Coffee drinks: recipes, tips and tricks

Every third inhabitant of planet Earth cannot imagine his day without a cup of aromatic coffee. Some people cannot start the day without this awakening drink with a rich aroma; others maintain their vigor and tone with the help of coffee throughout the day. Usually, the love for coffee drinks is limited to two or three types of preparation that are familiar to us. But the fact remains that coffee is one of the most famous hot drinks in the world. It remains to figure out the benefits and harms of coffee, and what recipes for the types of coffee drinks are the most popular.

Effect on the body

The country of coffee lovers is Italy, it was here that smart merchants began to sell coffee beans first in Europe, having previously purchased them from the Turks. Information about the effect of the drink on the body caused a lot of controversy and disagreement both in those days and to this day. However, scientists still managed to find out the main pros and cons, and now everyone decides individually whether it is worth starting their day with a cup of rich coffee and studying recipes for coffee drinks.

Components for armor-piercing coffee

Many people prefer to drink a cup of the drink in the morning, especially if time allows to brew it.

Coffee should be brewed from freshly ground quality beans. Don't buy pre-ground varieties because the greatest benefits come from freshly ground beans.

Two types of oils can be used for the drink:

  1. Creamy. 2. Coconut.

To make armored coffee, use low-fat butter, without adding salt. And coconut must be fresh without any impurities and must be cold pressed.

By adding these oils to coffee at the same time, the taste of the drink will be excellent. There is no need to add sugar or cream. Instead of these oils, you can put cocoa butter or ghee.

Benefits of coffee

Thousands of studies have been conducted around the world to find out how coffee affects the human body. Scientists were able to identify both disadvantages and significant advantages:

  • American scientists from the National Institute for Cancer Research concluded in their research that four cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of skin cancer by 20%.
  • Coffee is a great aid in losing weight. Studies have proven that coffee fans have a 16% faster metabolism than those who for some reason refuse to drink the drink.
  • Coffee drinks are rich in antioxidants, whose task is to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. And coffee contains even more of these beneficial elements than cranberries and apples.
  • Down with depression! Research conducted in 2011 showed that women who drink 2-3 cups of coffee daily are 15% less likely to experience depression than others.
  • Two cups of coffee a day and strong short-term and long-term memory are guaranteed. And besides this, the reaction speed also increases! Thanks to this, we can safely say that caffeine reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Impressive, isn't it? And this is not a complete list!

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that keto coffee is a natural mixture, it has a number of contraindications:

  1. The appearance of an allergy to any product.
  2. Contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  3. It should not be used by people with problems with blood pressure, gastrointestinal tract, or vascular diseases.
  4. Drinking is contraindicated before the age of sixteen.
  5. Hyperexcitability syndrome.
  6. If the drink is incompatible with medications, be sure to read the instructions for the medications.

Don't forget that excessive caffeine consumption can increase cortisol, a stress hormone that increases appetite, and fat deposits accumulate on the sides and stomach.

Must read: Iced Glace coffee for a hot summer day

Harm from coffee

We praised coffee drinks, now we need to scold them, because the list of disadvantages is no less impressive:

  • Coffee is a powerful psychostimulant that is addictive, like a drug. This is why frequent consumption of coffee often leads to depletion of the nervous system. At first, a person feels an unprecedented surge of vigor, but this is followed by irritability and a feeling of anxiety.
  • If you drink coffee drinks without a sense of proportion, you can not only suffer from depletion of nerve cells, but also develop problems with the adrenal glands.
  • Coffee drinks dull the feeling of thirst and in addition have a diuretic effect. This is why dehydration occurs; do not forget to drink a glass of water after each cup of coffee.
  • Digestive difficulties occur when drinking coffee with milk. This drink is not only high in calories, it is also difficult to digest due to the combination of tonin found in coffee and casein found in milk.
  • Many cosmetologists recommend refraining from drinking coffee, as it provokes premature aging of the skin.
  • Numerous studies have once again proven that coffee increases the risk of heart disease. If you drink more than 6 cups of coffee per day, the risk increases to 71%.

Now all that remains is to weigh the pros and cons and decide whether to drink coffee.

