“Golden Label” (cocoa): composition and benefits

Cocoa is everyone’s favorite drink, originally from childhood, it not only charges you with positive energy, but also saturates the body with useful substances and microelements.

The powder has:

  • antioxidants that slow down the aging process;
  • polyphenols , which affect blood circulation in the central nervous system and improve memory function;
  • pleasure hormone - dopamine .

Another advantage of cocoa powder is the presence of caffeine, which invigorates and tones the body. Therefore, a dose of the drink in the morning can be an excellent alternative to a cup of tea or coffee.

Many people refuse this product due to its high calorie content, but if consumed correctly, you can only get invaluable benefits without extra pounds. The most important thing is to purchase a quality product made from natural ingredients. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the amount of sugar, the absence of flavor enhancers and chemical additives. There is also a risk of getting regular carob, a derivative of carob, instead of rich cocoa powder.

To avoid bad purchases and save your budget, it is important to know the best manufacturers on the market and their product.
The presented rating is based on the results of independent laboratory tests “Roskontrol” and “Test Purchase”. Poll: What do you pay attention to when choosing a product?

History of Golden Label cocoa

Until the end of the 19th century, cocoa beans and powder were practically not used in Russia, while in Europe chocolate was prepared from it specifically for medicinal purposes - to combat fatigue and strengthen memory. This was the case until 1908. At this time, the confectionery factory “Einem Partnership”, founded by the Germans in 1851 in Moscow, right on Arbat, produced the first dessert chocolate “Golden Label”. Cocoa with this name is still sold today, and is produced in the same factory, which in 1922 was renamed Red October.

Today, “Golden Label” is the same exquisite natural powder made from aromatic cocoa beans. To this day, it is recognized as the best by both amateurs and gourmets with the highest demands.

Cocoa "Golden Label": composition

Until some time, the composition of the powder was exclusively natural, and it did not contain anything other than cocoa. And this technology has been supported for many years. However, quite recently, the Red October confectionery factory moved away from its traditions and began producing “Golden Label”, which contains not only powder, but also a flavor identical to natural - “vanilla”. Thanks to this, the drink prepared on its basis became even more aromatic.

Otherwise, “Golden Label” (cocoa) is still made from familiar ingredients. The manufacturer, as before, uses only natural beans.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Cocoa powder is a product known to be high in fat (15g). This, by the way, is also a sign of its quality. If the packaging of such a product indicates a fat content of less than 12 g, this means that it is not made from natural beans. Fats in the amount of 15 g per 100 g of product are contained in traditional Red October cocoa.

The Golden Label has the following nutritional values:

  • proteins - 25.6 g;
  • fats - 15 g;
  • carbohydrates - 29.6 g.

The calorie content of the product per 100 grams is 364 kcal. It contains vitamins B, A, E, PP, saturated fatty acids, trace elements calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, as well as organic acids and sugars.

Rating of the best cocoa powders

“DoReMix” is the winner of the TV show “Test Purchase”

This “candidate” became a leader in the TV show rating during a laboratory study. According to experts, it contains the least amount of additives. The manufacturer indicated on the packaging that the product is made from sugar, cocoa powder, vanilla flavoring and vitamin supplements. Therefore, “DoReMix” cannot be called perfect, since sugar comes first, which means its quantity is predominant.

According to consumers and their reviews, this cocoa powder has a beautiful chocolate shade and is not oversweetened. The texture is thick, but dissolves easily. The taste is bright and rich.

Weight, gr.200
Price, rub80
Compoundsugar, cocoa powder, natural vanilla flavor
Energy value per 100 g380 kcal

Advantages and disadvantages

  • rich taste
  • good consistency
  • large amounts of sugar

“Nesquik” – consumer choice in popular vote

When voting, program participants gave special preference to the much-advertised Nesquik cocoa from the world. When tasting, folk experts paid attention to good taste, smell, color and texture.

The powder is classified as instant, so it is a good option for a snack or drink for breakfast. The composition contains a complex of vitamins, iron, zinc and potassium, but also contains dyes and flavor enhancers. The mass fraction of fat is 20%, which is slightly higher than that of other representatives of this rating.

