Business idea: how to open your own business using coffee machines

Types of coffee machines

There is a fine line between coffee makers and coffee machines. The category of coffee machines can roughly include any one that will produce coffee and run on electricity:

  • geyser machine;
  • electric Turk;
  • pod coffee maker;
  • drip coffee machine;
  • capsule coffee maker;
  • carob coffee machine;
  • automated coffee machines.

How dosage is set

After determining the priority of coffee, milk or formula, the next process is to set the dosage of the ingredients. Almost all modern models have a special o with 14 divisions. From minimum feed to maximum performance.

The leftmost division is the minimum coffee supply. The rightmost division is the maximum water output. The adjustable increment is 5 ml. In this case, the range ranges from 20 to 500 milliliters. Then everything is simple: the yield indicators of milk and milk formula are set.

How to use a coffee machine correctly

Before setting up, connecting, testing and using the equipment, you must first read the instructions. All tips and tricks are described here, starting from how to turn on the coffee machine. The variety of models suggests individual characteristics for each and a thoughtful approach. But there are general points that apply to all devices:

  1. Designate a permanent, easily accessible location in the kitchen or office for the coffee machine. This way, you don’t have to constantly move and rearrange equipment, or look for adapters or sockets.
  2. The new coffee maker is pre-tested. To do this, run a full cycle only with water without coffee powder so that all factory parts are cleaned.
  3. Clean the container each time before loading a new cycle. Or immediately after making coffee. Over time, this will become a habit, and the machine will work like clockwork.
  4. Use filtered or bottled water to prepare the drink. This not only makes the cooking result much tastier, but also prevents the formation of scale and deposits on the insides of the equipment.
  5. Check to see if your model requires dense compaction of ground coffee in the container. For example, in a carob coffee maker, the quality of compaction affects the taste of the outgoing drink.
  6. Experiment with temperature and speed settings. The strength and taste of the finished coffee depend on this.
  7. If you are leaving for a long time or closing the office for the weekend, disconnect the device from the power supply.

The coffee machine must be used following certain rules.

Start Features

When installing a vending machine, you need to be prepared for the fact that it will not start generating profits right away. Therefore, it is necessary to qualitatively evaluate the installation site according to all possible parameters. After all, you will pay rent from day one.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a location and try to analyze the quality components in advance:

Cross-country ability . The number of potential clients of your machine who pass by your location per day.

Traffic quality. Will he be single? When a lot of people pass by without stopping. (See example with installation near the exit).

Demand for coffee. It is important to understand how necessary this is for those who will see your machine. If people come for something else, and they hardly have time to pay and wait for coffee, then the place will not become profitable.

- Competition. If the place is already filled to capacity with coffee machines, then there is no point in installing your own. Maybe you will tear off a piece from the common pie. However, in the end, you just divide the existing audience, don’t make money and won’t let others make money.

Waiting intervals. We're talking about places like universities, where many students can afford inexpensive coffee during breaks between classes. However, if you expect to make the maximum profit in such a place, consider the time intervals during which your customers will be able to purchase coffee. The point is that the demand for drinks from your machine will increase if the coffee is prepared quickly. So that students can buy it in small intervals between classes. Accordingly, you need to select the correct machine model for purchase and installation.

How to brew coffee in a coffee maker

Brewing coffee is not difficult if you first get acquainted with all the variety of machines in the coffee world. How to use a coffee pot and how to prepare a delicious drink?


Drip coffee machines can be used in a large family when it is necessary to prepare many servings of an aromatic drink at once. A drip coffee maker works on the principle of passing hot steam through ground coffee beans and special filters. This is ideal for Americano. The prepared drink drips into a common jug, from which it is then poured into cups.

The drip coffee machine is suitable for a large family.

The device has a heating function, so the container with ready-made coffee can remain hot for a long time:

  1. pour the required amount of water according to the scale on a special container;
  2. pour the required amount of ground coffee into the filter;
  3. set the program;
  4. Depending on the model, the coffee will be dispensed into a separate flask or directly into the cup.

