Arabic coffee - preparation features, recipes. Characteristic oriental spices – cardamom and cinnamon

What is the difference between an Arabic invigorating drink?

In eastern countries, coffee with a pleasant aroma is poured into small cups. It is not prepared using a coffee machine. The ground cardamom seeds turn into dust, which clogs the filter of the device.

The main distinguishing feature of Arabic coffee is its rich, bitter taste. It is prepared with the addition of spices.

To ensure a rich taste of the drink, several varieties of coffee beans are used. Residents of European countries do not know exactly what raw materials are used to cook it. It is only known that Arabs often use Arabica and Robusta to prepare it.

For proper cooking, use cold water. It turns into steam, which colors the grains yellowish.

You cannot turn coffee beans into dust by hand. For this purpose, a special grinding device is used - an electric mill.

The combination of Robusta and Arabica makes this drink delicious. The fruits of the first type of tree give the drink strength and bitterness, while the fruits of the second type give it subtle and delicate notes.

According to Arab gourmets, to get delicious coffee, you need to brew it using different types of beans. It is advisable that they be taken from different plantations.

One of the favorite Arabic coffee varieties is Mocha, grown in the city of Moho. These grains are easy to grind and have a pleasant taste and aroma. Drinking a drink made from mocha fruits invigorates the body. To feel a surge of strength and energy, just drink 1 small cup.

Arabic traditions

Many people associate Arabic coffee with the Mocha variety. It got its name from a port in Yemen. Elite coffee grown in the lands of Arabia was exported through it. The process continued until the end of the 19th century. Guests of the country were strictly forbidden to visit the plantations, and theft of sprouts was punishable by death.

Another historical fact: in the beginning, in Arab countries, coffee was brewed from husks, and the beans were simply thrown away. The drink is still prepared in Yemen, and its characteristics are very different from traditional coffee.

In Eastern culture, coffee is consumed in small sips. Without a drink, no conversation takes place. It can take about 40 minutes to drink one cup.

Rules for brewing Arabic coffee

The main requirement for cooking is a good mood and a pleasant atmosphere. To enjoy the unusual taste of Arabic coffee, you don’t have to go to another continent in search of a unique recipe; you just need to collect the right ingredients.

Anyone can brew coffee, but to make it tasty, it must be done according to the rules. The main tool you will need is a Turk. The average cooking time is 5-7 minutes.

Cooking rules:

  1. The grains must be finely ground. You need to cook the dust obtained during the processing of raw materials.
  2. An acceptable option is grinding cardamom along with the grains.
  3. Use whatever spices and herbs you like.
  4. You can use any type of coffee as the basis for the drink.
  5. Brew it only in a quiet and calm atmosphere.

The ideal option is to turn on relaxing music beforehand.

If you like sweet drinks, we recommend adding a few tablespoons of granulated sugar to the raw materials for cooking.

The main manufacturing nuances

To make coffee in Arabic, a Turka or cezve (a copper vessel with a long handle) is suitable. Ground grains (2 teaspoons) are poured into a bowl and filled with cool water (approximately 80 ml). Some people prefer to bring the drink to a boil. Others wait for the “moment of a thousand streams” - this is the time when the water is saturated with air bubbles before boiling.

Sweet lovers can use sugar 1:2 to ground coffee. It is placed in a cezve and put on fire. The grains should melt completely, turning into a thick syrup. This will give the drink a caramel flavor. After which the coffee is prepared according to the traditional recipe. You can add herbs and spices to the drink.

The Arabs have another popular coffee recipe. Per serving, put two spoons of coffee and one of sugar into the cezve and mix thoroughly. Add 50 ml of water and cook until boiling. As the coffee foam begins to rise, the cezve is removed from the heat and the foam is skimmed off. The function is repeated three times in order to extract an indescribable smell and the best taste properties from the grinding. The drink comes out sweet and strong.

Raw, cool water should be used. The vessel for making coffee must have a thick bottom and walls. The drink is brewed over low heat. Ground Arabic coffee should be stored in a cool, unlit place (maybe in the refrigerator) in an airtight container.

Arabic coffee.

