawal. The body is not able to adapt to changes as quickly and function normally without caffeine. It is better to give up coffee gradually; if you are used to drinking 3-4 cups of drink per day, in the first week you need to reduce this amount by half. If you feel normal, you can reduce the amount of drink again during the second week. This will allow you to gradually and safely stop drinking caffeine.
  2. Try to distract yourself by switching to another activity. The vast majority of people have the habit of drinking coffee in the morning or during their lunch break. It is during this period that it will be most difficult when trying to give up caffeine. To avoid temptation and get distracted, you can try to find an alternative solution, for example, replace coffee with another drink, it could be tea, or go for a walk at this time.
  3. Pay attention to your diet. During the transition period, it is important to eat right; more attention should be paid to fruits, vegetables and foods containing large amounts of protein. A healthy diet has the ability to positively influence mood and improve metabolic processes, and this will all reduce the intensity of withdrawal symptoms. Healthy food will help you refrain not only from drinking coffee, but also from fast food.
  4. It is better to start the procedure of giving up coffee on the weekends, or when you are on vacation. This is explained by the fact that withdrawal symptoms can appear suddenly.
  5. Rest during the day. At least on weekends, try to sleep for an hour in the afternoon.

For example, when quitting drinking coffee, it is recommended to focus all efforts on detoxifying the body. It is worth doing physical exercise, spending more time in the fresh air, visiting a sauna (the transmission of nerve impulses is optimized, blood circulation, breathing, and sweating are stimulated).

Following these simple recommendations will help you painlessly stop drinking caffeine and prevent the development of the syndrome.

Slow skin aging

Caffeine slows down the rate at which your body produces collagen. It is a protein that gives your skin firmness and elasticity. As soon as its percentage decreases, your skin begins to sag and wrinkles appear. You start to age much faster. So, if you get rid of caffeine, it will help prevent the acceleration of the aging process, as well as sagging skin, which is a good thing for young women.

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Caffeine withdrawal may cause complications in some patients. Sudden mood changes and depression can have a negative impact on relationships with others and the team at work. The development of psychosis may occur.

Problems with the functioning of the organs of the cardiovascular system may appear; they manifest themselves as rapid heartbeat, rhythm disturbances, and increased blood pressure.

To avoid headaches, stop drinking coffee

Caffeine is a psychotropic substance that is also addictive. And the main target of its influence are blood vessels. And the main cause of migraine, of all those studied, is vascular.

Caffeine is found in tea, coffee, and sweet drinks and causes spasm (contraction) of blood vessels, including the brain. The tonic effect lasts 30–40 minutes. Then the vessels return to their normal tone. For some, this condition manifests itself as drowsiness. What does a person do in this case? Drinks another mug of coffee.

Thus, the blood vessels of the brain are in constant tone all day long. Vasoconstriction leads to increased intracranial pressure, deterioration of blood supply to certain brain structures and other side effects. And the above-described condition manifests itself as a headache.

What about caffeine-containing medications that are indicated as a remedy for headaches? And why does one cup of coffee sometimes relieve a headache?

It's all about quantity here. If you don't drink caffeine or don't drink it often, drinking a mug of coffee during a headache will work. A sharp and rare spasm. If this condition occurs frequently in the body, there will be no effect. On the contrary, caffeine, by worsening blood circulation in the brain, will lead to chronic migraines.


It’s also difficult to determine the norm; after all, caffeine is a psychotropic substance and leads to the development of addiction: a cup of coffee in the morning can easily turn into 5 cups in a day.

There are many studies on the hyperglycemic effect of caffeine. Even a cup of coffee without sugar causes blood glucose levels to rise. Sugar spikes again, they are also migraine triggers.

The caffeine contained in sweet carbonated drinks and energy drinks has nothing in common with natural caffeine. This white powder, produced in Chinese factories, is a strong allergen and is harmful to health.

Perhaps the safest and most natural caffeine is tea caffeine, the effects of which are neutralized by tannin. 1-2 cups of black or green tea will not harm even patients with migraines.

Herbal teas - lavender and mint - have a general relaxing effect and work great even at the peak of a headache.

I am also against drinking coffee every day because I see the effect on migraine patients, I see how they begin to live a full life after eliminating coffee and sugar.

Patient's story

Natalya, 38 years old, made a specific request - to remove more than 30 kg of excess weight and find the cause of the headache. The headache was so disturbing that it led to episodes of bulimic consumption of flour and sweets.

The cause of the migraine was quickly found - 5-6 cups of coffee a day. Dose reduction schemes do not work here - in such cases, complete withdrawal is necessary. Here and now. It was a difficult 12 days. Episodes of headaches came almost every day, but the nature of the pain was different - the pain was of moderate intensity, and the condition manifested itself simply as weakness and drowsiness.

