Coffee and running - can caffeine benefit long-distance runners?

The benefits of coffee for sports

  • Coffee can lower the pain threshold because it triggers the release of adrenaline;
  • Coffee fights post-workout sluggishness and tones muscles;
  • Coffee really eliminates excess weight and helps remove fat from even the most difficult areas;
  • Accelerating metabolism is another benefit of drinking coffee;
  • If you take coffee after a workout, it will cause less harm than if you drink it before exercise.

Toxicity of coffee for sports

  • It is important to observe moderation in everything! You should not drink 5 cups of strong drink before training, because such a dose can cause nervous exhaustion and lead to a fatal outcome;
  • Coffee is prohibited before severe competitions (by decision of the International Olympic Committee);
  • Coffee makes the heart beat at the speed of light, so it is not recommended for people with cardiac problems before training;
  • Coffee can lead to dehydration during exercise;
  • Coffee is addictive. If you use it very often, then during training without caffeine doping you will show ugly results.

To drink or not to drink?

Only you can answer this question yourself. Conduct an experiment: drink a couple of cups of coffee before training and look at your well-being and condition. If it is much better than without coffee, then you can not worry and say “yes” to your favorite drink. But small negative differences are a sign that it is better for you to drink coffee on days off from work.

It is also worth keeping in mind that only dark coffee contains no calories. By consuming a drink with sugar and milk, you deprive the body of a positive effect. This type of coffee does not reduce weight; on the contrary, it helps to increase it.

Be sure to consult a doctor or trainer. Perhaps they will allow you to drink low-caffeine concoctions, or they may prohibit coffee altogether.

In any case, remember that moderate consumption of any product will not cause harm to the body. And from one mug of fragrant coffee you are unlikely to feel discomfort, but the mood for training will appear right away.

Who can be harmed by coffee?

Drinking coffee and caffeinated drinks is strictly contraindicated for the following people:

  • With diseases of the cardiovascular system . Coffee increases your heart rate and in this case can have a negative impact on your health. Therefore, give up coffee if you have problems with the heart or blood vessels.
  • With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract . Coffee irritates the gastric mucosa and has a strong laxative effect. Therefore, if there are existing problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the drink will provoke diarrhea, stomach pain, and can even cause an exacerbation of gastritis
  • With high blood pressure . Caffeine increases blood pressure even more, which can trigger a hypertensive crisis. But for hypotensive people this is the best drink to stay in good shape and feel good

Also keep in mind that the recommended dose of coffee, which should not be exceeded , is 300 ml per day. This amount is safe for health. Drinking a larger volume of drink per day can lead to caffeine addiction and cause problems with health, well-being and even appearance.


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Is it possible to drink coffee before training?

The catchy and pleasant smell of coffee is familiar to everyone; not a single breakfast or even social event is complete without this elegant drink, because its invigorating effect cannot be replaced by anything else.

The beneficial effects of coffee on the body

People who frequently exercise are interested in whether it is possible to drink coffee before training, because it has a number of positive effects on the human body. The answer is yes, not enough people know, but drinking coffee before a workout produces the following results:

  • – increases intellectual activity and physical endurance;
  • – speeds up metabolism;
  • – provokes fat burning;
  • – restores water balance;
  • – accelerates the blood circulation process.

Coffee before training helps relieve muscle pain from acquired injuries, improves mood and boosts morale. Coffee before training can increase an athlete's endurance, which allows him to prolong the workout and achieve more effective results.

Much to our chagrin, when asked whether it is possible to drink coffee before training, most athletes have a negative answer, but this is wrong. Coffee does not dehydrate the body, but, on the contrary, in moderate quantities has a beneficial effect on water balance. The worldview that coffee provokes the formation of cellulite, especially in women, is considered incorrect. Caffeine, which is part of coffee, on the contrary, provokes rapid fat burning; in addition, there are a huge number of scrubs that consist of ground coffee beans. They work great on cellulite and orange peel on the legs or buttocks. The thing is that the body, under the influence of caffeine, begins to burn fat masses, using them for energy instead of carbohydrates, which allows you to get rid of extra pounds during exercise.

