Coffee consumption alters reproductive hormone profile

Does Coffee Really Increase Estrogen Levels in Women? If so, how dangerous is it? How does coffee affect your health, and in what quantities can you drink it so as not to harm yourself? And is it even possible to drink it? These are the questions asked by everyone who cannot imagine their life without a cup of coffee for breakfast. Many people consider drinking this drink dangerous. Others argue that, on the contrary, it tones and gives strength, coffee and estrogen are independent and that there can be nothing harmful in it. Who is actually right, and whether coffee is harmful or beneficial for women is not difficult to figure out.

Estrogen is the collective name for female sex hormones

Cruciferous vegetables

Add more cruciferous vegetables to your lunch, which help support liver function. Chinese cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts, both raw and fermented, can be great additions to your typical menu.

What does progesterone affect?

Progesterone is a steroid hormone that is produced in the ovaries and a little in the adrenal glands. It is synthesized by the corpus luteum, a temporary gland formed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone is also called the pregnancy hormone. Thanks to him, a woman can conceive, bear and give birth to a child.

Progesterone affects many processes occurring in the female body. It prepares the endometrium (the mucous layer of the uterus) for a possible pregnancy, stimulates the development of the mammary glands, and affects the functioning of the skin and nervous system. Here's how progesterone changes a woman's health.

  • Menstrual cycle.
    Monthly processes in the female body are regulated by sex hormones. Progesterone works in the second phase of the cycle after ovulation. Its level rises approximately from the 14th to the 28th day of the cycle - at the time when conception of a child is possible. It prepares the uterus to receive the embryo. But if pregnancy does not occur, its level drops - and soon menstruation begins. According to many scientists, the cyclic decrease in progesterone is one of the causes of PMS (premenstrual syndrome).
  • Weight
    . Progesterone increases the activity of enzymes in fat cells and increases the reserves of adipose tissue. This is how a woman’s body prepares to bear a child – it accumulates resources. As progesterone levels rise during the second phase of the cycle, many women notice a weight gain of 1-2 kg before menstruation.
  • Digestion.
    The task of progesterone is to reduce the tone of the uterus after conceiving a child so that a miscarriage does not occur. But the hormone affects not only the reproductive organs. In the second phase of the cycle, an increase in progesterone often leads to constipation. This hormone relaxes smooth muscles, slows down the passage of food and interferes with bowel movements.
  • Muscles and ligaments.
    Progesterone should relax the ligaments and muscles of the pelvis during pregnancy - in preparation for childbirth. Outside of pregnancy, its effect is noticeable in the second phase of the cycle. This is why training before menstruation is dangerous - sprains and other injuries are possible. Many women note that their backs and legs hurt before menstruation - and this is again the relaxing effect of progesterone.
  • Immunity
    . Progesterone suppresses the immune system. This is how nature intended: in order for the mother’s body to accept a new life, immunity must be reduced. Otherwise, a miscarriage will occur - the immune system will try to get rid of the foreign agent (fetus). Outside of pregnancy, the influence of progesterone explains frequent colds and the appearance of acne before menstruation.
  • Water balance.
    Progesterone causes sodium and water retention. Therefore, before menstruation, swelling appears on the arms and legs, and sometimes on the face. They go away after progesterone drops - with the start of a new cycle.
  • Mood.
    Progesterone is a natural tranquilizer. It calms, reduces anxiety - creates conditions for a favorable course of a possible pregnancy. And it also suppresses mood, leading to lethargy and apathy a week before menstruation. At the end of the cycle, when progesterone levels drop, the woman becomes aggressive, irritable, and anxious.
  • Dream
    . Progesterone is one of the hormones that regulate sleep phases in the brain. Its level increases in the second phase of the cycle and during pregnancy - and then drowsiness occurs. Progesterone drops before menstruation and insomnia develops. Age-related sleep disturbances in women are also associated with a decrease in progesterone.
  • Libido
    . Progesterone suppresses sexual desire, testosterone and estradiol increase it. Therefore, in the second phase of the cycle, when there is a lot of progesterone and little testosterone, libido decreases.
  • Conceiving a child.
    Progesterone prepares the endometrium to accept the fertilized egg, improves blood flow in the uterus, reduces its tone and maintains the dominant state of pregnancy in the brain. Lack of progesterone leads to miscarriage.


Foods rich in probiotics are essential for digestive health, energy production, improved skin creation and hormonal metabolism. Probiotics create an environment high in beneficial bacteria in the gut, which reduces the risk of bad bacteria turning into estrogen. For lunch, choose kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, apple cider vinegar, kombucha kombucha and miso soups.

