You're not my friend: foods that don't go well with coffee

Finding the perfect balance between the two components is always a painstaking, responsible, and interesting process. As in any other area, in coffee circles it is also important what and how to drink this drink correctly. After all, an unsuccessful mixture of varieties is the same as poor taste in clothes - well, who would like classic trousers and a top? Therefore, we consider product combination to be an extremely important issue. This article will introduce readers to the best coffee “friends” and also tell you what they serve with coffee.

It’s interesting that different countries also treat coffee differently. It is undoubtedly loved everywhere, as we already said, because this product is the second most popular in the world. Somewhere they prefer to drink it exclusively in its pure form, and all the additives from which cappuccino, latte and others are made are considered desserts. For example, in Italy you will not see city residents during the day or evening with a cup of mocha, frappe or the same cappuccino. They approve of these sweets only in the morning, and during the day they prefer pure Americano or doppio caffè espresso (double espresso). And the French really love fresh pastries with coffee; everyone knows their weakness for croissants and buns. But in distant India they love sweets, so they always have a lot of rolls, cakes with creams, and other desserts to accompany the drink of vivacity, which attract sweet tooths all over the world.

Every dessert has its own pros, but we'll introduce you to a list of foods that make the best coffee snacks.

What do you drink black coffee with?

The modern version of strong black coffee is, first of all, espresso from an automatic coffee maker. The following desserts go well with it.

  • Bizet . Their sweetness perfectly softens the traditional bitterness of coffee, and the almost complete absence of fat in the composition is good news for those who are watching their figure.
  • Creamy sausages . They are much higher in calories, but are popular because of their delicate taste.
  • Cream-based desserts, such as panna cotta . Small portions of this delicacy will not harm your figure and will harmoniously complement the taste of an afternoon cup of coffee.
  • Coffee beans or small chocolate covered nuts . An exquisite and delicate snack that subtly emphasizes the taste and aroma of coffee.
  • Portioned chocolate . Choose a variety that contains at least 75% cocoa beans. It allows you to capture the taste of the drink even more deeply. This chocolate promotes the production of serotonin, the pleasure hormone.

Given the small portions of espresso, desserts are also served in small sizes.

Oriental coffee

This conventional name combines a whole set of recipes, including Arabic, Turkish coffee, with spices or herbs. Drinks are prepared by hand. The traditions of these recipes go back a long way, so they are served with desserts that are also time-tested.

  • Candied fruits . If you have large pears or pineapple rings, they should be cut into slices or strips. Dates occupy a special place - this is the most popular coffee dessert for Arabic recipes.
  • Nuts in sugar or chocolate . This could be peanuts in coke, almonds or hazelnuts in cocoa. Kozinaki is also suitable, especially those made from walnuts
  • Cane sugar or candy made from it.
  • Traditional oriental sweets - halva, baklava, Turkish delight.
  • Domestic marshmallows and marshmallows also perfectly complement the taste of black coffee. In addition, they contain very low percentages of fat, and are produced from natural raw materials.

Macarons – colored protein-almond cookies – have become very popular. They pair perfectly with black coffee in any recipe.


There are situations when a person drank alcohol while visiting, and at the end of the evening, in order to cheer up, asks to make him a cup of coffee. But at this moment he does not know how such a combination will affect his body. The following processes occur:

  • Pulse quickens
  • Blood pressure rises
  • The load on the heart increases

People with atherosclerosis and heart disease are at risk. As a result of such consumption of drinks, arrhythmia or tachycardia may occur.

Mixing alcohol with caffeine can lead to another unpleasant result.

The interaction of alcohol and coffee leads to certain reactions in the human body. He begins to feel more cheerful, more active and, most dangerously, sober. But getting behind the wheel in such a state is very dangerous, because such a state is self-deception. Alcohol blocks the invigorating components of coffee, and the effect of invigoration wears off within 15-20 minutes.

As a result of drinking alcohol and coffee, the human nervous system is overexcited. This leads to a state of nervousness, anxiety and insomnia.