The benefits of drinking coffee before a workout

The right coffee in the right dosage has a tonic and invigorating effect. Just one cup can:

  • Increase endurance - this will allow you to run a distance without fatigue
  • Start the fat burning process without losing energy
  • Give a boost of energy to a runner
  • Improve the athlete's well-being
  • Accelerates muscle growth

A cup of vigorous coffee before a run has a positive effect on the body. The caffeine contained in the drink stimulates the central nervous system, helps improve athletic performance, and relieves muscle pain. A small cup of Americano or espresso can be the beginning of a warm-up before a running distance and will prepare the body for physical activity.

Research by foreign scientists has proven that a mug drunk before a run improves the athletic performance of any runner. Speed ​​and endurance indicators increase by 1-3%.

Pros and cons of drinking coffee before strength training

Drinking coffee before training in the gym seems to some athletes to be an ill-conceived decision, but still, whether to drink or not to drink is a personal matter. The thing is that coffee prepared in the usual way, in other words instant, almost always has some calming and relaxing effect, and this can introduce some imbalance into the usual training regime. If you decide to treat yourself to a cup of fragrant drink, then let it be real, dark, brewed coffee; it will add vigor to you, activate blood circulation in the body and awaken in you the zeal to conquer new heights. Many experts say that it is recommended to drink coffee before strength training, and not before endurance training. Most boxers and weightlifters do not bother with a cup of espresso before the necessary competitions, considering it the best shake-up before the upcoming sporting event.

According to recent studies conducted by German scientists, coffee not only helps burn fat, but also develops muscle mass. Taking small doses of caffeine helps to increase the athlete's endurance, which allows him to train 30% longer than usual, while huge loads are tolerated much easier by a person if he has received a dose of caffeine beforehand. Physical activity is much easier for the athlete’s body due to the fact that under the influence of caffeine, nerve cells become much more active and provoke the release of more adrenaline into the blood. In fact, this dulls the feeling of lethargy, lowers the pain threshold, and you will spend much less effort to burn more fat.

Naturally, in any sport, real rest and sleep are important, and coffee at night will have a bad effect on your regime. You should not disregard the permitted drink consumption standards; if you consume a lot of caffeine, you risk experiencing a number of side effects of this product. A person who drinks a lot of coffee becomes irritable, angry, his heart rate increases, uncontrollable tremors begin in his hands, blood pressure increases and normal thinking is disrupted.

Caution is required when drinking coffee if you are highly sensitive to caffeine. If a small cup of coffee causes your heart to pound, it is not recommended to consume caffeine before exercising without first consulting your doctor. In large quantities, coffee is very stimulating to the nervous system and in rare cases can even lead to death, especially if the athlete suffers from pathologies or diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Coffee improves performance, increases strength and endurance

In one study from the University of Athletic Training in the United States, scientists were able to prove that an athlete can increase his strength and power performance if he receives the right dose of caffeine before training. The study says that for a strength lifter weighing 90 kg, this dose is on average 6-8 cups of coffee, but everything is individual and determined by the body's sensitivity to insulin. Scientists have also suggested that caffeine acts directly on the muscles (to obtain greater strength and power), and not only in the central nervous system.

A reasonable dose of coffee for people working out in the gym

As a standard, athletes are allowed to drink 2-3 cups of ground natural coffee per day. If you want to reduce your weight, you should drink a cup of coffee before training, but do not add cream or sugar to it. It should be noted that the Olympic Committee prohibited the consumption of coffee before the start of the competition, because it considered caffeine to be one of the stimulants that amount to doping. Since most ordinary athletes do not intend to enter the international arena, drinking coffee before training will be quite the right choice, which will prolong a person’s endurance and help him concentrate his attention. A cup of coffee the day before a strength session is some preparation of the body for the load.

