The effect of coffee on the male body

In the modern world, coffee is an indispensable drink. It tones, invigorates, and lifts your spirits. But is coffee really good for the human body? Today, the opinions of experts and scientists are divided. The drink has both positive and negative sides. Only one thing is known - caffeine in moderate doses is essential for the body. It has also been proven that excessive consumption quickly causes physical dependence. Therefore, coffee beans can be considered a drug. The benefits of the drink for men have been established.

Coffee and men's health

To better understand how coffee affects men’s health, let’s find out its effect on the body as a whole.
A dark, aromatic drink made from dark grains is known primarily as a source of tone, energy and vigor, which modern people so lack. Indeed, caffeine stimulates the production of the hormones cortisol and adrenaline in our body, which can lead a person to a state of increased activity. At such moments, brain function improves, physical endurance increases, and mood improves.

However, with large emissions, these hormones lead a person to a state of overexcitement.

It is known that coffee improves metabolism, in moderate doses improves stomach function, and stimulates the nervous system. It contains a set of useful minerals, antioxidants, organic acids, tannins necessary for our body.

Scientists say that grains, due to the plant estrogens they contain, can negatively affect the production of the male hormone testosterone. Abuse of the drink disrupts the balance of the male hormonal system.

For many, the morning cannot be imagined without a cup of their favorite drink, because coffee perfectly fights drowsiness. But it is also addictive. And the more doses a person drinks per day, the shorter the invigorating effect lasts.

Thus, we can conclude that the health benefits and harms of coffee directly depend on the amount consumed.

If consumed in moderation, it will not cause any harm to health.

Negative effects of coffee on the male body

At a normal dose (1-2 small cups per day), the drink does not have a significant negative effect on the body and in many ways even has benefits. Let's find out why coffee is harmful if you abuse it.

  • Caffeine stimulates increased urination. But along with the liquid, useful substances are also washed out.
  • With regular stimulation of the nervous system by caffeine, a person eventually feels irritability and emotional lability.
  • If you drink the drink after 6 pm, your sleep may be disrupted.
  • Abuse of the drink leads to poor absorption of iron and calcium.
  • The substance may promote hypertension and negatively affect the cardiovascular system.
  • At high doses, coffee increases the risk of osteoporosis in men.
  • In people prone to migraines, the frequency of attacks increases.
  • In large quantities, the drink disrupts the functioning of the adrenal glands and digestive organs.
  • If you have a sick stomach, it can irritate the mucous membrane if you drink it on an empty stomach.
  • If you consume caffeine in large doses, there is a risk of disruption of the reproductive system in men.
  • Causing addiction, coffee leads to a bad mood and apathy if a person does not drink his cup on time.
  • In hot weather, it increases sweating and causes tachycardia.
  • Uncontrolled coffee consumption increases the risk of heart attacks in men.

Important! Coffee has a particularly negative effect on the body of mature men (40+). This category of people should be especially careful about drinks containing caffeine and not abuse them.

Drinking coffee at night can cause insomnia

Harm of excessive coffee consumption for men

Excessive caffeine consumption (more than 3 cups per day), in addition to leaching valuable vitamins and minerals from the body, can significantly disrupt hormonal levels. Coffee contains phytoestrogens, and with frequent consumption, the level of estrogen in a man’s body increases.

An increase in this hormone in the male body leads to the following consequences:

  • Risk of heart attack, stroke.
  • Loss of muscle tone.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Sexual dysfunction.
  • Decreased stress resistance.
  • Sudden change of mood.
  • Deterioration of memory and concentration.
  • Risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  • Obesity (mainly in the abdominal area).
  • Swelling of the mammary glands.

Uncontrolled consumption of the drink is detrimental and harmful to the health of men. Although excessive doses also have a very negative effect on women.

Can coffee be good for men?

Only a natural, freshly brewed drink can be beneficial
. With reasonable consumption, coffee also has benefits for men. But it is worth noting that we are talking exclusively about natural grains. Soluble types contain many impurities and chemical additives, so they are not even considered. Those who care about their health are highly discouraged from drinking instant coffee, regardless of whether it is granulated, powdered or freeze-dried.

