Making coffee with foam at home in a Turk or coffee machine

Coffee topped with a lush “cap” wins both in appearance and in taste. A thick layer of air bubbles protects the liquid from evaporation of essential oils, which are responsible for the aroma and richness of taste. True, not for long. Therefore, it is recommended to drink this drink immediately after preparation. And making coffee with foam at home is not that difficult if you try.

Foam or "creams" are created in different ways. These can be natural coffee bubbles, a milk cap, or a yolk mixture. Professional baristas are masters of any of the “foam” techniques. Simple basics are enough for us.

Why does foam appear on coffee?

The appearance of a delicate creamy shell occurs due to several factors: at high pressure, water penetrates into the coffee, thereby breaking down the oils that are in the bean grains, as if enveloping and closing it in tiny air microbubbles.

Also, gas will be released some time after coffee is roasted (usually within 24-72 hours of roasting the coffee beans), so coffee that has previously been freshly roasted may also release some carbon dioxide during extraction.

Coffee foam serves in some way as a lid for coffee, but at the same time it also reliably retains the wonderful aroma of coffee, its precious components, thanks to which the taste of the coffee drink is revealed even more. It is important that the foam itself retains the necessary gases - in fact, more than the liquid itself.

Essentially, coffee foam is a mixture of oils, some sugar and proteins, which in turn form a mini-sphere. Where each bottle of delicate foam contains much more information per cubic milliliter than coffee.

Why is there no foam when brewing coffee?

How to make coffee with foam? Why can't you make foam at home? These and other questions often arise. In fact, everything is simple, the absence can be due to several reasons:

Poor quality raw materials . Only by using fresh and high-quality coffee beans can we get the foam we need. It is formed from air bubbles and essential oils.

Very important! This advice applies to any type of coffee. After all, the main secret of good coffee is the beans.

Grind size. Coarse grinding of coffee beans is not suitable for us, because the foam is obtained only from finely ground raw materials.

Preparations of ground grains. If you decide to save time in the future and grind the beans long before starting to prepare the coffee drink, then I hasten to disappoint you. This option will not give us the necessary coffee foam. It is necessary to process before starting cooking, so I recommend handling each portion separately.

Using high temperature water or tap water. When brewing coffee, use only clean water. If you cannot purify the water yourself, you can use bottled water. It is important that the water is cold, preferably even ice-cold.

Cook over high heat. This is the most common mistake; coffee and high temperatures are not friends! Therefore, turn on low heat, and only in this case will we see the long-awaited coffee foam.

Very important! You need to constantly monitor and stir the coffee so that it does not go beyond the walls of the pot.

Incorrectly selected dishes. The ideal option would be a copper pot with thick walls, a wide bottom and a correspondingly narrow neck.
There is an option for a coffee maker with a steamer. Select the size of the Turks at your discretion.


Three ingredients

To prepare a delicious drink at home, prepare a Turk, ground grains and water. Each component is important, so choose based on your own tastes and needs.

The heating element does not play a special role: Turkish coffee on a gas stove turns out no worse than on sand or an electric burner.

Choosing a cezve

The shape of the container for brewing coffee should be conical, with a noticeable expansion of the bottom. This type of Turk will not allow sediment to rise along with the foam, so the liquid will be obtained with a minimum amount of impurities.

The top of the cezve is also important - the thinner the neck, the denser the foam. Copper is considered the best material for Turks, as it has good thermal conductivity (401 W/(m K)).

Continuing the topic, we recommend that you read the article “How to choose a Turkish coffee pot.”

Selecting grains

The grains must be of high quality, with a shiny, even texture, free of foreign odors and impurities of sand and insects. It is better to buy them in specialized stores and in their entirety.

Grind the grains into powder. The finer the grind, the denser the cream and the richer the infusion. But not to the point of dust, otherwise there will be a lot of sediment in the finished coffee.

Interesting! Why can coffee sour?

If it is not possible to grind the grains before cooking, buy fresh grinding, in small quantities. Stale powder loses its odor and fat content. If stored improperly, ground grains may go rancid.

The article “How to store coffee beans at home” will help you avoid this.

The variety depends on preference. Some choose elite Arabica, others choose strong Robusta, while others choose a mixed version.

What should the water be like?

High-quality water is the key to a pleasant, rich taste and aroma of the drink.

According to coffee connoisseurs, the best option is well or spring clear liquid.

Experts say that using filtered tap water you can get expressive coffee with dense foam. This is due to minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium) and salts in the water.