Weight, gr.1000
Price, rub265
Compoundsugar, reduced fat cocoa powder, emulsifier (soy lecithin), maltodextrin, salt, vitamin premix (vitamins: C, B1, D), natural flavor (creamy vanilla), minerals (zinc citrate, ferrous pyrophosphate), cinnamon ; product may contain milk
Energy value per 100 g379 kcal

Advantages and disadvantages

  • children love
  • fast cooking speed
  • pleasant taste
  • acceptable price
  • contains flavor enhancers and dyes

Market/Perekrestok is a leader according to Roskontrol

This representative of cocoa powder has become the absolute leader in terms of naturalness and safety. According to laboratory tests, this product fully corresponds to the information stated on the packaging. The only thing that the manufacturer indicated incorrectly is the percentage of fat content. In fact, the proportion of fat exceeds the declared amount by 30%.

Research also confirmed that the powder was manufactured strictly in accordance with GOST 108-2014. There are no pesticides, flavor enhancers or other food additives.

Weight, gr.100
Price, rub45
Compoundcocoa powder
Energy value per 100 g225 kcal

Advantages and disadvantages

  • high-quality composition
  • reasonable price
  • complies with GOST
  • safe for consumption
  • natural product
  • mass fraction of fat is 30% more than indicated

"Kommunarka" - high-quality and safe powder

This product combines the traditional taste of cocoa and premium production quality. According to the Roskontrol rating, Kommunarka is recognized as a safe product, made from high-quality grated cocoa, partially defatted by pressing.

The powder is universal, it is suitable for making drinks, desserts, baked goods, glazes and creams. Also, the taste of this cocoa has creamy and vanilla shades. It's quick and easy to prepare, just mix with sugar, milk and heat.

A fact to consider when purchasing this product is that there is a slight deviation in the fat content stated. According to laboratory studies by Roskontrol, the discrepancy is about 10%.

Weight, gr.150
Price, rub87
Compoundcocoa cake (partially defatted cocoa mass by pressing), vanillin flavoring
Energy value per 100 g328 kcal

Advantages and disadvantages

  • made from natural cocoa beans
  • no chemicals
  • meets safety requirements
  • error in determining the mass fraction of fat
  • slight excess of ash content

“Shokomishka” is a participant in the test purchase

This brand also participated in the Test Buy program, but did not emerge as a winner based on research or consumer opinion. However, this is a very worthy product. Contains 100% Spanish cocoa, Belarusian milk powder, vitamins A, E, K, Na, P, Mg, Ca, whey, vanilla, salt.

For a low price, the buyer receives cocoa powder with a natural composition, pleasant taste and aroma. An undoubted advantage is the low sugar content. Also, the manufacturer does not add harmful substances or food additives to the product, so the drink can be given to children from a young age.

Weight, gr.150
Price, rub100
Compoundgranulated sugar or powdered sugar, demineralized whey powder, natural cocoa powder, alkalized cocoa powder, skimmed milk powder, iodized table salt, flavoring identical to natural
Energy value per 100 g380 kcal

Advantages and disadvantages

  • good composition
  • enriched with vitamins
  • low amount of sugar
  • preservatives present

"Royal Premium" - cocoa with comments from Roskontrol

According to research results, this product received a high rating in terms of “safety”, despite the fact that during an inspection, Roskontrol revealed the presence of two pesticides. The amount of harmful substances does not exceed the permissible limit.

The laboratory also detected a deviation from the specified mass fraction of fat. The bottom line is that a good natural powder cannot be less than 12% fat content, and according to the results in Royal Premium it is only 10.6%, which is 2 grams less.

Otherwise, the composition of this product is good. The manufacturer uses premium varieties of cocoa beans as raw materials. This powder is also rich in zinc, iron and melanin.

Weight, gr.100
Price, rub70
Compoundnatural cocoa powder
Energy value per 100 g316 kcal

Advantages and disadvantages

  • safe product
  • presence of useful macroelements
  • rich chocolate taste
  • deviation from the required fat percentage
  • presence of two pesticides

“Russia is a generous soul” - alkalized cocoa

Buyers choose this product for its low consumption, chocolate taste and pleasant sweetness. The cocoa aroma is similar to natural dark chocolate. Moreover, this powder is excellent for making desserts and creams.

Despite the fact that Roskontrol has recognized this product as absolutely safe for consumption, it contains the pesticide metalaxyl, but its actual value does not exceed the permissible value. Also, the cocoa sample under study contains ash and acidity, which is primarily characteristic of alkalized cocoa, which the manufacturer does not declare.

Weight, gr.100
Price, rub80
Compoundcocoa powder
Energy value per 100 g268 kcal

Advantages and disadvantages

  • universal powder
  • minimum product consumption
  • rich taste and aroma
  • presence of pesticide
  • poorly soluble

“Sweet Island” - a vitamin drink for children

This cocoa powder also participated in the ratings of the TV show “Test Purchase”. He did not make it to the final round, as he was underestimated by the people's jury. In fact, the product is worthy.

