10 products you probably open incorrectly


The company was founded in 1940 by brothers Wild and Mac McDonald and by 2010 had become the world's largest chain of fast food restaurants. The company's first Russian restaurant (then the largest in the world, now remains the largest in Europe) opened in Moscow on January 31, 1990. At the moment, 422 McDonald's restaurants are open in Russia, which are located in more than 72 towns and regions of the country.

196 restaurants serve guests using the MacAuto system, 63 restaurants have a McCafe and 7 restaurants have a McKiosk.

Once a day, McDonald's restaurants in Russia serve more than 950,000 guests. Such high traffic and strict requirements for the highest standards in McDonald's restaurants require the presence of high-performance and reliable equipment that minimizes the impact of the human factor on the taste and quality of the product.

Such equipment is the entire line of Franke automatic coffee machines, which has allowed Franke’s company to become the main supplier of coffee machines to McDonald’s since 2008. Currently, McDonald's restaurants have more than 900 coffee machines of the following models: Spectra S, FM 800, Evolution, Sinfonia. The leading model is Spectra S - a new generation of automatic coffee machines that have inherited the best properties and advantages of previous Franke/Bremer models. Along with the fact that the machine combines time-tested technologies of its German and Swiss creators, it delights with its unique design - prominent, inimitable and modern.

The McDonald's company is actively looking for ways to develop and improve, so in 2013 the company's restaurants began installing new Franke FM800 coffee-making equipment, which has no analogues in the world. A large touch-screen touch screen, the option of an endless number of drinks, a new development of frothing milk from scalding hot to icy cold and at the same time - different foam densities, the possibility of an option for drinks with syrups - this is not a complete list of the capabilities of the newest Franke FM800 coffee machine.

Pack of juice

It is logical to pour juice from the bag, holding it with the opening closer to the glass. But in order not to spill the drink, it is better to do the opposite: the neck should be higher.

If you pour the juice the old way, just above the neck, pierce a hole in the box with a knife so that air can flow in. Then the liquid will not gurgle and spill.

Why does McDonald's prefer Franke coffee machines over all others?

It's no secret that one of the main goals of McDonald's work is quality and speed of service; Franke coffee machines fully meet these requirements, having the following features:

  • wide range of options according to customer requirements, and as a result, consistently good quality of drinks,
  • high-tech equipment capable of withstanding long workloads with heavy traffic (productivity Spectra S, FM800 - 250 cups/hour),
  • the presence of a wide range of different modifications of coffee machines and the ability to choose the desired configuration according to the specific placement of the equipment,
  • a wide network of service support throughout the country and the highest speed of response to service requests, which is an important factor in the efficiency of service in McDonald's restaurants.

Over the years, Franke coffee machines have confirmed their reputation as reliable and high-quality equipment capable of meeting the highest requirements of one of the leading fast food chains - McDonald's.


The main drama of all survival films is the attempts of the main characters to open a coconut. If you find yourself on a desert island or a coconut sale in a supermarket, look for three spots on the top of the fruit. To drink juice, punch one of them with something thin and sharp, then insert a straw or pour the juice into a glass. And to open the coconut, tap the fruit in a circle just above the middle, closer to these points.

What makes you think that McDonald's sells good coffee?

The principle of this brand’s chain cafe is to serve only high-quality products. The highest quality of McDonald's coffee is confirmed by the following circumstances:

  • the company uses natural varieties of Arabic and Robusta beans when cooking,
  • the ratio of coffee types is normal - 80% to 20%, respectively,
  • The company's chefs grind the coffee beans themselves and prepare the freshest drink,
  • The quality of grains and drinks undergoes painstaking testing by professionals.

Guests of McDonald's cafes can be convinced of the deep taste of the drink and its unique smell. The purchased coffee is tasty, does not produce any bitterness or acidity, since the amount of Arabica and Robusta beans is balanced.

Delicious and high quality coffee

McDonald's: forbidden fruit

Fine, fine! In order not to suffer without sweets, I also took McFlurry with chocolate and mango. There are ice cream and milkshakes there - yes. Tasty, fatty, plentiful, satisfying. By the way, many people probably thought: why is there such a strange spoon in McFlurry? It's simple: it doesn't put it in the cup after making ice cream, it makes it itself! Such a tip with a snap is needed for the device, not for you. And you – just eat what’s inside and don’t bother! By the way, the option I took is tasty, but a bit sweet. I was expecting sourness.