But there is one positive point. You can drink coffee 20–30 minutes before drinking alcohol. Caffeine triggers the production of special components in the liver that help the organ process alcohol. What will have a positive impact on a person’s well-being.

Coffee is a tasty and aromatic drink. It is fashionable to drink it while walking around the city, or visiting a cozy coffee shop. But you need to pay attention to the way you eat so that pleasure does not bring harm.

AlinaAuthor of the article

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Comments (10)

  1. artemon January 31, 2021 at 07:13 pm

    first learn the language, then you will teach people, idiots


      Inna February 21, 2021 at 02:01 pm

      what's wrong with the language? Do you have any substantive objections? Are you a biologist? I would like to read non-meaningless curse words


  2. SERG February 03, 2021 at 8:13 am

    not an article, but some kind of nonsense. author, learn the basics of biochemistry, stupid


      Inna February 21, 2021 at 02:03 pm

      Do you have any substantive objections? Are you a biologist? I would like to read not meaningless curses, but a reasonable objection


  3. Galina February 05, 2021 at 1:46 am

    I never cease to be amazed at how many boors there are on the Internet, and they like to go in pairs. That’s where the picture came in: you’re stupid and stupid.


  4. Inna February 21, 2021 at 02:08 pm

    I'm interested in this question. But for some reason, instead of opposing, people burst into vulgar abuse. Apparently there's nothing more to say


  5. Svetlana March 16, 2021 at 2:50 pm

    Thank you for the article. I found in it the answer I was looking for.


  6. Alexander May 31, 2021 at 01:51 pm

    Is it possible to add Valerian to coffee? I usually add it to tea!? ((:


  7. Oleg Sep 24, 2021 at 05:58 pm

    It's a shame. People write articles, and ladies at that. And these ones swear. What kind of hangover are you? You insult people. Or envy is a Russian trait that I didn’t write myself. Write it yourself, better. Weak?


  8. Sergey December 25, 2021 at 9:57 am

    The article is about nothing


What do you drink coffee with milk with?

In our country and in Europe, recipes for drinks based on coffee and milk are very popular. What can you use with cappuccino, latte and macchiato?

  • Bakery . The most famous options are croissants and muffins. They are wonderful for your morning cup of coffee with milk.
  • Cookie . One of the most popular desserts. If you are thinking about how to complement your latte or macchiato, we recommend taking soft crackers. For cappuccino, buttery kurabye or the most common “For tea” cookies with the taste of baked milk are good.
  • Brownie . The chocolate taste of the delicacy subtly emphasizes the coffee base of the drinks; we especially recommend it with cappuccino.
  • Cheesecake . Its creamy curd aroma and delicate structure combine successfully with the milky taste of latte.
  • Cream desserts . They are prepared on the basis of butter, milk, cream, almond crumbs. They are united by a moist structure and delicate taste. Serve the cream in small portions. The delicacy can be decorated with chocolate chips or nuts on top.

Choose nut and chocolate desserts for sweet coffee, and creamy desserts for unsweetened coffee. Then the overall taste range will be rich and harmonious.

Examples of combinations

While I was preparing the article, I found a dozen sources that list unusual combinations of food and coffee. Here are the most interesting ones.

  • Mushrooms, ricotta and a cup of coffee. Rye bread toast with a thin layer of ricotta, sprinkled with finely chopped lemongrass and topped with a layer of fried mushrooms, goes perfectly with a cup of light roast coffee according to the English confectioner.
  • Omelette goes well with a cup of coffee from Java and Sumatra, donuts go well with Costa Rican coffee, and oatmeal goes well with coffee from Nicaragua. These are recommendations from chefs from the American magazine The Spruce Eats.
  • Tiramisu, cinnamon rolls, brownies and waffles are paired with milk-coffee drinks; cheeses, hot dogs, bacon go well with a cup of espresso, Americano or filter coffee. These are coffee recommendations from Fiona Beckett, a well-known Western author of articles and books on wine and food pairings.

Some cafes and roasters select food combinations for specific types of coffee. We selected varieties from our catalog with similar taste descriptors so that you have the opportunity to repeat the experiment.