In appearance, cocoa consists of large lumps that dissolve easily and quickly when cooked. It tastes like sweet chocolate with a hint of vanilla. Customer reviews are more than positive. “The taste, color and smell of the drink are the same as what my mother treated me to as a child,” they say on review sites.

The composition contains sugar, so it is not necessary to use it during preparation. The manufacturer also added many useful components: vitamins B, C, PP, folic acid, biotin and calcium.

Weight, gr.300
Price, rub69
CompoundGranulated sugar, cocoa powder, lecithin emulsifier, table salt, tricalcium phosphate, vitamin premix (vitamins B1, B6, B12, PP, C, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin), Vanillin flavoring.
Energy value per 100 g370 kcal

Advantages and disadvantages

  • low cost
  • presence of vitamins and beneficial components
  • aroma
  • Possible sweet taste due to sugar

“Golden Label/Red October” – classic cocoa with the taste of childhood

A pure and natural powder with rich vanilla flavor that has been produced since 1908. In the first place is cocoa extracted from beans, and not sugar, so the taste of the drink is very rich and bright.

According to verified research by Roskontrol, the product does not contain pesticides and there are no other violations of safety requirements during production. The only thing that the manufacturer did not take into account was the starch content, which is not typical for this category of product. The laboratory also found a slight deviation in fat mass fraction of 13 grams.

Weight, gr.100
Price, rub85
Compoundcocoa powder, vanilla flavoring
Energy value per 100 g350 kcal

Advantages and disadvantages

  • rich chocolate taste
  • no pesticides
  • starch present
  • discrepancy between the specified fat percentage
  • there is a risk of buying a fake

"Dr. Oetker" - dark cocoa for drinks and desserts

Housewives mainly use this cocoa powder for baking. It has a rich flavor and deep dark red hue, which is perfect for making desserts. It also makes good and aromatic drinks.

As experts note, “this is the right cocoa,” due to its natural composition without impurities and unnecessary flavors.

Weight, gr.100
Price, rub90
Compoundalkalized cocoa powder
Energy value per 100 g300 kcal

Advantages and disadvantages

  • ideal for baking
  • good composition
  • high price per 100 grams

Poll: What do you pay attention to when choosing a product?

The benefits of cocoa for the body

The Mayan and Aztec Indians knew about the benefits of aromatic beans, and in European countries in the 18th century it was used as medicine. “Golden Label” cocoa made from natural raw materials is also useful.

Its benefits for the body are as follows:

  1. Cocoa is a powerful antioxidant, much more effective than orange juice or apples.
  2. With regular use, the likelihood of developing heart and vascular diseases is reduced.
  3. Blood pressure decreases and brain function improves.
  4. The melanin contained in this product protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, and vitamin E promotes natural rejuvenation.
  5. This product is a source of many valuable vitamins and microelements. For example, a cup of cocoa contains the daily requirement of zinc, which is necessary for growth (especially for children), strengthening the immune system and quickly healing wounds.

And to children. Adults are recommended to drink this healthy drink every day. Also, “Golden Label” is ideal for making baked goods, chocolates and desserts.

How to brew “Golden Label” cocoa: a traditional Turkish recipe

You can brew cocoa according to the traditional recipe in a Turk or any other enamel container. A drink prepared in this way has the most intense taste and exquisite aroma. It can be compared to real coffee brewed in a Turk.

Step-by-step preparation of the drink occurs in the following sequence:

  1. Pour 1 ½ teaspoons of powder from the pack and 1 teaspoon of sugar into the Turk. Grind all the lumps well until the mixture is homogeneous.
  2. Pour the prepared mixture with warm milk (200 ml).
  3. Place the Turk on the stove over the lowest heat.
  4. Carefully ensure that the drink does not escape. As soon as the foam begins to rise, the Turk should be immediately removed from the heat.

Cocoa can be drunk hot or cold. As a dessert, it is recommended to serve the drink with ice cream.

What to rely on when choosing

The first thing to note is that instant powder or granules have nothing in common with natural formula. Real cocoa is not diluted with water or milk, it needs to be boiled . Let's talk about some more important things that you need to pay attention to when choosing.