In this device, coffee stays hot for a long time.


A capsule coffee maker offers a convenient selection of ready-made drinks. Here you can brew latte, Americano, cappuccino and others. The preparation process begins with placing a portioned capsule with ground coffee. Its packaging is pierced and hot water is forced through the ground grains under high pressure. The strength and taste of the finished drink will directly depend on the selected pressure. Of course, you have limited choice in capsule manufacturers.

You can make ready-made drinks in a capsule coffee maker.

But you can choose your own brand that fully meets your requirements and taste preferences:

  1. turn on the machine and fill in the required amount of water;
  2. place the capsule in a special receiver;
  3. Place the cup and wait until the finished drink comes out of the nozzle.

After preparation, the coffee is served in a glass.


The geyser coffee maker is designed for lovers of strong and rich coffee taste. The drink does not need to be further strained or settled, since this preparation method does not leave sediment in your cup. Hot water is passed through the poured coffee under the influence of steam.

A geyser coffee maker produces a coffee drink without sediment.

The coffee pot is easy to use, easy to disassemble and clean from grounds:

  1. pour water into the lower compartment to the desired level;
  2. pour ground powder into a special funnel;
  3. assemble the device according to the instructions and plug it into the network;
  4. under steam pressure, the coffee drink will flow into the upper container;
  5. after the machine is turned off, the drink is poured into the cup.

The device is quite easy to use.


This coffee maker got its name thanks to its removable horns. These are models for gourmets, those who like to experiment with drinks and professional baristas. Ground coffee is poured into the cone and compacted as much as possible. Here you yourself vary the grinding size of the beans, cooking time, water temperature and other factors. Each time you will receive a finished drink that is different in taste and strength.

A carob coffee maker allows you to experiment with flavors.

You can create rich foam, wonderful espresso and balanced cappuccino:

  1. if the model is equipped with a function for self-grinding beans, then pour them into a special container;
  2. Place ground coffee in the cone and press firmly;
  3. set the required parameters for water temperature, pressure supply and others;
  4. place a cup under the nozzle spout;
  5. If desired, froth the milk using a cappuccino maker.

If desired, you can make a thick foam.

Payback of a vending machine

When planning your company’s budget, keep in mind that if you take one device, then, according to average statistics, its full payback will be achieved in about a year. Everything will depend on the location of its installation and demand. For the same reason, we said that you should take the second and subsequent machines as early as possible , because even after a year, having finally reached profitability, you will not receive the income that should suit the entrepreneur. Only if coffee machines are not your hobby.

The income after a certain period will be stable, and the risks are not so great, although, as described above, they are present. Therefore, such a business is considered quite interesting, especially for those who are still thinking about what they can do in order to earn income.

Also, do not forget that, as with any business, you will need to register with government authorities , obtaining a business permit. This procedure is not complicated, however, it is better to consult with experienced people in advance, because then you will need to choose a form of taxation that is convenient for you, a form of entrepreneurial activity, activity codes and some other things related to your business.

You can find another 1000 best business models in the sections: Business ideas or Franchise

What is the difference between a coffee maker and a coffee machine?

Despite the great similarity between themselves, a coffee maker and a coffee machine have several significant differences:

  • The operating principle of a coffee maker is to brew ground beans. The device passes hot water under pressure through coffee powder, and the output is a strong and aromatic drink.
  • The coffee machine does not work with water, but with hot steam. The machine passes it under pressure through the ground coffee. Gourmets believe that the finished drink is more aromatic and richer than from a coffee maker.
  • Many models of coffee machines, unlike coffee makers, are equipped with a function for grinding coffee beans. This way the drink retains maximum taste and aromatic qualities.
  • The coffee maker is more limited in the selection of recipes for preparing a coffee drink. While the machine can be programmed.

There are several differences between a coffee maker and a coffee machine.