So, what are the benefits of coffee for the male body if you drink it in small doses:

  • Eliminates drowsiness, lethargy.
  • Increases physical endurance.
  • Improves performance.
  • It is an effective preventative against dementia.
  • Increases blood pressure during hypotension.
  • Helps remove some poisons and drugs from the body.
  • Reduces the risk of developing cancer.
  • Prevents the risk of developing Parkinson's disease.
  • Increases the pain threshold.

What are the harms of caffeine?

Caffeine is the most popular natural stimulant, which reduces the feeling of fatigue, increases concentration, and improves mood. The easiest way to get caffeine is by drinking a cup of tea or coffee. These 2 drinks are the most popular all over the world. It is difficult to imagine a person who would not start his day with aromatic tea or invigorating coffee. According to 2021 data, the market for these drinks is growing annually by 6% and this trend is only intensifying, thanks to active advertising in all kinds of channels. But are tea and coffee healthy, or rather, the caffeine that these drinks contain, and is it worth consuming them in such quantities? Let's figure it out.

What are the harms of caffeine?

Of course, coffee and tea bring a lot of positive things into our lives. Many simply cannot imagine their life without the taste of coffee and tea, not to mention the invigorating effect that we get. 100 grams of tea contains 11 mg of caffeine, and the same serving of coffee contains 40 mg. Doctors do not recommend consuming more than 300 mg of caffeine per day. This is a general recommendation and it is worth thinking about whether caffeine is beneficial?

Should you drink coffee in the evening?

Yes, coffee will invigorate you, which is undoubtedly good in the morning or if you can’t go to bed and need to maintain maximum productivity. The effect of caffeine lasts up to 6 hours, so it is not recommended to drink it in the afternoon, because it can lead to insomnia.

Can coffee and tea be combined with medications?

Caffeine enhances, weakens, or completely changes the effect of the pills, so it is highly recommended not to take medications with coffee or tea. It is best to take the tablets with plain water, as many other drinks can affect the effect of the drugs in one way or another.

Caffeine increases stress and anxiety

Having an stimulating effect, caffeine stimulates the production of adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol. As a result, you end up with too much energy, your body becomes stressed, and you may become twitchy and nervous.

And what else?

Caffeine increases blood pressure, which can lead to negative effects. It is not recommended to consume caffeine for those who are planning a pregnancy or are already expecting a child. If you suffer from ulcers, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases, then doctors recommend completely giving up coffee, because this drink, due to its high acidity, irritates the walls of the stomach. In addition, coffee and tea have a very negative effect on the absorption of iron, which, in turn, is vital for normal life support.

Of course, we do not recommend completely giving up coffee or tea, especially if these drinks bring you joy and improve your mood. But how to minimize the harm from the effects of caffeine on the body? Make it a rule to drink fermented fireweed tea at least in the evening. This way you will strengthen your immune system, relieve chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, and normalize the quality of your sleep. High-quality fermented fireweed tea has only a beneficial effect on the body.

Ivan tea instead of coffee and tea. What are the benefits of Ivan tea?

Blooming Sally

protects against colds and viruses, which is especially important now. We recommend drinking Ivan tea on a regular basis to feel the effects of the Russian drink. Ivan tea contains more vitamin C than lemon. And there are also vitamins B, potassium, PP and many other substances that protect our health in difficult times.

Here _

Elena Lesiovskaya, a scientist and doctor with 40 years of practical experience, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, author of numerous courses on herbal medicine for doctors, pharmacists, health specialists, tells why fireweed is very useful.
And here is
another expert opinion from Lyudmila Posevina, a certified nutritionist.

Blooming Sally

invigorates, like coffee and tea, but does not contain caffeine. The magic of fireweed also lies in the fact that fireweed can calm. It turns out that fireweed has two sides to its effect: it will give you vigor, which will help a lot in the morning, and it will calm you down, which will help you fall asleep easier.

And what else?