In urban conditions, when preparing an invigorating drink, it is better to take soft bottled water.

Don't use distilled water. The coffee will be watery and weak.

Factors influencing foam formation

To create a beautiful and fluffy foam, you need to take into account some factors. Here are a few tricks for making foamy coffee at home:

  • The formation of foam occurs due to the fact that air bubbles that form during boiling interact with the oils found in the coffee beans.
  • The best coffee for foam is a fine grind.
  • The result depends on the method of preparing the grains. It is believed that metal dishes with a narrow neck and a wide bottom are best suited.
  • If you decide to make cappuccino, keep in mind that the quality of the frothed milk plays a big role. The same applies to latte, macchiato or frappe.

To get the desired foam you will have to try a little, because preparing coffee beans is quite a difficult task, but nevertheless very interesting.

Coffee in a ceramic (clay) Turk: how to brew

One of the innovations used in making coffee is ceramic Turks.
They are made from clay and undergo a long heat treatment process called firing. As a result, the surface of the vessel is covered with a very dense film, reminiscent of sintered glass. Unlike copper, the thermal conductivity of ceramics is significantly less important, which causes differences in the preparation of coffee in it. A ceramic pot takes much longer to heat up and cool down. Therefore, it is necessary to make appropriate adjustments to the technology for preparing the drink in a copper pot, described above. Under no circumstances should the foam reach the edge when boiling, otherwise all the foam will end up on the stove. Experts say that the taste of coffee brewed in this way is ideal, devoid of any foreign odors.

Ceramic Turk is not afraid of high temperatures. Be prepared for the fact that purchasing it will cost you twice or three times as much. Its main drawback is fragility. Therefore, shock loads should be avoided.

Choosing the right type of coffee

In your opinion, what determines the thickness of the foam? I think everyone understands that the type of coffee plays an important role. Varieties of coffee that are rich in essential oils are considered the best. Coffee foam comes out better if you use the highest quality product.

In this way you can check the quality of the coffee beans you purchased. It is necessary to grind the beans and brew Turkish coffee.

If the foam comes out really fluffy and dense, it means the coffee you bought is really good. The best option for making Turkish coffee is the variety called Arabica.

Its grains contain the largest amount of aromatic oils, which are enriched with beneficial microelements and caffeine. The first grade of coffee beans with proper roasting is considered the highest quality.

Naturally, such coffee will cost several times more. But I guarantee that the result will pleasantly surprise you!

Coffee selection

First of all, you need to choose the right coffee. A mixture of two varieties is considered optimal: Arabica and Robusta in an approximate ratio of 75:25. This is done in order, on the one hand, to give the drink a refined aroma (Arabica), and on the other hand, to make its body quite dense (Robusta). The higher the density, the more pronounced the quality of the foam. Preference should be given to well-roasted grains. From practice, packaged bean coffee from Italian producers best meets these requirements.

Grind the beans right before preparing the drink.

Do you want to learn how to make incredibly aromatic, delicious coffee, and even with foam!? Then I suggest you familiarize yourself with some rules.

To brew truly delicious coffee, it is best to grind the coffee beans shortly before preparing your drink. If you are not comfortable processing coffee so often, I recommend grinding in small quantities in advance. Prepare for a couple of days.

This way you will preserve the unique taste of coffee, and the oils in the coffee will not have time to evaporate. After all, they are what give your coffee its aroma. A particularly important factor is the maximum concentration of the necessary oils.

You only need one minute to process and grind the beans. At the same time, you will notice the high quality of yours and accurately evaluate the result of your efforts!

Buying instant coffee is a bad idea, since most of the aromatic oils have already been extracted from it, even despite the tight vacuum packaging.

If you have already purchased ground coffee, then there is no need to rush to throw it in the trash. You just need to know the storage rules. Let me remind you that the main enemy of coffee is air! Combining, these two elements begin to quickly oxidize and coffee gradually loses its quality.

Therefore, I recommend storing ground coffee in an airtight container without access to air. It is necessary to close it tightly and store it in a dark place with low humidity in the air. The ideal option would be a cabinet in the kitchen.

It is necessary to grind the grains without leaving any residue. That is, to brew 1 cup of coffee with a volume of 100 ml, you need to process one teaspoon. We recommend grinding in 2-3 passes, 30 seconds each. every. Don't forget to let the coffee grinder cool down a bit. To avoid overheating of the motor and increase the service life of your assistant.