Is it possible to drink coffee before and after training?

Many athletes take catalysts of artificial or natural origin before training in the gym. This technique provokes an increase in adrenaline levels, thereby increasing the intensity of the activity. Drinking coffee before and after exercise can have both benefits and toxicity. The effect of caffeine on the body is very complex. You can avoid negative changes and increase the effectiveness of your training only by choosing the right time to consume coffee drinks.

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Is it possible to drink coffee before training?

Drinking coffee before running and before training in the gym is not prohibited. Its use allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • Eliminate drowsiness.
  • Burning excess weight. Calorie consumption increases if you drink a cup of espresso 30 minutes before training.
  • Extending the time of classes, increasing their intensity. Caffeine promotes the release of adrenaline. Thanks to this, the feeling of lethargy does not appear for much longer.
  • Alignment of breathing. The drink helps contract the diaphragm.
  • Elimination of muscle pain. It has been scientifically proven that the alkaloid has an effect on the muscular system. When used, the possibility of pain is reduced.

It should be noted that drinking coffee drinks before doing physical exercise is not always allowed. You don’t have to give up a fragrant espresso or cappuccino before playing sports, bodybuilding, or running. Climbers and skiers are strictly prohibited from consuming coffee drinks. This is justified by the fact that blood flow to the heart decreases significantly when rising to altitude.

Professional athletes do not drink coffee before training and before competitions. Scientists classify caffeine as a stimulant.

Rules for drinking coffee before running

For the best effect, you should follow some rules for drinking the drink before training.

  • You need to drink 40-60 minutes before the start of your workout. If you plan to run at speed over a short distance, you can drink a drink immediately before the race.
  • Correct dosage. For a healthy adult, no more than 1 cup is recommended before training. In this case, the caffeine content should not exceed 100 mg, which is equivalent to 1.5 teaspoons of ground coffee or 1 teaspoon of instant coffee (no more than 1-2 mg of caffeine per 1 kg of athlete’s weight). Too much caffeine can lead to feelings of anxiety.
  • Black coffee without milk gives the best tonic effect for training.
  • If you plan to combine running with strength training, you can add fast carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sugar) to the cup.
  • Not recommended for use before running for those under 20 years of age.
  • If the training is carried out in mountainous areas, high above sea level, it is better to avoid coffee. This is because caffeine reduces oxygen saturation in the blood and impedes blood flow. Oxygen levels are lower in the mountains, so the combination of coffee, altitude and running can have a negative impact on a runner's well-being.

It would not be amiss to mention that black coffee without milk and sugar is completely calorie-free and will not harm your figure. On the contrary, it will help you lose weight by accelerating metabolic processes in the body.

It is important to know not only when and how to drink coffee, but also which one to choose. Before a run, only natural products will be beneficial. No soluble surrogate will affect athletic performance, but it can be harmful to health. Therefore, you should give preference only to high-quality natural products.

Benefits and toxicity of caffeine for athletes

Consuming caffeine will affect a person's mental and physical well-being. The effect is more pronounced during sports. The alkaloid promotes subsequent changes:

  • helps to concentrate, improves coordination of movements;
  • helps increase endurance - it becomes possible to train longer;
  • increases determination, allows you to improve athletic performance;
  • reduces the level of adenosine, which prevents the contraction of muscle tissue during exercise;
  • provokes an increase in muscle mass;
  • relieves drowsiness, feeling of lethargy;
  • converts subcutaneous fat into energy.

Drinking coffee after and before a workout may be harmful. The following bad configurations are likely:

  • excessive stress on the nervous system;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • removal of necessary substances (magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium);
  • accumulation of cholesterol, which has a bad effect on future endurance performance;
  • obstruction of blood flow to the heart.

Caffeine interferes with oxygen saturation in the blood. This causes weakness and dizziness. You may even faint.

Is it possible to drink coffee after a workout?

