What effect does coffee have on the liver and pancreas?

The article was prepared by a specialist for informational purposes only. We urge you not to self-medicate. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

The number of people diagnosed with liver disease increases every year. Disturbances in the functioning of this important organ can be caused by various factors: poor nutrition, infections, poor heredity, undergoing drug treatment for other diseases, etc. For this category of patients, it is very important to follow a special diet that will promote a speedy recovery.

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  • Diet after liver surgery
  • Potential Harm

    In some situations, coffee can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. But there are a number of nuances here. It is important to separate natural bean freshly brewed coffee and various sublimate-based drinks. Not all factories follow the recipe; some find it easier to add flavorings and colorings to a soluble concentrate than to actually cool a freshly brewed drink, dry it, grind it and package it in a convenient container.

    Harm of instant coffee:

    1. The product may contain toxins. You should refrain from cheap varieties offered by the mass market. The information on the packaging will tell you whether the drink contains dyes (colors) and flavor and aroma enhancers;
    2. Does not go well with sweet and fatty foods. The simultaneous consumption of all three products leads to a sharp narrowing of the liver vessels. Problems with blood circulation do not allow toxins to be effectively eliminated, and the body becomes poisoned. Regular overload of the liver can lead to metabolic disorders, fatty hepatosis, and other problems;
    3. Beverage abuse. And even the healthiest product in huge quantities causes liver problems. Systemic disorders - the more we drink an invigorating drink, the less quality we eat, as our appetite disappears. More sweets, fatty foods, semi-finished products to support activity - a greater load on the liver cells. The result is an increased susceptibility to disease.

    Is it possible to talk about the dangers of a natural drink for the liver? Yes, if a person drinks too much, constantly, and does not control blood pressure and blood sugar levels. An increase in blood pressure has a detrimental effect on the liver vessels, and during physical activity can cause micro-tears.

    Liver cells do not have nerve endings, a person does not feel pain, even after receiving serious damage. It is important to maintain moderation in caffeine consumption, and do not forget about regular medical examinations.

    As we have already found out above, coffee has many positive properties, including for the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver. And it can cause harm for the following reasons:

    • abuse;
    • consumption of low-quality instant drink;
    • consumption of coffee for existing serious pathologies, without prior approval from a doctor.

    Thus, you should give preference to a natural drink, and also observe the measure - drink no more than 2-3 cups a day. In addition, it is important to be aware of all existing diseases for which coffee may be contraindicated. If these 3 conditions are met, there is nothing to fear and you should not give up your favorite drink, especially considering its many beneficial properties.

    But for even greater safety, we recommend that you follow other rules described below.

    Beneficial properties of coffee

    The kidneys and liver are the body's filters. Most people who drink coffee don't even realize that it can affect these organs. Its effect on the body manifests itself in different ways. It depends on how many cups a person drinks per day.

    Prevention of liver cancer

    Italian oncologists conducted a study, according to the results of which they were able to establish that the risk of developing liver cancer is lower in those patients who drink 2 cups of an invigorating drink per day. This indicates the positive effect of coffee on the liver.

    However, you can drink no more than the prescribed amount. People who abused this drink had the same indicators as subjects who did not drink it at all. Caffeine itself prevents pathological cells from multiplying too quickly.

    Improved digestion

    It has long been known that caffeine improves the production of gastric juice. Because of this, it is often drunk after hearty meals. The bitter taste increases salivation. To avoid causing discomfort, coffee should not be consumed on an empty stomach.

    Choleretic effect

    Coffee improves the flow of bile, which helps prevent various liver diseases. It can only help in small amounts. Thanks to the outflow of bile, nutrients begin to be better absorbed. The general condition is improving. Reduces the risk of stone formation.

    Can coffee cause liver pain?

    Modern science insists that the liver should not hurt if we are talking about moderate consumption of high-quality coffee. Another thing is the pancreas and bile ducts. If you drink too much, or choose cheap, low-quality options, pain and even exacerbation of chronic diseases are possible.

    Pain and heaviness in the liver can occur from combinations of coffee and alcohol, or coffee and fatty foods. Scientific sources are conflicting on this issue. Some say that drinking caffeine with alcohol helps protect liver cells from alcohol damage, others say that such a combination poisons the body and should never be practiced.

    There is evidence that the liver can malfunction from a constant breakfast in the style of “coffee and something sweet and fatty at the same time.” The American doctor D. Kessler writes about this phenomenon, as well as about addiction to caffeine and sugar. He believes that black coffee is completely harmless, but you should not drink something like Frappuccino, RAF coffee or cocktails with sweet cream, cookies and other ingredients. David reminds us that fatty liver disease is a constant companion for coffee cocktail lovers. And its presence prevents the liver from participating normally in lipid metabolism, and contributes to general obesity.

    Thus, the root of the problem may not be in the drink at all , but in a general imbalance in the diet, the presence of a large amount of unhealthy fats and fried foods in the diet.
    Many people simply consume excess calories, gain weight, and have nowhere else to store fat except in the liver.

