Coffee substitutes: drinks and products that give you energy

The number of coffee lovers is growing rapidly every year. At the same time, everyone is well aware that excessive consumption of coffee drinks has a detrimental effect on the body. Therefore, many begin to think about what to replace coffee with. There are many products that have similar properties. Some of them even have similar taste qualities.

2) Lemon-ginger cocktails

The preparation method is very simple: beat a piece of ginger root in a blender with a small amount of water into a paste, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and a glass of warm water. The invigorating effect of such a cocktail significantly exceeds the similar properties of coffee. There is nothing to say about strengthening the immune system, because lemon is a real storehouse of vitamin C.

How to replace coffee in the morning

You can replace morning coffee with various drinks. Among the worthy alternatives are the following:

  1. Tea . Has a tonic, stimulating effect. This effect is due to the presence of caffeine, theanine, theobromine and theophylline in the composition. The effect of the tea is quite mild.
  2. Cocoa. Recommended for those who find it difficult to give up the characteristic coffee taste. The caffeine concentration in cocoa is minimal. The product has a distinct taste and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. It contains flavonoids that help improve the condition of the skin, neutralize free radicals and increase endorphin levels.
  3. Chicory. This drink can also replace coffee. It does not contain caffeine, but there is a high concentration of insulin. This substance helps normalize intestinal microflora and regulate blood sugar levels. It also contains calcium and magnesium, which help strengthen the cardiovascular system. Chicory has a bitter taste, similar in color and aroma to coffee.
  4. Ginseng . Has stimulating properties. In addition, the product has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the immune system, and normalizes blood sugar levels. Thanks to the use of a drink based on ginseng, you can get a boost of energy and vigor.





3) Citrus juice

Orange and grapefruit are also rich in vitamin C, so freshly squeezed juice from these fruits is also great for breakfast. However, we must remember that people prone to gastritis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines need to be extremely careful with citrus fruits due to their high acidity.

Why do we need coffee substitutes?

Cheerfulness is cheerfulness, but coffee lovers who drink several cups of this drink a day are sure to encounter problems caused by large doses of caffeine. The most notable among them are:

  • tachycardia and increased blood pressure;
  • problems with skin (dryness, aging) and hair (fragility)
  • nervousness and insomnia

This is in absolutely healthy people. If a person has chronic diseases (especially cardiovascular and nervous systems), then excessive coffee consumption can lead to very serious consequences.

It turns out that in order to maintain health, you now need to painfully wake up in the morning and experience a constant loss of strength? Nothing like this. There is a large variety of drinks that sometimes have even more invigorating properties that do not cause serious health problems. After reading this article, you will learn about some of them.

5) Red pepper

It is used primarily to speed up metabolism. And it is this process that gives you a surge of energy. Of course, it is very difficult to force yourself to eat spicy food in the morning. You can replace a heavy dish with a glass of tomato juice with a pinch of red pepper. But only if you don't have stomach problems.


A famous Japanese drink is green tea. Its only difference is that it is sold in powder form. There is a minus - this drink cannot be prepared in a hurry, like coffee, because matcha requires patience and time.

Easy to prepare:

  1. Pour the powder through a sieve.
  2. Pour into a warm bowl.
  3. Fill with hot water (most importantly, not boiling water).
  4. Leave to infuse for 15 minutes.

Not everyone likes matcha, but this tea is definitely worth a try (Photo:

Best served with lemon.

6) Bananas

Many girls look at this fruit with caution because of its calorie content, however, bananas contain three natural types of sugar: sucrose, fructose and glucose, which, in combination with dietary fiber, provide a powerful boost of energy. In addition, they contain a large amount of potassium, which will improve your well-being. However, it is better not to eat bananas on an empty stomach. It is best to combine them with oatmeal or corn porridge . This, in turn, will increase brain activity.


The first cold weather makes us think of cocoa. And for good reason. A drink made from cocoa bean powder is a natural antidepressant. It lifts the mood and invigorates due to caffeine and theobromine. Cocoa contains many vitamins and nutrients. If you drink it regularly, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced.

Cocoa helps increase hemoglobin and improve the condition of skin and hair. This is an aromatic and tasty drink. The high calorie content of the drink adds a fly in the ointment to all the benefits. Therefore, you should not abuse it.

8) Meat

Everyone knows that meat contains proteins. This is the reason why eating breakfast meat will help your body start producing energy. Of course, its effect will not appear as quickly as from caffeine, but it will last all day. You don't have to choke on a huge steak in the morning. It will be enough to eat a small sandwich.

Why does a coffee drink invigorate you?