Read on topic: Probiotics: what you need to know about beneficial bacteria

Impact on men

Men consider caffeine to be a panacea that has a positive effect on hormones and potency: it is one of the powerful natural aphrodisiacs that stimulate sexual desire, help maintain an erection and increase the time of lovemaking. It is also believed that caffeine increases the production of sperm in the testicles. These assumptions are correct, but they apply exclusively to healthy men. If impotence is diagnosed, there will be no negative or positive results on sexual functions. But this does not mean that you need to constantly drink coffee for health. If you drink more than two cups a day, an excess supply of the female sex hormone, estrogen, will begin. And over time, an excess of caffeine contributes to potency disorders. If a man has prostatitis, then coffee consumption should also be reduced so as not to develop an irritating effect.

Caffeine and alcohol

Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption. The liver has to work much harder to remove all the alcohol from the body, so it can't focus on removing estrogen and toxins. What needs to be eliminated accumulates in fat deposits and then begins to be recirculated in the body. The same goes for caffeine - it depletes the adrenal glands and can further cause gland damage, which will also increase estrogen levels. To overcome this limitation, simply look for new recipes for everyday drinks. For example, you can choose a decaffeinated latte with turmeric or pumpkin, and replace your lunch drink with an herbal infusion that stimulates liver function.

Today we're going to look at the connection between caffeine consumption and your hormonal health.

You will learn how giving up caffeine, even temporarily, will help balance the adrenal glands and the important hormones they produce, especially cortisol.

There are only a few days until the New Year! But in this short time, you will be able to feel freedom from this popular drug, enjoy restful sleep and stable energy, improve your well-being, and in the long term, solve weight problems, increase stress resistance, and improve your metabolism.

Cortisol has a bad reputation: everyone knows it as the stress hormone. But we also need it as a hormone of energy and vigor. And only through our wrong actions do we turn cortisol from a friend into an enemy.

Functions of cortisol

  • secreted when we are under pressure and feel threatened to help us optimally resolve the situation with the most favorable outcome for us.
  • participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats
  • plays a vital role in the fight against infectious diseases, supporting the main components of immunity,
  • regulates optimal blood sugar levels,
  • interacts with other key hormones.
  • Normal levels are critical to maintaining sustained activity throughout the day.

Excess cortisol circulating in the body leads to resistance to many hormones, including thyroid hormones and sex hormones. This means that the body’s sensitivity to them decreases, and more and more hormones are required to perform the necessary functions. The gland is knocked out of its usual mode and begins to work with increased load, which ultimately leads to its hypo- or hyperfunction. Too low and too high cortisol levels disrupt hormonal patterns.

How does caffeine affect hormonal balance?

  • Caffeine increases the level of adrenaline in your system, giving you a temporary boost, but this can lead to fatigue and depression later on.
  • Coffee increases levels of stress hormones. Increased levels of stress hormones, including norepinephrine and especially cortisol, are responsible for increases in heart rate and blood pressure. When you combine coffee/caffeine with stress, you will put your stress hormones on high alert, which in turn puts your heart rate and blood pressure in an unhealthy state and weakens your immune system. When your body receives caffeine, it feels good, but your body will begin to experience stress when the caffeine wears off.
  • The harm of caffeine is that it affects the neurotransmitter systems of the brain and modifies them. All of this combined can increase cortisol levels, which puts stress on your hormones and can lead to other health problems such as weight gain, heart disease and diabetes.
  • Blocks the body's adenosine system. The adenosine system is an anti-stress system that protects against fatigue, it saves resources and regulates the wakefulness-sleepiness cycle. Caffeine blocks adenosine, which calms the body, making you feel anxious in the short term. Caffeine is able to hack this defense system and causes the body to use up resources set aside for a rainy day. Thus, when consuming caffeine, we are not protected from exhaustion.

Caffeine Detox Protocol:

1. Eliminate all drinks containing caffeine for 7 days: coffee, tea (green and black), Coca-Cola, energy drinks.

2. You can replace coffee and tea with natural plant alternatives, for example: chicory, chaga

3. If you've been considering coffee as a source of energy, foods like green juice, water with lemon, ginger and pepper, sprouts and sprouts and any fresh greens also provide a lot of energy.

4. Protein, healthy fats, vitamin C and vitamin B are critical for optimal adrenal function and hormone production

5. Maintain optimal blood sugar levels throughout the day.

You can find a complete cortisol optimization protocol in the Hormonal Detox program.

_____________ Best wishes ॐ Julia |

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Online program Yoga&Detox™| Winter reset

The program will help improve your well-being to avoid weight gain, seasonal depression, lethargy, resist cold and humidity, solve cosmetic problems, cope with mood swings and cravings for sweets and fatty foods, gather strength and increase energy levels, improve digestion, strengthen the immune system, understand with your cravings, learn to eat in harmony with the season, regularly practice yoga and spiritual practices, balance your hormonal levels and synchronize with natural rhythms!

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Many of us know it as the “sleep hormone.” But, as it turned out, its role in our body is much more significant! Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant that actively absorbs free radicals. But we know that oxidative stress is one of the main enemies of youth. In addition, melatonin “rejuvenates” mitochondria, the main energy stations of our cells. The fact is that over the years, pores appear in their membrane through which the enzymes necessary for energy production “flow out.” Melatonin helps close these pores, restore the full functioning of mitochondria and prolong their life. This is why, with a melatonin deficiency, we not only sleep poorly, but also age much faster!