Using ice

Let's look at how to make a cold version of the usual coffee. The following ingredients will be required:

  • powder – 5 spoons;
  • granulated sugar – 5 spoons;
  • water – 250 milliliters;
  • milk – 250 milliliters;
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Mix the powdered extract with sugar, add hot water, stir again and let cool. Add vanilla, pour liquid into ice cube trays, freeze.

Add the resulting ice to cold milk and refrigerate for a quarter of an hour. During this time, the ice will melt and the components will mix together.

Interesting! Why can coffee sour?

This kind of treat is a great refresher in the summer heat. It is advisable to drink it through a straw.


This coffee drink is very popular among coffee lovers. Its distinctive feature is that frappe is the only coffee drink that uses instant coffee in its preparation. The origin story of the drink is quite interesting. Back in 1957, the well-known Nescafe brand presented at a trade fair a children's instant drink with the addition of chocolate and milk, which had to be whipped in a blender. One of the company's employees, whose name was Dmitris Kondios, decided to take a break from the bustle that reigned at the fair and made himself a cup of strange coffee. There was no hot water, so I had to dissolve the coffee in cold water, add sugar and blend the drink in a blender, and then add a couple of ice cubes. So we got everyone’s favorite frappe. This is one of the most popular iced coffee drink recipes. In Greece, frappe is prepared with milk and ice cream; it turns out incredibly tasty and very high in calories. You can try a real frappe in Athens, at the Anafiotika restaurant.

Cooking secrets, milk and foam

To properly prepare instant coffee at home, warm the cup well, for example, pour boiling water over it.

Pour 1-2 teaspoons of granules into an empty container, add sugar as desired. Stir the resulting mixture, pour a couple of tablespoons of hot water.

Grind everything again until smooth, add water to the desired level. Its temperature should not exceed 90 degrees. Boiling water is not recommended, as it interrupts the taste and makes the drink “run away.”

If you like to drink it with milk, it is better to add it warm. When cold, it dulls the aroma.

To prepare the foam, instead of granulated sugar, use powder, 1-2 teaspoons more. You will need 50 milliliters of cold clean water for a couple of spoons of sugar, along with a spoon of coffee extract.

You will have to whisk the foam by hand for a long time and vigorously. To make several servings, it is better to use a blender. The height of the “cap” will be greater if you take powder rather than sublimate or granules.

Viennese coffee

Viennese coffee is a drink that has undergone many changes over its long history. Initially it was just regular coffee with milk, but today everything is much more interesting. There are legends that Viennese coffee was invented by a Ukrainian merchant, who was given three hundred grams of coffee by the Turks for his courage. The merchant, without thinking twice, decided to brew it and sell it, and in order for coffee to be in great demand, he added milk and sugar to the drink. You can, of course, taste real Viennese coffee in Austria, in Vienna. Take a look at the world-famous Caffe Central. This establishment uses the best recipes for coffee drinks.

Classic espresso

Today there are many definitions of espresso. In simple terms, we can say that espresso is a drink that is made from coffee beans and has a small volume as well as strength.

This drink is prepared using high pressure. The difference between espresso and other drinks is its dense foam. There should be twice as much coffee in this drink as milk. Espresso should have a dense taste and aroma.

If desired, you can add sugar to the drink, use cream instead of milk, sprinkle a little cinnamon, grated chocolate on the foam, and so on. It all depends on your imagination.

Kvass with instant coffee

We all love delicious recipes, but even the most traditional kvass can be made from coffee. You just need to be patient and the following ingredients: a teaspoon of dry yeast, a teaspoon of citric acid, a teaspoon of instant coffee, a glass of sugar, a small handful of raisins and three liters of water.

The recipe for kvass from a coffee drink is quite simple:

  1. First, heat two liters of water to a temperature of fifty degrees, then add the remaining liter there, but at room temperature.
  2. Add all the coffee, yeast, sugar, citric acid, raisins to the water and stir until the coffee and yeast dissolve.
  3. Cover the jar with gauze or a bandage and place it on the windowsill to steep for seven to ten hours. The kvass is ready when bubbles appear on the surface.

Now the real coffee kvass is ready, all that remains is to pour the drink into bottles and put it in the refrigerator to cool. This kvass is not much different from store-bought kvass. It has a pleasant coffee taste and is considered healthier than store-bought counterparts.