People drink coffee in the morning precisely because it helps to cheer up. To understand how this effect is achieved, you must first consider the composition of this drink:

  • caffeine. This is a vasoconstrictor that has a hypertensive effect;
  • vitamin PP, theophylline, theobromine. The components promote vasodilation and have hypotensive properties;
  • fats, tannins and a number of other components.

In addition to the invigorating effect, after drinking coffee there is an increase in blood pressure.

The structure of the alkaloid is in many ways similar to adenosine. This substance is designed to regulate the process of transition into a state of sleep and wakefulness. Caffeine, replacing it, prevents connection with receptors and triggering a signal about the desire to sleep. The effect of drinking the drink is noted after just a quarter of an hour. Thoughts become clear, and weakness and fatigue disappear.

The tonic effect is manifested as follows:

  • awakening. Mental processes are activated and inhibition disappears;
  • increased heart rate. Increased blood pressure and rapid breathing are often observed. Such changes are due to the fact that the brain is quickly saturated with oxygen;
  • active activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The release of gastric juice and the appearance of appetite are noted;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes. By getting rid of toxins, the body becomes much easier to function.

After a while, the invigorating effect is replaced by a feeling of depression and fatigue. This is due to a decrease in caffeine concentration. The effect of vasodilating substances is manifested. Blood pressure begins to decrease, and malaise is noted. It is not recommended to drink a new cup of “doping” right away. In this case, changes such as tinnitus, increased excitability, insomnia, and increased heart rate may appear.

10) Eggs

Eggs are inherently a unique product. They contain protein, which promotes a surge of energy, but remain low in calories. In addition, there are many variations in their preparation. Add spinach , rich in provitamin A, mineral salts, iodine and proteins and forget about drowsiness for the whole day.


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A warming and invigorating drink according to the Indian recipe is masala tea. It is prepared on the basis of black tea, adding milk and spices: cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, fennel. You can add other spices - almonds, nutmeg, licorice root.

In India, spiced tea is drunk for breakfast or at street food stalls to perk up the day. The aroma of this drink awakens no worse than the usual smell of coffee. But masala is not only a boost of energy. Fennel is beneficial for digestion, while cloves will help you stay healthy during cold season. According to Indian tradition, the drink must be high in calories, so a sweetener must be added to it.


Guarana is a climbing vine that grows in South America. Contains guaranine - a direct analogue of caffeine, which the Indians used for centuries, chewing guarana to maintain energy during long journeys. We don’t suggest going into the jungle for guarana; you can find the extract of this plant in various forms for free sale. It is not cheap and has a rather pungent taste, but it recharges the body as it should.

Golden milk

This warm drink includes invigorating spices like ginger, cinnamon, turmeric and black pepper. You can also supplement it with cardamom, vanilla and honey.

In addition to giving the drink a beautiful golden color, turmeric is a powerful antioxidant thanks to the curcumin it contains. And black pepper increases the body's ability to absorb it.

How to cook:

1. In a saucepan with 1 cup (230 ml) milk or plant-based alternative, add 1/2 tsp. ground turmeric, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, 1/8 tsp. ground ginger and a pinch of black pepper. If desired, add honey to taste.

2. Heat the mixture over low to medium heat, stirring frequently.

3. When the drink is hot, pour it into a mug and enjoy.

Bottom line

Coffee is a drink that has widely entered our lives. So widely that sometimes we have to talk about full-fledged dependence on it, when a person simply cannot imagine how to live a day without spurring himself on with coffee. And it doesn’t matter that you can’t sleep well and your heart is pounding. The main thing is that a morning cup of freshly brewed drink allows you to wake up, gain good spirits and a craving for work achievements.

After reading this article, you learned that a cup of coffee in the morning is not an indispensable method of getting yourself into working condition. The options we offer not only perfectly awaken you, not only do they not have the side effects characteristic of coffee, but they can have a beneficial effect on the entire body. And at least for this reason they deserve the closest attention.

How to cheer up without coffee and energy drinks

How to cheer up without coffee and energy drinks?
Do you work a lot and diligently and often feel tired? It is quite possible. And it’s not at all a matter of mental or physical stress, although they also play a significant role.

There are many external factors that affect your productivity.

First of all, everyone resorts to coffee or energy drinks. It is in them that they look for salvation in the morning and when they feel lethargic and unwilling to work.

These products contain active substances that saturate the human body with additional energy.

After consuming them, you feel a surge of strength and vigor. If you call it in one word, then this is a kind of “recharging the batteries”, which helps to extend your working capacity. But there is a small nuance: this recharge does not last very long.

