Coffee Long - new double espresso with hot water. Cooking technology, ingredients. Varieties of recipes

What could be better than a strong, invigorating espresso? It would seem that the classics of the genre do not require improvement, but coffee lovers try to diversify recipes in order to try something new and unusual. Baristas surprise customers with fresh inventions in cooking technology. One such successful experiment with the classics was Long Black.

Long black coffee: what is it?

Long black coffee has two important differences from Americano, which make it possible to distinguish it as a separate drink:

  • Using two espresso shots instead of one;
  • Pouring coffee into hot water, and not vice versa, like an Americano.

The Americano recipe is to brew espresso and dilute it with water. In the long black coffee recipe, water is poured first, followed by coffee. This way the foam does not crack, but remains dense and uniform. A double shot of espresso not only makes the “diluted” Americano stronger and richer, but also creates a denser, more beautiful crema in which the aromatic substances are concentrated. The entire palette of espresso flavors in one sip!

Since the drink is quite new, and many people prepare it in their own way, there are options for preparing long black coffee with one shot of espresso, and not everyone knows about the importance of the order in which the ingredients are added. However, the popular option is double espresso and pouring coffee into water. If you want to get a classic long black in a coffee shop, ask the barista what recipe they use.

Origin story

If not for the economic crisis that hit Italy after the end of World War II, lungo might not have been invented. At this time, budget-conscious Italian coffee lovers are faced with the fact that they cannot afford to drink more than 1 cup of espresso for breakfast. 30-35 g of tonic drink is a small portion, especially for breakfast. And to afford doppio or triplo (double or triple dose) - use 2-3 times more grains. Back then, for most Italians, such spending was an unaffordable luxury.

The method, discovered by baristas in the post-war years, is as follows: the volume of espresso increases at least 2 times due to an increase in the amount of water; The preparation time for the drink also increases (hence the name of the coffee: “lungo” - “long”).

Due to this, the effect of maximum concentration of caffeine in the liquid is achieved, i.e. the output is not a diluted espresso, but an almost equally concentrated and more saturated with alkaloids and tannin psychostimulating product.

Long black coffee recipe

To make long black coffee, you will need a coffee machine to get quality espresso.
Baristas also recommend warming the glass before pouring the drink into it. So, you will need:

  • Ground coffee, espresso mixture – 2 heaped teaspoons;
  • Purified water;
  • Sugar - optional.

Pour 120 ml of water into the coffee machine, boil and pour 60 ml into a heated glass. Using the remaining 60 ml of water, make a double espresso and pour the coffee directly into the glass of hot water. You can add sugar.

Distinctive features

There are 4 types of coffee, which, at first glance, are analogues of espresso and differ from each other in volume. But none of them taste like the other. They are not similar to the base drink itself. The difference in the cooking method determines the individual taste characteristics of each.


Americano and lungo are often confused: most often due to their larger volume compared to espresso and ristretto and the absence of milk in drinks, unlike cappuccino; and also because of the external similarity and identity of the ingredients used in their preparation.

In the comparison table, the difference between these types of coffee is most obvious.

Brews like traditional espresso. The volume is increased by adding boiling water to the finished drink. During the brewing process, all the water passes through the ground coffee beans.
Delicate and fragile.Rich, bitter with sourness.
200-250 ml90-180 ml
The foam is light (may be completely absent).With dense foam.
Tones weakly.The most effective in terms of raising the tone of all existing coffee drinks.


The main differences between espresso and its derivatives are indicated in this table.

Volume30-35 g70-90 g
Cooking time30 seconds1 minute
Caffeine contentaveragehigh


The main difference between ristretto and lungo espresso lies in the following individual characteristics of the drink:

  • much less liquid is used for cooking - 18-25 ml;
  • the spill is only 20-25 seconds;
  • low caffeine content;
  • the drink is denser in consistency;
  • its taste is rich, aromatic and strong.


This is the same espresso to which milk has been added, pre-foamed by a special device in the coffee machine (cappuccino maker).

A pleasant-tasting cappuccino is not so much invigorating as it is a pleasure for coffee lovers - lovers of an aromatic and delicate version of the drink.

