Mysteries of coffee grounds. Why does coffee invigorate some and put others to sleep?

coffee "

The body’s normal reaction after drinking coffee is a surge of energy and vigor, but sometimes the state of health can worsen. Nausea that occurs is the basis for reviewing the quality of the drink and the diet as a whole, and an indication for diagnostics. When your health worsens on a regular basis, you need to consult a therapist.

Why do you feel sick after coffee?

If a person’s health systematically worsens after drinking coffee drinks, the reasons for such changes in condition must be immediately identified. Most often, one begins to feel nauseous due to the following:

  • blood pressure surges;
  • irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, development of gastritis;
  • overdose of an invigorating alkaloid;
  • preparing a drink from low-quality raw materials;
  • The invigorating liquid is drunk before eating.

Increased pressure

Nausea from coffee is often observed due to a sharp change in blood pressure. It is worth noting that in small concentrations, caffeine helps to increase the elasticity of blood vessels and is not capable of leading to hypertension. Its negative effects are indicated by accompanying symptoms:

  • it starts to get dark in the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • increased heart rate.

If such signs are not observed, the reason for the jump in blood pressure lies not in the espresso you drank, but in something else. For example, similar problems are observed in people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

Stomach irritation

The gastrointestinal tract system is designed to break down food and liquid entering the body. At the same time, many foods can make the stomach mucous membranes overly sensitive. This condition can take a chronic form and lead to the development of ulcers and gastritis.

Coffee drinks provoke excessive secretion of gastric juice, getting on the already irritated walls of the organ. The result is nausea and belching after coffee.


As a rule, after one cup of espresso no negative changes are observed. An overdose of coffee can provoke their appearance. It is strictly forbidden to drink it too often. This is due to the fact that the natural stimulant is removed from the body too slowly. The interval from one dose to another should be at least three hours.

The daily intake of caffeine varies between 250-300 milligrams. This is about 2-3 cups of aromatic espresso. An excess of the alkaloid leads to nausea after coffee, and even vomiting is possible. As the situation worsens, convulsive syndrome is noted.

Low quality

The reason that after drinking a drink you feel sick and start to feel sick is often the low quality of the raw materials. Often such problems are noted when using a soluble product. A lot of chemicals are added to it. In the process of preparing powder and granules, low-grade grains characterized by high acidity are used. Naturally, it is difficult for the stomach to cope with such a large load.

Use on an empty stomach

If you feel sick from coffee in the morning, this may be due to drinking an invigorating drink on an empty stomach. This habit can lead to disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking a drink before meals provokes bloating, stool problems, and nausea.

In addition, an alkaloid that enters the body in the morning leads to active synthesis of cortisol. This hormone is responsible for energy production. With its excessive concentration, the level of serotonin decreases. As a result, insomnia and depression are noted.


To know the causes of nausea from coffee drinks, it is important to understand what caffeine is. It stimulates the central nervous system.

Stimulants have a huge impact on the human body: they increase the production of adrenaline, speed up the heart rate and breathing, and increase blood pressure. Caffeine has serious effects. Stimulant effects may cause headache, anxiety, insomnia, dizziness, excitability, poor concentration and nausea.

High caffeine content leads to dehydration, a major factor in nausea.


  • Drink coffee within normal limits. Reactions to coffee drinks vary; the amount of coffee that is suitable for one person produces side effects for another. A safe amount of consumption is 250-350 mg of caffeine or 3 cups per day.
  • Reduce the strength, change the cooking method.
  • Choose heavily roasted beans. The strength of coffee is affected by the type of roast and quantity. Dark roasts contain less caffeine than light roasts.
  • Start adding more water and milk, then the concentration of caffeine in the drink will decrease.
  • If caffeine is prohibited for medical reasons, a decaffeinated coffee drink or tea is an excellent substitute.

How to prevent nausea

Systematic deterioration of the condition after drinking espresso is a reason to consult a doctor. It is necessary to conduct a gastroenterological study, check how often the heart muscles contract, and take tests to determine the level of hormones.

If such problems occur in women, a pregnancy test should also be performed.

The following recommendations will help prevent the occurrence of such symptoms:

  • purchase quality products;
  • drink coffee with milk. This way it is possible to reduce the acidity level;
  • drink a maximum of a couple of cups a day at intervals of 3-4 hours;
  • prepare a drink that is not too strong;
  • do not drink invigorating liquid on an empty stomach;
  • drink at least a small amount of water.

Nausea from coffee causes - Causes of nausea after eating and ways to eliminate it

Why can you feel sick after drinking coffee? Coffee makes you sick in the morning Why does coffee make you sick? Coffee with milk makes you sick Why does coffee make you sick? Why do you feel sick after coffee?

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Why do you feel dizzy?

