What is maragojipe, where does it grow and how to brew it

I'll tell you a little trade secret. When I place an order for our store, Maragogype coffee comes first. It is always required two to three times more than other items. It would seem, what is worse than the luxurious “Ethiopia Sidamo Mocha” or the exquisite “Kenya”, the brutal “Cuba”? It happened that the situation was stalemate: the cargo had not yet been delivered by the transport company, and the maragojeep was already all reserved (consider it sold). It was ordered in advance, and after submitting an application to the supplier, they eagerly await its arrival. But the price for this variety is much higher than other well-bought ones.

The secret of popularity is not only in large, beautiful grains and a magical aroma. Maragojipe has a unique aura! It is ensured by the originality of its origin, the philosophical depth of taste and the mystery hidden inside its voluminous fruits. There is something to talk about: maragogyp coffee, is it an accident or a gift of nature?

Origin of Maragogype coffee

Harvesting coffee berries in Brazil
The origin of the variety is associated with the beginning of the emergence of coffee plantations in Brazil. In those days, coffee trees were planted randomly, without systematic distribution by variety. The goal was to identify varieties for which the Brazilian climate would be most favorable. The trees grew, and with the help of wind and insects, pollen was transferred from one tree to another - cross-pollination occurred. Thus, in 1876, a tree with large leaves and fruits was discovered, the size of which had not previously been found in any known variety of coffee. The resulting variety of Arabica was named Maragodjip - in honor of the city that was located next to the plantation.

The first plantations of the Maragodzhip variety were planted next to tobacco ones. This proximity significantly influenced the aroma of the beans - the taste of the finished drink gives off notes of tobacco.

Taste characteristics

Each type of coffee has a different aroma and taste. Both of these parameters depend, first of all, on the country in which the grains were grown, that is, on its climate. As for the aftertaste, it is influenced by factors such as:

  1. Method of storing fruits.
  2. The degree of their roasting.
  3. Grinding fineness.
  4. Cooking features.

For example, Nicaraguan coffee has a chocolate aroma, while Colombian coffee has a nutty aroma. The Guatemalan drink has a pronounced bitter taste, while the Mexican drink has an almond flavor.

An important factor determining the taste of coffee is the soil in which the tree grew.

Features of the chemical composition, taste and aroma of grains

Maragogipe is a classic Arabica, but the size and structure of the beans have a decisive influence on the chemical composition, aroma and taste of coffee. The caffeine content in Maragogip beans is lower than that of other Arabica varieties, amounting to 0.5-0.8% of the composition. This results in a softer, more balanced taste.

Coffee beans contain less caffeine than other Arabica beans, resulting in a milder taste.

Coffee beans contain about 18% essential oils. When frying, oils form an invisible film on the surface, which gives the taste and aroma characteristic of the variety. The place of growth has a direct influence on the aroma. Since the structure of Maragogype coffee beans is porous, they absorb odors with increased intensity. The finished drink takes on berry, fruit, chocolate, nut or tobacco shades.

The grains contain about 8% sugar. When roasted, the sugars give the fruit a deep, dark, uniform hue. In addition to the color, sugar softens the tart taste of coffee.

Nutritional value of coffee (based on 10 grams of ground coffee per 100 ml of water)
Squirrels, gr.0,2
Fats, gr.0
Carbohydrates, gr.0,3
Potassium, gr.0,04
Calories3 Kcal

Roasting and preparing Maragogyp coffee

The beans themselves are large, so they require prolonged roasting over a longer period of time, and to prevent them from burning, the temperature is set at a fairly low temperature.
This helps bring more oils and sugars to the surface, brightening the flavor and bringing out the sweetness. Most often, Maragodzhip is used in mixtures, although it is also sold separately, always indicating the region of growth.

The variety itself has a low caffeine content, so it is recommended not to prepare it in a coffee machine, which uses a standard volume of ground coffee, but to grind it separately and cook it in a Turk or geyser, where you can increase the strength at the expense of volume.

If you love unusual varieties and know how to distinguish shades, you should definitely try Maragogip coffee.

