How to brew espresso at home Is it possible to brew strong coffee at home, and is it necessary?

Espresso is originally coffee prepared under high pressure. To create this drink, the history of which began more than a century ago, special coffee machines are used. But, even while at home and without expensive equipment, you can pamper yourself and your guests with a cup of this coffee bestseller.

Expresso coffee


  • fine ground coffee
  • sugar
  • water

Cooking method:

  1. Pour finely ground coffee and sugar into it, stir the contents and place the cezve over low heat without adding water first.
  2. Heat the aromatic mixture well, but make sure there is no smoke.
  3. Next, pour warm water into the container with coffee and bring the future espresso to a boil.
  4. After this, remove from heat and stir the contents.
  5. Place the Turk back on low heat and let the liquid boil.
  6. Now you can turn off the heat, cover the dish with a lid or saucer and allow the thick mixture to settle to the bottom.
  7. Espresso is served in small cups with thick walls, preheated with boiling water.

Enjoy your coffee!

Selection of coffee beans

The first rule of creating the right espresso is choosing the right coffee base. You can purchase a ready-made mixture in a package marked “espresso” or select beans for subsequent grinding. The latter should have a strong degree of roasting, but not be over-roasted, otherwise the coffee will taste bitter. When creating a mixture yourself, you need to take Arabica and Robusta beans in a 2:1 ratio - then the taste will be tart and rich!

The finished espresso mixture should be very finely ground, similar to river sand.

It is preferable to choose Italian coffee varieties, since they more often than others sell pure raw materials without flavored additives.

Espresso coffee at home


  • Ground or whole coffee beans
  • Filtered water
  • Granulated sugar
  • Salt

Cooking method:

  1. We grind coffee beans in a coffee grinder, you can use an electric coffee grinder, or, even better, you can use a manual coffee grinder.
  2. If you prefer to use pre-ground coffee, that's fine too. We take a small amount of teaspoons of ground coffee, it all depends on what strength you need, and put it in the Turk.
  3. Add sugar to taste.
  4. We also add a quarter teaspoon of coarse salt to the coffee.
  5. Mix the dry mixture of coffee, sugar and salt thoroughly and place on low heat.
  6. After the dry mixture has warmed up thoroughly, pour in heated water and place on low heat.
  7. After the coffee and salt begins to boil (foam rises), quickly remove from the heat, mix the liquid with the grounds with a teaspoon and return the pot to the heat.
  8. Secondary rise of the foam and remove the espresso coffee from the heat completely.
  9. Cover the coffee with a saucer and give the grounds some time to settle.
  10. Pour the finished drink into cups and you can taste it.
  11. I think I answered the question of how to make espresso coffee at home, and much tastier and better quality than in any bar.

Enjoy your coffee!

Espresso in French press

To avoid damaging the glass, first rinse the glass with hot water. Place four tablespoons of ground coffee in the bottom of the container. As soon as the water in the kettle begins to boil, turn it off and pour in coffee for two servings (500 ml). Do this slowly and carefully.

Then begin vigorously stirring the resulting mixture, and then slightly lower the press filter down. Let the drink steep for about five minutes - the longer, the stronger the coffee. Now slowly lower the filter all the way and pour the espresso into the cups. Be sure to use a strainer.

Homemade espresso recipe


  • Coffee
  • Filtered water
  • Granulated sugar

Cooking method:

  1. Pour coffee powder into the coffee maker holder and compact it with tamper.
  2. If done correctly, the water will flow through the powder very slowly.
  3. Standard 30 ml should be obtained in 20-30 seconds.
  4. The foam will be reddish and dense, with veins.
  5. If it turns out light, it means there was either not enough powder, or it was ground too coarsely.
  6. Try making the grind finer.
  7. If, on the contrary, the foam is dark, then either the grind is too small or there is a lot of coffee poured in.
  8. And a small detail: if you preheat the coffee maker by first filling the cup with just water, and only then start making coffee, the drink will turn out tastier.
  9. Water quality is also of great importance.
  10. Bad water can ruin any drink.
  11. Try different ones and compare.
  12. I have a good water filter, I'm happy with it.
  13. You can try different types of bottled.