  • Rwanda Musasa (Rwanda Rugali #174) paired with lime cornmeal cake and nectarine sauce.
  • Guatemala El Limonar (El Salvador Finca Las Tinieblas #187) paired with pineapple tartlet and caramelized apple.
  • Kenya Tunguri AA paired with plums and guaranteed sorbet.

What alcoholic drinks do you drink coffee with?

Coffee is drunk not only with desserts, but also with various alcoholic beverages. What's appropriate to serve with a cup of coffee?

  • Cognac, brandy, balms and other strong drinks are served with black coffee. Alcohol can be added to the drink at the rate of one teaspoon per 100 grams of liquid. Coffee should be flavored the moment it is poured into cups, unless otherwise specified in the recipe. Alcohol should be served separately with coffee in small portions - 30-50 ml.
  • Liqueurs are very often consumed with coffee. Creamy flavors like Irish Cream or Baileys are suitable for cappuccino, latte or café au lait. Fruit ones are served with black coffee, as well as with flavored varieties. Liqueurs can be added to the drink at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 100 ml or served separately in portions of 50-100 ml.
  • Dessert wines. They are drunk with coffee much less often, but this combination can also be a good end to lunch or dinner. Wine is not added to coffee, served separately. White wine is consumed with coffee.
  • Vermouth and champagne. They are aperitifs, so it is not customary to drink them with coffee.

How to approach coffee pairings

The first step is to determine which flavors dominate the food. What ingredients and flavors stand out the most? A successful combination should strengthen them.

Next, pay attention to the temperature and texture of the food. These two factors play the most important role in how the dish will feel in the mouth and, therefore, how the coffee will pair with it.

It's important to think about the time of day and the situation in which you prepare coffee and serve food, because coffee brewed on a Sunday morning will not pair with the same food as an espresso taken on the run to work.

Each of these principles can be used when selecting food not only for coffee, but also for tea, wine and beer.

Why do they drink coffee with water?

In coffee shops or bars, black coffee is sometimes served with a glass of water. Why is it needed?

  1. Take a sip of water before drinking coffee. Water helps cleanse your taste buds so you can more fully enjoy the bouquet of the drink.
  2. Strong black coffee sometimes makes you thirsty. Then a few sips of cold water will save the situation.
  3. Very strong coffee is drunk in small sips, alternating them with water to reduce the bitterness and, again, to wash the taste buds for a new perception of taste.

Standard coffee in most coffee shops cannot boast of particular strength, and water in this case is simply a tribute to tradition, rather than a mandatory attribute.

Coffee at banquets

During banquets, coffee is usually served as follows.

1. Cups with saucers, a glass with spoons and a sugar bowl with tongs are placed on a tray with a napkin.

The waiter brings a pot of hot coffee, and each banquet participant serves himself.

2. Place two coffee pots on a tray with a napkin - one with sugar, the other without sugar, then cups, stacked saucers and a glass with spoons.

The waiter, holding the tray in the palm of his left hand, places the cup on the top saucer with his right hand, pours coffee to 2/3 of the cup’s volume and, placing the coffee pot on the tray, serves the guest a cup and saucer.

3. Guests are served by two waiters. One holds in his left hand a tray with two coffee pots, the other a tray with cups, saucers and spoons.

The first one offers coffee and pours it into a cup, which the partner has placed on a saucer on his tray.

What additives do you drink coffee with?

In order to soften the bright taste of coffee bean decoction, there are a number of additions to recipes. Some of them enhance the coffee taste, while others, on the contrary, soften it.

  1. Sugar . It is used to soften, but if you put just a little, literally a quarter of a spoon, into a 170 ml cup, it will perfectly highlight the bitterness of the coffee, and not mask it. Brown sugar adds a special, caramel note that harmonizes with the overall bouquet. Sugar can be added at any stage of preparation or directly into the cup.
  2. Milk and cream . Used to give a delicate taste to the drink. The higher the fat content of the milk, the richer the bouquet. The usual ratio of milk additives is one third milk to two thirds coffee, although this all depends on personal taste. Pour milk directly into a cup, diluting the drink to the desired consistency, but there are also recipes for brewing coffee with milk.
  3. Spices and seasonings . They usually emphasize the coffee taste and serve as flavoring agents. With their help, you can improve and enhance the taste characteristics of coffee. The most popular additives are cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla, black and red pepper. Hard spices are added during the cooking process, while powdered ones are added before pouring the coffee into cups.
  4. Honey _ Used as a sweetener. Add to the cezve at the end of preparation or to the cup before filling it with coffee.