Taste characteristics of this variety when grown on various plantations

Today, the variety is rarely grown due to low yields.
Currently, Maragogipe coffee plantations practically do not exist in Brazil. This is due to the plant’s demands on external conditions (temperature, soil, humidity, lighting) and low yield. The annual yield per tree is almost 2.5 times lower than that of other Arabica varieties. Small plantations of Maragojipe can be found in Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia, Nicaragua and Hawaii.


This Maragogipe comes from the Jinotega and Matagalpa regions with altitudes of 1000-1200 meters above sea level in Nicaragua.
The largest Maragogipe grains are found in Nicaragua. They have a tart, thick, balanced taste with notes of wine. The sourness is less pronounced compared to the fruits of this variety grown on other plantations. The aroma of the finished drink is rich and noble. The taste of the drink is strong, thick, with floral or fruity undertones. The aftertaste is pronounced and gently reeks of chocolate. The higher above sea level the coffee plantations are, the lower the caffeine content. Maragojipe in Nicaragua grows at an altitude of 1400-1700 meters above sea level. Therefore, this drink does not cause heart palpitations. Ideal for a morning boost of energy.


Maragogipe, grown in Guatemala, is considered the best in Central America. This determines its origin - originally a Brazilian variety, and growing conditions close to ideal. There are three active volcanoes nearby, the ashes of which saturate the substrate for growing coffee with useful minerals. Guatemalan Maragogipe has a rich, bright taste with woody undertones. The sourness is pronounced. The aroma has a hint of smoke. The aftertaste is pleasant, with notes of black currant. The finished drink is tart, rich, and rich. With hints of fruit, flowers and smoke.


A variety with a slight sourness, a more pronounced taste of chocolate and nuts.
It is believed that the best variety, Maragogipe, grows in the south of Mexico. The taste of coffee from Mexico has the mildest, balanced taste. The sourness is weakly expressed. The aftertaste is soft, with hints of chocolate and nuts. The aroma is powerful, rich, bright. The caffeine content is naturally low. Therefore, Mexican Maragogip can be drunk in the evening.


Intense flavor with apricot notes.
In Colombia, Maragogipe is the main variety to grow. Coffee has the most complete, rich taste. The taste is tart, slightly bitter, with fruity notes of apricot. The aroma is rich, pronounced, there are notes of baked milk. The aftertaste is soft, gives off cocoa. The drink is perfect for starting the day; it has pronounced invigorating properties. It should be cooked exclusively in a Turkish oven.


Rarely found on sale, it has a honey-citrus taste.
The rarest variety of the variety is the Hawaiian Maragodzhip.
It is especially appreciated by coffee connoisseurs and lovers for its light honey-citrus flavor and chocolate aftertaste.

Reviews of Maragogip coffee

There are almost no general reviews about the variety, and if there are, they are often written by amateurs, since it is customary to indicate a specific region, and it is usually written on the product. For example, you can look for reviews about Maragogyp Mexico, so you will understand the characteristics of this particular variety.

Reviews about Maragogip Guatemala are almost 100% positive and even admiring. This is a really interesting product. There are many reviews about Maragogyp Nicaragua; in Russia it is very popular among various producers, since the drink itself is strong, rich, with pronounced shades, which is what buyers note.

Look at reviews based on the manufacturer. Russian companies buy green beans and roast them themselves. Therefore, often claims and praise refer to a specific product, and not to the growing region.

Should I try or buy Maragogyp coffee? Definitely yes! You won't necessarily like it, but at least you will get to know the taste of one of the rarest varieties of Arabica in the world, and it's worth it!


Does not harm people with heart disease due to low caffeine content
Coffee beans are high in nutrients. Regular consumption of this natural drink will protect you from the development of various diseases. For example, the likelihood of diabetes will decrease by 50% in men and by 30% in women if you drink 6 cups of coffee a day. Caffeine reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's disease. This is due to the fact that it inhibits signals in the nerve endings through which information is transmitted that triggers the disease.

The Maragogyp variety has a low caffeine content, for this reason it can be consumed by people prone to increased heart rate.

Grains grown on plantations located on volcanic rocks will fully replenish the body with minerals and vitamins.

Maragogype from Mexico

This is a central American Arabica variety, primarily grown in the south of the country. Coffee plantations are located at an altitude of 1300 - 1500 above sea level and absorb all the aroma of nature. The Mexicans themselves call the variety Liquidambar.

