Almonds and coffee - preparing a delicious treat


Traditional almond coffee is brewed in a Turk:

  1. First, let's make a preparation: grind 2 tsp into powder. coffee beans (with a slide), then finely grind 1 tbsp. l. nuts.
  2. We will send the coffee and almond powder into the Turk, add sugar there if desired, and pour it all over with a cup of cold water.
  3. Let's put it on the stove and begin to “conjure” in anticipation of an appetizing foam. As soon as it appears and begins to rise, quickly remove it from the stove and fill the cups with the finished drink.

All that remains is to choose the “frame” for the coffee masterpiece. A drink sprinkled with almond petals on top will look very elegant and appetizing.

History of Amaretto coffee

Amaretto is an Italian liqueur, so it would be logical to conclude that the origins of the coffee cocktail come from welcoming and friendly Italy. It was she who gave the whole world such a wonderful taste combination of coffee and almond liqueur.

The classic Amaretto coffee recipe includes freshly roasted coffee beans, almonds, liqueur and whipped cream.

Enough time has passed since its appearance, which contributed to changes in the recipe and composition. At the moment, various cooking options and spicy additions are allowed, which greatly increases the flavor range of the product. The result is an unusual flavor combination that will impress anyone!

Hollywood Coffee

You can join the starry atmosphere and get inspired by the Hollywood spirit while watching another movie masterpiece with a cup of Hollywood-style coffee. The invigorating power of coffee beans is harmoniously combined with the chocolate softness of cocoa.

For 2 large servings:

  • black coffee - 200 ml;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 50 g (2 tbsp);
  • powdered sugar - 40 g (4 tsp);
  • salt - on the tip of the knife;
  • almonds, cream - to taste.
  1. For the basis of a glamorous drink, let's take fresh, fairly strong, black coffee. Any cooking method will do, but it must be filtered afterwards. Espresso meets all the conditions, and an instant product is absolutely not suitable for this recipe.
  2. As a supplement, you need to prepare cocoa. Let's heat the milk. In a separate bowl, combine cocoa powder with powdered sugar and salt, and gradually, stirring well, pour in the milk, trying to get a mixture without lumps. If they still remain, there is no need to worry, they will dissolve during the cooking process.
  3. Place the cocoa on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Let's start whipping the resulting chocolate milkshake. As soon as bubbles and foam appear in it, we will pour our coffee into it in a thin stream, continuing to whisk, until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  5. It's done, but it's not Hollywood-style coffee yet. An obligatory addition to the stellar drink will be a top of whipped cream, sprinkled with crushed roasted almonds. Now that's what we need.

Cups in hand and - welcome to Hollywood!

How to make coffee with almonds:

1. Brew strong coffee (use the advice above!) 2. Mix cocoa, salt and powdered sugar. 3. Boil milk and pour a little into a container with cocoa, stir until smooth, then pour in the remaining milk and stir again. 4. Boil the resulting mixture and cook for about 5 minutes. 5. Remove the mixture from the heat, beat with a blender until foam appears. 6. Pour in coffee and stir carefully. 7. Pour into cups, garnish with whipped cream and sprinkle with almonds.

Now you know how to make coffee with almonds, and you can easily decorate the evening for yourself and your loved ones with it. Coffee is a drink that almost everyone living on Earth cannot do without. So often we sin with “3 in 1” bags and other quick ways to cheer up and quench our thirst. But it's never too late to learn to enjoy the rich taste of real coffee.

We will tell you how to make coffee with almonds.

This recipe will be useful for both experienced gourmets and those who want to treat themselves for the first time to the deep taste and unique aroma of real coffee.

It is important! — Instant coffee is absolutely not suitable for this recipe! To make coffee with almonds, stock up on coffee beans; Mocha coffee is best. — Coffee will have a richer aroma if you store coffee beans, grinding them immediately before preparation. — Brew the coffee over low heat, turn it off immediately after boiling. If you like it stronger, then bring the drink to a boil 2-3 times, but each time remove it from the heat for 1-2 minutes.

To make coffee with almonds, you will need:

- 12 g ground coffee - 6 g cocoa powder - 0.2 l water - 150 ml milk - 40 g caster sugar - pinch of salt - 20 g roasted crushed almonds - whipped cream - to taste

Almond with rum

It's more of a coffee cocktail with a spicy rum flavor.

  1. Let's prepare strong coffee for him and cool it.
  2. Let's add 3 tbsp. l sugar (you can put less, to taste), 1 tsp. almond powder and 1 tsp. Roma
  3. Let's beat all this deliciousness in a mixer and fill a cup for ourselves and... you can have some more for yourself. We'll definitely add one more touch - an ice cube.

Let's close our eyes and, enjoying the bright taste of coffee with almonds, come up with the same bright dream.

Preparing the flavor mixture

  • First I put the beans into the coffee grinder. A food processor with steel blades will also work. Since I make coffee in a cezve, I grind the beans very finely.

  • When the desired result is achieved, I mix anise seeds with almond and vanilla extracts in a bowl. I stir.

  • The problem is mixing the liquid slurry into the coffee powder. That's why I add flavorings in very small quantities.

  • I turn on the coffee grinder so that the pulp mixes with the powder and becomes dry. I do this until I have used all the flavoring.

Then I carefully pour the resulting mixture into an airtight container, thoroughly cleaning the coffee grinder with a silicone brush.

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This temperamental coffee-chocolate drink is prepared on the basis of Turkish coffee, for which there are various preparation methods. We will need products:

  • finely ground Mocha coffee;
  • cocoa powder;
  • purified water;
  • sugar;
  • grated almonds.

Stage 1

We brew Turkish coffee according to the following recipe: place 4 tsp in a Turkish coffee pot. coffee of the finest grind of the Mocha variety, add sugar to taste and as desired. Next, we will heat the vessel over low heat so that the dry mixture warms up but does not burn.