Blooming Sally

has a gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract, improving its functioning and establishing metabolic processes.
It also helps blood formation, understanding hemoglobin (unlike coffee). Ivan tea is also highly recommended for men's health. In addition, fireweed is not prohibited for pregnant women and children (but we advise you to check with your doctor). Ivan tea fights free radicals, stimulates collagen synthesis, heals wounds and nourishes the skin with vitamins from the inside. Why not have a cup or two during the day? Drink high-quality
Ivan tea and be healthy!

How does coffee affect a man's body?

As we were able to find out, the benefits and harms of coffee for men depend on the quantity and quality of the drink consumed. You should also know that for some diseases caffeine is completely prohibited.

Significant harm from coffee for men, even after one cup, can occur in some diseases (we will consider contraindications below). In the meantime, let’s look at the effect of coffee directly on the main vital organs of the body.

Effect on the heart and blood vessels

With a large dose of caffeine, small blood vessels in the brain narrow, blood flow worsens, and the adrenal glands begin to actively produce adrenaline.
A person feels this process in the form of heat, rapid contraction of the heart muscle, and accelerated breathing. At the same time, the coronary vessels expand, the nervous system becomes excited, the muscles are toned, and the person feels a surge of strength.

As a result, caffeine constricts some blood vessels, impairing blood flow to some organs, and dilates others, as a result of which more oxygen flows to other organs (heart, kidneys, lungs). In any case, coffee introduces some kind of imbalance into the body, which is bad if consumed frequently. But in some cases, when a person is tired and sleepy, coffee is useful as an invigorating drink.

The effect of coffee on potency in men

The aroma of the drink is a powerful aphrodisiac. A pleasant smell stimulates sexual desire not only in men, but also in women. But grains also affect male potency from the inside. Caffeine, in moderate doses, increases semen production and improves sperm motility. Therefore, a cup of the drink will even be useful for men who want to have children.

But with excessive consumption, the effect on potency already becomes negative. By overstimulating the nervous system, caffeine causes headaches, increases anxiety and nervousness, which in no way contributes to potency.

Effect on nervous activity

The drink causes a surge of energy, but can cause neurosis.
In moderate doses, the substance stimulates the activity of neurons, thereby improving concentration, clarity of thoughts, memory, and attention. The central nervous system becomes toned and the person feels a surge of strength. The effect of coffee begins within 15-20 minutes and can last for 3-4 hours. It is worth noting that for coffee lovers this period is significantly reduced, which is why they begin to consume more and more cups per day.

Caffeine also reduces pain and quickly relieves drowsiness. But in case of an overdose, it already begins to act as a toxin and gives a completely opposite effect. A person develops depression, irritability, fatigue, insomnia, and sometimes even neurosis.

Effect on the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism

It’s worth saying right away that any stomach disease is a contraindication to drinking strong drinks. For people who do not have serious disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, coffee has a beneficial effect. It helps digest food, reduces the growth of pathogenic flora in the intestines, and stimulates digestion.

There are opinions that the drink even helps you lose weight, but so far this is an unproven fact. It also enhances the effect of some analgesics and is itself a good pain reliever.

When consumed in excess, caffeine reduces the level of acid in the stomach, causing fermentation, cramps, flatulence and bowel problems (irritable bowel syndrome).

Effect on the liver

It is believed that 1-2 cups a day of natural coffee does not harm the liver. But everything from above is perceived by the organ as poison and suffers. The drink should not be combined with alcohol, taken on an empty stomach or together with certain medications. In such cases, caffeine actually becomes toxic and harms the liver.

Effect on the kidneys

It is the kidneys that remove the bulk of the drink, so the effect on them is especially strong. If the recommended dose is exceeded, a person's diuresis increases significantly. The body loses 1.5-2 times more fluid than it should. It turns out that the kidneys are working hard, which is not at all beneficial for them.

Important! Coffee also dissolves some types of stones, so it is contraindicated for those with kidney deposits.