Mexican maragojipe has chocolate and nutty tones, but unlike Colombian, it has a lighter consistency. The finished drink has a slight sourness, which perfectly emphasizes the chocolate shade.

Some gourmets consider maragogype from Mexico to be the best. Most people prefer the Guatemalan variety, explaining this by the latter’s more intense aroma.


Drinking coffee is associated with a high level of tonic properties. However, there is also a downside to positive influence. Yes, after using it you feel a significant surge of strength, however, after a few hours there is a decline. Coffee uses up the body's own reserves without bringing in energy from outside. Addictive. Under the influence of caffeine, the body's digestive system is in a state of stress and digestion is impaired.

The consumption rate for pregnant women should be reduced as much as possible.

The daily intake of coffee is 2 cups of 200 ml, for pregnant women it should be halved.

Drinking is contraindicated:

  • with high blood pressure;
  • for glaucoma;
  • with renal failure;
  • for coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis;
  • children;
  • in old age.

It is not recommended for children and elderly people to drink.
As mentioned above, the structure of the grains of the Maragodzhip variety is loose and absorbs substances contained in the environment. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing grains to avoid purchasing a product grown in unfavorable conditions.

Brazilian Maragojeep

Comparison of regular Arabica with Brazilian Maragogip beans

Today, Brazil practically does not grow maragojipe, explaining this by the capriciousness of the culture. You can verify this by searching for this variety on the Internet. It’s practically non-existent, but if you find it, be prepared to pay an exorbitant price.

In terms of taste, maragogype from Brazil is very similar to Mexican and Colombian, with the exception of some details. The nutty - chocolate shade is expressed weaker in it, and the traditional sourness is a little stronger. The consistency of the finished drink is average. This coffee can be drunk even in the evening, due to its low caffeine content.

Average cost and best brands

It is possible to feel and enjoy the real taste of Maragogip coffee only when purchasing a quality product from a responsible manufacturer. The average cost of 250 grams of coffee beans is quite high, starting from 600 rubles. This is due to the fact that the capricious variety requires increased growing conditions, while its productivity is low compared to others. Producers are abandoning it in favor of other Arabica varieties. Against this background, Maragodzhip becomes rare, and its price rises.

Due to difficulties with cultivation, prices for Maragogype are quite high

The most convenient ways to purchase your favorite drink are online stores and specialized coffee shops. When choosing coffee, give preference to the following brands:

  • Malongo;
  • Blues;
  • The royal courtyard.

Where to buy Maragogyp coffee

The variety is sold in many coffee and tea stores, as well as on the Internet, but it is practically never found in regular stores or supermarkets. A good manufacturer will always indicate the growing region. So, you can buy Maragogyp coffee beans from Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, but Costa Rica, Cuba and El Salvador are very rare here. Some brands sell ground coffee, but most often it is the beans.

Often the description says “Maragogipe Arabica,” so if your favorite online store doesn’t have a separate category, look in the Arabica section.

Maragogyp coffee prices

The cost varies depending on the brand, country, freshness of the roast and many other factors, but, in principle, it is acceptable for most lovers of interesting coffee drinks. Here are approximate prices:

  • Broceliande Maragogype Nicaragua, Colombie or Mexique, – grain, 950 gr., – 1300 rubles;
  • Amado Maragogype Mexico, Nicaragua, – grain, 250 g, – 440 rub.;
  • Blues Maragogype Nicaragua, Guatemala, Brazil, Colombia, – beans and ground, 200 g, – 600 rub.;
  • Tsarskoe Podvorye Maragogip Guatemala and Nicaragua, – grains, 1 kg, – 2500 rub.
  • Freshly roasted from different brands - grain or ground, for 100 g - 200-250 rubles.

Some manufacturers, such as Amado, offer flavored options: Irish Cream, French Vanilla, Chocolate, etc. But in this case, the unique taste and aroma are clogged, so see for yourself whether this makes sense.

Bean storage options

It is preferable to store in glass or ceramic containers with a tight lid.
The processing of the grains has a direct impact on the shelf life. Fresh green grains can be stored for a year - they will not change their properties. Roasted grains are less stable, they are able to absorb foreign odors and moisture from the air, so their shelf life in a paper bag is no more than two weeks. Foil packaging will preserve coffee for three months, and in a tightly closed glass or ceramic container the beans can be stored for six months.