Cooking recipes: classics

Let's look at how to properly brew instant coffee according to a standard recipe. To prepare, take crushed powder or freeze-dried granules and hot water.

Sequence: choose a thick-walled container, pour in a couple of spoons of granules or powder. Boil water, let it cool to 85-90 degrees. Pour the liquid into a cup, add granulated sugar as desired.

Interesting! How much coffee in one cup

If you are heating water that has already boiled, remove the kettle when bubbles first form, which will save time.

Infuse the coffee in the cup for 2-3 minutes.

Other drinks are also prepared from instant coffee: cinnamon, Egyptian, iced, cappuccino. Let's take a closer look.

Children's coffee drink recipe

Many in kindergartens were pampered with coffee drinks, and they made it not from ordinary coffee, so as not to harm the child, but from worthy analogues. It could be chicory, acorns, soybeans, rose hips, chestnuts and so on. Such surrogate coffee can be easily found in grocery stores in the tea department. In order to remember the taste of childhood and prepare such a drink you will need: ultra-pasteurized milk (50 g), drinking water (60 g), a teaspoon of sugar, a coffee drink (4 g). The recipe for a coffee drink in kindergarten was:

  1. Boil water and pour the prepared coffee analogue into it.
  2. Bring to a boil and let the drink brew for five minutes.
  3. Afterwards, you need to strain the drink and add hot milk and sugar to it.
  4. Everything must be thoroughly mixed again and brought to a boil.

The coffee drink from childhood is ready, all you have to do is pour it into cups and treat your friends, just like in kindergarten.

In fact, what kind of coffee a person drinks can already tell a lot about his taste, style and preferences. Coffee is an ideal drink for experimenting with flavors and aromas. And there are so many recipes for coffee drinks that everyone can find an option to suit their taste.

How to brew a delicious coffee drink in Turk

Ingredients used to prepare 2 servings:

  • cocoa powder and ground coffee beans - 2 heaped tablespoons each;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • cardamom or cinnamon - half a coffee spoon;
  • salt - on the tip of the knife.

Pour coffee powder, cocoa and sugar into the Turk and add salt.

Stir and place on low heat. Stirring vigorously, heat until the granulated sugar caramelizes.

Pour in water and put on the stove, heat without bringing to a boil. When foam appears, remove the coffee maker from the heat and add spices. Pour hot into cups.

Top 10: International Coffee Drinks You Should Try

Coffee is a word that we borrow from the Arabic word “qahwah” which means “power”. Coffee has become one of the most widely consumed beverages around the world and is part of culture and social life. This is the perfect drink to start your day when you need clean energy. It's also the perfect drink for work or as a conversation starter when chatting with friends and family. Coffee is also a cigarette's best friend. Almost every smoker can attest that there is no better drink for a smoke break than a good cup of coffee. Ethiopia is considered its country of origin, but today coffee has “embassies” in every corner of the world. Some readers may be disappointed not to see their favorite coffee drink on the list, but unfortunately, the list only consists of ten items. We hope you enjoy your coffee journey around the world. 10. Coffee milk

Coffee milk is a drink consisting of coffee-flavored milk, similar to chocolate milk. The main difference is that instead of chocolate syrup, it uses coffee syrup. Coffee milk originated in Rhode Island, USA, around the early 1930s. In the beginning, when people asked for coffee milk, waitresses and waiters were perplexed: “You mean that gooey, runny, coffee-flavored syrup that mixes with milk? The one that's made the same way we make chocolate milk with NestleQuick, right?" This drink was a little sweet at first, but you still wouldn't mind trying it, it was new. 9. Moroccan coffee (Caffè Marocchino)

Don't let the name of this coffee fool you. Moroccan coffee is a coffee drink originating in Italy, not Morocco as many people might think based on its name. It is served in a small glass and consists of a shot of espresso, cocoa powder and milk foam. It is without a doubt sweeter and smoother in taste than regular espresso. In some regions of Italy, thick hot cocoa is added to it, which makes it even sweeter and thicker. The name Moroccan comes from its color, as Moroccan was a type of light brown leather used to make hairbands. If you can't find a place that offers this specific coffee drink, just try Espressino. It's practically the same. 8. Vietnamese Iced Coffee