In the store we only have access to the packaging, so we’ll start with that. The mark “non-alkalized” is a good plus in favor of the product. It means that the powder has not undergone chemical treatment to enhance color and smell. The veracity of the information should also be checked in the “composition” section. Any dyes or flavors are a reason to refuse to purchase this product. The next important point is fat content.

Choose cocoa with at least 12% fat content. A high proportion of natural oils is an indicator of nutritional value and beneficial properties.

  • This is interesting: How much caffeine is in cocoa

The packaging must be secure. An unsealed package means a violation of storage conditions. By the way, cocoa also has an expiration date. The best cocoa powder with an exclusively natural composition is stored for only 6 months.

Qualitative characteristics

When you open the pack (jar), you should feel a pleasant chocolate aroma. The color of the powder must be natural brown, the structure must be uniform. If lumps are found in cocoa, it is spoiled due to improper storage. A little test: take a little mixture and rub it with two fingers. A quality product should leave a brown mark with an oily sheen on the skin.

The finished drink should also have no foreign odors or tastes, only chocolate notes. If there is a brown, greasy residue left on the cup after drinking, you are lucky.

How to make a drink with water

Cocoa drink brewed with water is no less tasty. Its preparation occurs in the following sequence:

  1. Sugar and powder from the pack (1 ½ teaspoons each) are poured into an enamel container. It is important that there are no lumps, otherwise it will negatively affect the taste of the drink.
  2. Pour some hot water into the cocoa and sugar mixture and mix the ingredients well.
  3. Pour hot water to the 200 ml mark, put the container on the fire and bring the drink to a boil.
  4. Cook it on the stove for about two minutes with regular stirring.
  5. It is advisable to drink a cocoa drink made with water hot.

Customer Reviews

Among the entire range of cocoa presented on store shelves, “Golden Label”, according to customers, is considered the best powder, which is ideal for preparing an invigorating drink and for baking. However, negative reviews indicate that there are often fakes of this product. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish the original by special marks on the packaging.

Cocoa powder “Golden Label” has collected the following positive reviews from customers:

  • excellent chocolate taste, best quality;
  • lack of preservatives and sugar;
  • rich taste of cocoa drink;
  • ideal for making chocolate glaze;
  • natural composition;
  • dissolves well in water and milk, does not crunch on the teeth;
  • quality product from a time-tested manufacturer;
  • inexpensive considering the price/quality ratio.

Hot chocolate

  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
  • 200 ml milk
  • Tablespoon sugar
  • 60 g butter or half a bar of dark chocolate
  • 100 ml heavy cream
  • Cinnamon to taste

Dilute cocoa and sugar in a small amount of milk. Melt the butter (or chocolate) in a water bath, add cream and cinnamon. Combine cocoa with the remaining milk and put on fire. Without letting it boil, remove from heat and combine with the cream mixture, then simmer over low heat for another couple of minutes, stirring continuously. The finished drink can be decorated with whipped cream.

Hot chocolate has a thicker texture and richer chocolate flavor. The butter in this recipe can be replaced with cocoa butter - it will add additional strength to the aroma of the drink.

Whatever cooking recipe you choose, natural cocoa powder “Golden Label”, which our mothers and grandmothers used, can always be bought in the Alyonka online store with delivery to any region of Russia.
Order, experiment and enjoy a tasty and healthy drink from your childhood! Back to list

How to determine the authenticity of Golden Label cocoa

Unfortunately, cocoa powder is one of those products that is very often counterfeited. Special insignia on the product packaging will help distinguish the original “Golden Label” product from a counterfeit.

Cocoa powder from the Red October confectionery factory differs from a fake in the following:

  1. On the right side of the cardboard package, immediately below the recipe for making the drink, there is an oval window.
  2. Cocoa powder is packaged first in a separate inner bag and then in a cardboard package. Through the window you can see the “Golden Label” and “Red October” logos on the package.
  3. The cardboard packaging has a traditional emerald color with gold ornaments and the factory logo on a red background.
  4. The quality of the product is confirmed by the GOST 108 sign applied to the packaging.

When you open the inner bag, real cocoa powder has a rich aroma of natural cocoa beans and light notes of vanilla. There should be no bitterness or other suspicious odors.

Cocoa Red October Golden Label

Good day to everyone who reads my review.

Although I will not write about good things at all.

I like to write nice reviews more, to be honest.

sometimes we have to talk about bad things.

Before us is a sample of “Cocoa powder GOLDEN LABEL” Red October.

I have loved cocoa since my Soviet childhood and I still remember the smell and taste.

Nostalgia is a good thing.