Maragogyp coffee: what is this variety and its history?

Maragogipe is a variety of Arabica that has gained fame due to its large grain size, which is 2.5 to 3 times larger than other varieties . A unique feature of this variety is the loose structure of the grain, resembling a sponge, which absorbs nutrients from the air and soil.

How does maragojipe grow?

The taste of Maragogyp coffee is unique. They combine a peculiar sourness and a soft aftertaste, as well as fruity and floral notes. The finished drink is thick and invigorating. Energizes throughout the day and is ideal for use in the morning.

The variety was first discovered in Brazil near the city of Maragogip by chance. When Brazil was just beginning to turn into a coffee country, it was planted with a large number of trees of different varieties, with the hope that at least something would take root. Moreover, they did it chaotically, without distribution of varieties. Flowering coffee trees attracted insects, which collected pollen and mixed it on different trees. This is how Maragogyp coffee was born.

The variety itself is quite capricious and reacts strongly to changes in temperature and humidity. Because of this, crop failures often occur and its price increases.

Many companies have abandoned the production of the “capricious variety”, so in the near future Maragogyp coffee may be equal to elite varieties and cost accordingly.

History of the variety

The history of Maragogyp coffee is very interesting. Coffee trees did not grow in Brazil until the Portuguese brought them there. Many different varieties were planted, but not all of them took root. Some trees remained, were pollinated, and as a result a new type of coffee with unusually large beans grew. It was discovered near the city of Maragodzhip. According to one version, the plant arose as a result of a mutation of Arabica Tinika, according to another, it is the result of cross-pollination of Arabica and Liberica. The second version is supported by the intense aroma inherent in Liberica.

Maragodzhip coffee in Russia, brands and prices

There are a number of companies in Russia that sell this type of coffee. The most famous brands are Tsarskoye Podvorye, Blues, Amado, Eva Dia. The Royal Compound sells beans from Guatemala in 100 gram packages. at a price of 249 rubles. Blues produces the drink in vacuum packages of 200 grams. They bring it from Nicaragua. The price is 594 rubles per pack. The Amado brand has 200 g packs. sold at a price of 417 rubles. The origin of this coffee is Mexican. Eva Dia offers beans from Nicaragua in 158g packages. for 441 rubles, 350 grams - 903 rubles, and 1 kg - 2,450 rubles. These companies sell coffee to all regions of the country. For wholesale buyers, discounts and sometimes free shipping are possible.

Do you like Maragogype coffee?



Where can I get this type of coffee?

If you live in a small town and it’s hard for you to find Maragogipe Nicaragua coffee at your place of residence, then the services of online stores will come to your aid. There are many offers, among which it is not difficult to get lost. You can buy all four of the above-mentioned types of this coffee, and they offer different quantities (in grams). That is, if you want to take coffee for testing, you can purchase a package of beans weighing 100 grams; if you need a larger quantity, there are 250-gram and half-kilogram packages. If you want to roast the beans yourself, you can buy them green. If you don’t have a coffee grinder, stores can offer them already ground. There are also many promotional offers, for example, an offer to purchase half a kilogram of all four varieties at a discount, and they will send you a special tin box for storing coffee as a gift. So fans of this drink will be able to enjoy it in any corner of the world. Just set a clear goal for yourself, decide on the required quantity, type, and order from places that have been tested by someone you know. Be vigilant in this regard if you want to treat yourself to a cup of elite drink.

Cooking tips

There are many ways to prepare this wonderful drink.

In this case, there are only four of them:

  • in Turk;
  • in a coffee machine;
  • in French press;
  • in a geyser coffee maker (we wrote about how to use it here).

The ideal option for making maragogyp coffee is brewing in a copper pot. Only well-roasted grains, coarse or medium grind, are suitable for this.

This method allows you to fully reveal the depth and strength of the drink and fully enjoy its unforgettable aroma.

You can also brew coffee using a coffee machine. In this case, the espresso will be more delicate, with a bright chocolate taste and strong aroma. Read our next article on how to use the coffee machine.