Coffee makes your kidneys work harder

The effect of coffee on male potency

If a man is a fan of caffeine-containing drinks, then it is useful for him to know how coffee affects potency. It is known that the drink strongly stimulates sexual desire and is a powerful aphrodisiac that increases sexual desire. Remember that only real natural grains – freshly ground, boiled in a Turk – have this temporary effect. A coffee machine or coffee maker using the drip function will not work - the impact from the drinks will be reduced, as the preparation method will affect it.

American scientists, studying whether coffee affects potency in men, proved that the drink contains plant analogues of estrogens, which cause female-type obesity, enlarged mammary glands and erectile disorders. You should not abuse it, but adequate intake increases fertility and sperm activity. The scientific facts are such that drink lovers are advised not to consider it as a medicine - regular consumption will not cure impotence and infertility. To maintain libido, it is optimal to drink two cups a day.

With an increased daily dosage of the drink, the harm of coffee for men is obvious. It consists in the influence on the body of such negative factors as:

  • headaches and dizziness;
  • anxiety;
  • emotional excitability, nervous system overload;
  • feeling of nervousness, depression, depression;
  • increased heart rate, increased blood pressure;
  • there is a high probability of sleep disorders - insomnia, nightmares;
  • the appearance of urinary incontinence;
  • disruptions in the intimate sphere – low libido, weak erection, feeling of dissatisfaction;
  • People with ulcers, colitis, gastritis and smokers should not drink it, because it increases the risk of increasing arterial hypertension and can lead to other negative aspects.

How else is potency related to this strong drink?

  • Caffeine – activates the nervous system, increases dopamine production and motor activity;
  • Vitamin P – prevents stretching of the walls of blood vessels, strengthens them, rejuvenates the body;
  • Cafeol - improves blood circulation in the smallest capillaries, reduces cholesterol levels;
  • Chlorogenic acid - serves to strengthen muscles, stabilize blood pressure, and its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects are well known.


You should not drink coffee if:

  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Chronic and infectious kidney diseases.
  • Severe liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis).
  • Gallstones and kidney stones.
  • Stomach ulcer, gastritis, colitis.
  • Low stomach acidity.
  • Some diseases of the central nervous system.
  • Hypertension and increased intracranial pressure.
  • Glaucoma and some other eye diseases.

In cases of high blood pressure caused by stress and of a temporary nature, coffee can be drunk only when the condition has stabilized.

What are the benefits of green coffee

There are many different opinions surrounding green coffee.
These are not a special type of bean, but simply unripe fruits of ordinary coffee. Some are confident in the super usefulness of the product, others believe that its properties are significantly exaggerated. And taking into account the fact that green grains are much more expensive than regular ones, I want to know the truth.

In fact, all the properties of green fruits and their effect on the body have not been fully studied. It contains less caffeine and actually improves metabolism and promotes weight loss, but everything else that is attributed to it is still in doubt.

If we compare green beans with green tea, the latter definitely wins.

Natural vs Instant

The benefits of natural coffee cannot be compared with instant coffee. The latter is even harmful, as it contains many foreign impurities.

Instant coffee contains less caffeine, but it contains the chemical acrylamide (a strong carcinogen), which causes the growth of cancer cells. This compound also negatively affects the nervous system.

Important! The instant drink causes the growth of oxalates (a type of stone). For people who already have oxalate deposits in their bodies, their amount will only increase.

Instant coffee is harmful for men and women equally. Even the cheapest natural coffee is many times safer than powdered coffee.

To drink or not to drink coffee for men

If a man has no serious contraindications and loves coffee, then moderate consumption will not cause harm. It is advisable not to become dependent and allow yourself a cup of delicious drink only when you really really want it, or when you need to stimulate and invigorate the body.

As mentioned above, coffee is an aphrodisiac. Sometimes it won’t hurt to devote time to drinking coffee in a romantic pastime.

How much coffee to drink

Scientists studying the effects of caffeine on the body recommend drinking no more than 3 small cups of natural coffee per day. Or better yet, 1 or 2. This applies to healthy men who do not have serious pathologies in the body.

If the drink is drunk with milk or cream, then you can allow 3-4 cups of coffee per day, since dairy products neutralize the effect of caffeine.