I wanted it, searched and found the coveted green packaging of the Golden Label and bought 2 packs.

I did everything according to the instructions on the package and the cooking method.

At first I didn’t even understand anything, I was just wondering what the catch was.

Already at the dilution stage, I began to wonder what kind of mud I was making and what kind of grains were insoluble in the composition of this powder. I thought that perhaps they would dissolve during cooking, but alas, I was disappointed.

Instead of the fragrant smell of cocoa, an incomprehensible smell spread across the kitchen, quite unpleasant, and the brew itself turned out to be incomprehensible in taste, which was not even close to that cocoa,

which I remember.

That's horrible!

I transferred 2 l. good milk for an incomprehensible mess.

I couldn’t understand why I made such a terrible drink?

That Red October has outlived its usefulness and started releasing who knows what?

And recently it dawned on me that most likely I bought a fake!

The most unpleasant thing is that this is in a grocery store, and not somewhere in the market.

It turns out that the supplier of this store is not even legal, but underground?

I looked for information about cocoa from this manufacturer and how to try to distinguish this fake from the original and found it.

The most offensive thing is that most likely it has nothing to do with my “Red October” pack.

No, of course, it’s good that the real Red October is not to blame, otherwise customers will be disappointed in their favorite brand.

It’s just that those who counterfeit a well-known brand always put real manufacturers under attack.

Now let’s take a closer look at my packaging and if you see the same one in a store or market, then it’s probably the same fake as mine.

(When I find a good normal one from a real manufacturer, I will add a photo so that everything becomes clear to you)

Cardboard packaging in bright green color.


We look carefully at the gold pattern around the perimeter of the pack, both below and above.

The black outline is intermittent, but should be continuous around the entire drawing.


Next, look at the side where it says manufactured and packaged.

The font should be bright and bold, but mine is thin.


The font in which both the ingredients and the method of preparation are written is small and thin.

fake fake

(If you bought it, then look further) - Foil pouch with the inscription Gold Label and Red October.

The picture should be more highlighted in black, although on mine this difference is not very noticeable.


I almost forgot.

I circled it in red and crossed out the signs, because they should not be located on the side of the barcode, but above it, where there is a red oval with a plus.


After opening the package (for those who did buy it), we see brown or grayish-brown cocoa powder and smell it - it has a faint smell of cocoa, vanilla and some kind of herb that is not clear.


After dilution, these are the streaks and grains on the walls of the glass.

After cooking, it turned out to be a grayish-brown BURD, which has nothing in common with my favorite drink. The grains remained by the way. The liquid turned out to be viscous and then gave a large sediment.


I’ve never drank such disgusting stuff before and I couldn’t take more than 1 sip..

My heroic mother-in-law, as a frugal person in life, did not allow this brew to be poured straight into the toilet, but drank a mug for three days in a row, and today she still agreed with me that it should be poured.

Because she knows that real cocoa has a fragrant and seductive smell, and a taste that makes you want more.

It sat in a jar in the refrigerator until I decided to write a review. Now I'll get rid of everything.


I will return to that store again, most likely, to see if they have this one or another one and check for a fake.

We should also contact Rospotrebnadzor to have them checked, maybe there is something else on sale that is counterfeit?

This is the “Red October” Golden Label Cocoa Powder” I certainly wouldn’t recommend anyone to take this.


Continuation of the story about cocoa.

April 7, 2014

I returned to that store to see if they still had Red October cocoa.


The original was on the shelf!!! I couldn't believe my eyes.

In the same store both a fake and an original! This is certainly something, I can tell you.

LOOK and COMPARE with a fake

ORIGINAL. The color of the pack and the quality of the cardboard are immediately noticeable.

ORIGINAL. The letters are uniform, not small.

ORIGINAL. The gold design is outlined in black everywhere.


ORIGINAL. The stamps are located above and below the barcode, and not on the sides.

ORIGINAL. Normal, not small font.

ORIGINAL.The words Red October and Golden Label are clearly expressed

ORIGINAL PHOTO WITH FLASH. This chocolate smell is simply intoxicating. NO impurities!

ORIGINAL. photo without flash. The color is rich brown without impurities.

ORIGINAL. Homogeneous shiny consistency with a clearly defined chocolate smell, no grains.

There is almost no sediment in the mug and NO GRAINS on the walls.

ORIGINAL. Pour the milk into the main saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring.

ORIGINAL. After boiling I turned it off. Everything dissolved, no grains. And the smell of cocoa made me drool.


( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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