Coffee and sports are not always compatible. A person who is lethargic after doing physical exercise often tries to regain a feeling of vigor with the help of coffee, but such actions are strictly contraindicated. This is justified by the following reasons:

  • Training is stressful for the muscles and nervous system. The body needs time to recover. Caffeine stimulates brain function and interferes with rest. As a result, irritability and stress arise.
  • After training, an athlete needs healthy, sound sleep. If classes were held in the 2nd half of the day, caffeine can lead to the development of insomnia. Accordingly, the body will not fully recover.
  • Coffee has a diuretic effect and provokes the excretion of water, which muscle tissue needs after heavy exertion.

From time to time, it is still allowed to drink coffee drinks after physical activity. If the workout was carried out during the day or afternoon, a cup of espresso will help keep you alert and active until the end of the day. True, it is recommended to drink it not immediately after completing the exercises, but after 30 minutes.

Coffee after workout for weight loss

Among the properties of coffee is the ability to burn fat cells and activate metabolism. If its use is combined with sports, the effect will increase significantly. It’s really possible to lose weight with all this. The main thing is to drink the drink without any additives. Drinking coffee with milk, sugar and other additional ingredients is unacceptable. It is recommended to drink it no earlier than 30 minutes after finishing your workout.

Useful tips for coffee-loving athletes

To avoid negative impacts, lovers of sports and coffee drinks are advised to follow a number of tips:

  • Drink coffee after training in combination with high-spirited carbohydrates. Thanks to this, you will be able to quickly regain energy and strength.
  • Drink enough water to avoid dehydration.
  • Drink a maximum of three cups of espresso or Americano a day.
  • Avoid drinking coffee drinks on an empty stomach.
  • Drink coffee an hour before training and at least half an hour after it ends.
  • To avoid addiction, take a break every couple of weeks - give up coffee drinks for several days.

Coffee is a very versatile product that can provide both benefits and toxicity. Positive effects are observed only when consumed in moderation. Excessive concentration of caffeine in the body will lead to countless bad changes. Athletes are advised to drink coffee before physical activity as needed to increase endurance and improve results. At the end of the workout, it is recommended to stop consuming it.

How to use caffeine to improve athletic performance.

Caffeine is a legal, cheap, and readily available catalyst. But most importantly, it can help you achieve athletic results even faster than many special supplements. You just need to know how to use it correctly.

What is caffeine

Caffeine is a multifunctional substance that affects many body systems. But his strong point is maintaining brain function. By blocking adenosine, a molecule responsible for signaling the need to rest, caffeine allows us to work longer without feeling sluggish. Including in the gym.

Caffeine can seriously help during endurance activities (triathlon, marathon, cycling races). Experiments have shown that athletes on caffeine demonstrate an average of 3% better times (up to 17% in some cases).

What does 3% mean for an athlete?

That's about 2 minutes per hour, or:

  • about a minute in a 5K race;
  • about 7 minutes of a 4 hour marathon.

And this is all thanks to the right breakfast!

Most athletes consume caffeine in one way or another with various additives. According to the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, about 73% of athletes resort to caffeine, most often triathletes.

True, caffeine cannot be said to be beneficial during other types of exercise, such as strength training. But it can help players who have to make repetitive runs.

In addition, the effects of caffeine on the body are very diverse. And scientists are actively arguing about many nuances. But we can definitely say that:

  • Caffeine specifically promotes the burning of fat, not muscle glycogen.
  • caffeine affects muscle contraction by increasing the release of calcium (although this will not make you stronger overall);
  • There is no point in worrying about dehydration because of the caffeine contained in a cup of coffee.

How to get more from coffee

Many of you probably drink coffee for breakfast. And this can help after in the gym. But to get more, you need to take into account all the variables:

  1. Which caffeine source should you choose?
  2. What quantity would be good for best results?
  3. When is the best time to take it?

To get the most from caffeine, you need to consider where, how much and when to get it.