Enjoy your coffee!

Espresso glassware

Traditionally, small cups made of thick-walled ceramic are used to serve this drink (see espresso cups). This allows you to keep your coffee hot longer without losing its taste and aroma.

If the drink is served in regular mugs or cups, it should be drunk immediately (see demitasse cups). Otherwise the taste is lost. Well, of course, it won’t look so aesthetically pleasing.

Classic espresso


  • 15 gr. ground Arabica, it is better to take the beans without roasting.
  • 60 milliliters of water.
  • granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Yes, the list of necessities is very modest, but nothing more is required to make espresso coffee at home.
  2. Now let’s start describing the stages of brewing coffee step by step, the instructions are as follows
  3. First of all, we prepare the beans, espresso coffee requires well-roasted, but not burnt, beans, so be careful when roasting.
  4. We've fried it, now we start grinding.
  5. The grinding should not be too fine, reminiscent of flour, light granules should still be “visible”.
  6. Ground espresso coffee with your own hands will make the drink just perfect.
  7. We place the empty pot on the stove and heat it up, pour our “ideal Arabica” into the heated cezve.
  8. Return the cezve to the fire and warm up the ground grains just a little.
  9. Add water to the pot; it is better to take filtered cold water.
  10. Stir and put on the stove to cook.
  11. We brew the espresso, wait for the foam to rise, it has risen, stir the “brew”.
  12. This procession with foam must be repeated three times.
  13. At the end of cooking, you should get a lush and fairly dense foam, remove the Turk from the stove.
  14. Remember, coffee should not be boiled
  15. As soon as it starts to bubble, remove the Turk from the stove.
  16. Using a spoon, remove the foam from the surface of the espresso and place it in your drinking cup.
  17. Pour the coffee on top and add the required amount of granulated sugar and stir.

Enjoy your coffee!

Types of espresso and their preparation

Perhaps not everyone will like only the classic version of this invigorating and bright drink. At home, you can prepare several versions of it, depending on the amount of ingredients:

  1. Actually a classic version. For 30 ml of water, take one teaspoon of finely ground coffee. Prepared according to the previously presented recipe in Turk.
  2. Doppio. From Italian this word is translated as “double”, that is, all the ingredients of the classic version are doubled, everything is prepared without changing the technology.
  3. Ristretto. A more “strict” option, when half as much water is taken to make the drink even more rich. Suitable for true connoisseurs of espresso coffee.
  4. Macchiato. To prepare this variety at home, simply add a little milk on top of the finished drink, brought to a foamy state.
  5. Lungo. Add the finished coffee with hot water to obtain a volume of 50 ml.
  6. Konpanna. Pour a standard amount of espresso into a cup. You can optionally add whipped cream, grated chocolate, and lemon zest on top.
  7. Romano. This citrus option is designed to refresh the coffee and diversify it. A small slice of lemon or orange is simply served with espresso brewed according to the classic recipe.
  8. Coretto. As an addition, for example, whiskey or liqueur can be used. Moreover, there are special names for such drinks depending on the type of alcohol chosen. Espresso with whiskey is Irish coffee, with vodka is Russian coffee, with schnapps is German coffee, with gin is English coffee. If we take the Italian version, then it is traditionally amaretto.
  9. Glasse. To prepare it, espresso is brought to a temperature of 10°, and then ice cream, cinnamon, chocolate or caramel are added as desired in proportions of 1:3.
  10. Cappuccino. A special feature of this type is the abundant milk foam. In Italy, it is customary to drink cappuccino for breakfast. You can add grated chocolate on top.
  11. Americano. In fact, this is a standard shot of espresso, diluted to the full volume of a coffee kettle. They are usually served in standard cups (120 ml).
  12. Latte. Here, rather, coffee acts as an addition; the basis is heated milk, into which espresso is poured in a small stream. On top is milk foam.
  13. Mocha. This is the same latte, only in changed proportions. Espresso and toppings are taken in a ratio of 1:3.