Natalya coped: she was distracted, meditated, and went for a massage almost every other day. On the 12th day, the craving for flour and sweets, as well as the headache, disappeared, just in one day.

The weight loss was very effective: in two months I lost 12 kg, although the initial weight was more than 100 kg. Then another 10 kg in 3 months. We continue to lose weight and plan a pregnancy. Without headaches and with a feeling of complete control over your addiction.

Rebirthing - as a means of relieving the syndrome

Rebirthing is a breathing technique, its founders are L. Orrom and S. Ray. This is a method of psychological correction, self-improvement and transformation.

It is based on frequent, deep breathing without holding a pause between the act of inhalation and exhalation, the so-called clear breathing. Inhalation should be active, requiring muscle effort, and exhalation should be passive, such that it is accompanied by relaxation. One rebirthing session lasts from 30 minutes to an hour.

The following effect is observed from rebirthing:

  1. The emergence of usually unnoticed muscle tension. At first, you feel unbearably painful tension in the muscles of the arms, hands, and face, but if you endure all this, a feeling of muscle relaxation appears, which is accompanied by positive emotions. The effect can be compared to the sensations after visiting a bathhouse.
  2. Prolonged ligament breathing leads to a change in conscious perception. If you wish, you can explore your needs, influence them, and even make effective self-hypnosis.

Low blood pressure

Blood pressure increases when you drink caffeine. Researchers believe this may prevent your arteries from remaining as wide as they need to be for healthy blood pressure. If you cut down on caffeine, you prevent this increase in blood pressure and the possible complications that come with it. The same goes for strong teas, as well as energy drinks and sodas, since these drinks have a very strong effect on your heart. Try to give preference to plain water, compote or freshly squeezed juices to avoid bad consequences.

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Reasons for formation

The reasons for the formation of abstinence are:

  1. Reduce dosage. As a result of the intake of a reduced amount of the active substance into the body, abstinence occurs.
  2. Failure to comply with recommendations regarding intervals between doses. Pathological manifestations of withdrawal may appear when there is a long gap between the next dose of the drug. Often, deterioration in health is observed in the morning before taking the medicine. This feature is usually called the zero hour phenomenon.
  3. Rapid removal of the active substance from the body. The risk of developing withdrawal increases with the use of drugs with a short therapeutic effect, as well as with diarrhea, vomiting and renal failure. The phenomenon is commonly called rebound syndrome.
  4. Sudden cessation of taking a substance. It can be triggered by cessation of entry into the body due to unauthorized refusal to take the drug, the inability to do so, or when the patient forgets about the need for use. Pathological symptoms are especially pronounced if the patient took, for example, the drug in fairly high doses.

Quitting Sugar: Why Is It So Hard?

It is vital for a patient with migraine to get rid of sugar addiction. But I warn you: when you make the decision to remove all excess sugar from your life, migraine symptoms may increase in the first 5-7 days. This is fine.

There are two reasons. Firstly, the body gets used to constant blood sugar, brain vessels do not experience constant spasms, and blood circulation improves.

Secondly, this is withdrawal. The brain is accustomed to constant surges of dopamine with every bite of sweets. This is a psychological reaction. And your new behavioral reactions - just take and don't eat any more candy - lead to resistance. The brain demands its “drug”, and the condition really resembles withdrawal in drug addicts.

You may experience headaches, weakness, cold sweats, and a feeling of low blood sugar, but if you have an otherwise balanced diet and have a glucometer at home (a device for measuring blood glucose at home), you can easily verify that your blood glucose is normal. This state can last 10–20 minutes. You should not be scared, but try to relax.

Here are some tips on what to do in this condition:

  • Turn off the lights.
  • Take a horizontal position.
  • After this, have a meal that goes further in the diet, or an additional snack.
  • Main! In this state, you can’t give your body sweets again . You can't drink sweet tea or even eat dried fruits. It's like taking a "drug": the brain never gets rid of the addiction in the "roller coaster" of sugar and dopamine.
  • If the headache is intense, it is better to take a painkiller.

Go through this period, because this is only a stage of liberation from addiction. After 3-4 withdrawals, the headaches subside. Dependence recedes. You just don't want sweets. The treatment is working. Another reason not to like sweets, don’t you agree?!

Patient's story

Maria, 34 years old, came with the goal of losing 10 kg. But just as much as she talked about her addiction to sweets and extra pounds, she talked about her main problem - migraines, 2-3 times a week - and about the strongest painkillers.

We started with changing our diet. It so happened that in the first week there were no attacks. They wrote it off as a coincidence. The second one too. In the third week, there was an episode of headache before the onset of menstruation, which was quickly relieved by taking painkillers.

There was active weight loss, and after two months we started doing cardio training in the form of walking and swimming. After 4 months, the result was minus 10.8 kg and no migraines. At all. There were no problems with food addiction, cravings for flour and sweets, since motivation in the form of feeling well without pain is the best motivation.

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