This coffee drink is similar in taste to Greek Frappe.
In some countries it is more popular and known as "Ca phe da", its name simply hinting at its traditional Vietnamese roots. Ca phe da is made using highly roasted, finely ground coffee grown in Vietnam. Coffee is specially brewed and poured through a small metal filter into cups half filled with shaken condensed milk poured over ice. Coffee was brought to Vietnam by French colonists and the French influence is quite obvious. The use of sweetened condensed milk, according to the original recipe, came into use only because in the 19th century, when this drink was introduced by the French, it was difficult to get fresh milk in Vietnam. If you decide to try something new from the world of coffee, you should definitely try this drink. 7. Irish Coffee

There are several different recipes for creating Irish coffee. Place a tablespoon of brown sugar in the bottom of a coffee mug. A shot of preferably good Scotch or Irish whiskey is then added. Then pour hot coffee into the mug. You can top off your coffee with a dollop of whipped cream and you won't regret it. Simply delicious! 6. Frappé coffee

The Greek coffee frappe is an iced coffee drink covered in foam, made from spray-dried instant coffee. It is very popular in Greece and Cyprus, but has now spread to other countries. It has gained great popularity in New York and Melbourne and has been served there for several years thanks to the Greek diaspora in these cities. This is a great summer drink and a very nice refreshing drink for coffee lovers on a hot day. Millions of tourists who visit the Greek islands every summer fall in love with this coffee. It's easy to make using instant coffee and, although it can be served with whipped cream, the traditional version is shaken but never stirred. All you need is a shaker, about 2 or 3 tablespoons of cold water, 1 teaspoon of instant coffee, and 2 or 3 lumps of sugar. Make sure you close the shaker tightly and shake it enough to create foam, which will form in about 25-30 seconds. Then add about a glass of water, a few ice cubes (3-4 pieces), a little milk and mix it all. This coffee drink should always be served with a straw. 5. Cappuccino

Cappuccino is perhaps the most popular coffee in Italy and a true symbol of Italian drinks. Every self-respecting Italian drinks at least one cup of cappuccino a week (if not a day). Savoring a good cup of cappuccino in one of the fine cafes that can be found throughout Italy is like a holy litany for serious cappuccino lovers. Cappuccino is a coffee-based drink made from espresso, hot milk, and hot milk foam. It is traditionally served in a porcelain cup, which retains heat much better than glass or paper. The foam at the top of a cappuccino acts as an insulator and helps keep the liquid warm, allowing it to stay hot longer. 4. Oriental coffee or Turkish coffee (Greek-Turkish Coffee)

The interesting thing about this drink is that it is the cause of constant dispute and quarrels between two countries, Greece and Turkey, since each claims that it is the source of origin of this specific coffee drink. Greek or Turkish coffee, or as it is also called oriental coffee, is made from well-roasted coffee beans, but not too deeply. You can even use coffee powder to make espresso. Although the coffee powder is finer, it would be good to find if you want to experience the authentic flavor. The trick is to grind the beans. It is made from coarsely ground roasted coffee beans. One thing to consider is the fact that with Oriental style coffee, the thick ground coffee remains at the bottom of the cup and you don't actually drink all the caffeine like you would with instant coffee. The Greek coffee blend is different from the Turkish coffee blend. It is usually a blend of Brazilian coffee and chicory, so it is smoother, easier to drink and not as strong. Turkish coffee typically uses a blend of Colombian coffee, so the Turkish version is often stronger. 3. Frappuccino

The United States of America is a country known for its mixture of different cultures, nationalities, races and religions. Of course, food and drink are no exception to this rule. In this case, a mixture of two great coffee drinks, the Italian cappuccino and the Greek coffee frappe, gave birth to the Frappuccino. Frappuccino is a brand name for a line of blended coffee drinks sold by Starbucks, so, simply put, this coffee is a celebrity. You will be able to find a bottled drink called Frappuccino sold in retail stores and vending machines. Some investors are truly creative and know how to impress young people. The Frappuccino experiment has become a complete success and has already begun to take over the world (via Starbucks). Plus, it tastes good and looks good. 2. Coffee with milk (Café au lait)