Turkish espresso coffee recipe

You can properly prepare this strong and invigorating drink not only in a coffee machine, but also with the help of an ordinary Turkish coffee pot. This process will take no more than 10 minutes, and the result will please the most scrupulous coffee lover.


  • finely ground coffee – 7 g;
  • water – 30 ml;
  • Turk.

Cooking method:

  1. Ground coffee beans are placed in a Turk and filled with clean drinking water.
  2. Before starting cooking, it is advisable to warm the Turk a little.
  3. The espresso is brewed over low heat until the coffee foam rises.
  4. Do not allow it to boil, otherwise the drink will lose its rich taste.
  5. After foam appears, remove the coffee from the heat, stir the contents of the Turk with a teaspoon and put it back on the heat.
  6. Wait until the foam rises again - the espresso is now ready.
  7. Leave the drink for a couple of minutes for the grounds to infuse.
  8. Pour the coffee into special cups called “demitas”.
  9. You can enjoy amazing rich coffee taste

Enjoy your coffee!

Differences between Americano and espresso coffee

Most people mistakenly believe that Americano and espresso are two similar drinks. Their composition is really similar to each other, but they are prepared completely differently.

Espresso has a richer coffee flavor than Americano

Main differences:

  1. To prepare an Americano, espresso is diluted with water to 180 ml. It turns out that 40 ml of espresso requires three times more water.
  2. Americano contains less caffeine. It has a weaker coffee taste.
  3. Americano is rich in fruity and woody flavors.
  4. To decorate the weak taste of Americano, milk and sugar are added. It is served mainly in large cups.
  5. Espresso has a stronger and richer taste.

Espresso recipe from a real barista


  • finely ground coffee
  • water

Cooking method:

  1. The first step is to place the ground coffee into the filter tank.
  2. The espresso base should be moderately dense so that water can seep through the coffee tablet evenly.
  3. Therefore, the mixture should be compacted with vigorous pressing movements, as if compressing it.
  4. Before pressing the pour button, you can do an interesting trick: lightly hit the ear (protruding part) of the holder to shake the coffee off its walls.
  5. It is also advisable to clear the coffee paths of any remaining grounds from the previous shot of espresso.
  6. Now we insert the holder into the coffee machine reservoir and immediately turn on the water dispensing button.
  7. This is necessary so that the coffee tablet does not have time to undergo a temperature change, otherwise the drink will become bitter.
  8. The appearance of golden nutty foam indicates that you have successfully prepared espresso.
  9. By the way, it is by the quality of the foam that you can determine whether the technology for its creation was followed correctly.
  10. The recipe from the barista assumes the presence of smooth and dense foam, the thickness of which should be at least 2 mm.
  11. To ensure that the foam turns out exactly like this, use a little trick: before preparing the drink, place the cups on the surface of the coffee machine so that their inner walls warm up.
  12. In this case, there will be no temperature difference after the water is supplied.

Enjoy your coffee!

How to serve espresso

Even well-prepared espresso can lose its taste if special rules for serving this coffee drink are not used:

  • Espresso is poured into special cups with thick walls - demitas. They are made of porcelain and have an interesting shape, gradually expanding towards the top. The cup volume is 60 ml, which corresponds to a standard portion of classic espresso.
  • Coffee must be served in a warm cup. You can first hold hot water in it or use the heating function, which is provided in some models of coffee machines.
  • When pouring espresso, make sure that the drink takes up no more than 2/3 of the volume of the cup, otherwise it will quickly lose its temperature and its taste.

Coffee Espresso


  • Coffee
  • Water

Cooking method:

  1. First of all, fill the coffee machine reservoir with water or connect it to the water supply (if your machine has such a function).
  2. Make sure the water has been filtered.
  3. Turn on the coffee machine and give it enough time to warm up.
  4. Depending on the size of your device, this may take up to 45 minutes, check this information with your manufacturer or check the instructions.
  5. Grind a few grains to a powder, but do not turn them into flour, the granules should be distinguishable.
  6. Add 18-21 g. ground coffee into the portafilter and press down
  7. Place the filter back into the machine and start the process.
  8. Before serving, stir the foam or pour the coffee into another cup.