How and with what to serve long black coffee

Some bars may serve long black in cappuccino cups. The volume of the drink is 120 ml, so universal cappuccino cups with a volume of 140 ml are suitable.

In Australia and New Zealand, long black coffee is served in small coffee glasses, usually made of heat-resistant glass.

The classic taste of long black coffee is complemented by various mint and caramel syrups, cream liqueurs, and you can additionally serve heated milk or cream. Fans of new flavors can add traditional coffee spices (nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, star anise) or alcohol.

Submission rules

Lungo espresso is usually served with a glass of plain still and pre-chilled water. It is drunk before drinking coffee (or even before each subsequent sip) to refresh the sensitivity of the taste buds. Water will also come in handy if the drink seems too bitter or has too much sourness.

The drink is poured into porcelain cups with the thickest walls possible. As an alternative, glasses made of glass shaped like an inverted cone are sometimes used. To keep the lungo hot for a long time, they are steamed in advance. The volume of the dishes is 180-200 ml, i.e. coffee (including foam) takes up less than half of it.

The optimal temperature of the drink when serving is +65-70 °C (if it is not a “summer”, chilled version).

This type (unlike espresso) is usually served with a little sugar and/or a small container of honey. It goes well with hard cheeses. And the best desserts are cookies (the most popular are almond), chocolate (mostly bitter varieties) and baklava (or other types of oriental sweets).

Important tips for drinking Lungo coffee

Residents of Italy are of the opinion that it is better to enjoy this drink in the morning. It is intended for people who are eager to wake up and get to work quickly.

  1. Use only freshly ground coffee beans. Volatile components instantly evaporate and, if in other manufacturing variations there is a chance to stock up for several days ahead, here it is necessary to grind a fresh amount from time to time.
  2. Choose your grains wisely; they should be free of bitterness and sour taste. Buy the most expensive and high-quality varieties.
  3. In the mix, use mainly Arabica - 80%, rather than Robusta - 20%, the product will be richer. This is a quality formula developed over time.
  4. Use a medium grind, in this case all the beneficial ingredients can be released into the water. With fine grinding, the taste will be burnt and bitter, with coarse grinding it will be unaromatic and sour.
  5. The increased caffeine content motivates mental work, so you can treat yourself to a portion of good Lungo, combining business with pleasure, planning to start working on an intellectual task.

Be sure to read: Gallon - an ensemble of milky tenderness and tart Arabica
To achieve the maximum taste of the drink, you need to choose only the best ingredients for preparing the drink. Eliminate liquids from the tap - give preference to bottled water. If you want to supplement the drink with milk, check its composition and date of manufacture.

Americano history

Drip coffee makers have been popular in the United States since the 19th century. They use filters. According to the technology, hot water is poured through a layer of ground coffee on a filter. Therefore, coffee prepared in a drip coffee maker is called filter coffee. In all bars in America, visitors were offered the so-called “Mug of Joe” - a container with 220 ml of filter coffee, which took 5-7 minutes to prepare.

American soldier with a Mug of Joe - the prototype of modern Americano coffee

At the end of World War II, American soldiers liberating Italy from the Nazis tormented local bartenders with demands to prepare a “mug of Joe.” Espresso, beloved by Italians, seemed too strong to Americans, and 30 ml portions after a large cup of filter coffee seemed completely ridiculous.

The Italians considered the request to prepare almost a tub of weak coffee to be at least an eccentricity. But the client is always right. Soon, especially for Americans, espresso began to be diluted with hot water and served in latte cups. And to make it easier for military personnel who do not know Italian to order diluted espresso, they began to call it Americano.

Over time, it turned out that the taste of Americano is quite original and largely depends on the method of mixing the ingredients. The new drink has connoisseurs in different European countries. Bold experiments were carried out with Americano, adding milk, crushed ice, and alcohol.

The American military who returned home remained faithful to their favorite filter coffee and forgot to think about the drink invented just for them. Paradoxically, America truly discovered Americano coffee only in the 90s of the 20th century, when the drink appeared on the menu of the Starbucks coffee shop chain.

A misunderstanding has arisen: although the drinks differ from each other in taste and preparation method, some baristas still confuse American coffee, that is, filter coffee, and Americano, diluted espresso.

