Turkish coffee Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi (Mehmet Efendi)

The famous Turkish coffee brand Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi is today known all over the world and enjoys deserved popularity in our country. Quite an original drink, it is somewhat different from the usual espresso. However, all lovers of this drink will definitely appreciate Turkish coffee. We will tell you in detail about the manufacturer, its distinctive features, its production, and the range of Mehmet Efendi coffee. Of course, about how to brew Turkish coffee at home.

About the coffee brand Mehmet Efendi

The history of this family business dates back to the end of the 19th century. At that time, only green coffee beans were sold in Turkey. They were already roasted at home, immediately before making coffee. Mehmet Efendi, who at that time owned a small trading store in Istanbul, was the first to decide to roast coffee beans in order to sell them ready-made. After Mehmet's death, his sons began to continue and develop his business.

Already in the 30s, the family received the surname Kurukahveci, and began to participate in international exhibitions, spreading knowledge about Turkish coffee and establishing supplies abroad. Today the factory is still located in Istanbul, and is run by one family, now in its fourth generation.

Today Mehmet Efendi coffee is supplied to more than 50 countries in Europe, Asia, America and even Australia.


Consumers rate this brand of coffee extremely highly. Reviews on Internet resources are mostly positive.

My parents brought me Mehmet Efendi coffee when they were on vacation in Turkey. I’m not a fan of cooking in Turkish, but taking into account the recommendations, I tried it anyway. And I was pleasantly surprised. The taste of the drink is simply amazing. Now I'm waiting for someone else to go on vacation so I can order a package.

Svetlana, Krasnodar.

“Unusual” is exactly the word that can be applied to Mehmet Efendi coffee. It all starts when you open the package. I have never seen such a fine grind before. The finished drink is both sour and bitter, and very pleasant to the taste. I don’t even know if it can be compared with anything. I really liked it.

Raw materials and production of Turkish coffee

The company purchases green coffee beans from various plantations, different regions, countries and even parts of the world. Each batch and variety of beans is roasted separately, and then technologists form blends from them, mixing up to 7 varieties in one blend of Mehmet Efendi coffee.

Modern high-tech equipment is used for sorting and selecting grains, roasting, and packaging. Strict control is carried out from the moment of purchasing raw materials to the final stage of production. You can be absolutely sure when purchasing Turkish coffee that you are purchasing high quality products.

Raw materials and production of the company in Turkey

Factory specialists mix up to seven varieties of coffee in one blend.
Only Mehmet Efendi coffee is used for the production of coffee. Grains of different varieties are purchased from Asia, Africa, and America. Each type of raw material is fried separately, and then tasters and blenders create mixtures (blends) that differ in taste and strength. One mixture includes up to 7 different varieties.

The store in Istanbul is still open today. There, like 150 years ago, everything is done by hand. The beans are roasted in roasters and ground in large coffee grinders in full view of customers. They say that you can find a store with your eyes closed by its wonderful aroma.

Coffee in Mehmet Efendi's shops is still roasted and ground by hand.

The factory produces coffee for sale in large retail chains in Turkey and export to more than 50 countries. Here, all processes - roasting, grinding, packaging - are automated.

Assortment of coffee by Mehmet Efendi

Mehmet Efendi coffee is presented in several product lines; there are not many products, but there is definitely a choice. You can buy Mehmet Efendi coffee beans or ground (to the desired degree of grinding). The assortment includes both classic Turkish coffee and global regional varieties.

They sell coffee in cans of 250 and 500 grams, as well as in soft packaging of 100 grams. After visiting Turkey, the best gift would be to buy real Turkish Mehmet Efendi coffee, which your friends and family will appreciate.

Turkish coffee

A traditional drink made from selected Arabica beans, medium-bodied, with soft sourness and subtle sweetness. The taste reveals notes of chocolate and spices, and the aroma has hints of fried bread. In Turkey, this drink is drunk mainly for breakfast.

Characteristics of Turkish coffee Mehmet Efendi (Mehmet Efendi)

Turkish coffee - what is special about this drink?

  • This is the world's oldest method of brewing coffee;
  • It consists of foam, coffee and sediment;
  • It stands out for its bright taste, thanks to its softness and velvety foam;
  • Retains warmth for a long time thanks to its delicious foam, which retains its volume long after you have poured the coffee into the cup;
  • Turkish coffee Mehmet Efendi has an unsurpassed taste, thanks to its thick, syrupy consistency that stimulates the taste buds;
  • The drink is thick, soft in taste and more aromatic than other types of coffee;
  • With this coffee you can tell fortunes using coffee grounds;
  • Thanks to the very fine grinding of the coffee, the sediment completely settles to the bottom of the cup;
  • Contains less caffeine compared to other types of drinks.