Source of caffeine

Research is inconclusive about whether coffee is the best source of caffeine. Therefore, the best option for you would be to conduct your own research: with what you achieve the best results - with natural caffeine from coffee or synthetic caffeine from pills.

Amount of caffeine

To noticeably improve your performance in the gym, you need 3 to 6 mg of caffeine for every kilogram of your weight.

The table shows data on caffeine content in various sources:

» The numbers are indicative because the type of coffee and the method of its preparation are of great importance.

Various sports supplements may also contain caffeine. The easiest way to find out about the quantity is by reading the composition information on the package.

Time to take caffeine

It is worth considering that if you consume caffeine every day, then tolerance develops very quickly. But it affects your body in different ways. For example, increases in blood pressure and heart rate are less likely to occur in frequent coffee drinkers.

But, fortunately, you will run faster, even if you drink coffee every morning for many months.

But you will achieve better results if you give up caffeine for a week before the competition.

The International Society of Sports Nutrition recommends consuming a little caffeine an hour before competition. Caffeine taken on an empty stomach will enter the bloodstream within 15 minutes, and on a full stomach only after 45 minutes. Alcohol will also increase the time it takes for caffeine to be absorbed into the blood.

The half-life of caffeine is 4–5 hours. But the larger the dose, the longer you will feel its effect. The liver is responsible for metabolism, and caffeine is destroyed more quickly when you exercise or smoke. Alcohol, on the contrary, will force caffeine to work longer. Naturally, the toxic effect of all this will also be higher. In general, the rate of caffeine metabolism is personal because the activity of the enzyme responsible for breaking it down varies from person to person.

On the day of the competition

“Nothing new, only tested and exactly working” - this rule should not be broken before any competition.

Preparing for a marathon takes several months. You plan each run and diet accordingly. Likewise, you need to make a plan for taking caffeine.

If you don't drink four cups of coffee every day, then you shouldn't drink that much the day before the competition. This will only ruin your entire lengthy preparation.

Start exploring your response to caffeine early. For competitions, it is recommended that you choose the source and the best amount, and also see if you can take a break and go a whole week without coffee.

Coffee and sports.

Caffeine is a natural substance found in almost all plants, but it is mostly found in the diet in coffee, tea and chocolate.

Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the human nervous system. It can improve mood, reduce feelings of lethargy, and mobilize strength during sports exercises.

So, coffee and sports are compatible concepts. In most cases, caffeine is taken as a stimulant by runners and swimmers. Coffee may be a real boon for weightlifters, because it stimulates the elimination of fatty tissue and promotes muscle growth.

However, consuming large amounts of this substance can also cause side effects: severe migraines, irritability and digestive difficulties.

Benefits of Caffeine for Runners

Improves clarity of consciousness and state of mind . For many people, a morning cup of coffee helps them mentally prepare for the day ahead.

A study [2] found that caffeine increases mental clarity, improves your mood, and increases your desire to train harder.

When preparing for a marathon, sometimes you have to carry out a large number of long-term training sessions of the same type over several weeks or even months. This can really undermine your desire to participate in the race.

But you know what? The results of the following study [3] showed that caffeine increases the concentration of endorphins in the brain (the same hormones that cause the “runner's high”), which reduces the runner's perception of effort and makes it easier to bear the load.

Increases the body's ability to burn fat while running.

Perhaps the most important benefit of caffeine for long-distance runners is its ability to increase the use of fat as an energy source [4] and thus preserve glycogen stores.

Improves performance in endurance exercise.

In a scientific review [5], which included the results of 21 studies, it was proven that the use of caffeine leads to an improvement in athletic performance by 3.2 - 4.3%. Scientists have found that this supplement is an effective erogenous aid for endurance athletes when consumed in moderate amounts (3-6 mg per 1 kg of body weight) before or during physical activity.