Let's start cooking

What to use to make delicious Turkish coffee is not an idle question. The main ingredients are water and coffee, but both participants in the association have certain requirements: the water must be clean, filtered, and free of foreign odors. Spring water is best, but where can you get it in city life? We have to get out of the situation and use bottled store bought.

Everyone has their own favorite type of coffee. If you want to preserve its unique aroma, do not forget that just a few minutes after grinding, it begins to disappear and transform. Volatile compounds that create odors are short-lived. Therefore, buy bean coffee and grind it immediately before putting it in the Turk.

Note. Grind coffee faster with an electric coffee grinder. But connoisseurs and connoisseurs do not favor this unit, since it heats up the grains during the grinding process and part of the precious aroma evaporates. Among professionals, hand mills are in use. With their help, the desired degree of grinding is achieved, and at the same time, thoughts are put in order. The monotonous work of turning the handle in a circle calms and stimulates mental activity. This is probably why there are many sages in the East.

The debate over the degree of grinding of beans for making Turkish coffee continues unabated. Proponents of grinding the product “into dust” believe that it produces a strong, real drink. On the other hand, fans of very fine grinding claim that this method better preserves the aroma and beneficial properties of the grains. It’s difficult to accept someone’s position here; I agree with the second camp, “not dusty.”

A step-by-step path to the treasured cup

Let's assume that not everyone has yet purchased a kit for making sand coffee at home, so I will describe step by step the process of brewing your favorite drink on a stove in a Turk. In order to get down to business, you must have: natural ground coffee, clean water, a Turk, a spoon, additives if you want to use them (salt, sugar, spices).

As auxiliary accessories, you can purchase a cover for the gas stove so that the Turk can comfortably stand on it, a metal plate that serves as a stand for the Turk after removing it from the heat, and a special spoon with a long handle for comfortable stirring the coffee.

If everything is ready, you can start. Let's brew one serving of coffee for a 70 ml cup:

  • pour 7 - 8 grams of fresh ground coffee into the Turk, preferably Arabica. This is a heaped teaspoon. If you want to sweeten the drink, add sugar at this stage, no more than one teaspoon;
  • into the cup that is to be filled with the finished drink, pour COLD clean water, not adding 1 cm to the edge - leaving room for foam;
  • pour the water into the container with coffee, the liquid should reach the narrowest point of the Turk, no higher. In our case, its volume is 100 ml;

Note: As soon as the cup is free, pour hot water into it. Let it warm up before you pour in your fresh coffee. In warm dishes it will retain the temperature longer and release the aroma more fully.

  • put on the stove, turn on the lowest heat;
  • after a minute or two, when the coffee “sets” the temperature, thoroughly mix the contents of the Turk;

Important! You only need to stir the coffee ONCE during the brewing process, but vigorously and thoroughly.

  • We carefully observe the surface. Soon a thin film will appear above it and small, timid bubbles will play along the edge. When the first bubble breaks through the foam and it begins to rise, immediately remove the Turk from the heat;
  • Pour the finished coffee into an empty, warm cup. If you have cooked it correctly and a dense foam has formed, you will hear a characteristic “bloomk” sound, like a slap. It is made by a warbler when it falls into a cup. This is such a nice moment! The coffee was a success.

To obtain greater strength, at the first sign of foam rising, remove the Turk from the heat. Allow the bubbles to calm down and settle, then place the vessel back on the stove. Wait for the next rise in foam, and so on up to three times. To be honest, I am not a supporter of such “strengthening” of coffee. When fighting for strength and thickness, the aroma is lost, and with excessive overheating, useful components are destroyed. The first “pre-boil” is quite enough. But this is my individual opinion.

Important! If the foam rises and the coffee boils, you can pour it into the sink. The taste and aroma are hopelessly spoiled. Be vigilant, don’t get distracted, don’t move away from the stove. The cooking process will take only 7 - 8 minutes.

This is a basic, classic recipe. It can be supplemented with different ingredients, but the cooking principle remains the same. To neutralize caffeine, milk or cream is poured into the finished drink. Honey is used for the same purpose by adding a spoon to a slightly cooled drink. To enhance the taste of coffee, salt is used in Turkey. It only takes a few crystals, and new shades appear in the drink.

Various spices go perfectly with black, thick coffee. The Arabic recipe always contains cardamom. A frequent companion of the coffee drink is cinnamon; black pepper, cloves, cardamom, and ginger are also common.

