Starbucks cold drink guide: coffee, tea and lemonade that are delicious and fun

Hidden Starbucks advertising from Apple

During the presentation of the first iPhone in 2007, Steve Jobs called Starbucks to demonstrate the capabilities of the new smartphone.

Jobs used Google Maps to find a coffee shop near him and dial its phone number on his iPhone. Having reached the phone, the Apple CEO, in an absolutely serious voice, ordered four thousand lattes to go, then apologized, explained to the operator that he was joking and had the wrong number, and then hung up to loud laughter from the audience.

It turned out to be a very funny hidden advertisement for one of the most famous coffee companies in the world.

Types and cost of coffee at Starbucks

The Starbucks coffee collection includes more than 100 varieties and blends of selected Arabica beans collected from plantations in Ethiopia, Guatemala, Colombia, Indonesia, and Kenya. Depending on the type of grain, it is subjected to appropriate processing - wet, dry or semi-dry.

Starbucks coffee servings have their own names:

  • shorts - 8 oz, 237 ml;
  • toll – 12 ounces, 354 ml;
  • Grande – 16 ounces, 473 ml;
  • venti – 20 oz., 591 ml.

Main range:

  • Espresso;
  • Espresso Cop Pana;
  • Espresso Macchiato;
  • Americano;
  • Cappuccino;
  • Caramel Macchiato;
  • Latte;
  • Latte Macchiato;
  • Mocha;
  • Flat White;
  • Matcha Tea Latte;
  • Spiced Tea Latte;
  • hot chocolate;
  • green tea;
  • hot milk, etc.

Please note that each type of drink can be prepared from different types of coffee. This is one of the secrets of the perfect taste of Starbucks products. After all, everyone can choose a drink that fully suits their taste.

You can order your favorite drink hot or cold, prepared in a coffee machine or French press. You can also always have a snack in the company's coffee shops. The main line, aimed at quality of products and service, remains to this day. This is what attracts more and more clients.

The prices of some products can be seen in the photo:

Prices are for coffee shops in Moscow.

Company's mission

Today, Starbucks coffee shops can be found in 67 countries, and the total number of outlets already exceeds 22 thousand. The total number of network personnel is 140 thousand people.

Starbucks sells organic coffee, espresso-based drinks, a variety of hot and cold drinks, sandwiches, coffee beans, tea, and accessories for preparing and serving coffee.

But company CEO Howard Schultz isn't talking about coffee.

Starbucks coffee shops do not sell coffee. They sell a third place between home and work, where a person would feel comfortable. Howard Schultz

This is one of the company's missions - to provide a comfortable place to relax. The most surprising thing is that the atmosphere of a coffee shop and its menu may differ depending on the country or even the city in which it is located:

  • American Starbucks may not have a caramel Frappuccino on its menu.
  • In Hong Kong you can buy freshly squeezed guava juice in branded bottles
  • Caramel syrup is missing from Canadian menus
  • In Vienna, visitors take off their shoes and climb up onto the sofas
  • In Germany there are pancakes on the menu
  • Dubai Starbucks is a real lounge-cafe where you can completely relax in chic leather chairs
  • In New York you can find yourself in a cafe with a completely businesslike atmosphere, where everyone is working on their laptop.
  • In Japan, Starbucks coffee shops can be found directly in bookstores

Despite the common attributes - Wi-Fi, green aprons, a table with spices, each Starbucks is a small, cozy world of good coffee lovers in its own way.

Today we will talk about unusual menu items that can only be tried in certain countries of the world. Go!

Starbucks Cold Beverage Guide

Summer means new experiences, meeting friends and long walks. Refreshing drinks are what you need to cheer you up and continue your adventures! To begin with, you should decide what you prefer - chilled coffee or tea? Or maybe a bright Frappuccino or colorful lemonade?

Have you made your choice? Then scroll on and read about your favorite! To help every guest choose their own flavor of summer, we've put together a guide to Starbucks cold drinks.

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♥ For coffee lovers...

Coffee lovers, waking up on a hot summer morning, should not deny themselves the desired cup of an invigorating drink. Starbucks offers a cold version of the classic drink. Chilled Latte and Cold Craft Cappuccino, as well as the favorite coffee shop guests around the world - Caramel Macchiato, will be waiting for you at Starbucks to give you a good mood for the whole day! And if you want your coffee to sparkle with new colors, try your favorite drink with almond milk or add an unusual syrup.

For gourmets, Starbarks offers an alternative to traditional iced coffee - Cold Brew. It is prepared using a unique brewing method that lasts more than 20 hours. As a result, the coffee acquires sweet citrus and chocolate notes. (And there's also a Cold Brew Latte!) Starting the day with great coffee will be a great incentive to get out of bed and enjoy a new summer day!

♥ Come for tea!

Are you a tea fan? Starbucks has a surprise for you too. For the first time in Russia Rooibos Red Apple Tea Latte. Sounds tempting, doesn't it? In summer, try its chilled version - juicy with a bright apple flavor and delicate herbal tea. Plus, the bright drink will look great in summer photos!