The authors of the following study [6] suggest that a serving of coffee that contains approximately 3-8.1 mg of caffeine per 1 kg of body weight can safely be used as an alternative to caffeine-containing gels and tablets to improve endurance in cycling and running.

There have also been a number of studies [7,8] that confirm that caffeine intake increased time to failure in endurance athletes.

All this proves that caffeine has the potential to improve a runner's performance. However, it is equally important to check whether these improvements will be reflected in competitive results.

A subsequent study [9] addressed a similar issue. Using a 5K race as a test run, the scientists found that participants (15 trained runners and 15 amateurs) who took caffeine before the race were able to improve their performance by 1-1.1%. This means that a runner who runs a 5K in 20 minutes will potentially be able to do it 12-13 seconds faster.

Improves recovery after training. Sports science is clear about how caffeine improves performance. But what about taking caffeine post-run (whether as an ingredient in your post-workout shake or as a cup of coffee on the way home from your workout)?

A study [10] found that consuming caffeine in combination with carbohydrates was 66 percent more effective at restoring muscle glycogen stores than drinking a high-carbohydrate drink alone.

The beneficial effects of coffee on the body

Caffeine increases strength, endurance and activity, so drinking small doses of coffee before training will be beneficial for many athletes.

In addition, coffee is a permitted substance in bodybuilding. Bodybuilders often use it to build muscle mass.

Caffeine can also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, asthma, laryngeal cancer and liver disease.

Psychological impact

Caffeine provokes the central nervous system by blocking adenosine, a neurotransmitter that has a calming effect on the body. As a result of this blockage, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline.

With all this, the heart rate increases, the pupils dilate, the muscles tense, and glucose, a source of additional energy, enters the blood.

Caffeine triggers the creation of dopamine. Dopamine is a hormone that activates the pleasure centers of the brain. With this, scientists explain the frequent cases of addiction to coffee.

Caffeine burns fat

Caffeine provokes the nervous system, increasing the level of adrenaline in the blood. Adrenaline travels through the blood into fatty tissues, promoting their destruction.

By itself, the release of fatty acids, which have an effect on a person's overall weight, will not help you lose weight unless you burn more calories per day than you consume through food. This condition is called negative energy balance.

Systematic consumption of caffeine during competitions and before competitions will help you lose weight and keep your body in good shape.

Source of magnesium

The human body contains about 25 g of magnesium, most of which is found in the skeleton. The rest of the magnesium is found in muscles and other tissues.

Magnesium is important for converting carbohydrates and fats into forms of energy that cells can use. Magnesium is also involved in the development of new cell DNA and proteins.

For athletes, the usefulness of magnesium lies in the fact that this microelement specifically affects health, bone strength and regulates the functioning of muscles and nerves.

According to research studies, moderate consumption of caffeine will help increase magnesium secretion and slow down the process of its breakdown.

Toxicity of coffee for sports

The answer to the question of whether an athlete can drink coffee is personal.

Caffeine has its side effects, and the possible toxicity of coffee to an athlete’s body has been scientifically documented.

Caffeine during competition

At first glance, it may seem that coffee is a universal tool for increasing strength. And if athletes eat it, why not drink it in huge quantities before training and during competitions?

The fact is that side effects from a very large amount of coffee drunk (incontinence, upset stomach, depression) can completely interfere with the successful performance of an athlete, so you need to carefully monitor the dose.

The greatest mobilization of the body's resources will lead to unnecessary lethargy, so you should not disturb your sleep schedule, and you also need to have a good rest after performances.

In most cases, athletes drink coffee 1.5-2 hours before the start of the competition, so that the body has time to absorb caffeine and mobilize its strength.

So, when drinking coffee during competitions, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not drink more than 3 cups per day.
  2. Watch your sleep.
  3. Eat right.

Neglecting these nuances can lead to tangible bad consequences right before the development of serious diseases.