Café au lait is a traditional French way of preparing coffee with milk. The secret of good French coffee lies in the coffee beans. You can brew anything in a French press, but you can't get good coffee without great beans. If you put bad coffee in it, that's what you'll get, it's simple. To prepare, you will need fairly coarsely ground coffee. Scoop it up with a ladle and pour the coffee into the press. If you really care about quality, preheat the press by pouring hot water into it. Then pour almost boiling water, close the press with a lid and wait about five minutes. After this time, press the press and pour in the coffee. Let it cool a little, add good quality milk, a little sugar, and enjoy! 1. Espresso

Espresso is the complete opposite of cappuccino, it is intended for “runners”, people who are in a hurry and just want to pour a huge dose of coffee into themselves in order to fully wake up and start the day full of strength and energy. Espresso is usually drunk quickly while standing, since people who prefer this drink usually do not have time to talk with friends. Espresso has grown in popularity around the world since the 80s, and in Italy and Europe it has been quite popular for a very long time, and there are many varieties there. The main variables in an espresso are its size and length. The size can be single, double or triple, and the length of the serving can be ristretto (limited), normale (regular) or Lungo (long). They correspond to a small or large drink with the same amount of ground coffee and the same extraction level. Fans of the strong and bitter version of pure coffee will certainly enjoy and appreciate espresso coffee.

Ground coffee with cream

Sometimes in stores you can buy coffee with the taste of cream - for example, it is called “Irish Cream”. Many manufacturers have such products, most often these are crushed grains, although sometimes you can find whole ones, and you can also ask them to grind them on site.

You must understand that this is only a flavoring, there is not even a dry creamy concentrate-powder there. That is, you will get a black drink that smells like Irish liqueurs. Of course, there is no liquor, syrup or alcohol there either. The drink will be unsweetened, but the light taste and aroma of the creamy alcoholic cream is still present.

You can purchase this product in most large stores, as well as in specialized points of sale of tea and coffee products.

Calorie content of coffee with cream

The energy value of the drink depends largely on what products you use, their volume and fat content. Coffee itself has virtually no calories, with a maximum of up to 5 calories per cup.

For ease of calculation, take a 150 ml serving of coffee, a tablespoon of cream – 15 ml and a heaped spoon of sugar – 7 grams:

Fat contentKcal per 100 gCalorie content of coffee with cream without sugarCalories in coffee with cream and sugar

Coffee with whipped cream from a can is a higher calorie product - on average, about 60 kcal per serving.

Coffee with cream in bags - on average 70 kcal, since sugar is added, such products are almost never found without it, this is a “3 in 1” option.

The calorie content is very low, so even with a strict diet, you can sometimes treat yourself to such a cocktail. And even if you choose a product with 20 percent fat, it won't disrupt your daily calorie intake too much either.

Coffee with cream: benefits and harms

To claim that every cup of coffee-creamy drink brings you clear benefits is clearly wrong. This is, in fact, milk fat, and although it also contains vitamins and microelements from milk, they are still not enough for any obvious effect. They are added, first of all, for taste, to soften coffee bitterness and sourness, to make the taste a little sweeter without adding sugar.

People with high stomach acidity will get a clear positive effect from drinking creamy coffee drinks. If it is impossible to give up your morning coffee, drink it with a creamier additive, richer, this will protect the digestive system from high caffeine acidity.

Is it possible to drink coffee with cream if you have hypertension?

In general, consuming caffeine in this state is undesirable, but if you often have high blood pressure and do not refuse the stimulant, it is better to dilute it. If your blood pressure rises suddenly, then you should be patient and drink a cup when you feel good.

Can pregnant women have coffee with cream?

If there are no obvious contraindications, then sometimes you can drink a weak, creamy coffee cocktail, and this is definitely better than pure bitter black. Alternatively, you can also add milk. And it will invigorate you a little (many pregnant women suffer from low blood pressure), and the effect on the body will be milder, caffeine will not be absorbed so sharply.

Is it possible for people on a diet to have coffee with cream?

This is a fairly high-calorie product, but it adds sweetness. If you don't like drinking straight Americano because of the bitter-sour aftertaste, it's best to add a little light cream but omit the sugar. Sometimes you can treat yourself to such a cocktail; one serving in the morning will definitely not affect your calorie balance too much, but don’t get carried away.

Choose natural products, and then the cocktail will be quite healthy. Instant coffee and store-bought creamer do not contain anything useful.

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