Arabica coffee indoor plant signs and superstitions

» Damage and the evil eye » How coffee can protect you from the evil eye and spoilage



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Coffee is a healthy product, energetically strong, not only in everyday life, but also in magic. A cup of aromatic drink not only invigorates and drives away fatigue, but also makes man’s worst enemies - the evil eye and damage - retreat, and a small ritual using exotic grains can increase your income.

For Bath

It happens that you spend the whole week dreaming of an eventful vacation, and when it’s time for the weekend, you don’t have the strength to leave your bed.

To restore cheerfulness and overcome any obstacles, use a coffee additive in your bath. To help you relax and relieve stress:

  • ground coffee – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • orange peel;
  • cinnamon.

Brew strong coffee, strain and add to water. Use the thicket as a scrub. A guaranteed boost of energy will quickly bring you good luck on your legal day off.

It is best to carry out the procedure before bed or on the weekend, since after it it is recommended to rest for several hours. It will help you relax properly and relieve psycho-emotional stress.

A coffee bath is even healthier than a drink because it won't cause undue stress and the risk of overdose.

Oleg Cherne

Ethiopian dragon. coffee seed

The kingdom of heaven is like a coffee bean that heaven gave to man so that he could draw his strength, and the birds of the air would take refuge in the branches of his tree.

Understanding coffee is a mysterious and mysterious journey. The coffee bean has become a symbol that develops according to the laws of sacred geometry. And any coffee lover is a priori a coffee dervish. I offer you a story about where the secret of coffee is kept, to which the consciousness of a coffee dervish is consciously or unconsciously drawn. Ethiopian Dragon is a coffee themed series. These are stories about grain.

Ethiopia is a special country; knowledge about its ancient history is preserved in parables and legends. Or maybe also in reggae rhythms. But if anything represents the secret of this country today, it is, first of all, the coffee bean. When we talk about Ethiopian coffee, it's a story about the bean. And we set off on the journey of understanding it. The first stop is the coffee seed, its kernel, its brain, the endosperm. But we will consider it from the perspective of what a modern coffee dervish should know. So to speak, taste and you will know.

According to the legend of the ancient Ethiopians, understanding the coffee bean is an understanding of existence in general. The coffee bean matures, like a human, for nine months and has a septenary structure, like a human (humans have seven basic body systems). And we will begin our story about his brain, known today as endosperm, but in ancient times it could be correlated with the brain of the Phoenix, and the grain itself - with rebirth from the ashes.

The coffee bean is a magical geometric figure representing a heavenly message. It stores the power of the earth, its connection with the ancestors. In the knowledge of grain there is a basis - an understanding of faith. For us, this is an understanding of a whole direction in coffee, which we will call Ethiopian.

Ethiopian coffee is a concept that shapes the attitude towards the grain and its miraculous power, which has long been understood by Ethiopians as magical. Is there realistic, so to speak, adequate knowledge about coffee today? Oddly enough, I would rather say “no” than “yes”. And, surprisingly, due to the different approaches to the study of coffee, its characteristics and attitudes towards it are so different (say, beneficial / harmful) that you have the right to say that even today coffee lives a more mystical life than a realistic one, if, however, do not consider that his reality is magic.

However, for many, the most intimate relationship with coffee is associated with the time of its use, for example, early in the morning, when we do not want anyone to see our face.

At the same time, the issue of quality is important - 70% of people choose and drink coffee by name, and not by content.

So, no matter what anyone says about coffee, it remains special, if not in a person’s concept, then certainly in its use. However, one gets the impression that even its chemical behavior depends on a person’s intimate connection... with coffee! And if you hug coffee that comes from a coffee tree that's, say, 20 years old, that's one thing, but if that coffee comes from a five-year-old tree, that's... well, it's indecent.

Therefore, before buying coffee, do not forget to ask how old the coffee tree is, at what height it grows, what was the mood of the Indian or African who collected the coffee fruits for you. And after you read all this, you are screwed, since you will only have one place left where to buy and order real coffee. It won't be cheap, but the experience is guaranteed. However, you can do this yourself, but then I don’t guarantee anything.