Enjoy your coffee!

Why is water served with coffee? Is it possible to do without it?

Water is brought for a reason.
Its purpose is not the aesthetic side of the issue or the rules of table setting. Although most people prefer to go without water when drinking coffee, professional baristas do not recommend drinking coffee this way.

Reasons for this appearance:

  1. Water enhances the taste of coffee.

  2. Water reduces the amount of hydrochloric acid produced by the body. It helps with heartburn or when taken on an empty stomach in the morning.
  3. Caffeine increases blood pressure. Water reduces caffeine levels in the blood and regulates blood pressure.
  4. Coffee affects the diuretic system and removes water from the body. To avoid dehydration and restore water balance, you must not forget to drink water.

Espresso at home


  • Strongly brewed coffee
  • 2% or skim milk
  • Cocoa powder (if desired)

Cooking method:

  1. First you need to brew strong coffee.
  2. To do this we will use AeroPress.
  3. Next, pour the milk into the jar, about halfway, close the lid tightly and shake it as hard as possible.
  4. It is advisable to carry out this procedure for at least 30-60 seconds.
  5. Then open the lid and place the jar in the microwave for 30 seconds (adjust the temperature yourself).
  6. The microwave stabilizes the milk.
  7. Pour warm milk into the coffee, holding back the foam with a spoon.
  8. Add foam or whipped cream on top.
  9. Sprinkle with cocoa powder or nutmeg if desired.
  10. If you like flavored drinks, then fruit syrup should be added along with warm milk

Enjoy your coffee!

History of the name and origin of espresso

Translated from Italian, espresso means “prepared freshly, here, especially for you.” Proof of this version was the existence of freshly cut espresso spaghetti, sold in spaghetti in the 50s. XX century

The second hypothesis about the origin of the name indicates the similarity of sound with the terms “compressed”, “under pressure”. This theory arose because the liquid during the preparation of the drink is supplied under pressure.

The third version notes the similarity of the name with the word expresso. Aromatic, strong coffee can be prepared in just 30 seconds.

The novelty appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. in Italy. Then the first coffee machines were invented, with the help of which the time for brewing coffee was greatly reduced.

The disadvantage of the first experiments was the deterioration in the taste of the drink in comparison with the version prepared in cezves. The problem was solved by Achille Gaggia, a bartender from Milan.

He came up with a new cooking technology in which hot water was supplied under high pressure. Since the liquid temperature did not reach 100°, the flavor of the beans developed. At the same time, there was no burning sensation.

The drink spread throughout the world in the 60s. XX century After the war, many local residents moved from Italy to neighboring countries. When moving, the Italians opened a cafe where espresso was always on the menu.

The drink came to the United States of America, Russia, and European countries, where it quickly gained popularity. It was appreciated even in Asia. Residents of eastern countries, however, prefer chilled, diluted with ice, to the classic version.

Delicious espresso with milk


  • one teaspoon of grain, ground or instant strong coffee,
  • half a glass of hot boiled water and one glass of milk

Cooking method:

  1. It is best to prepare a latte in a special tall Irish glass and serve with a comfortable high spoon.
  2. Brew coffee in a way that suits you.
  3. In a coffee maker, coffee machine, or simply pour boiling water in a mug if you are using instant coffee.
  4. The coffee must be strong enough.
  5. The most delicious latte will be made from a coffee mixture that will contain at least 10-20% robusta.
  6. Pour the milk into a separate container, it is best to use a French press, and heat it up a little, the main thing is not to bring the milk to a boil.
  7. It is enough to heat it to 50-60 degrees.
  8. This can be done either on an electric stove or in a microwave oven.
  9. It will be enough to put milk in the microwave for 40 seconds, setting the power to 600 W.
  10. Now you need to beat the milk using a blender or mixer.
  11. Beat thoroughly, at least 3-5 minutes, until an airy foam forms; as a result, it should be much fluffier than cappuccino foam.
  12. If you don’t have a mixer or blender at hand, you can use the same French press.
  13. Pour milk into it, close the lid and move the piston up and down over the surface of the milk.
  14. The foam should also be very thick and rich.
  15. Then you need to pour the milk into a pre-prepared tall transparent Irish glass.
  16. Carefully spread the foam on top if there is any left in the mixer or blender.
  17. After this, carefully pour the brewed coffee into the milk in a thin stream.
  18. The stream must be very thin, only then can you taste a real latte.
  19. The layers of coffee, milk and foam should not mix with each other.
  20. If you froth the milk correctly and carefully pour in the coffee, you will have a flaky, three-layer cocktail.
  21. The coffee should be between the milk and the milk foam.
  22. Clear identification of all three layers is the main sign that you have a real latte coffee.
  23. Finally, if you wish, you can sprinkle the top of the latte with grated chocolate or cinnamon.