Arabic coffee is an oriental drink for gourmets, which is slowly drunk in hot, small sips in a cozy, quiet atmosphere to the sounds of measured, pleasant music. Real Arabic coffee cannot be prepared in a coffee machine. For him, the grains are crushed so finely that they practically turn into dust. And such small particles will clog the espresso machine filter. The grains can only be ground into a powder mixture using a special manual or electronic mill. The resulting drink is bitterer and has a richer taste than Turkish coffee. Very often coffee contains cardamom and various spices.

To make Arabic coffee, a special mixture of coffee beans is used, which is kept secret. Therefore, many believe that the best varieties of beans are Arabica and Robusta. But this is the name of coffee trees, and their fruits differ in caffeine content, taste and smell. Arabica is narrower and warmer, while Robusta is strong and bitter. Therefore, when choosing grains, you can only rely on your own taste preferences. The mocha variety is perfect for making. This is a type of Arabic coffee from the town of Moho with high-quality beans, an indescribable taste and smell.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 41 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 1
  • Production time - 5-7 minutes


  • Ground coffee beans - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp. or to taste
  • Drinking water – 75 ml

Classic recipe

You can prepare classic Arabic coffee in any kitchen where you feel comfortable. To do this you need to take 3 components:

  • ground coffee;
  • granulated sugar;
  • cold water.

Step-by-step cooking method:

  1. A good Turka is the main tool for creating an exquisite Arabic drink. You need to put granulated sugar on its bottom. You should not put it “with a reserve”, as in this case the drink will turn out very sweet. Place the Turk on low heat.
  2. After 2-3 minutes you will be able to observe caramelization - the process of sugar hardening. As soon as this starts to happen, pour water into the Turk.
  3. After the water boils, remove the Turk from the heat and pour coffee into it along with the selected spices. The cooking process can be completed after boiling again. All that remains is to pour into cups.

It is believed that Arabic coffee is a gourmet drink. But in fact, anyone can appreciate its excellent taste.

In order not to spoil the impression of the ceremony, it should be consumed hot. It is recommended to do this with slow sips. Coffee connoisseurs advise brewing and drinking it first of all after waking up in the morning. In their opinion, this will give a boost of energy for the whole day.

Subtleties of manufacturing

Arabic coffee is an oriental drink for gourmets. It is better to drink it in a cozy, quiet atmosphere to the sounds of pleasant, measured music. Arabic coffee is drunk hot, slowly, in small sips.

Traditional recipe

This recipe is used to make Arabic coffee at home and in all coffee shops. Cardamom is a constant component - it is this that gives coffee such a unique smell. Cardamom improves digestion, activates metabolism, strengthens the nervous system, provokes brain activity and increases the actual tone of the body. In addition, it is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs needed for men's health and relieving signs of PMS in women.

It’s better to start getting acquainted with an oriental drink with one that contains cardamom, because not everyone will be able to immediately recognize real strong Arabic coffee.

The pot should have a thick bottom and the water should be clean. It is recommended to prepare the drink over low heat.

The amount of coffee per cup is 5–15 g, everything depends on personal preferences and the desired strength.

  1. The sugar needs to be heated a little in the cezve until it turns a coffee color. This will give the drink a unique caramel flavor that harmonizes perfectly with cardamom.
  2. Then add cool water at the rate of 75 ml for each serving.
  3. Mix coffee with cardamom.
  4. As soon as the water boils, remove the Turk and add the coffee mixture with spices.
  5. Boil. Bubbles will appear evenly on the surface of the drink, from which coffee foam appears. You need to raise the foam 3 times, not allowing the water to boil too much.
  6. Pour the finished drink into ceramic or porcelain cups and sprinkle crushed cinnamon on top.

You can vary the traditional Arabic coffee recipe using different seasonings and spices - salt, reddish, dark, lemon pepper.

How to prepare grains at home? It is not recommended to roast grains without the help of others - non-professional ovens cannot provide the necessary subtle temperature and time differences. To grind grains, it is better to use an electronic coffee grinder - grind the grains for a long time, collecting small particles and dust from the walls.