Pour 1 tbsp into the Turk. cold water and continue heating. As soon as the foam begins to appear, stir once and give it the opportunity to rise further.

When it rises to the brim, remove the dish from the heat - the foam will fall off. We repeat the action two more times: the foam rises and falls. Some do this repeatedly.

Turkish coffee is ready when the foam becomes thick and does not flow from the spoon, but is held on it by a slide.

Stage 2

From 3 tsp. cocoa and 1 tbsp. Let's make a cocoa drink with water. To do this, gradually add cold water to the cocoa powder and stir well until smooth. Don't be alarmed if lumps remain; they will disappear during the heating process. The drink must be stirred all the time and boiled for some time until a homogeneous liquid is obtained.

Stage 3

Mix the prepared coffee with the cocoa drink in one bowl, heat it and bring to a boil.

Stage 4

Pour the finished Mocha-Shocca drink into cups, add sugar if necessary and sprinkle chopped almonds on top.


- this is the main center of the circulatory system, working like a pump, due to which the body

blood moves. As a result of physical training, the size and weight of the heart increases due to the thickening of the walls of the heart muscle and an increase in its volume, which increases the power and efficiency of the heart muscle. Blood in the human body performs the following functions


  • transport;
  • regulatory;
  • protective;
  • heat exchanger

With regular exercise (including swimming):

  • the number of red blood cells and the amount of hemoglobin increases, resulting in an increase in the oxygen capacity of the blood;
  • they increase the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases, due to increased activity of leukocytes;
  • recovery processes are accelerated after significant blood loss.

An important indicator of heart performance is systolic blood volume (SB).

- the amount of blood pushed out by one ventricle of the heart into the vascular bed during one contraction.

Other informative indicators of heart performance are the number of cardiac

contractions (heart rate

) (arterial pulse). During sports training, the resting heart rate becomes slower due to an increase in the power of each heartbeat.

The heart of an untrained man

to ensure the required minute volume of blood

(the amount of blood ejected by one ventricle of the heart per minute) is forced to contract at a higher frequency because it has less systolic volume.

The heart of a trained man

more often penetrated by blood vessels, in such a heart muscle tissue is better nourished and the performance of the heart has time to recover during pauses in the cardiac cycle.

Increased cardiac activity in a child

occurs due to an increase in heart rate. The small volume of the heart and the small amount of blood ejected per unit time do not allow the child’s body to increase oxygen consumption, however, the heart muscle is abundantly supplied with blood due to the wide lumens of the vessels and rapid blood circulation.

Good vascular elasticity and low blood pressure levels also expand the functionality of children's hearts. Therefore, the heart is relatively resilient and quickly adapts to cyclic exercises such as swimming.

In children, the upper respiratory tract

relatively narrow, and since the mucous membrane is rich in lymphatic vessels, under unfavorable conditions, breathing quickly becomes impaired. Poor development of the respiratory muscles causes frequent and shallow breathing. Its rhythm is unstable and easily disrupted. Shallow breathing leads to air stagnation in the lungs.

It is known that one of the most difficult moments while swimming is regulating breathing. Unlike usual, two-phase breathing, three-phase breathing occurs in water: inhalation, retention, exhalation. In this case, the inhalation is much shorter than the exhalation. Inhalation is made difficult by the pressure of water on the chest, this increases the load on the respiratory muscles, as a result of which all the muscles of the respiratory organs are strengthened.

When immersed in water, the child's weight decreases, which is why the baby does not use excessive effort to move in the aquatic environment. And this, in turn, facilitates the work of the heart

The pressure of water on the child’s body promotes the movement of venous blood from the periphery to the heart, facilitates the suction function of the chest and creates favorable conditions for the activity of the right atrium and right ventricle. As a result of overcoming the loads that the child’s body is exposed to during regular swimming, the muscle tissue of the atria and ventricles of the heart is strengthened, and the volume of its cavities is evenly increased. As a result, the heart acquires the ability to work economically,
which improves the functioning of the entire children's circulatory system
Information sources:

  • The effect of swimming on the body.
  • What are the benefits of swimming for children?
  • The effect of physical exercise on the respiratory system in humans. Sport .
  • How swimming affects the vital systems of a child’s body. Useful information.

Amaretto with ice

This drink is served chilled, without or low alcohol, with syrup or liqueur. It will refresh you in the summer heat or serve as a digestif - the final chord after a meal. To prepare you will need:

  • ready-made filtered coffee and milk - 150 ml each;
  • syrup or liqueur (almond) - 1.5 tsp;
  • ice;
  • cinnamon;
  • sugar.

Mix liquid products, add sugar, ice (quantity as desired) and pour into beautiful glasses or glasses. Sprinkle the surface of the drink with cinnamon.


At first glance, the formula of the drink is very simple. For a third of a glass of ground coffee, you need to take a teaspoon of vanilla extract, half the amount of almond essence and a tiny pinch (about a quarter of a teaspoon) of anise seeds. The whole question is what grains we will use.

Yes, yes, it is unground coffee that is required to prepare a delicious drink. After all, the powder, no matter how carefully it is covered, disappears. Every coffee lover has his own favorite composition of the drink. By combining Arabica and Robusta varieties grown in different parts of the world, you can create a mixture that ideally combines bright richness, strength, acidity, bitterness, velvety, aroma and other characteristics.

Personally, I like this blend: a third of Kenyan Arabica and the same amount of Ethiopian Jimmah variety, the rest is Robusta from Colombia or Costa Rica. These varieties should be of different degrees of roasting, which creates a harmony of acid and bitterness. But you can use the coffee (or mixture of varieties) that you prefer.

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