Enjoy your coffee!

The difference between espresso and other types of coffee

What is the difference between espresso coffee and Americano, cappuccino and latte? Espresso is easily confused with several other drinks that contain caffeine. For example, Americano is the same as espresso, just more water is added to it. The volume of a standard serving of Americano is 120 milliliters, while espresso weighs only 30 milliliters. Sometimes an Americano is made with one or two shots of espresso.

Espresso is confused with cappuccino and latte, but these drinks have many differences. Cappuccino, like latte, is prepared with the addition of milk or cream, as a result of which it has a higher calorie content compared to espresso.

Expresso with milk (latte)


  • 10 g coffee (ground)
  • 80 ml filtered water
  • 150 ml frothed milk
  • 2 tsp Sahara

Cooking method:

  1. First, grind the beans in a coffee grinder.
  2. You can also use ready-made ground or instant coffee if there is no other option.
  3. But as you can imagine, whole beans make the most delicious latte.
  4. Well, pour the prepared powder into a Turk and, filling it with the planned amount of water, cook until it boils over minimal heat.
  5. Make sure the coffee doesn't run away.
  6. At the same time, bring the full-fat milk to a boil (but not a boil), which we immediately pour into a tall metal container (like a mug or glass) and beat the liquid with a mixer until a stable foam appears.
  7. If the milk is at the required temperature (60-70 degrees) and fat content (from 3.2), then you will do this in 1-2 minutes.
  8. If you're worried it won't foam (or it does), add a little cream.
  9. Moreover, they can be whipped together with milk, or you can do this in a separate bowl and lay them out as a top layer at the end of our culinary process.
  10. At the next stage, remove the finished coffee from the heat, pour white sugar inside to taste and mix the drink well.
  11. Next, take the glass of milk in your hand, carefully lift it a couple of times and sharply lower it to the table surface.
  12. Such blows will destroy large bubbles in the foam, making it more stable and uniform in consistency.
  13. All the ingredients are ready, all that remains is to design our drink.
  14. To do this, pour the strained coffee into a tall glass glass, preferably narrowed at the bottom.
  15. Now add warm milk in a thin stream, trying to keep the foam on top.
  16. If everything is done correctly, you will get three layers: creamy coffee, white milky and delicate foam.
  17. By the way, it can be decorated with cinnamon or finely grated chocolate.
  18. But in addition to the classic version, many baristas offer other latte recipes, which we will introduce you to in this collection.

Enjoy your coffee!

How many grams of coffee do you need for a cup of espresso?

For a traditional 35-40 ml espresso shot, 7 grams of ground coffee will be enough. If you want to brew double espresso, then the portion of coffee needs to be increased to 14-15 g.

Experts advise using 10 grams. coffee for an espresso shot if you are making coffee from Arabica beans. It is not so strong, so the portion of ground grain can be increased if you want to get a strong drink.

In some countries, the serving of espresso is larger than Italian rules dictate. So, in the USA, espresso can reach up to 100 ml, and in northern Europe a serving is 60-80 ml, but the same 7-10 grams of ground coffee are added to a cup of espresso.