The simplest and most unpretentious method of making coffee is brewing using a French press. All you need to do is pour ground coffee into it, add a little boiling water and lower the piston. We told you exactly how to brew coffee in a French press here.

But for the maragogype variety this method is not the most suitable. Most essential oils that form the taste and smell of the drink do not have time to fully reveal their amazing qualities.

In a geyser coffee maker, Maragogip coffee also does not turn out as rich as in a Turk or a coffee machine. Espresso or Americano prepared in this way loses half of its merits.

The result is a weaker drink, with a subtle aroma.

To prepare real Maragogyp coffee, you only need to use a Turk or a coffee machine. This will preserve not only its taste, but will also enrich it with many useful substances contained in the grains.

Types, production technology, reviews of Carte Noir coffee, as well as the history of the brand and product costs are in this article.

Irish coffee recipes are described in this material.

Interested in the basics of latte art? Read this publication of ours: https://chay-i-kofe.com/kofe/informaciya2/latte-art-kak-risovat-na-kofe-risunki-na-penke/

Reviews: Maragogyp Nicaragua coffee beans – is it worth buying?

Among the reviews you can find advice from natural coffee fans about grinding. In their opinion, it is better if you grind the grains to a medium grain size, and coarse grinding produces a lot of acid. And someone managed to brew coffee so that there was no sourness at all.

Lovers of coffee with milk do not have to worry that the milk will somehow interrupt or spoil the taste of the drink. No, this will not happen, there will be a wonderful symbiosis of these two components, and for those who do not like sourness, milk or cream will help to practically reduce it to zero. Almost all reviews about Nicaragua Maragogip coffee are only positive.

Subtleties of cooking

Not only maragogip, but any other type of coffee must be brewed correctly. If you use the wrong method, the taste of the drink will be ruined. Below we will look at the most popular methods of brewing coffee beans and determine whether they are suitable for our “giant” or not.

  1. French press. One of the most commonly used tools for brewing a “strong drink”. It owes its popularity to its ease of use. It is enough to pour ground grains into it, pour boiling water, lower the piston and pour into cups. For our variety, this tool is not entirely suitable, since boiling water, after pouring, cools down and not all essential oils have time to get into our drink.
  2. Brewing "large Arabica" in a Turk

    Turk. Here the picture is a little different. The coffee powder is in water, the temperature of which begins to increase, due to which the essential oils from the beans are released more intensely and transferred to the drink in greater quantities than when using a French press.

  3. Coffee machine. Allows you to completely “take out” essential oils from the maragogip and transfer them to your cup. The end result will be excellent, thick espresso with chocolate notes.
  4. Geyser coffee maker. In it, the processes of transferring aromatic particles last longer than in a coffee machine and some of the aromatic substances are lost. This brewing method is not as effective as a coffee machine, but it is ideal for those for whom machine espresso is too concentrated and bitter.

Maragogyp coffee is a unique drink that all coffee lovers should try. Some will like it, some not at all, but there will definitely not be anyone indifferent. If you purchased this type of coffee, stock up on a Turkish coffee pot or coffee machine, as they are capable of brewing this type of coffee better than other devices.

Customer Reviews

Irina: Recently I was abroad, where I purchased a package of Maragogype Nicaragua coffee beans. At home I ground them myself and cooked them in a Turk. The taste of this coffee cannot be compared with anything, although I am a long-time coffee lover. Of all the varieties I've tried, the best is Maragogyp. I have never encountered such an interesting chocolate taste and unforgettable aroma before.

Olga: I simply love coffee, so my friends always try to bring me many packages of different varieties of beans. Last time, it was Maragogipe Guatemala coffee. I have never tried coffee like this before. This is a delight! Long chocolate-nut aftertaste, pleasant creamy taste. For me, this is the best type of coffee, especially if it is prepared correctly.

Andrey: Not long ago I learned about the existence of giant coffee beans, which I immediately wanted to try. I bought a pack of Maragogip Nicaragua coffee and brewed it in a Turkish coffee pot. I would like to note the interesting, slightly astringent wine taste. For the first time, I wanted to experience the taste of coffee without sugar or other additives. An absolutely incomparable drink. I recommend.

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