The water should be soft and cold

Why cold? Why is this necessary? Why can’t you pour water from the tap?.. These and many other questions may arise in most people’s minds when they see such a headline......

It turns out that clean, soft water is best for making coffee. Because if the water is hard, it may affect the quality of your drink. In hard water you can observe a high concentration of different types of salts. They are the ones who distort the taste and quality of the drink.

Many people use distilled water when cooking. But we do not recommend repeating this, since most often there is nothing useful left in such water. It will fit perfectly with your iron. Such water can be called sterile. It is best to use bottled water. If you use it only for making coffee, it will be quite economical.

Filtered water will also work.

There are 2 types of coffee preparation:

  • Classic way . When preparing ground coffee powder, we pour hot water and a reaction occurs in which all the necessary substances are released and we can enjoy excellent coffee.
  • "Cold" method . For this method, you need fine or medium-ground grains, any container that is convenient for you, and cold, even ice-cold, water. Your next steps are very simple. Now the coffee needs to brew. This process will take you much longer. But it’s quite unusual and in my opinion it’s worth a try. You will need to wait 10 to 24 hours for it to fully cook. The time period depends on the volume you want to receive.

Why can't you fill it with water at room temperature? Cold water contains a large amount of oxygen, which in turn enhances the aroma of coffee. If you use already warm water, then the beneficial substances simply will not have time to reveal themselves during cooking. Cold water allows these substances to interact longer. At the same time getting a rich aroma and pleasant taste.

Put sugar not in a cup, but in a cup

I'll tell you a little secret that will help you make unforgettable foamy coffee at home. As we know, when brewing Turkish or Oriental coffee, it is customary to put sugar immediately into the Turk, and not into the cup. This allows you to dissolve the sugar as much as possible, so that you don’t have to stir it in the cup afterwards.

If you put sugar in a cup, you will need to stir it. This, firstly, can spoil the foam that we have been waiting for, and secondly, thick matter will rise from the bottom, which will begin to settle unpleasantly in the mouth.

If you brew coffee for several cups at once, keep in mind that the quantity has increased and add more sugar to the drink than usual. Remember that adding sugar to coffee after brewing is not recommended.

Coffee recipe with lush foam

I think many people wondered: “How do they make such thick foam in coffee?” I also want to learn how to do this at home.” Did you want to? So we'll teach you!

To prepare we will need:

  1. Turk (preferably made of copper)
  2. Medium or fine ground coffee
  3. Tea spoon
  4. Milk
  5. Microwave (can also be heated on a regular stove)

So, let's start preparing your favorite coffee with lush foam. First, you need to brew the most ordinary black coffee. After that, we pour milk into 1/3 of a glass and put it in the microwave (no need to bring it to a boil. We put it in for no more than 1 minute.).

After we take the mug out of the microwave, close the cup tightly with the lid and try to shake the milk several times so that we get milk foam this way.

Another option is to whisk our warm milk until a thick foam forms. When your milk foam is ready, carefully and slowly we pour the foam into a cup. You need to make sure that the foam does not flow over the edges of the mug.

In order to create an interesting pattern, you need to leave a small amount of coffee and, after our wonderful foam is already in the mug, very carefully pouring it in a small stream, draw any pattern.

Coffee in a geyser Turk

The use of a geyser turk is fundamentally different from everything stated above. A coffee geyser consists of two metal vessels: the lower one is used to fill in water, the upper one is used to store brewed coffee. The vessels are connected to each other. The connection between them is carried out through a valve, which is activated when the pressure in the lower container increases when water boils. The steam passes through a strainer with pre-filled ground coffee, is saturated with its taste and smell, and then condenses in the upper vessel. This technology is used in an improved form when preparing espresso coffee.

In this case, medium or even coarse grind coffee is used. The amount of it poured into the strainer depends on how many servings you need to get. However, you can’t count on getting decent foam. It is easy to determine the moment of completion of coffee brewing by the characteristic “gurgling” sound.

Above are four options for preparing the miracle drink called “coffee”. Each of them has its supporters and opponents, and debates about whose coffee is better brewed do not subside. Try, experiment, find your unique version, share it with friends.

Oriental coffee with foam

Oriental coffee is a favorite recipe for all coffee lovers. In the East, guests are treated like Gods. And they don't usually make coffee there either. When preparing coffee, your whole soul is put into it.

Coffee still-life in warm tone from a retro subjects

Oriental coffee is known all over the world. It became famous for its unique taste, aroma and speed of preparation. According to ancient traditions, coffee is prepared in a Turkish pot (preferably made of copper) in hot sand.