But the most important point is that precisely those active substances that give vigor are harmful to our health. Therefore, it is better to limit the consumption of such drinks to a minimum.

And you can cheer up in many other ways, which will be given to your attention below.

First of all, you should know that a person’s physical and mental activity is influenced by the most harmless factors.

For example, daily nutrition, lighting of the room where you work or spend most of the day, rhythm of life, physical activity and much more.

A list of ways to cheer up, drive away laziness and fatigue

1. A successful day and constant vigor means good and healthy sleep . If you get enough sleep, you feel rested and energized.

2. The daily diet should be correct and include healthy foods . It is worth minimizing the consumption of fatty, too peppery and salty foods, alcohol and similar heavy foods.

3. It’s not for nothing that exercise in the morning is considered the best way to wake up. You can replace it with a morning jog.

4. Take a good look around the place where you spend a lot of time. If the room is a little dim, there is not enough brightness and lighting, then be sure to buy lighter curtains, try to keep them open more often, make sure that the access to light is as maximum as possible.

5. In addition to brightness, the room should be fairly fresh and clean . Open the windows more often, ventilate the room, and do wet cleaning. If it is not possible to ventilate, then it would be good to equip the room with air conditioning.

6. Try starting your morning with a glass of cold water . You can add a slice of lemon or a spoonful of honey to it. This will improve the functioning of your digestive system and give you a good boost.

7. If possible and time allows, be sure to take a morning walk in the park; you can walk your dog or other pet.

8. A morning shower will set the pace for the whole day, especially if it is contrasting. And if you take a contrast shower , you will not only instantly wake up from sleep, but also charge your entire body with positivity and vigor.

9. In addition to water treatments for the body, do not forget about your face.
Wash him thoroughly. It is better to do this with cold water. Many studies have proven that washing with cold water for many years keeps the skin of your face young, beautiful, elastic, prevents the appearance of wrinkles, pushing this unpleasant process forward for several years.
10. In addition to washing your face, if you have time, it would be nice to make a face mask. You need to choose something refreshing and invigorating. Afterwards, be sure to wash your face with tonic.

11. Get ready for work early in the morning. Drive bad and negative emotions away from yourself. If you have bright positive thoughts, then the day will pass without despondency and fatigue.

12. When getting ready for work, pay attention to what you wear. There must be something bright in your wardrobe. Of course, you won't wear a colorful evening dress to the office, but a few small, unobtrusive details will noticeably freshen up your appearance.

13. In the midst of the working day you were visited by despondency and laziness; live communication will help you cheer up. Take a break for a few minutes , chat with your work colleagues, or call a close friend for a few minutes just to chat.

14. Often at the end of work, many of us feel drowsy. To drive it away and cheer up well, you need fresh air. Go outside for a few minutes. If this is not possible, then stand by the open window.

15. There are nerve endings on the human body that activate blood circulation and blood flow to the main brain. It would be a sin not to take advantage of this. Drive away laziness with a massage of your earlobes . Press firmly on their ends for several minutes. You can also do a temple massage .

16. To concentrate your attention on a specific job, you need to tickle yourself with the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth.

17. Fruits will help drive away drowsiness. Even while working, have a small snack . A great option is a fresh apple or orange . In general, it is recommended not to load your lunch with fat; it is better to eat some light salad, sandwiches or porridge, and have a few snacks while working.

18. Music will help overcome despondency . If it doesn't disturb your work or your colleagues, then play your favorite song quietly. It is better to choose something more rhythmic, as the relaxing melody will make you sleepy even more.

19. You can also distract yourself with your favorite book or watch a funny video .

20. Take short breaks while working. It’s good if they are accompanied by little physical activity. You can do eye exercises, for example.

21. If you need to quickly cheer up and give sobriety to your mind, then wet your hands in cold water and massage your neck with them.

22. Similar to the previous method using ice. Take a few ice cubes and wipe your face with them . Pay special attention to the area of ​​skin above the upper lip. There is a nerve ending that is responsible for brain activity and prevents it from falling asleep.

23. Mint is also good at driving away fatigue and laziness. Drink mint tea, eat mint candy or chewing gum .

24. Brainstorming will help ward off drowsiness. For a few minutes, indulge yourself in solving a crossword puzzle or other mental tasks.

25. You can also distract yourself with your favorite activity. If you have a favorite hobby , devote a few minutes to it throughout the day. change in activity will occur , increasing your interest and attention.

26. If you have the opportunity, try to take a nap for about twenty minutes during your lunch break. Such short-term sleep can recharge the working capacity of the human body.

Remember at least a couple of these methods of dealing with fatigue and despondency and you can always cheer yourself up and recharge yourself with energy.

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