We gave the very first item that coffee goes well with to cheese. This is a special combination that always sounds different depending on the type of cheese. An important feature is that coffee is a very strong product with a bright natural aroma and taste that easily outshines other products. Therefore, if you want to get an unusual, bright combination, choose cheese that also has a rich taste; ordinary cheeses that do not have these properties will simply get lost against the background of their coffee neighbor.

In cheese production, good taste can only be due to two reasons: special bacteria, or temporary aging. If the cheese is less than six months old, then light coffee drinks that you brewed in a pour over or Chemex will suit it; we talked about these brewing methods in our article.

For example, the Dutch prefer hard, well-aged cheese. A broken piece of this cheese can be seen on a plate along with a cup of espresso, which you will be served in this country.

Cheese with coffee for breakfast is one of the best treats

But the French prefer soft cheeses such as coulomier, brie, marual. Residents of this country put delicious brie directly into a cup of hot drink, where it melts, turning the coffee an unusual color, imparting a light ice cream taste, and creating an interesting mold crust on top.

Next, we suggest you try serving small canapes instead of sweets. Nowadays it is very fashionable to organize coffee breaks with this particular option, because canapés are easy to make, convenient to offer, they do not stain clothes and are quite filling. Take marmalade, lemon, cheese and strong Bongiorno Espresso - you get a great combination.

To the table of contents.

Coffee with dried fruits

Candied fruits and dried fruits go just as well with caffeine. The latter, by the way, are useful for dieting; they will replace fatty desserts, retaining sweetness and satisfying the desire to indulge. Choose dry figs, dried apricots, dates, which will perfectly reveal and complement the taste of Bongiorno Sirocco.

Any citrus fruit will also create an ideal duet with coffee. Try oranges, tangerines, lemon - the combination is interesting and, at first glance, not entirely suitable. But trust our experience, you will be pleasantly surprised. Green grapes combine sweet fruits with Americano to help bring out the natural flavor of Bongiorno Alongsi.

Tips from Caffella

There are several universal rules that will help you choose the right coffee addition and get maximum pleasure.

  • The sweeter your drink, the more delicate the dessert to go with it.
  • The more ingredients in the recipe - milk, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon - the simpler the accompanying treat should be.
  • Sweet desserts, fruits, strong alcoholic drinks and liqueurs are best paired with black coffee without sugar.

Let us add that we most like candied fruits, marshmallows and delicate creamy low-fat desserts, for example, panna cotta.
What do you like to drink coffee with?

Flavored drink

Coffee with spices turns out much tastier and more interesting. The tradition of using coffee seasonings came to us from the East. Now you can find a lot of interesting recipes for making a flavorful drink. It is worth noting that many spices also have medicinal properties. Connoisseurs most often use nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and cloves for cooking. Lovers of experiments enrich the taste and aroma with allspice, garlic, star anise, cumin and anise. To prepare an aromatic drink, it is better to buy whole spices and grind them immediately before use, since ground spices lose their aroma very quickly.

Traditionally, Arabs use coffee seasonings. They prefer a richer taste and aroma of the drink. A rich range of spices allows you to prepare coffee, which can be served with main courses or as a dessert. There are recipes that allow you to make creamy coffee. If you want to learn how to use spices to prepare a drink, you should start with minimal doses. For the first time, even your favorite scent may be unpleasant to you.

Spicy coffee seasonings should be used in moderation. Their excessive concentration can spoil the taste of the drink.

You can use different spices at different times of the year. What do you drink coffee with in autumn and winter? The most commonly used are cardamom, cloves, turmeric and ginger. These spices will help you invigorate and warm up. In addition, they are very beneficial for the body, as they contain many useful substances.

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