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What to do?

The essential amino acid tryptophan or its derivative 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) helps increase the natural production of melatonin. During the day, tryptophan produces serotonin, the “happiness hormone.” It promotes mental comfort, improves mood, eliminates feelings of internal tension, irritability and anxiety, and improves performance. But in the evening, serotonin formed from L-tryptophan is sent to synthesize the “sleep hormone” melatonin. These are such amazing transformations!

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Start managing your age without wasting time!

Youth hormones for women

The main hormone of youth for women is estrogen.

. Yes, it is estrogens that make a woman a woman! But already at 35 years old, their synthesis begins to gradually decrease, and at 45 this process accelerates significantly. Meanwhile, the lack of female hormones estrogen is accompanied by many different disorders: from accelerated “fading” of the skin, deterioration of hair and nails, hot flashes, irritability, poor sleep, irritability, decreased mental performance and concentration to increased fragility of bones, cardiovascular disorders, changes in body weight. How to increase youth hormones for women? To eliminate the symptoms of menopause, for example, special hormonal drugs are often used. But, as you know, they are not at all safe!

What to do?

Manifestations of estrogen deficiency can be compensated with the help of plant phytoestrogens. These are substances that are similar in structure to real estrogens. But at the same time, they do not have those frightening contraindications for use that distinguish female hormones in tablets. Black cohosh and the already familiar wild yam are especially rich in phytoestrogens.

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    Taking modern nutraceuticals will help you achieve even more impressive results:
  • for healthy skin, hair and nails – collagen, omega-3, hyaluronic acid;
  • to improve mood and mental performance - theanine;
  • for calmness and good sleep – tryptophan, 5-HTP, lavender, magnesium;
  • to maintain bone strength - calcium, vitamin D3, vitamin K2;
  • for weight control - carnitine, choline, inositol, methionine, alpha-lipoic acid.

Gestation period

Many women who want to get pregnant believe that coffee has a contraceptive effect, which slows down the possibility of conception. But this hypothesis was not finally confirmed. But one thing is known: if you are preparing for in vitro fertilization (IVF), then you should hold off on coffee.

When carrying a child, it is recommended to minimize caffeine consumption, otherwise the chances will increase:

  • death of a child;
  • miscarriage;
  • insufficient fetal weight;
  • reduction of terms or increase.

The rules for drinking coffee must be observed; you can not stop completely, but only limit it to 250 mg/day. But it should be borne in mind that the dose of caffeine is indicated in general, and not just in the drink.

In 2015, studies were conducted in America, after which it became known about the existing relationship between drinking coffee and the formation of benign tumors in the breast. And after stopping taking the drink, they spontaneously resolved.

How to reduce estrogen dominance?

Use these foods or habits to reduce harmful estrogen:

1. Take care of your liver.

Because the liver breaks down estrogen, alcohol consumption, drug use, fatty liver disease, liver disease, and any other factors that interfere with normal liver function can stimulate estrogen accumulation.

2. Eat healthy bacteria.

Bacterial imbalances in the gut and other problems that disrupt digestion prevent the body from properly eliminating estrogen through the digestive tract. Try including a daily probiotic in your diet.

3. Environmentally friendly products.

Some dairy and meat products may contain hormone additives, so choosing natural dairy and meat products can reduce your exposure to excess estrogen.

4. Improve your relationship with food.

Consume foods that counteract the effects of estrogen, such as pomegranate, flaxseeds, apples, strawberries, currants and other berries, organic non-GMO fermented soybeans, wheat germ, oats and barley.

5. Make sure you are getting enough vitamins.

The body requires adequate intake of zinc, magnesium, vitamin B6 and other essential nutrients, not only to support the breakdown and elimination of estrogen, but also to aid the function of the enzymes responsible for converting testosterone to estrogen.

6. Be careful with soy.

Soy has a relatively high concentration of some types of estrogens, so try to avoid unfermented soy products such as tofu and soy milk.

7. Manage stress.

When the body responds to high levels of stress, it steals progesterone to produce the stress hormone cortisol, often leaving a relative excess of estrogen.

9. Rest.

Maintaining poor sleep habits leads to decreased levels of the hormone melatonin, which helps protect against estrogen dominance. Try to sleep 7-8 hours a night in a cool, dark room.

How to Increase Estrogen Levels

Check your hormone levels

Visit your doctor. This is the first thing you need to do. There are various tests that help determine your hormone levels.

Your blood may be tested for FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). If something doesn't feel right, you can try estrogen therapy after consulting your doctor. Therapy includes tablets, topical gels, or skin patches containing synthetic or bioidentical hormones.

However, there are many other options before resorting to hormone therapy. Let's look at how you can help your body produce its own hormones.

Quit smoking

Smoking has a harmful effect on the endocrine system, which limits the body's ability to produce estrogen.

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