To make Arabic coffee, you cannot use boiled water - only the freshest raw water. Air bubbles raise coffee dust, which creates a high foam on the surface of the drink.

The traditional recipe can be supplemented with cream, which is added directly to the cup.

Arabic coffee recipe

Sugar is poured into the Turk to taste and placed on low heat. As the sugar begins to take on a caramel state, add water. After the water boils, remove the Turk from the heat, add crushed coffee raw materials at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 50 ml of water, and allow the foam to rise. After this, you need to add the rest of the water, mix, return to the heat, and let the foam rise 3 more times. The Arabs believe that this manufacturing method allows them to extract all the taste and smell from the grains.

It is virtually impossible to find good Arabic coffee in European cafes and restaurants or coffee shops. Well, this kind of coffee does not tolerate fuss. Every time you need to put a piece of your soul into this drink. It takes about 7-10 minutes to make – during this period of time the coffee machine will have time to brew at least 5 cups of coffee drink.

But having tried to prepare real Arabic coffee at home, for example, with cardamom or other spices, you will delight your family and friends with a tasty and fragrant gourmet drink.

Arabic coffee is a permanent tradition of the East.

Have a nice day, website guests! Arabic coffee is a drink that contains oriental spices. It is not so easy to prepare it, because you will need to strictly follow all the manufacturing technology so that it comes out fragrant and tasty.

Coffee is loved all over the world. In the morning hours, the smell of coffee seeps into the empty streets and into the entrances of houses, because their inhabitants prepare this drink. Some people prepare an instant product, while others prefer natural grain or ground ones. A real coffee drink allows you to prepare an Arabic delicacy. Its soluble types are not suitable here. It is during the brewing process that the smell of the oriental drink begins to reveal itself.

How to brew Arabic coffee? At first glance, the process may seem ordinary, but it is not at all so. The basis of production is that ground grain and water come into contact with each other. As a result, the drink is enriched with taste and smell.

Do you understand how to properly brew Arabic coffee? The cooking process is slightly different from our usual method. In most recipes, it is contraindicated to allow the drink to boil during brewing, but Arabic coffee must certainly boil. This method evaporates the bitterness, which many people do not like.

Cardamom treat

To prepare Arabic coffee, you can use different herbs and spices. The most commonly used are:

  • cardamom;
  • red pepper;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt.

The taste and aroma of this coffee with cardamom is unforgettable. The recipe for such a delicacy is one of the most useful. Cardamom is a component that improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It cleanses the blood and stimulates its flow to the internal organs. This spice also has pain-relieving properties.

Regular consumption of this type of coffee will help relieve fatigue and insomnia. It is also an excellent aphrodesiac. But this is not all of his “advantages”.

Benefits of the spice:

  1. Cleanses the oral mucosa from pathogenic microflora.
  2. Stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system, helps relieve stress and improve the quality of sleep.
  3. Helps strengthen the immune system.
  4. Relieves pain that occurs in different parts of the body.
  5. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cardamom helps reduce the effects of caffeine on the body, so even hypertensive patients can drink a drink with it.

This coffee is brewed in a Turk. For 1 spoon of ground grains there is 1 cardamom fruit. To obtain a homogeneous composition of the drink, it is recommended to grind this spice together with grains.

To enjoy this drink more, let it steep for 10 minutes. It is also advisable to serve it with oriental sweets.

Questions and answers about coffee

Coffee culture in Turkey | Questions and answers about coffee

| 6 subtleties of coffee taste | Coffee Cantata | Oriental coffee recipe from Country Shop | Coffee - history, types, where it grows, how to cook, etc. | Arabic coffee with cardamom | DO YOU BREW TURKISH COFFEE IN TURKEY? | Coffee “oriental style” - i.e. in Eastern European countries | 77 facts about coffee

Arabic // Turkish coffee
1. How does oriental coffee differ from others?

For Arabic (oriental) coffee, a special selection of coffee varieties is made, which is subjected to a special light brown roast with the addition of water vapor at the time of roasting. An important feature of Arabic coffee is the fine grinding of the beans: to the state of powder. This can only be done in special mills. There is no such equipment in Russia and Europe. The gourmet drink is not of interest to the mass producer.