The cooking process can take from 10 minutes to 1.5 hours. As you already understand, a coffee machine is not suitable for this recipe. You need to stock up on regularity and calm. To follow the sequence of stages.

So, I will tell you some basic secrets of making Turkish coffee.

  • Use only fresh, high quality beans. Arabica beans are perfect; the degree of roasting does not play a special role. It is necessary to grind right before starting cooking. The grind should be medium, but preferably fine, so that the grounds do not squeak on your teeth when you use them.
  • The water must be clean. It is advisable to use bottled water or filtered water.
  • An important rule when making oriental coffee. It is necessary to pour cold water into the Turk so that the grains can open and the aroma and rich taste of essential oils awaken.
  • Sugar must be added to the pot and not to the mug. If sugar is added directly to the mug, then our long-awaited foam will
  • If desired, you can add ground black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, or cocoa.

Coffee with foam in a coffee maker

Today there are a huge number of coffee machines on the product market. For every taste and color, for every occasion. But not everyone knows how to properly use the acquired equipment. Therefore, most often your coffee preparations at home will disappoint you.

Therefore, in order to avoid such problems, I will tell you a few preparation secrets that will help you get the desired coffee.

  • It is not enough to read the instructions for the coffee maker. The most important ingredient is high-quality and fresh coffee. The best varieties are considered to be Arabica (which gives a unique taste) and Robusta (which gives strength and bitterness).
  • The grinding of coffee beans is also an important factor. I use coarse grinding when brewing in a geyser unit. Medium is ideal for all types of coffee. Small – ideal for a drip coffee maker.
  • You need to know the dosage for different types of coffee. For example, a couple of cups of ground coffee are added to one cup of espresso.

There are different types of coffee makers:

· Drip

Became very popular in the 2000s. The device consists of a glass flask and a heated stand. To prepare, you need a filter, ground coffee and water.

The process occurs when the liquid is heated, where the resulting steam rises and penetrates the filter where it passes through the coffee powder. And a thin stream flows into the mug.

· Carob

Making your favorite espresso in this type of coffee maker is quite simple. You need to fill the liquid compartment with water.

Next, pour ground coffee into the cone and compact it. We turn on the device and wait for our coffee.


This device is very popular in Italy. The shape of the unit is similar to an hourglass. There are 2 compartments, with 2 filter compartments. Before cooking, the lower and upper tanks are washed and dried. Pour water into the lower compartment and pour powder into the upper one.

When heated, the liquid turns into steam and passes upward under pressure through the filter. You get fresh and aromatic coffee. Which will create cheerfulness and energy for the whole day.


This is the easiest option for making coffee. Even a child can handle it.

Ease of preparation is provided by capsules that need to be purchased and simply inserted into the machine before each preparation.


A distinctive feature of this coffee machine. That she can cook in two ways. So to speak, 2 in 1. Also, such a device is often equipped with a coffee grinder, which is an important component. To start the cooking process, you just need to choose a method; it can be a drip or carob option.

Next, you just need to add coffee beans, pour water into the tank and turn on the device. After some time, you will be able to enjoy your favorite drink.

Instant coffee with foam

If you have ever asked the question “How to make coffee without a coffee machine?” then this article is especially for you. Instant coffee is a mixture of regular ground coffee beans (about 20%) and flavorings (they allow you to make the taste as similar as possible to regular black coffee).

Many people love instant coffee. But most people don’t know whether this drink is harmful to our body? People think that if you can drink black coffee no more than 2 cups a day, then you can drink instant coffee as much as you like. But this is not true at all.

For comparison, let's take identical cups of coffee and try to change the amount of caffeine in them. The first cup will contain black coffee, and the second will contain instant coffee. I think the result will shock you a little. In the first mug with black coffee - 80 ml per cup, in instant coffee - 60 ml per cup.

So what could this small difference mean? Yes, there is no doubt that instant coffee has a little less caffeine. But you must understand that instant coffee has a stronger effect on the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract (since the acidity is slightly higher), and increases blood pressure (for this reason it is contraindicated for hypertensive patients).

In general, you can drink instant coffee, but you need to take precautions to maintain a healthy body.

Coffee with foam in Turk

In my opinion, coffee has long conquered the whole world. There is no such person on Earth who does not know and have not tried coffee. For some, coffee is already like a ritual. There are many types and varieties of coffee on the market that can please anyone.