Ice espresso with milk


  • 110 ml milk
  • 60 ml espresso
  • 10 ml chocolate syrup
  • 5 ml vanilla syrup
  • 5-6 ice cubes

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the finished espresso with vanilla and chocolate syrup.
  2. Crush the ice cubes (or use whole ones) and pour into a tall glass.
  3. Then pour the sweet aromatic coffee inside, then carefully, in the thinnest stream possible, introduce the boiled milk, whipped to foam.

Enjoy your coffee!

Espresso-based coffee drinks

Dopio or double espresso is a standard serving doubled.

Coretto is made by adding a few drops of grappa or Scotch whiskey to a cup.

To obtain Romano, pour in 5 ml of lemon juice and sprinkle with zest.

To prepare Americano, add boiling water. In cafes, hot water is often served separately so that the visitor can independently adjust the strength.

If you add milk or cream, you get raffe, cappuccino, latte.

Expresso Macchiato


  • 2 teaspoons ground Arabica.
  • 200 ml. hot water.
  • Fat milk can be 5% fat - 250 ml.
  • Sugar to your taste.

Cooking method:

  1. The list of ingredients that will start the process of making latte macchiato coffee is very modest and without any strange products.
  2. Now let’s go through the steps of preparation step by step, the instructions for home baristas are as follows
  3. First of all, you must brew a strong espresso, and it is on its basis that our aromatic drink is prepared.
  4. Pour all the crushed Arabica beans into a Turk and add hot water.
  5. Move the resulting “slurry” and place the Turk on the stove, turn on the gas and cook.
  6. Cook until the “brew” begins to boil.
  7. We repeat this procedure with “under-boiling” 5 times.
  8. All manipulations were carried out, the espresso was removed from the stove and set aside.
  9. You can add sugar.
  10. Our 5% fat milk should form a nice, fluffy foam in the drink.
  11. If you took milk with a fat content of 2.5%, then you would not achieve foam.
  12. Pour the milk into a saucepan and put it on the stove to warm up.
  13. Heat it up and remove it as soon as the boiling process begins.
  14. We take a kitchen whisk in our hands and begin to actively whisk the milk in the saucepan.
  15. Beat until foam forms.
  16. Foam has formed, pour it into a tall glass.
  17. Now there will be a scheme for mixing two ingredients, we act carefully and slowly, because this is the only way to get a delicious latte macchiato with beautiful layers that smoothly flow into each other.
  18. You need to pour the espresso in a thin stream into the tall glass where the milk foam is located.
  19. Raise the saucepan with coffee higher and then everything will work out.
  20. The espresso should penetrate straight into the middle of the glass, turning the foam a brownish tint.

Enjoy your coffee!

Should it be consumed before or after a coffee drink?

In order for the drink to benefit the body, give a unique sensation to the receptors and not leave a bad aftertaste, you need to drink a few sips of water before, during and after drinking espresso. Each of these actions has its own logical explanation.

Drinking water before drinking coffee is necessary in order to eliminate the remnants of previous food on the taste buds and prepare them to perceive coffee notes. Then a person will be able to enjoy the whole palette of sensations and retain a pleasant aftertaste for a long time.

During administration, you need to alternate between the drink and H2O . Even after the first sips of espresso, you cannot fully feel its taste and aroma. Therefore, to sharpen the sensations, coffee lovers are advised to drink some water.

Then the next sips will again become rich in sensation, and the invigorating property will appear even more intensely. Water also dilutes the cloying or sourness if it is present in the drink and relieves the feeling of thirst after a while.

You need to drink water (about 200 ml) after coffee about 15-20 minutes so as not to deprive yourself of the coffee aftertaste. Reasons for drinking water after espresso:

  1. Teeth protection .
    The drink leaves a yellow coating on the enamel, which is absorbed into it and spoils the whiteness of the teeth. Dentists advise drinking a little water after espresso to wash away the coffee pigment and prevent it from being absorbed. Otherwise, a subsequent negative effect on the enamel will be ensured.