2. Where is the harvest harvested?

For coffee, mixtures of different varieties (Arabica, Robusta, Mocha) collected in different regions are used. Such mixtures are called blends. It's similar to how different grape varieties make fine wines. Masters keep the proportions and composition of their mixtures secret.

3. What type of coffee is used for preparation?

Three types of coffee are used to make coffee: Arabica, Robusta and Mocha. They are grown in different regions and the coffee master mixes various green beans in a special proportion.

4. Why is oriental coffee not usually offered in cafes and restaurants?

Cafes strive to use technological equipment for continuous coffee preparation: various coffee machines and industrial coffee packaging. In order to prepare real Arabic coffee, you need not only to put your hands into it, but also a piece of your soul. Cafeterias cannot afford this. It will take 7 minutes to prepare one cup of Arabic. During this time, the machine will make 5-8 cups.

5. Why is coffee called coffee?

The first mention of coffee dates back to the 15th century. People figured out how to use the fruits of the wild coffee tree in the Kaffa region (modern Ethiopia). For several centuries, grains were chewed and only in Arab-Muslim culture did Coffee acquire the form of a hot drink. And the name of the settlement became attached to the drink and became international.

6. Where did the tradition of drinking coffee come from?

Caffeine, which is contained in coffee beans (1-2.5%), has psychotropic properties. This was first felt by nomads who used it to feel a surge of strength and relieve fatigue on long caravan journeys. In short periods, coffee stimulates metabolism, sharpness of reaction, sharpens memory, increases performance, and suppresses hunger. These properties of a coffee-based drink gradually became a tradition and took hold in the world.

7. Why don’t well-known manufacturers offer this kind of oriental coffee?

Well-known coffee giants are focused on mass demand. Therefore, coffee, which is produced in food factories all over the world, is made into an average option for fast food. This is due to the need to achieve high productivity of enterprises. The finer you need to grind coffee, the more energy you need to spend and the more often the mills need to be repaired. To roast coffee thoughtfully, you need to specifically select roasting modes. In industrial ovens, coffee is roasted at high temperatures, which gives it a dark color and a bitter taste. There are only a small number of coffee gourmets among the total mass of consumers, and the giants need to focus on mass demand, including fast food enterprises.

8. Where is coffee grown?

Coffee is grown in countries where climatic conditions are favorable for the growth of coffee trees. Brazil and Colombia supply the most coffee, followed by Vietnam, Indonesia, Mexico, India, Guatemala, Uganda and Ethiopia and Peru. These are the countries that make up the top ten.

9. Why is only green coffee transported?

Green coffee does not give up its aromatic substances during transportation and is less susceptible to absorbing other people's aromas. Therefore, it is transported green to the final preparation site.

10. Cafes and shops offer a huge number of varieties, how to choose the best?

Such diversity suggests, first of all, that there is no choice at all. There is a competition for brighter advertising, eye-catching packaging and a cool brand. All the imaginary variety is produced on the equipment of the same companies, using the same technologies from the same raw materials. Industrial trendsetters in coffee processing are Italian companies. You can only choose using the scientific “poke” method or your personal preferences

11. What are Arabica (coffee Arabica) and robusta (coffee robusta)?

These are the two main coffee trees. Robusta has a higher caffeine content and lower cultivation costs. Arabica has a more delicate taste and aroma. Arabica accounts for about 70% of world production, and robusta for about 30%.

12. What is a type of coffee?

Many people mistakenly confuse the type of coffee with the name of the botanical species of tree on which it grows (Arabica or Robusta). In fact, the type of coffee that is offered on the shelves is the name of the manufacturer’s trademark. In each case, it is a mixture of different grains from different plantations around the world. There is no such thing as a coffee variety. There are, for example, Arabica from Colombia and Robusta from Vietnam. Their taste depends on the soil where they grow, on irrigation conditions and the number of sunny days, the degree of maturity at the time of harvest and other natural and climatic conditions. In mass production, these features are leveled out and so-called “coffee varieties” appear, that is, mixtures of beans from two varieties of trees (Robusta and Arabica) from different countries of the world.

