Coffee for headaches – does it help cope and possible contraindications?

For a person who suffers from headaches from time to time, a cup of coffee will help relieve discomfort. But this does not mean that you should drink one cup after another! Everything has its time. By understanding what happens in the body during a headache and after drinking it, you can get rid of the inconvenience once and for all. This is not just a “grandmother’s recipe” - coffee really helps with headaches. Why?

Specialized Research

In studies examining whether coffee helps with headaches, scientists have come to mixed conclusions. There are two opinions about how the drink helps fight cephalgia. However, both have a common denominator - caffeine.

The first opinion is based on why pain occurs and how caffeine acts as a pain blocker. Headaches usually occur when adenosine is secreted in the body. This element irritates blood vessels, leading to unpleasant pain. The caffeine that a person drinks when drinking this aromatic drink blocks the production of adenosine and helps restore blood vessels. The body is no longer exposed to this element, the pain goes away.

The basis of the second opinion of the research on the effectiveness of coffee for headaches is that caffeine enhances the effect of other painkillers. Although caffeine is more effective when combined with other drugs, it can speed up pain relief. That is why many pain relievers contain this very important element present in a cup of aromatic drink.

But you can relieve a headache without coffee, because caffeine is not only contained in it. The ideal solution is to look for this substance in other drinks and foods before taking medication. Chocolate, tea, cola cola, cocoa are foods and drinks that will also help you with pain.

Beneficial properties of caffeine

Now you know that drinking a cup of coffee is enough to relieve a headache. However, why does a person reach for another portion of a strong drink when there is slight discomfort? There are two hypotheses explaining the healing properties of coffee.

The first is the effect of caffeine on the human condition. Headaches occur when adenosine is released in the body. The substance inflames the blood vessels and leads to a throbbing, uncomfortable sensation. Caffeine helps stop the body from producing adenosine. As a result, the blood vessels narrow, the pain and pulsation subside, and you feel comfortable again.

The second theory is supported by scientific research. Experiments have shown that the substance increases the effectiveness of painkillers by helping the body absorb the drugs much faster. In its pure form, caffeine is not effective, but in medicinal preparations it speeds up the process of getting rid of headaches. Therefore, it is useful to drink coffee during courses of using standard medications. Many painkillers sold today in pharmacies without a prescription contain caffeine.

When a drink doesn't help relieve a headache

Many migraine sufferers recommend drinking coffee for headaches, claiming that just 1 cup of the drink sometimes stops a severe attack. Several studies have attempted to confirm or refute this theorem. But the answer is not as simple as it might seem.

It has been shown that the effects of caffeine on the human brain depend on the amount and regularity of doses. If you drink the drink periodically, it can help with moderate headaches. On the other hand, if you use it regularly and a lot, it leads to tolerance and dependence.

Reasons why you may feel nauseous and have a headache after drinking coffee

This drink has both pros and cons. There are two types of causes of headaches and general health problems after drinking coffee. The first of them are related to the individual reaction of the body to caffeine, the others are related to the form in which coffee is consumed. The following reasons for feeling worse after coffee are the most common of them.

Change in blood pressure

Coffee, depending on the strength and quantity, can either increase or decrease blood pressure.
The high caffeine content makes coffee a forbidden drink for people suffering from high blood pressure: they most clearly feel all the effects of caffeine on blood pressure.

There are two possible options here.

In small doses, coffee increases blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, disrupts cerebral circulation, and this causes migraines.

In large quantities (or just very strong) the drink lowers blood pressure, which causes weakness, nausea and dizziness.


Abuse of coffee as a stimulant will not lead to anything good.
Many people use coffee for stimulating purposes - in order to improve performance and cheer up. For them, coffee becomes a real trap. Its use really makes the heart beat more actively and improves mood, however, as soon as the effect of caffeine wears off, the person again feels accumulated fatigue and suffers from headaches, which arise due to the depletion of the body's reserves.

Overwork in general has a negative impact on human health, and additional stimulation with caffeine-containing drinks can only aggravate the condition.