  2. Cardiovascular protection . If you drink a little cool, clean water immediately after drinking the drink, the drinks will mix in the stomach, and the effect of coffee on the heart and blood vessels will be minimized. Water protects the cardiovascular system from overload, regulates heart rate and prevents sudden increases in heart or blood pressure.
  3. Protection against vasoconstriction of the kidneys . If a person suffers from kidney disease, he simply needs to drink a glass of water to prevent narrowing of the renal vessels and prevent the occurrence of aching pain.
  4. Protection against dehydration . Having diuretic properties, coffee can have a bad effect on human mucous tissue and skin. By drinking water after espresso, a person prevents excess fluid loss.
  5. Eliminating aftertaste . To get rid of the cloying bitter or sour feeling in your mouth, you need to drink a glass of water.

Caramel expresso macchiato


  • Water (2 cups).
  • Sugar (1.5 cups).
  • Vanilla extract (3 ml).

Cooking method:

  1. Pasteurized milk (250 ml).
  2. Espresso (60-80 g).
  3. Liquid caramel (4 teaspoons).
  4. Vanilla syrup (2 teaspoons).
  5. Place water with sugar in an enamel saucepan and bring it to a boil, then simmer for five minutes over low heat.
  6. Vanilla syrup should be added in a small amount at the end of cooking.
  7. Stir the caramel as soon as you remove it from the heat.
  8. Pour the mixture into a glass jar or bottle when it has cooled.
  9. Now you can move on to preparing the macchiato itself.
  10. For this you will need
  11. Heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil.
  12. Brew espresso.
  13. Add vanilla syrup to warm milk and beat the mixture with a mixer - foam should form.
  14. Pour it into glasses (they should be 2/3 full).
  15. Pour hot coffee into glasses with foam, but be careful: it should not mix with milk.
  16. Use caramel to decorate the macchiato and the drink is ready.

Enjoy your coffee!

Coffee Frappe

Brew a shot of espresso in its classic variation and let it cool. To prepare, you will need a glass that can be hermetically sealed, such as a shaker. We pour the prepared coffee there, add a couple of teaspoons of sugar and no more than 5 tablespoons of water.

Close the glass and shake it thoroughly - you should get plenty of foam. Now take a serving glass, a transparent one will look very advantageous. Place a few ice cubes there and pour the resulting coffee foam on top.

If you find the drink too strong, you can add cream or cold milk to taste. All that remains is to mix everything.

Expresso with milk


  • 100 ml milk;
  • coffee beans;
  • sugar and/or cocoa powder (to taste);
  • a cup of espresso (volume about 70 ml).

Cooking method:

  1. Whisk the milk directly into the espresso cup;
  2. Place a cup under the coffee dispensing spout and dispense espresso coffee;
  3. Sprinkle with cocoa powder.

Enjoy your coffee!

Anatomy of an espresso

Espresso is not just a drink that is denser and more concentrated than a filter. It consists of the following layers:


This is the golden brown top layer of espresso containing proteins, oils and melanoidins (derived from a combination of sugar and amino acids). Not all coffees produce dense crema, and this is often a topic of debate: some consider crema to be the source of bitterness in espresso, while others consider it a sign of a great shot.


This is the main part of an espresso shot, combining both acidity and sweetness. It can also be considered by dividing it into two parts - the body and the heart. The body is the caramel-brown middle part of the drink. As for the heart, this is the base of the espresso, usually a richer, richer brown in color.

A cup of espresso.

No. 7. Optimal extraction

  • Balanced taste
  • Sweet, with positive acidity and minimal bitterness
  • Dense body
  • The aftertaste is long and pleasant
  • Bright, pleasant aroma
  • Creams are alive, elastic

By following the checklist, practicing and experimenting, we will eventually find that very good espresso. After all, there is no ideal recipe; it all depends on the individuality of the person and the specific grain. Use good, clean equipment, recommended parameters and everything will work out!

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How much espresso can you drink per day?

A safe dose of caffeine for a relatively healthy person is considered to be 300 mg, that is, about 5-6 servings of espresso of 40-50 ml. We recommend postponing your main coffee consumption until 16:00. The greatest positive effect of espresso is achieved in the morning and after lunch. In the evening, it is better not to drink caffeine-containing drinks, so as not to provoke the nervous system into overload.

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