Weakness and dizziness after coffee are most often observed due to exceeding the permissible dose. With an increased concentration of substances contained in coffee beans, the body's defenses are activated. In order to prevent overstrain of the heart and blood vessels, the sensitivity of the receptors responsible for transmitting impulses from the brain to various organs and systems is reduced. Due to this, the drink has the opposite effect, causing weakness, dizziness, and drowsiness.

Increased sensitivity of the body to substances included in the grains is also possible. In this case, a deterioration in the condition is noted after each use of espresso.


If you drink too much coffee at once, you may overdose. The main symptoms are dizziness, diarrhea and nausea.

What to do in this case?

  • Rinse the stomach. Drink a large amount of water and forcefully induce a gag reflex.
  • Drink activated carbon.
  • Then drink plenty of clean water.

If you drink too much coffee at once, you may overdose. The main symptoms are dizziness, diarrhea and nausea.

What to do if you feel sick after a cup of coffee

When you feel sick from coffee, dizziness, nausea are noted, you should do the following:

  • lie on the bed, raising your head slightly;
  • unbutton the top buttons on the collar of a blouse or shirt;
  • open the window so that air can flow freely into the room;
  • eliminate extraneous noise (turn off the TV, computer);
  • drink cool water, but in small quantities.

If the actions taken do not give the desired result, the condition worsens, you should seek help from a medical facility.

Coffee can be both beneficial and harmful to the body. Its use should not be excessive. It is extremely important to comply with the permissible daily intake and not drink your favorite drink on an empty stomach. Thanks to this, the risk of nausea and other negative changes is minimal.

Effect of coffee on the body

Coffee can have both beneficial and harmful properties. The appearance of severe nausea can be triggered by the negative effect of caffeine on the condition of the body as a whole. Caffeine itself is a fairly strong stimulant of the nervous system.

Its high content in the body can lead to dehydration. As a result, nausea develops.

In addition, caffeine greatly irritates the walls of the stomach, which has a negative effect on its digestion.

The beneficial properties of coffee are that this drink tones and gives strength. But it is quickly addictive, which is already a negative factor. The amount of coffee a person drinks per day also matters. If it exceeds the established norm, then nausea appears and diseases of the digestive system develop.

Is it possible to drink coffee if you are poisoned?

For those who are accustomed to drinking coffee every morning, it is difficult to deprive themselves of their usual menu, even during the period when they feel sick. With any food poisoning, the normal functioning of organs is disrupted in the body. A lot of fluid is lost, the balance of minerals and salts is disrupted. Therefore, you should not drink coffee if you are poisoned. Caffeine negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract during illness.

In the first days of illness, drink large quantities of water in small portions. Thanks to the liquid, harmful substances are washed out. After poisoning with a large amount of caffeine, this method is also used. It is useful to consume foods high in potassium and activated carbon.

Subsequently, after poisoning, it is useful to drink weak herbal tea, jelly, and still mineral water. Espresso, when intoxicated, causes dehydration of the body and increases acidity in the stomach.

Only on the fifth day, when the patient has gone through all the symptoms of poisoning, stool and internal organ function have improved, is it allowed to drink no more than one cup of a natural drink after breakfast or lunch. It is advisable to use French roasted beans as they contain less caffeine.

Don't give coffee to children. The effects of caffeine on the body of children and adolescents have not been fully studied.

If you have health problems, then coffee, as an indicator, will point them out to you. Try not to ignore minor symptoms of the disease before they get worse and are easily treatable.

According to research from the Columbia University School of Public Health Administration, coffee is consumed by up to 90 percent of the world's population. Drinking an invigorating drink can cause discomfort, including nausea. Knowing the reasons for poor health, it is not necessary to give up coffee; you need to follow the recommendations in a particular case.

What to do in this situation

When faced with a problem such as nausea from drinking black coffee, first establish the provoking factor and cause. If it is a one-time occurrence and does not recur, there is no need to take serious action.

But if coffee makes you feel sick from time to time, then you need to take this problem seriously. You need to think about your own health, analyze your diet and the amount of coffee you drink per day so that there is no overdose. To no longer experience such an unpleasant sensation as nausea from drinking coffee, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not consume on an empty stomach, it is better after food;
  • maintain a gap of at least three hours between successive cups of coffee;
  • after the morning ritual, drink water to avoid dehydration;
  • You should drink natural coffee without sweet toppings, which the barista tries to add;
  • stop drinking low-quality instant drinks;
  • You should not drink coffee if you have severe hypertension.

If nausea from coffee does not go away when you follow these recommendations, then you should check your stomach and rule out possible diseases of the intestinal and gastric tract, such as ulcers or gastritis. You should also monitor your blood pressure if your body is prone to hypertensive crises. It would not hurt for women to check their hormonal levels, changes in which can also cause nausea and vomiting after drinking a strong drink.

There are different factors that can make you sick from coffee. To understand the causes of the malaise and why this happens, if previously there was no such reaction of the body to an aromatic drink, it is necessary to analyze the general condition and accompanying symptoms. You also need to pay attention to what kind of coffee is consumed, taking into account quantity and quality.

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