    Chemical composition of coffee

    In total, coffee beans contain about 2,000 different substances. Interestingly, the chemical composition of the drink can vary depending on the type of coffee (ground or instant), its storage conditions and preparation method. But the basic set of elements remains the same:

    • Carbohydrates. They provide the body's energy needs and form glycogen, in the form of which glucose is stored in cells.
    • Caffeic acid ester. It has pronounced antioxidant properties and prevents the development of heart and vascular diseases. This compound regulates blood glucose and cholesterol levels and prevents the formation of malignant tumors. It has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
    • Essential oils whose main component is caffeine.
    • Flavonoids from the vitamin P group have the ability to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reducing their fragility.
    • Macroelements: potassium, phosphorus, calcium.
    • Iron. A trace element that is part of hemoglobin, which ensures the transport of oxygen in the blood to the organs.
    • Tannins.
    • Oxalic acid.
    • Lemon acid.

    Is it possible to drink if you are sick?

    Classical dietetics, based on the textbook by M.I. Pevzner from the 30s of the last century denies us the pleasure. According to Soviet medicine, the only coffee that is suitable for a diseased liver is a barely cloudy drink with a lot of milk.

    Modern medicine is not so categorical. In Europe and America, the drink is allowed, introducing only additional rules for use for various diseases:

    1. Enlarged liver. Complete exclusion of instant coffee, switching to natural freshly brewed analogues, giving up alcohol, sweets and fried foods are the general recommendations of nutritionists.
    2. Fatty hepatosis. Usually closely related to pre-existing lipid metabolism disorders and dietary imbalances. If the diet is dominated by fats, simple carbohydrates, and there is not enough protein, coffee can do little to spoil or correct anything. All doctors agree that if you have fatty hepatosis, you can drink 2 cups of black coffee a day, or dilute the drink with low-fat milk, or its plant analogue. You should not add a bun, chocolate or other sweets.
    3. Hepatitis. For hepatitis of any form, it is advised to follow a gentle diet and include low-fat foods, porridge from natural cereals, and lean poultry and fish in the diet, and drink only weak and natural coffee.
    4. Cirrhosis. The most severe disease, which affects metabolism very significantly, requires caffeine limitation. You can drink natural Americano no more than 1-2 times a week. If the disease is not severe, you can consult your doctor about drinking coffee more often.


    Another disease where the liver hurts from coffee is hepatosis. This is a non-inflammatory disease, characterized by disruption of metabolic processes in cells against the background of degenerative changes in its tissues. The organ accumulates substances that are formed during fat metabolism. Doctors still recommend drinking coffee for hepatosis . The drink in this case is able to prevent further development of the process. Pain will only occur if you drink too much. For a therapeutic effect to be observed, one small cup of drink per day is enough.

    © shutterstock

    Special versions of the drink

    For those who want to improve their cleansing properties and get more benefits, there are ethnic coffees with additives.

    For example, in Chinese folk medicine, coffee is mixed with an extract of the Cordyceps tree fungus.

    This product is often marketed as a weight loss drink, hepatoprotector, and immune booster. Yes, these properties are inherent in the mixture, but it cannot replace medications prescribed by a doctor. Coffee with cordyceps should be considered an interesting ethnic drink with beneficial properties.

    How coffee affects the digestive system and the human body as a whole

    Drinking a quality drink infrequently will help overcome drowsiness.
    Drinking in moderation does not cause harm to the human body, and even brings benefits. Memory improves, can affect concentration, improve mood, and prevent the development of diabetes.

    Coffee beans contain:

    1. Calcium.
    2. Magnesium.
    3. Phosphorus.
    4. Potassium.

    The drink stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, which promotes rapid digestion of food. Thus, it can clean and reduce the growth of bacteria. For those who suffer from low acidity, this is a real salvation.

    Coffee can increase blood pressure and affect the gastrointestinal tract as a whole

    But excessive consumption of this drink also has harmful effects. Provokes:

    1. Insomnia.
    2. Depression.
    3. Nervous breakdown.
    4. Sick stomach condition.

    General recommendations for drinking coffee

    The ideal drink that has a beneficial effect on the body is freshly brewed cereal with or without low-fat milk, not sweet. You can drink it 2-3 times a day, one cup is 200-250 ml, the total daily dosage is no more than 700-800 ml of strong drink.

    For liver diseases, only the black version is recommended without any additives. To soften the taste, you can use milk, but only low fat. Ideally, it is replaced with soy or oat milk product. Sweeteners can be used instead of sugar.

    It is recommended to completely abandon instant drinks, which do not benefit the body. And patients rarely listen to this advice, because it is much faster to pour boiling water over 1-2 spoons of granules and enjoy the drink within 5 minutes.

    It has been proven that the more the beans are roasted, the more potentially dangerous substances they contain. Therefore, it is better to choose a weak or medium roast, and alternate.

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