So, the bottom line: you can, of course, drink coffee at McDonald's if you like coffee from McDonald's.

Taste of a standard coffee blend - 2 Quality of service - 5 Ambience - 4 Variety of dessert menu - 1 Actual availability and taste of desserts - 3 Availability of "branded" types of coffee - 0

The benefits and harms of coffee

Scientists do not deny that coffee should not be consumed too often, since it is an energy drink that negatively affects the functioning of the heart. But besides this, it also has a number of useful qualities.

Thus, experts were able to prove that consuming such a drink can significantly reduce the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Coffee also prevents the occurrence of diseases of the large intestine, liver, and pancreas.

It is worth remembering that only a drink produced and sold by trusted suppliers and companies will boast quality and will not cause serious harm to health.

On the McDonald's menu, everyone will find a suitable item for themselves. After all, they sell not only regular strong coffee, but also several varieties of it, characterized by a milder taste. The cafe workers assure that the most delicious drink is different for each person. That's why they strive to give visitors the right to choose. What kind of coffee should you try online?

Types of coffee offered by the chain

What kind of coffee should you order at McDonald's? The company offers various types of it on the menu. Everyone can choose their favorite drink. Some people like the traditional version, while others like coffee with milk or cream.

The names of coffee at McDonald's depend on the method of making the drink. Espresso and double espresso are strong, dark coffee with a beautiful taste and aroma. Ice is a cool drink that has flavor tones that a hot drink does not have. Double Espresso costs 65 rubles, and Ice costs 99 rubles.

Ice coffee at McDonald's

Latte from McDonald's

McDonald's Coffee Latte is a delicious drink with milk. To make it, Arabica and Robusta coffee beans are used, which are ground. Then 3.2% pasteurized milk is heated and Espresso coffee is prepared. After which the milk is whipped with a blender. The secret of cooking is that coffee is poured in a narrow stream into the milk, and not the other way around. The resulting striped Latte drink is snow-white with a dark stripe in the center. Its calorie content is more than 120 kilos of calories.

It is better to drink a latte after a meal in the first half of the day. It stimulates metabolism, improves mood, forces our brains to work actively, and increases energy in the human body. Another plus of the drink is that it increases a man’s ability to conceive a baby. For people with low blood pressure, coffee will help cheer them up.

The drink is served with or without sugar. By drinking a Latte with sugar, a person will relieve hunger and survive at work until lunch. A glass of coffee of this variety costs 99 rubles.

What is Glass coffee?

The name Glasse comes from the French word to freeze, which refers to the presence of ice cream in the recipe. The recipe originated in Europe. Some consider Austria to be its homeland, others - France.

The development is as follows:

  • brew espresso coffee,
  • add sweet sand or sweet syrup to it,
  • cool it in a cup,
  • put a scoop of ice cream on top,
  • decorate the dessert with chocolate chips.

To make Glass coffee, McDonald's takes Arabica and Robusta beans and grinds them. Then the drink is brewed in a coffee machine.

The calorie content of Glass is a little more than 120 Kcal. This is a satisfying drink. While drinking it, it is recommended to first consume the ice cream at the top and then drink the coffee. Glasse's usefulness is obvious. It contains the hormone serotonin, which improves the mood of the cafe guest. The drink will help people suffering from nervous breakdowns and depression to feel good. A glass of Glass costs 105 rubles.

How do they make Cappuccino at McDonald's?

The history of the appearance of the name Cappuccino is very fascinating. There is an assumption that it came from the name of the Capuchin monastic order. They wore terracotta robes, from which color the term comes.

Cappuccino appeared in the 18th century. For it, cream was whipped and placed on top of coffee. The foam quickly settled. Its durability was achieved much later, after the invention of coffee machines. Their cream is whipped with hot steam and produces a stable foam. Foam can also be obtained from cool milk with 3.5% fat content.

When using a coffee machine, the development of making Cappuccino coffee at McDonald's is as follows:

  • the first portion of steam is released outside,
  • milk is poured into a special container in the machine,
  • the end of the steam pipe is immersed 1 cm in milk,
  • as steam arises, the volume of milk increases, and the container with it must be lowered so that the pipe remains submerged only 1 cm,
  • when the steam release valve closes, the foam container can be removed,
  • Foam is poured into the finished, moderately hot Espresso.