The classic recipe for making Turkish coffee is Turkish coffee. A Turk is a vessel that has a wide bottom, thick walls and a narrow neck. This form was not invented without reason. Turks made of copper are considered the best. The recipe is quite simple and requires a little time and desire.

So, to brew coffee in a Turk you will need:

  1. Turk
  2. 1-2 heaped teaspoons of ground coffee.
  3. Sugar (optional)

You need to pour cold water into the Turk and put it on low heat. Next, add 1-2 teaspoons of coffee and stir until coffee foam appears. Then remove the Turk from the stove for a couple of minutes and put it back on the fire until the foam rises.

Important! The foam should not be allowed to boil away, otherwise the essential oils that are inside the coffee drink will begin to split and the coffee will lose its taste.

Coffee with milk foam

To prepare coffee with milk foam at home, you need to heat the Turk on the stove. Then add water (at room temperature), add 2-3 teaspoons of ground coffee and stir for 2 minutes over medium heat. When you see coffee foam appear, remove the coffee from the heat and leave for 2-3 minutes. Meanwhile, you need to pour the milk into a small jar with a tight-fitting lid and heat the milk in the microwave.

The milk should be warm, not hot!!!

Then bring the coffee to a boil again. Shake the heated milk thoroughly in the jar and carefully pour it into a coffee mug.

Video: Foam for Coffee. How to Make it Perfect

What and how to beat


The easiest way to make cappuccino is in a coffee machine. If you don’t have it, we’ll make do with a microwave and a fork.

Interesting! How to brew ground coffee in a cup

Heat the milk in the microwave for 30 seconds, pour into a bowl with high walls. Beat with a quick fork motion at a 20-degree angle.

This method will not be able to form a fluffy foam for a cappuccino or latte, as in coffee shops in Moscow. But after a minute the milk will become airy and slightly foamy.


Shake milk foam for coffee using a shaker. Pour 80 ml of cold milk into the container. Shake the shaker vigorously for a minute.

Then microwave it for 30 seconds at 800 watts to remove the bubbles. The shaker produces a dense, thick foam.

The device does not have to be thoroughly washed after each use. Just rinse with water.

The advantage is ease of operation and autonomy. No need to insert batteries or look for an outlet.

Hand whisk

This device is also used to prepare milk froth. How to do it? Very simple.

Heat 50-55 ml of milk and pour into a bowl. Place the whisk in the container, hold it tightly in your fist and begin to vigorously whisk the liquid. After 40-60 seconds, a lush, bubbly foam forms.

French press

Now about how to froth milk in a French press. Pour the required amount into the flask (maximum 1/3 of the volume of the device).

Move the piston down and up for a minute. Then quickly lower it down.

Lightly tap the bottom of the flask on your palm to remove large bubbles.

A lush, dense milk foam is whipped in a French press.

Manual cappuccino maker

Make fluffy foam using a cappuccino maker - a small mixer. It consists of a long rubberized handle with a tiny whisk at the end.

The device is compact and runs on two batteries. It is not disassembled before washing after use.

When preparing foam with a manual cappuccino maker, take heated milk. The whipping time does not exceed 20-25 seconds.

Pour 50 ml of milk into a glass, lower the whisk down.

Turn on the device and make circular movements around the walls of the container. After 10 seconds, slowly lift the whisk up.

Once foam has formed, turn off the device and remove from the glass.

If the device whips slowly, change the batteries.

The advantage of a manual cappuccino machine is high speed and low price. The average cost of the device is 360 rubles.

Interesting! Methods for brewing coffee in a Turk on the stove, the best recipes and basic rules

Foaming jug

Another name is aerocino. It looks like a large mug with a mechanical whisk at the bottom. The device stands on a stand.

The unit heats and whips at the same time. Therefore, you can use cold milk. Different models of the device differ in volume and number of nozzles.

To froth, just pour milk inside and turn on the power button.

The whipping process takes no more than 10 seconds.

The foaming agent can be washed by hand or in the dishwasher.

Modern models are equipped with an automatic shut-off function. Therefore, the milk will not boil away.

The cost of the device is from 3.5 thousand rubles.


The unit is an addition to a simple model of a coffee maker without a cappuccino maker. Panarello is a tube with a hole at the end.

The device is attached to the spout of the steam supply device.

The built-in cappuccino maker works automatically. Panarello requires human participation.

Beating takes 30 seconds.

Disadvantage - the device is only suitable for a model with a steam outlet tube.

The cost of pannarello is from 450 rubles.

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