The quality of green coffee largely depends on the methods used to obtain it - from harvesting to transportation. Therefore, real coffee should be purchased where it is grown. Otherwise, there is a high probability of cross-section of the endosperm, and, consequently, damage to the strength and spirit of the grain.

In addition, only volcanic or mountain coffee is able to maintain strength in its movement, where the leaders are, of course, varieties such as Blue Mountain and Kona. And then, don’t forget about the sweating of the mules transporting the coffee bags. It is also very harmful for green grain to be removed from its place of growth before it has matured (three months).

Firstly, young grain absorbs aromas and tastes from strong-smelling substances; moisture (damage from sea water is especially dangerous if coffee is transported by sea); exposed to tropical heat. Often, to hide all these problems, coffee is overdried or, even worse, subjected to heavy roasting, turning the grain into charcoal.

But, in fact, all this is said not to scare you, but because the process of dosing green grain is disrupted, which after collection must remain at the collection site for at least three months. So, someone sitting with a cup of coffee in some Starbucks may think that he is drinking coffee, just as someone eating a Big Mac at McDonald’s thinks that he is eating... However, further obscene expression, and we will omit it.

Note to everyone else: green coffee can improve with age, it's just that no one cares. So modern green grain has two paths: either rapid destruction and aging due to various stresses, where the most obvious is loss of moisture and oxidation, or strengthening and transition to the state of an internal generator, where caffeine plays its positive role. That is, the benefits of caffeine lie only in healthy beans. And by how damaged the endosperm is, we can talk about the quality of the grain. And what it is, Guatemalan or Himalayan, is not the main question.


Endosperm is the energy of the grain, its seed, its kernel, it is the brain of coffee. Coffee can store energy for a long time if the core is not disturbed. Endosperm is the force inherent in the very idea of ​​the coffee bean even at the stage of maturation of the coffee tree. And the older the tree, the stronger the kernel of the coffee fruit. This is a matrix not only of all internal processes (nutrients), but also external ones. For example, the requirement of grain for photosynthesis, interaction with the energy of moonlight.

The largest part of the kernel contains starchy carbohydrates, proteins and small amounts of vitamins and minerals. The real effect of coffee on our body and mind depends on it. Therefore, first of all, we need to understand what kind of grain we interact with - green or roasted. During the roasting process, a reaction occurs in the endosperm, and part of it is transformed, simultaneously enhancing the aroma.

From this moment on, her life is shortened, and if coffee is not drunk at the prescribed time, then it turns from a food product into a product of destruction. That is, the concept of healthy or harmful coffee passes through the understanding of endosperm. The endosperm determines not only the integrity of the coffee, but also its potency. The appearance of coffee with normal endosperm is healthy. Therefore, looking at grain, you need to learn to distinguish healthy from sick. The dying grain will eat you.

Endosperm is the basis of the seed body, and consists of only one type of tissue, although its cells are found in both the outer and inner parts of the grain. Endosperm is also present in the essential oil and in the skin. The chemical composition of the endosperm is of utmost importance as it determines not only the strength and healthiness of the coffee, but also the flavor and aroma produced during roasting.

The chemical compounds contained in the endosperm can be classified as water-soluble or water-insoluble. And this is important precisely from the perspective of understanding Ethiopian coffee in general, which is viewed primarily from the perspective of nutrition, not drinking.

Water-soluble compounds include caffeine, trigonelline, nicotinic acid (niacin), mono-, di- and oligosaccharides, some proteins, minerals and carboxylic acids. The water-insoluble components are cellulose, polysaccharides, lignin and hemicelluloses, as well as some proteins, minerals and lipids.

Coffee break. Ethiopian dragon

Ethiopian Dragon or Ancient Ethiopian Coffee: 51 green Yergacheff coffee beans are soaked in hot water for 10 minutes (the water covers all the beans) and pressed in a mortar with coriander and thyme (1 gram each) or 3 grams of berbere. Served on injere flatbread. Chews with saliva and swallows slowly.

Safety precautions

What impact, natural or introduced, was exerted on the grain determines its behavior. The most harmful effect for him is that which leads to his aging. Moreover, this is often done deliberately in order to preserve the grain, and then we talk about artificial influence. That is, the bean undergoes a chemical reaction, especially when the caffeine is taken away from it and the potency of the coffee is removed. Processes associated with artificial ripening, which involve a direct chemical reaction to physically change the green grain, also have a characteristic effect. This commercial way of cultivating coffee essentially destroys it. And on today’s market there is already 30-40% of such coffee!