Overdose and poisoning

Overdose of coffee and caffeine - 100% chance of getting a headache
Yes, with an average amount of 100 cups of coffee per 80 kg of body weight, which are necessary for death in case of poisoning, the number of 4-6 cups per day seems somewhat underestimated, but this is quite enough for in order to feel serious changes in well-being. Especially when it comes to strong drinks.

Symptoms of coffee poisoning include headache, rapid heartbeat, nausea, upset bowel movements and abdominal pain.

Coffee beans

Coffee beans are the first on the list of possible causes of headaches.
Despite the high content of nutrients and naturalness, ground coffee beans are recognized as the most dangerous of the entire list of caffeine-containing drinks. Coffee contains a large amount of nicotinic acid, which causes changes in the functioning of the circulatory system, and therefore is the main source of headaches after consumption.

Sweet coffee

Excess sugar in your cup of coffee can cause migraines
Another reason why you might get a headache after drinking coffee is sugar. Through drinks (that is, in its pure form), sugar immediately enters the human blood. In order to remove it from the body, the body produces insulin, and the more sugar is consumed, the more resources the body needs to spend on digesting it. As a result, within 20 minutes after a cup of drink the body weakens and a person begins to have a headache.


Dependence on coffee and abrupt withdrawal from it can cause headaches.
It also happens that nausea begins and headaches occur after a person stops drinking coffee. In this case, the headache is a sign of caffeine withdrawal (ie, "crash"). Other symptoms of this syndrome also include decreased energy and general fatigue, decreased concentration, irritability, and nausea.

It is important to understand that caffeine is addictive, and you should never suddenly stop drinking coffee, especially after drinking it in large quantities for a long time.

You need to give up caffeine gradually, gradually reducing the portions and strength of the drink.

Use during pregnancy for headaches

During pregnancy, the problem is not the coffee, but the caffeine content.

About 300 mg of the stimulant caffeine per day (about 3 cups of coffee) is harmful to the fetus. Excessive consumption during pregnancy may increase the risk of low birth weight and related complications. More than 8 cups a day can increase the risk of miscarriage.

But don’t give up the aromatic drink completely. If you have low blood pressure or dizziness, a small amount may help. Sometimes coffee is recommended against toxicosis (when you feel sick in the morning), and inhaling its smell can help.

If you can’t wake up without morning coffee, you constantly want to sleep during the day, and only a cup of espresso can save you, don’t deny yourself the pleasure. Your child needs a calm, satisfied mother. Just do not exceed the risk dose.

Important! Each variety and brand of bean contains a different percentage of caffeine.

Help with traditional medicine recipes

An alternative option to relieve headaches is traditional medicine recipes. These recipes are simple and can come in handy when you don’t have the necessary pharmaceuticals in your home medicine cabinet.

  • A decoction based on St. John's wort. Pour boiling water (200 ml) over one tablespoon of herb and let it brew for an hour. Strain the broth. The product is taken 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.
  • Chamomile infusion. You need to pour a tablespoon into 500 ml of water and boil for 5-7 minutes. Afterwards, cover with a lid and leave for 20-30 minutes. Separate the infusion from the chamomile. Take 50 ml every 2-3 hours.

When you need medical help

When do you need to see a doctor due to attacks of cephalalgia? If you have headaches:

  • belong to the category of severe pain;
  • mild, but repeated several times within one month;
  • last more than a week;
  • appear suddenly (in the forehead, temples...), accompanied by vomiting or other symptoms such as blurred vision (immediate examination is required); this may indicate the onset of a migraine, but also more serious conditions (cerebral hemorrhage, meningitis, etc.).

The effect of the drink on the body

Coffee is popular not only for its taste, but also for its properties that help maintain normal physical condition . The drink successfully invigorates, so it is appropriate when you need to stay for a long time without sleep. In addition, caffeine, which is part of the drink, stimulates intellectual capabilities, allows you to be collected and attentive. Its property is due to its directed effect on the central nervous system, so a person can endure long periods of time without sleep, maintaining his ability to work for some time.

Another property of caffeine that has a positive effect on the body is the ability to normalize low blood pressure. A cup of the drink will be useful for hypotensive patients in moments of corresponding malaise.