13. How are different types of coffee created?

By mixing different beans from Arabica and Robusta trees using flavors, special roasting methods and degrees of grinding.

14. Why do we drink tasty and cheap coffee when traveling in Arab countries, but expensive and tasteless coffee at home?

This is due to local traditions and the existing global system of distribution of goods. The Arab market receives direct flows of goods from manufacturers. They are fried and crushed using a historically established semi-industrial method. The European and, even more so, Russian markets receive mass quantities of raw materials or finished products that are far from being the best. Coffee goes through a pre-decaffeination process where some of the caffeine is extracted from it.

15. Where does the coffee for chain coffee shops come from?

The main suppliers of coffee for coffee shops are Italian producers. The coffee is supplied in such quality that it is convenient for Italian coffee machines to prepare it. This is a paradox that is not noticeable to young lovers of espresso and American-style coffee. Anyone who has been to America knows firsthand what a nightmare it is.

16. How to distinguish stale coffee?

Stale coffee can be easily identified by its appearance. It has a lumpy structure. This means it was stored in an unsealed container and has accumulated moisture. Coffee develops a foreign smell if it has weathered; it lacks the bright aroma inherent in this drink.

17. How to drink coffee correctly?

Coffee should be drunk immediately after preparation, in small sips. It’s better not to eat anything in order to enjoy its real taste. It’s good if you take a sip of coffee after a sip of cold, clean water. Against this background, the taste and aromatic characteristics of the drink are more clearly manifested.

18. When is coffee served?

As a rule, coffee is drunk in the morning with breakfast to wake up. If this happens during the day, then a separate cup of coffee can invigorate or relieve hunger. At lunch, coffee is served at the end and here a sip of water is simply necessary to remove the taste sensations from the previous meal. A slice of lemon also works well to remove previous tastes.

19. What goes well with coffee?

Coffee goes well with expensive cheeses, which gourmets use as desserts. And best of all, of course, coffee is combined with your favorite music, oriental incense and good company.

20. What should you not drink coffee with?

With fish, caviar, and other foods that have a distinct independent taste. Although this is all individual. Some lovers amaze us with their inventions and achieve harmony with strange combinations of tastes.

21. Why is a glass of cold water placed next to a cup of Arabic coffee?

This has become a habit in Arab countries. Each guest is given a glass of water and a cup of coffee. We believe that cold water creates a contrasting temperature and flavor profile for the coffee. Arab chefs do this out of habit.

22. How to clean a coffee stain?

It is best to wash with cold water immediately after spilling coffee. After several washes, cold water plus soap, then powder and again cold water. Hot water “welds” the stain to the fabric. Well, there are various magical remedies.

23. How is coffee roasted?

Roasting is carried out in specially equipped ovens. During the roasting process, water vapor is injected into the oven, which prevents the beans from burning and provides the best way to deeply roast the beans, which helps activate the essential oils that give the taste and aroma of coffee.

24. How is grinding done?

Coffee grinding for the Arabic or as it is sometimes called the Turkish method of preparing coffee is done in special mills immediately before packaging. These mills are configured to create an extra fine coffee grain. It can be compared to flour or powder.

25. How to cook it correctly?

Every coffee lover has his own cooking secrets. We recommend the method that all Arab coffee shops use. Firstly, raw water is always used. Secondly, the cooking utensils (Turk) must have a thick bottom. The fire must be slow. Further. The required amount of coffee from 5 to 15 grams per cup (this depends on personal taste and is selected individually) is mixed with a small amount of granulated sugar. Sugar and coffee must be mixed thoroughly so that after you pour in the water, the powdery coffee with an air bubble does not stick to the bottom of the Turk. Sometimes the dry mixture of sugar and coffee is slightly fried over low heat. This is necessary to dry the coffee and “renew its freshness,” since moisture from the air is easily absorbed into the coffee and can give it an off-flavor. With this pre-drying, sugar can be brought to a state of melting. The coffee will have a fresh caramel flavor. This is not for everybody. It is necessary to dry it very carefully and carefully monitor the process by shaking the Turk, since it is easy to burn coffee and sugar over high heat and then you will have to throw everything away and start all over again. After drying the mixture of sugar and coffee, pour cold water and heat over low heat. Gradually, a cap of coffee forms on the surface of the Turk. It is necessary to “raise the coffee foam” several times, but do not bring it to a boil. After this, Arabic coffee is ready. You can offer it to guests.