♥ Do you want something unusual? Then Frappuccino is your ideal option!

Frappuccino can be prepared with both coffee and cream bases. And, of course, for those who are watching their figure, any Frappuccino can be made on a low-calorie basis. So don't be afraid to experiment! For chocolate lovers - Mocha Frappuccino or Chocolate Java Frappuccino. If you want something coffee-y, try the Espresso Frappuccino. And for the most discerning and sophisticated, Starbucks offers a combination of classic Frappuccino and vanilla syrup - Vanilla Cream Frappuccino.

♥ I want both... Frappuccino + tea!

If you're a mixer, Starbucks offers the much-loved Green Tea Frappuccino. Bright and refreshing - matcha tea, vanilla syrup, ice, milk and whipped cream... An incredible combination that will not leave you indifferent and will certainly give you strength for summer adventures!

♥ Need to quench your thirst quickly? Lemonade is your best assistant!

Teavana Shaken lemonade is a combination of iced tea and fruit syrups that will easily quench your thirst after long walks. The most popular flavor of the season is Mango Lemonade Black Hour - an incredible combination of exotic fruits! And this summer's new product is Raspberry-Apple Lemonade based on green tea. It is presented only in Russia! Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy a soft pink drink!

Enjoy summer with cold Starbucks drinks!

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Red Bean Green Tea Frappuccino

Translation: Green Tea Red Bean Frappuccino Where sold: China and some Asian countries

Tea with beans sounds strange, of course. In Asian countries, adzuki (that's what beans are called in Chinese) is a common sweet. The beans are boiled with sugar, and sometimes sweet puree is made from it.

At Starbucks, sweetened red beans are placed on top of a Frappuccino whipped cream.

Tea based drinks

If you prefer tea, then Starbucks will find something to please you too. For example, quite recently, Rooibos Red Apple Tea Latte appeared for the first time in Russia, whose chilled version combines subtle shades of the original herbal tea and the juicy taste of apple syrup.

Rooibos Red Apple Tea Latte

For Frappuccino fans, Starbucks offers the Green Tea Frappuccino, already loved by many guests. The unique combination of matcha tea, vanilla syrup, ice, milk and whipped cream is a great alternative to coffee. Bright refreshing Green Tea Frappuccino will charge you with the summer mood!

Green Tea Frappuccino

Hojicha Frappuccino with Earl Gray Jellio

Translation: Japanese Green Tea Frappuccino and Earl Gray Jelly Where sold: Japan and some Asian countries

An interesting mixture of Asian and European drink culture.

The base is Japanese green tea (hojicha), which is roasted over charcoal. During the unique roasting process, its leaves change color from green to dark red. This roasting reduces the percentage of caffeine in tea.

Hojicha is infused into a specially prepared Earl Gray jelly, which is a combination of black tea flavored with bergamot peel and flower oil.

Teavana Shaken lemonades

Teavana Shaken Lemonade with iced tea and fruit syrups becomes a favorite refreshing drink for many Starbucks guests every year. So, in the summer heat, the tonic Ice Tea Lemonade, which can be prepared with black and green tea, will easily quench your thirst after long walks. And Mango Black Tea Lemonade, one of the most popular flavors of the season, continues to delight lovers of exotic fruits. New this summer is Raspberry-Apple Lemonade based on green tea, which is presented only in Russia. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the bright fruity taste of this soft pink drink!

Teavana Shaken lemonades

Enjoy summer with cold Starbucks drinks!


Tiramisu Frappuccino

Translation: Tiramisu Frappuccino Where sold: Japan

This drink can now be found not only in the Land of the Rising Sun. This is a seasonal offer in some countries around the world. A standard Frappuccino is topped with cream cheese mousse and topped with cocoa powder.

The white version of the drink uses a caramel Frappuccino as a base and also adds cheese mousse. The top is sprinkled with cookies and chocolate chips.

Algarrobina Frappuccino

Translation: Algarrobina Frappuccino Where sold: Peru

Algarrobina is a sweet syrup obtained from the black carob tree. The syrup contains an amazing variety of vitamins and is often used in cocktails as a natural sweetener.

The drink is based on mocha coffee and chocolate chips, and topped with whipped cream and an unusual syrup.

White Peach Frappuccino

Translation: White Peach Frappuccino Where sold: Japan

The most unexpected thing is that, despite the name, there is no peach in this drink at all. Frappuccinos contain mango pulp, which is mixed with white mocha syrup, after which cream is added.

Surprisingly, the resulting mix tastes similar to white peach.

Yoghurt Frappuccino

Translation: Yogurt Frappuccino Where sold: Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria

This seasonal drink first appeared on the Starbucks menu last summer. It is based on classic yogurt. The drink was available in three flavors: honey, strawberry and banana. Next summer you can expect new flavor fillings.

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