Differences from Americano

One of the main differences of this drink is the foam. During the preparation of Americano, it is practically absent; it is broken up by boiling water. When espresso is poured into hot water, dense foam continues to remain on the surface. Thanks to this, the taste becomes brighter. After all, it is in the foam that the maximum concentration of aromatic substances is observed, allowing you to create a bouquet characteristic of espresso.

Already from the first sip you can feel the whole palette of tastes. In Americano, these characteristics disappear.

The water that is poured into the cup cools slightly while the espresso is poured into it. The result is coffee that is immediately ready to drink. There is no need to wait until the temperature drops a little.

There are ongoing debates about long black and Americano. After all, there are many drinks prepared on the basis of ordinary espresso. The difference between the long black is the addition of a double portion and the order of the actions. Some consider the difference between these two varieties to be so insignificant that it seems very strange to them to single out long black as a separate drink.

Double espresso coffee quickly gained popularity all over the world. Only a few decades have passed since its invention. During this time, it has become one of the most beloved by many coffee lovers. This is due to the presence of dense foam and an amazing taste filled with many shades.

Traditional recipe

To make the traditional Lungo recipe there is only one option. The raw material is based on 7 to 10 gm of freshly ground medium-ground coffee beans, ideally a mix of Arabica and Robusta. A coffee capsule is made from this mixture, attached to the group of the espresso machine, and then the liquid is started to flow for 60 seconds.

Under the hot stream, you should first place a heated “demitasse” - a bowl made of ceramic with compacted walls, V from 70 to 90 ml. This will allow a dense foam to form and prolong the temperature of the coffee.

In everyday life, it is possible to brew Lungo espresso using a capsule-type coffee machine. Under such conditions, to prepare a tonic drink, a simple espresso capsule and twice the period of pouring liquid through it will suffice.

What other Lungo coffee recipes are there?

Cold chocolate Lungo

Made according to the real recipe with the addition of a spoon of granulated sugar, coffee V 100 ml is poured into a large glass, into which 2 pieces of ice are thrown.

Be sure to read: Affogato coffee: history of appearance, features of selection of components and recipes

This Lungo is topped with whipped cream and sprinkled with grated chocolate chips. A great option to get a boost of energy on a hot summer day.

Coffee classics from Australia

During one of the championships, barista Matt Perger presented his personal creation - the Australian Lungo. To make it, you will need to use lightly roasted and extremely finely ground beans. During the preparation process, the drink is brewed in an espresso machine for 25-30 seconds.

Due to the fine grind, particles of ground beans can get into the cup, so it is very important to eventually filter the coffee to get rid of the excess.

The result is a high-quality, rich drink, endowed with an exquisite aroma and bright taste. Matt recommends consuming this masterpiece slightly cooled; at this temperature, it perfectly reveals its taste.

How to Serve and Drink Americano Coffee

Americano cannot be drunk in one gulp, like espresso. So it makes sense to serve it in a latte glass with a straw, sugar bowl, or 1-2 stickers of sugar. In the office, it is convenient to drink Americano from a paper cup, sipping through a straw.

The drink can be enjoyed with the same foods as espresso: chocolate, fruit, hard cheese. But Americano also harmonizes with desserts and baked goods, both sweet and savory. The classic combination is Americano with donuts.

Useful and harmful properties of Lungo

True Italians consume Lungo only once a day and exclusively before 11:00 in the morning. The drink wakes you up and relieves drowsiness, but if you take it at later hours, you can get signs of increased overexcitation, nervousness, and even give yourself a sleepless night.

However, even if you are in good health, you should not get carried away with this product on a daily basis, but rather limit yourself to taking it 4 to 5 times a week. A person with signs of cardiovascular disease should completely avoid taking this type of coffee, switching to analogues with the lowest caffeine concentration.

Serving and consumption

A professionally prepared drink, brewed in a coffee machine, flows straight into a heated cup with a volume of 60 to 90 ml. Serving takes place in it, in combination with a saucer and spoon. As a dessert, almond cookies or oriental sweets are suitable for Lungo.

In Lungo coffee, compared to espresso, it is customary to add a small amount of sugar or honey to soften the bitter taste. In addition, it is customary to serve a glass of pre-chilled still water with coffee.

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