Side effects of caffeine

The more common side effects are:

  1. Increased blood pressure.
  2. Increased risk of heart attack.
  3. Risk of a gout attack.
  4. Frequent urination, incontinence.
  5. The appearance of signs of insomnia.
  6. Stomach upset and digestive difficulties.
  7. Severe migraines, migraines.
  8. Decreased fertility levels in women.
  9. The risk of miscarriages in women.
  10. Increased heart contraction.
  11. Worsening signs of menopause.
  12. Increased feelings of anxiety, depression.
  13. If carbonated drinks are consumed frequently, it can lead to obesity and diabetes.
  14. Interfering with the formation of collagen in the skin.
  15. Increased risk of bone fractures.
  16. Difficulties with hearing and vision.

To prevent these symptoms from appearing, you need to keep your caffeine intake under control.

The best amount per day for a healthy person is 300-400 mg. 1 cup of coffee contains 100-150 mg of this substance. Accordingly, if the drink is stronger (made in Turkish or espresso), then it will also contain more caffeine. Don’t drink a lot of strong coffee; people who drink coffee drinks, in turn, can use them as part of a fitness diet in limited quantities and exclusively in conjunction with healthy foods (drinking coffee or carbonated drinks on an empty stomach is contraindicated).

Coffee may help prevent type 2 diabetes

According to the American Diabetes Association, about 1.5 million people in the United States are diagnosed with diabetes each year, and about 7.2 million people have the disease but don't yet know it. Russia is in 4th place for this disease after America. Despite the fact that in our country the level of the disease is not as high as in the United States, scientists claim that residents of Russia are very close to the epidemiological threshold. By the way, according to research, it is an active lifestyle, including running, that helps avoid a diagnosis such as diabetes.

Researchers at Harvard University believe that drinking coffee may help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes, the most common form.

According to an analysis published in the journal Diabetes Care, the more coffee you drink, the less likely you are to develop type 2 diabetes. However, you can always overdo it! Don't forget that large amounts of caffeine can cause insomnia, stomach problems and headaches. Doctors recommend drinking no more than four 230 ml cups of coffee daily.

Coffee contains chromium, a mineral that helps the body use insulin, a hormone that in turn regulates blood sugar levels.

To drink or not to drink?

Since caffeine has, in addition to positive and negative qualities, it must be treated with caution.

It has been scientifically proven that caffeine increases endurance and, by converting subcutaneous fat into acid, promotes weight loss. But at the same time, it can lead to serious health dilemmas.

An athlete should definitely consult his own coach about whether he can drink coffee before training and during competitions.

If the decision is positive, you should start drinking coffee in small doses. To begin with, half a cup will be enough, then the dose can be increased. Most people get better results after taking 100-300 mg of caffeine 2 hours before training (that's 1-2 cups of coffee).

You can calculate the amount of caffeine you need based on your own weight. You can take 2 to 4 mg of caffeine for every kg of your weight. Even among the promoters of proper nutrition, someone comes to the conclusion that a morning cup of coffee is beneficial.

With all this, you need to keep in mind that coffee is a catalyst that will be effective only in cases of constant physical activity.

Is caffeine harmful to health?

When consumed in moderation, caffeine does not have any harmful effects on health.

According to the Mayo Clinic [15], up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day is safe for most adults. Exceeding this dose can lead to the following negative consequences:

  • migraine
  • insomnia
  • nervousness
  • irritability
  • Frequent urination or inability to control it
  • stomach upset
  • increased heart rate
  • muscle cramps.

The European Food Safety Authority is of a similar opinion – a single consumption of caffeine up to 200 mg (about 3 mg/kg for an adult) is safe for health [17]. The same dose will also be completely harmless if taken less than 2 hours before the start of intense physical activity.

The main fear many runners have regarding caffeine intake is its diuretic effect, and therefore possible problems with dehydration.

However, don't worry. In a scientific review [16], scientists from the University of Connecticut found that, contrary to common misconceptions, caffeine consumption does not lead to fluid and electrolyte imbalance or hyperthermia.

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