The grinding of coffee beans for making Turkish coffee is very fine, ultra-fine, almost to dust. It should be cooked in a Turkish pot, immediately adding sugar, and served with a glass of water.

Mehmet Efendi coffee is roasted very dark, there is almost no sourness or sweetness in the taste, but a pleasant bitterness and smoky notes are felt and give the drink an indescribable originality.

Buy Mehmet Efendi in the online store Kofe-Da.ru

Türkiye is a very colorful country located between Europe and Asia. Who was lucky enough to try real Turkish coffee? We're not talking about the coffee machine drink you get at resort hotels for breakfast! We are talking about the national Turkish coffee Mehmet Efendi Kurukahveci, brewed in a Turk. Mehmet Efendi is ground coffee that is drunk by all of Türkiye and half of Europe! A fair question: “Why do Turks and Europeans prefer to buy Mehmet Efendi?” Its secret lies in exceptionally fine grinding, which cannot be achieved at home without losing the taste properties of the beans. One hundred percent high-quality Arabica beans, roasted and ground using a special technology, impart an unsurpassed taste and aroma to the drink, and a special soft metallized packaging preserves them for a long time. This is why millions of people around the world prefer to buy Turkish coffee.

Rules for preparing coffee Mehmet Efendi Kurukahveci.

Residents of Turkey love to gather with large families over a cup of tea or coffee. They know how to brew Turkish coffee with white foam like no one else. For those who also want to surprise their loved ones with this amazing drink, we will tell you how to properly brew mehmet efendi. In fact, the process is very easy, it just requires some subtleties:

1. Pour Mehmet Efendi Kurukahveci coffee into a Turk at the rate of 2 teaspoons per cup, add sugar to taste 1-3 teaspoons; 2. Add the required number of cups of cold water. Mix everything; 3. Place on low heat; 4. As the foam forms, remove the Turk from the stove and divide the foam into cups; 5. Put the Turk back on the fire until white foam forms; 6. Pour the drink into cups and serve.

It will take about 8 minutes to prepare the drink, but the reward for your patience will be an unsurpassed real coffee drink with a slight bitterness! Believe me, this taste is worth it!

To buy Turkish Mehmet Efendi coffee, you don’t have to fly to Istanbul or go on vacation to Turkey.
In the online store Kofe-Da.ru you can buy natural, roasted, exclusively finely ground Turkish coffee Mehmet Efendi! If you want to touch the old eastern traditions and try the best coffee drink, then hurry up and buy Mehmet Efendi right now! Place an order on the website, and we will deliver it anywhere in the country in a short time! Back

How to make Turkish coffee at home

You can prepare the drink using traditional Turkish technology. You can prepare Turkish coffee at home. It is enough just to know some cooking features, which we will tell you about.

  1. To brew coffee properly, you need to pour 50 ml of water into the pot. Add two teaspoons of Turkish coffee.

2. The grind should be much finer than espresso so that the coffee particles sink to the bottom.

3. Add two teaspoons of sugar (optional).

4. Boil the coffee over low heat, stirring for about one minute. Then, without stirring, bring the coffee until it boils (foam rises). Do not allow it to boil under any circumstances. Then remove the Turk from the heat and, stirring slightly, put it back on the fire. As soon as the coffee boils in the Turk for the third time, it can be removed from the heat.

5. Next, pour the coffee into the cup in one quick motion, so that all the foam flows smoothly into the cup.

You can be sure that after trying Turkish coffee Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi, this drink will definitely become one of your favorites.

Brand Mehmet Efendi

The small family company began its life back in the 19th century. Every household in Turkey roasted beans to make coffee. Mehmet Efendi had the idea to start selling coffee cherries with their preliminary roasting.

Years later, the business passed into the hands of his three sons. The 1930s were marked for the company with its entry into the international market. Now the factory in Istanbul is managed by the 4th dynasty of the family. They supply products to: Europe, Asia, America. It turns out, in total, more than 50 countries.

Cost of Mehmet Efendi coffee

Coffee is in the middle price category. The company is constantly changing its product range.

Here are the approximate prices for popular products:

  • 200-250 rubles for ground 100 g Turkish drinks;
  • 550 rubles for ground drinks 250 g;
  • 1 thousand rub. for ground Turkish, with 1 kg packaging;
  • 1700 rub. for 1 kg Espresso with grain;
  • 2500 rubles per 1 kg of grain Colombia.

Sales of Mehmet Efendi coffee are carried out by supermarkets and shops with Turkish sweets. Large selection on the Internet.

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