26. What kind of sugar is needed?

For cooking, use granulated sugar. Sometimes it is slightly melted in a turk before cooking, this gives a slight caramel flavor. Some fans use unrefined cane sugar. It can be purchased in some stores.

27. What is the best water to use for cooking?

The water must be unboiled and fresh. It is best to take a key or well. Nowadays it is easy to buy pure still water in bottles. It is good for cooking. Before choosing one or another water, experiment. The results will surprise you. Each water will give its own unique shade. All that remains is to choose the best. If you don't have much choice, you can simply run tap water through a household filter.

28. Why can’t this coffee be used in coffee machines and coffee makers?

Due to the fact that this coffee has a very high degree of grinding and a dusty structure, it will clog the filters of coffee machines. But this is not the main thing - there is no point in preparing this drink in a hurry, without putting your hands to it. After all, this is truly handmade coffee.

29. How to roast coffee at home?

It’s better not to do this, because at home it is almost impossible to provide the necessary subtle temperature and time parameters.

30. How to properly grind coffee at home?

If you want to get an analogue of Arabic coffee, then you should strive to obtain the finest fraction. This can be achieved using electric coffee grinders. It is necessary to grind the coffee longer and collect the finest dust from the walls, then continue the process again and again. Some coffee lovers still have hand-made, homemade mills. These are long cylinders made of stainless steel, which in Soviet times were made “to order” at Uncle Vasya’s factories. These coffee grinders were a true technological marvel and could provide the best grind. ( Brass Hand Grinders

made in Turkey you can purchase on our website)

31. What utensils should be used to prepare real Arabic coffee?

To prepare Arabic coffee, it is best to use a tall pot with a thick bottom. The Turkish neck should be narrow. It would be better if it was a copper Turk with a wooden handle

. Coffee should be poured immediately after preparation into a ceramic or porcelain container. No plastic or paper cups!

32. Where can I learn how to make coffee?

At coffee club meetings, gourmets share their little secrets.

33. How to achieve high foam?

To get a high foam, you need to prepare coffee in fresh, raw water (air bubbles dissolved in water will raise coffee dust particles and create a tasty foam), sugar also helps create a large foam. And you also need to cook the coffee over low heat and remove the Turk from the heat several times before boiling. You need to catch the moment before it boils, when the foam does not turn over. At the end of cooking, you need to let the foam turn over and then remove the coffee from the heat. If the coffee “runs away”, you have to start over - the mysterious taste of coffee disappears somewhere.

34. What mistakes are often made during cooking?

The most common mistake is using boiled water to speed up the process. You cannot prepare coffee in a microwave oven. We don’t know how to explain this, but we haven’t had a single successful attempt. You can't boil coffee. Although some may argue about this. Our coffee cannot be prepared “Viennese style,” that is, simply pouring boiling water over it will not work.

35. We visited a friend, she treated us to your coffee, but we got a completely different taste, what’s the matter?

The taste of water determines the taste of coffee. If you use tap water in Moscow and St. Petersburg, you get two different drinks, even in color. We checked it ourselves more than once. Maybe your friend used extra spices. For example, cinnamon sprinkled on top of the finished drink adds new interesting properties.

36. Why is coffee prepared on sand?

Coffee is prepared on sand in order to ensure uniform and slow heating of the Turks on all sides. It is believed that the slower the heating, the richer the taste of the drink.

37. How many recipes for making coffee are there?

More than a thousand. Every coffee lover can invent his own incomparable flavor compositions. How seven notes in music allow you to create entire symphonies. Order Features

38. Where can I try it?

You can try the coffee at home when you receive your first package.