But if just yesterday this was done using steam treatment in a box, today a strain for vaccination has already been developed. In this case, the coffee's endosperm is killed. But this is still nonsense in relation to polishing and, attention, painting! After all, it is still practiced to add glucose, sucrose, lactose or dextrin. The result is no longer coffee, but the food additive E1400.

The result of this coffee genocide is the complete destruction of the coffee brain. Which is then also flavored. All this becomes unnoticed after roasting, and consumers who do not know how to taste coffee drink a chemical compound a la coffee, or I would call it Italian coffee.

The Chinese have generally gone further, actively using magnesium oxide, but it must be said, however, in small quantities, if this, of course, is appropriate for the Chinese. The problem here is that much is done under the guise of removing harmful substances from coffee. These are primarily caffeine and caffeic acid. But if caffeine is a separate issue, then caffeic acid is precisely the reaction of the coffee kernel to all the chaos that is caused with coffee. Therefore, to prevent the endosperm from swelling, it is stopped. And you need to understand that any additives and preservatives disrupt the structure of coffee and ultimately make it poisonous.

Second stop. Ethiopian dragon.

Exocarp in coffee.
Where to drink ancient Ethiopian coffee: Ethnomir, Ben Celero salon, Rennes-le-Chateau, Da Vinci restaurant.

Be sure to read special articles.

Comments and questions here.

A must-attend master class is “Coffee Alchemy.”

Must have

A must read


Is aroma something that can be physically felt? An amazing learning during the “Alchemy of Coffee” master class was tasting coffee through breathing and feeling the body being full, and after taking a sip and holding the coffee in your mouth, you felt the activation of the salivary glands, it seemed that everything was seething. WHAT, are you a wizard? No, I'm just learning!

January 21, 2015

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Holy water in coffee

In order not to catch the evil eye, before going out it is recommended to drink a cup of a velvety drink prepared with your own hands.

If you have a conflict in the family, add some holy water to the coffee pot and treat your relatives, after reading a short prayer: “Our Father” or “Virgin Mary”.

Coffee works great against negative thoughts, helps overcome blocks and unpleasant emotions. Grains are great for protecting and getting rid of all types of negativity.

Instant options do not work; using freeze-dried, decaffeinated mixtures shows disrespect for ancient tradition and will backfire on the hapless magician.

Feng Shui coffee tree: happiness and wealth to your home

The Feng Shui coffee tree is considered mystical in Chinese legend, symbolizing health and wealth. The same applies to the fruits of this tree. They are used as talismans to attract wealth to the home.

In addition to wealth, the coffee tree protects the family in which it lives from quarrels and negative energy. In this case, it needs to be placed in the love zone, so you will help your life change for the better, your family ties will become much stronger, and stability will appear.

Coffee topiary: meaning

If it is not possible to plant coffee sprouts at home, then you can purchase the now popular coffee topiary. This symbol will be able to replace a living plant while providing the same protection.

If you want to enhance the effects of the coffee tree, then make it yourself, especially since it is very simple. Be sure to use natural coffee beans and decorate the finished product to your liking. This way you will emphasize the importance of the talisman and it will answer you in kind.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

Coffee is considered to be the reason for a passionate energy boost in a person, and spices are considered magnets of love and money in our lives. Therefore, the proportions of ground grains and water are the same as for fortune telling. As soon as the aromatic mixture begins to boil, add a pinch of cinnamon, ginger spice or a piece of fresh root, cloves and cardamom.

Then, looking at the boiling potion, imagine your wish fulfilled and mentally ask for coffee. While drinking coffee, enter a state of fulfilled desire. It is at the moment of drinking the drink that your energy will rise and more impulsively embrace desire and give it the key to freedom. Since it is the most impulsive and ardent desires that are fulfilled quickly.

These are the miracles Elvira told us today. You can believe it, you can not believe it. Everyone chooses for themselves. It is interesting to know your opinion on this issue. I'm waiting for your comments.

See you again on the blog pages.

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