If the specified doses are exceeded, the substance already begins to have a destructive effect on the body.

This was basic information about the effect of coffee on the male body, we hope that you learned something useful for yourself. Everything is good in moderation - this applies to any food and drink.

How many cups of coffee a day is not harmful to health? And what does a glass of water have to do with it?

Some nutritionists claim that coffee is a drink that is addictive, harmful to health and spoils the complexion, while others, on the contrary, try to prove the benefits of caffeine for the human body. Who to believe? Below we present some interesting facts with numbers, as well as the opinion of a expert. Read on so that nothing spoils your pleasure of drinking coffee every day. And find out your norm in cups.

Non-British scientists have proven...

A team of German researchers led by molecular biologists Judith Handler and Joachim Altschmid (their study was carried out in vitro and was published in the journal PLOS Biology) argues that if your goal is to prevent heart disease, diabetes and cancer, then you can safely drink 2 to 4 cups espresso daily! In this case, from 150 to 400 mg of caffeine will enter the body per day (standard espresso contains about 75-100 mg of this substance), which will provide the best conditions for cell functioning.

Each additional cup of coffee a person drinks per day was associated with a 7% reduction in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The risk of developing cancer decreases by 18% for those who drink up to 4 cups of coffee per day (but 1 cup is already closer to this statistic).

In other studies, you can find information that caffeine reduces the risk of cirrhosis: the more cups of coffee per day, the more likely it is that the alcohol you drank the day before will not destroy the liver (1 cup reduces the risk by 22%, and 4 cups - by 65% ).

One large study of more than 50,000 women found that drinking at least one cup of coffee per week reduced the risk of depression by 15%. Drinking two to three cups a day was associated with a 20% reduction in risk.

But the most interesting study was the one that proved that coffee... attention! – increases life expectancy! During this experiment, which lasted 16 years, scientists found that people who drink 3 cups of drink a day reduce their risk of dying by 12% (men) and 7% (women).

Diana Wisthum, a research nutritionist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine: “Caffeine is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of coffee. But coffee also contains antioxidants and other active substances that can reduce internal inflammation and protect against disease."

Russian experts are for reasonable consumption

Experts from Russia try to avoid loud statements about the miraculous properties of coffee and suggest focusing on the individual characteristics and needs of the body, and in some cases even consulting with doctors. Thus, Ilya Goncharov, a expert with 18 years of experience in the tea and coffee industry, believes that coffee lovers need to take into account all the nuances of consuming the drink.

“An important and irreplaceable property of coffee is the almost immediate effect of caffeine. But this characteristic also has a downside - the feeling of vigor and extraordinary performance that this drink gives also ends quickly. Surely you have noticed how after an hour the body experiences some emptiness, and sometimes even anxiety. And then you reach for a new cup...”

The expert is sure that coffee is indispensable if you need to quickly perk up before an important meeting. And there is nothing wrong if the drink consumption reaches 4-5 cups a day. However, you also need to remember about the concept of caffeine tolerance. It is most often produced by coffee drinkers and is expressed in the fact that over time the body ceases to experience the euphoria for which this drink is so valued. Therefore, how many cups of coffee a day will produce the desired beneficial effect on the body and will not cause harm to health is an individual question.

To level out tolerance to coffee, we advise you to take a closer look at the similar properties of tea, which also gives energy, but has a longer lasting effect and at the same time acts more gently on the body.

A few more important points for coffee lovers to remember:

  • You shouldn’t have a “coffee marathon” and take all the allowable 400 mg at once: a single dose of caffeine should not exceed 200 mg (ideally 100 mg);
  • drink coffee slowly and thoughtfully - then the intake of caffeine will not be a shock to the body, and the pleasure will last longer;
  • do not forget to drink water - coffee removes fluid from the body, which is why sometimes you may feel lethargic;
  • for people who already have heart problems, diabetes or cancer, coffee works differently and can worsen their diseases;
  • Even 5 cups of coffee a day will not replace the benefits of exercise for the body.

Well, coffee lovers, do you feel calmer? Now you can send all “non-believers” to the address of this article (or directly to the research).

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