You can add sweet sand to the cup. The inclusion of high-quality beans, pure water and pasteurized milk in coffee determines its unique taste and pleasant aroma. In terms of calories, this is not a very filling drink - a little more than 70 Kcal. A standard cappuccino costs 89 rubles, and a large cappuccino costs 99 rubles. Knowing all the types of coffee at McDonald's, you can choose a drink to suit your taste. Photos of various drink options are shown below.


I asked exactly this question at the first lesson of barista school.

The teacher’s answer, frankly speaking, amazed me.

Few technical details. Professional baristas (not to be confused with bartenders) prepare coffee using “carob” coffee machines, which look something like this:

Pay attention to the dark handles that are attached to the steel tanks - these are the horns (holders) - ground coffee is poured into them, through which steam is then passed under high pressure, resulting in espresso.

Despite the bunch of automation integrated into the machine, the final quality of the drink very much depends on the human factor. Here are a few methods to screw up the process:

– Incorrect grinding of coffee (very coarse or very fine) – Pour the wrong amount of coffee into the holder (less than 7 or more than 9 g) – Poorly pressing or not leveling the coffee – Do not preheat the machine before making coffee – Serve coffee in an unheated cup

And this is only a small part of the possible “jambs”, any of which significantly spoils the taste of the drink.

Finding a good barista is not an obvious task. Training “from scratch”, taking into account the huge staff turnover, turns out to be very expensive. So it’s virtually impossible to equip a large chain of coffee shops with the highest level of specialists.

The solution to the problem was the so-called “super-automatic machines” - machines that dispense a drink of applicable properties and at the same time require even less skill from the staff than “horns” (pay attention to the absence of holders and the presence of an integrated coffee grinder):

Yes, coffee from a “super-automatic machine” will taste inferior to a drink produced by a virtuoso barista using a “horn.” But this will be a “good versus excellent” difference, which most people will not see anyway.

Now comes the fun part. Despite the trivial advantages of the “super-automatic machine,” many “cool chain coffee shops” turn their noses up and whine that “such a barbaric approach kills the soul of the drink.” And as a result, they get killer jumps in properties from establishment to establishment. Each guest becomes a participant in a lottery, where under the same sign you can get good coffee or get food poisoning. How lucky you will be.

Using a simple analogy, it’s easy to see signs of “horn syndrome” in the sales process of so many businesses:

“My best salesperson gets through secretaries like a knife through butter—why do I need direct mail?”

“I am an owner with 25 years of experience, I have survived a change of power and three crises, so in personal communication with another owner I can create trust better than any case study.”

Continue to craft and do all the implementations by hand (when any communication with a client is as unique as a snowflake and, moreover, completely depends on the human factor)? Or should we start the process of switching to “automatic”, creating an advertising system that will take over 2/3 of the “funnel” completely?

What kind of coffee machine does McDonald's have?

Check out new products and promotions in the McDonald's mobile app!

Total 3

Expert comment:

“Kaluga McDonald's uses the standard Rioba mixture for local coffee shops, which is very cheap and easily accessible to every Metro customer. However, either the proper settings of grinding and brewing in coffee machines, or the normal freshness of the milk, make the coffee in Mac not only very good, but definitely more tasty than in “Cups”, “Snakh Kota” or “KofeLaika”.

Among the “desserts” at Mak, we can safely recommend ice cream, any kind. It’s all delicious and will make quite a worthy company for your coffee. However, it’s not always possible to sit quietly and drink coffee at a “21st Century” Mac. There is too much flow of people, it is too noisy, children are brought to them too often for Happy Meals and toys.

In such an environment, neither business meetings, nor romantic dates, nor even quiet gatherings over a cup of coffee alone are possible. In general, McDonald's itself realized this a long time ago and all major points of the chain have a separate McCafe room. There are plenty of good desserts to choose from, specialty types of coffee, and even a trained barista who prepares all these types by hand. Kaluga lacks this.”

Alexandra Petrukhina, Gleb Elgaev, McDonald's in the XXI Century shopping center, Kirova, 1.

Try the previous coffee:

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