39. How to order?

You can order coffee online or by phone (see Contacts


40. Where else can you buy the same coffee?

It is very difficult to buy this coffee in Russia. This is explained by the peculiarities of preparing a mixture of different varieties of coffee grown in different conditions, the peculiarities of roasting and grinding to a dusty state. Large suppliers and coffee producers are not interested in serving a narrow layer of gourmets - lovers of real Arabic coffee. We organized the supply of Arabic coffee, first for ourselves, then for friends, and now for you. For this purpose, coffee is delivered weekly to Russia by plane and only within the limits of pre-order.

41. What discounts can I get?

We do not set discounts on our product, since the price for it is quite fair and the product itself does not need to be “pushed” onto the market using such tricks as discounts and bonuses. Everyone knows that a discount is a veiled preliminary increase in price by traders.

42. Why is the price so high?

Our price corresponds to the quality and reflects the actual costs of its production. There is a lot of manual creative work in this, most of the production is carried out on an intimate, non-industrial scale.

43. How much coffee is best to order at one time?

It is best to order in the quantity you need for one or two weeks. This is because storage near other products inevitably affects high quality. Moisture, other spices and steam from pots in the kitchen are easily absorbed by coffee and create an extraneous flavor background at the time of preparation.

44. What is the minimum quantity of coffee I can order?

The minimum quantity per package is 1 package (100 grams) - if you order Turkish coffee from the Kurukahveci brand, for example. And 1 package of 250 or 500 grams - when ordering Syrian coffee.

45. What is the maximum quantity I can order?

The upper limit is limited only by expediency. It is hardly worth buying more than 5 kilograms. Perhaps only for the whole team.

46. ​​Why not in the store?

This coffee is produced in strictly limited quantities. There is no need to organize sales through stores.

47. How much natural coffee is supplied to Russia?

About 30 thousand tons of natural coffee are supplied to Russia annually.

48. How much instant coffee is supplied to Russia?

More than 100 thousand tons of instant coffee are imported annually.

49. How much high-quality elite coffee is supplied in Russia?

An unspecified amount of regular coffee is sold under the "luxury" coffee brand. Each manufacturer has a brand that is consonant with the word “Exclusive” in a different spelling. No one has accurate statistics.

50. How much coffee beans do Europeans use?

Europeans consume 33% natural coffee. (In Russia, this figure is not yet higher than 12% of consumption).

51. What packaging is there for Arabic (oriental) coffee?

We supply bags of 100, 250 and 500 grams - depending on the manufacturer.

52. How to organize coffee delivery to the office?

At the request of our friends, we decided to organize coffee delivery to offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg. This turned out to be convenient for employees who take this coffee home and can prepare gourmet coffee for visitors. Naturally, you can cook it only where there is a small kitchen. Let us repeat - it is better to prepare this coffee by hand; this coffee is not very suitable for coffee machines and automatic machines.

53. What supply proposals are you preparing in the future?

In the near future, after studying the demand with your help, we are planning to supply coffee beans from Ethiopia, what is called “from the bush.”

54. How to correctly calculate a one-time order for your family?

The best way is to write down the date of purchase and the date when the coffee runs out. You can do this: one serving takes 10-12 grams of coffee. Do you know how many cups a day a family drinks on average? For example, three people a cup a day: 3 people. x 10 gr. = 30 gr. A pack of 250 grams is enough for eight days (250 grams: 30 grams/day = 8 days) That is, a pack is enough for such a family for a week. You can calculate it another way: it is measured that in a 250 gram pack there are 45 heaped teaspoons of coffee. For one cup of strong drink you need 2 tablespoons of coffee and 100 ml. water. That is, 1 package is enough for 20-25 servings, depending on the selected strength of the drink.

55. How to ensure the supply of coffee for your cafe or restaurant?

In order to organize a supply to any restaurant or cafe, we will have to see if it has the ability to comply with the technology of preparing Arabic coffee. After that we will talk about the conditions. Although we remain supporters of the fact that everyone can always cook better for themselves at home. But if a restaurateur wants to focus on truly Arabic coffee in his establishment, we will be happy to assist him in this. If the establishment has a coffee machine, we will most likely refuse delivery. This is an unacceptable neighborhood.