However, caffeine can have a negative effect due to its high single concentration. For this reason, after drinking several cups of coffee at a time, your head hurts.

Preventing problems

People with the problem “I get a headache if I don’t drink coffee” are side by side with individuals wondering what if coffee gives me a headache. In this case, it is important to know about the caffeine content in other drinks:

  • If used in excess, the stimulant drink can cause headaches (cephalalgia often occurs in a person who has had too much coffee). Therefore, migraine patients should limit its consumption (drink it maximum 2 times a week).
  • For patients suffering from particularly severe migraine attacks, complete elimination of caffeine is recommended. However, this should not happen suddenly, from day to day, but gradually, by reducing daily doses - this will prevent withdrawal symptoms (such signs are familiar to a person who has quit, for example, smoking cigarettes).
  • Remember that the stimulant is not the only cause of pain. This is just one of the factors, and it can be easily eliminated.

Chicory based drink

An alternative to regular coffee is chicory root, which provides excellent taste and good effects on the body. Chicory is a source of inulin, it helps with urinary tract infections, constipation, loss of appetite, and will be a good helper for many pregnancy problems.

Cafein free

Decaffeinated coffee is a drink from which at least 97.5% of the stimulant has been removed. It is recommended for migraine sufferers.

With milk

The fact of the adverse effects of coffee with milk has recently become very widespread among people. But here the world is not black and white, the view of this drink is not monochrome. Many experts have the opposite opinion. According to their findings, intolerance to milk and dairy products has an adverse effect.

According to some experts, milk should be added to coffee, especially for people with stomach problems and ulcers.

Instant drink

Do you eat instant soups, cereals and similar chemically modified foods? If you're trying to eat healthy, then of course not. So why wash down your healthy food with industrially processed extract? What grains do you think are used to make instant powder? Obviously, the grains are of minimal quality.

The required aroma and taste are subsequently provided by adding substances that have nothing to do with real coffee. You can drink this “remedy” once a year, but with constant use it will become the enemy of your health.

The influence of the drink

When drinking coffee, stimulation of the cardiovascular system is observed, which is explained by the release of adrenaline in large quantities. When blood pressure rises, the patient experiences a headache. Caffeine can lead to a heart attack or stroke if consumed by people with heart and vascular diseases.

During the period of drinking coffee, stimulation of the pituitary gland is observed, which stimulates other glands and secretions. Since they affect the functioning of the adrenal glands, the production of adrenaline is observed. Patients are diagnosed with changes in the condition of the menstrual vessels. When drinking coffee, people's pupils dilate, breathing and heart rate increase.

Given the negative impact of coffee on the body, most people abruptly refuse the drink. This leads to a lot of problems. This condition is explained by the body becoming accustomed to caffeine and the occurrence of withdrawal syndrome after quitting the drink. Experts advise phasing out coffee. If you abruptly abandon it, it will lead to a strong and intense headache.

Coffee contains beneficial substances and amino acids, which ensures the strength of the drink. It contains nicotinic acid, caffeine and alkaloids. If you exceed the dosage of coffee, this will lead to the development of symptoms. Experts advise replacing natural coffee with an instant analogue. But, it is characterized by a lack of beneficial action. Drinking two cups of instant coffee in a short period of time will lead to a headache.

Indications and contraindications

Caffeine is present in a number of products: cocoa, chocolate, Coca-Cola. If we compare the table of alkaloid content in tea and coffee drinks, we will see that 100 ml of natural coffee contains 40–65 mg, and the same portion of black tea contains 40–50 mg. In soluble it is less – 30–48 mg. The longer the drink is brewed, the more invigorating substance it will contain.

Indications for use:

  • drowsiness;
  • deterioration in performance (physical and mental);
  • headaches of vascular origin;
  • migraine;
  • low blood pressure.

At the same time, coffee consumption should be limited in old age and during pregnancy. In reviews you can find reports that sometimes doctors prescribe this drink in small quantities to pregnant women for migraines, since it is less harmful than medications. Caffeine is not recommended for diseases such as atherosclerosis and glaucoma. Contraindicated for insomnia, increased excitability, arterial hypertension.

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