56. What are the best storage conditions for coffee?

One of the main reasons for the loss of taste in coffee is improper storage. When transporting coffee over long distances, in order to preserve its properties, it is transported in green bags. This way the essential oils in the beans last longer. After grinding, coffee becomes the most vulnerable and unprotected from foreign odors. This is especially true for finely ground Arabic coffee. It must be stored in an airtight container, preferably in a cold or cool and unlit place away from spices, household chemicals and kitchen steam. In any case, it is not recommended to store coffee at home for more than 1 month. Therefore, you need to buy it in small portions for a maximum of 2-3 weeks. After purchasing, you need to pour the coffee into a special jar with a tight lid. Coffee and health

57. What characteristics do tasters use when assessing quality?

The most important characteristics are color, aroma and taste, richness, velvety.

58. How many cups can you drink a day?

It's very individual. It is better not to abuse this drink. Two to three cups a day is probably a reasonable maximum. The less often you drink it, the more desirable its taste will be. We must remember that Arabic coffee should have a very rich, thick taste.

59. What is coffee toxicosis?

This is the result of overindulgence in coffee. It is expressed in mild dizziness, chills, fever, and headache. If this happens, you need to drink as much neutral liquid as possible - water or juice, so that the body removes excess caffeine from the body and restores balance. Coffee toxicosis can occur after five cups of coffee (about 0.5 g of caffeine). The lethal dose for humans is a dose of 10-15g. caffeine

60. How does coffee affect sleep?

Fine. Completely drives away. There are individuals who sleep like angels after the fifth cup at night. Therefore, it is best to drink coffee at active times of the day. Morning and afternoon.

61. Who is not recommended to drink coffee?

Coffee is not recommended for children and people with an excitable nervous system, weakened and sick people.

62. Who is recommended to drink coffee?

The history of the origin of the drink suggests - for tired travelers who are at a rest stop, for those who need a quick mobilization of strength. For foodies who always want it.

63. How do coffee and cigarettes go together?

Some people love...

70. How do coffee and hookah go together?

Badly. You can’t climb a tree and catch a fish at the same time.

Smoking pipe "Stalin"


Falafel 174 gr


Green olives with pepper 400 gr


How to serve Arabic coffee correctly

According to oriental etiquette, a guest can ask for coffee in Arabic no more than 3 times. Recommendations for serving the drink:

  1. Never pour it into large cups. Small dishes will do.
  2. Pour the prepared Turkish drink immediately after removing it from the heat.
  3. It is advisable to use ceramic or porcelain dishes.
  4. To give the drink a caramel flavor, we recommend melting the granulated sugar first.
  5. If you are serving Arabic coffee to several people, use cups from the same set.

It is important to drink this drink in a relaxed home atmosphere. During the ceremony, you should not sort things out, negotiate or plan events. Remember that a cup of aromatic Arabic coffee is a great way to relax and throw away anxious thoughts.

How to brew Turkish coffee on the stove

Ground coffee
Main ingredients for one serving of coffee:

  • Ground grains from 5 to 8 g, depending on the strength of the drink;
  • Spring or filtered water 50 ml;
  • A few grains of salt or sugar, they slow down the boiling process and form a denser coffee foam.

The taste of the hot drink depends on the degree of grinding of the beans. During the cooking process, amino acids are first extracted, then esters, and at the end of cooking, mineral salts are dissolved.

The influence of grinding degree on taste:

  • Medium grind beans give the finished coffee a sour note;
  • Excessive bitterness appears from coffee of fine fraction (dust);
  • The grains obtained by grinding the beans in a manual coffee grinder are ideal for brewing.

How much does this coffee cost in Israel?

There is no country where drinking coffee has not become a local cult, and Israel is no exception. In the country of flowering gardens and religious shrines, espresso or aroha is preferred. Arokh is an analogue of espresso, but water is added here twice as much as usual. Israelis also love coffee with foam and chocolate chips - macchiatto and afukh. The unusual Israeli method of making coffee with garlic and honey is also interesting.

The cost of high-quality and tasty coffee in Israel starts from 18 shekels (325 Russian rubles) per package. Coffee with cardamom is a separate production line from local producers and is especially appreciated by coffee lovers. You can taste this drink in local establishments; here a cup of coffee costs 10-12 shekels (about 200 rubles).

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