Coffee machine location

This is perhaps the most important factor in the success of your enterprise. All indicators will depend on the location, and traffic and attendance will be decisive for making a profit.

1. Shopping and entertainment complexes , where there is considerable human traffic, are considered suitable places to install a coffee machine. Moreover, it is important that the flow of people is not just a flow of people passing by in a hurry. It is important that this is a place where a person is able to stop, is forced to wait, and simply spends time comfortably. In such cases, the potential client will have time to notice the coffee machine and decide to brighten up his wait with a glass of some cappuccino.

Areas located next to children's entertainment areas are ideal. In such places, parents, waiting for their child to have fun, will most likely use your machine.

On the other hand, placing a machine at the entrance is not the best solution . As a rule, the incoming flow will not pay attention to it, since people's thoughts are primarily about why they came here. And drinking coffee is hardly the top priority for most. The outgoing stream will no longer devote the already wasted time to a glass of aromatic drink, because its thoughts will be to get home as quickly as possible.

2. The second, but no less popular option for placing a coffee vending machine is office buildings and institutes . The main reason is that there are always a lot of people there, and therefore your potential clients. Naturally, the office building must be filled with tenants, otherwise there will be no point. Office workers will be able to use your device during their lunch breaks and especially in the morning, before the start of the working day. In the evening there will be less traffic, because by this time everyone wants to leave work quickly.

Institutes and other higher educational institutions can also provide excellent profits due to the huge traffic flow and constant breaks for students between classes. However, you need to be careful here, because the price tag for the coffee that your machine will sell is of great importance in such a place. And if the average price of a glass of coffee is above 60 rubles, then you will not see any profit.

3. There are many more options for installing such devices that can bring profit to your business. So, various beauty salons, hairdressers, clinics, car dealerships are very suitable for this. The reason is that almost any of these places have lines, or wait times. And it will be much more convenient for a person to wait if there is an opportunity to brighten up the time with a glass of delicious coffee.

4. The next option is in many ways considered the most profitable for installing the device. We are talking about airports and various kinds of train stations . All the conditions for using your machine are already present there at the highest level from the very beginning. However, it is unlikely that a novice entrepreneur will be able to rent a place there right away. The most profitable places are usually snapped up before they even appear.

How to care for your coffee maker and coffee machine

Even a new device requires careful and careful handling. First of all, remove any new growths on the insides of the equipment. This could be water scale, milk residue, or even coffee oil deposits. You can clean the parts yourself or order servicing of the device from a specialist.

The device must be cleaned regularly.

Use a decalcifier to clean equipment. It is sold in tablets or liquid form. Fill the coffee machine compartment with water with the addition of decalcifier and plug it in. While operating in idle mode, the device is perfectly cleaned of scale and deposits. At home, if you don’t have cleaning tablets, you can clean your car using citric acid or vinegar diluted in water.

Cleaning occurs using special tablets.

About settings

There are two types of settings for making coffee:

  1. Basic.
  2. Auxiliary.

The main settings are available in all modern machines. Additional adjustments allow you to apply other parameters. In this case, initially:

  1. A thorough (control) cleaning of the passageways of milk and grain mixture is carried out. Special means are used for this.
  2. It is necessary to carry out control measurements. The goal is to identify hidden preset errors.
  3. A check is performed and the correct settings are set with their subsequent control.

Let's dwell on settings such as temperature, extraction, water, bookmark, and so on.

Popular models and manufacturers

Popular brands are fighting for the right to be first in the world of specialized coffee machines. There are several manufacturers that successfully occupy first positions in the market for sales of coffee makers and coffee machines:

  • The Italian concern DeLonghi is distinguished by its minimalist equipment design. And their coffee machines amaze with their rich functionality. For example, the famous model ECAM 44.664.B has an automatic cleaning system for the device.
  • The Italian brand Saeco confidently holds the first position among manufacturers of high-quality coffee makers for the home. The Incanto HD8918/09 model has 5 programs for the strength of ready-made drinks.
  • Philips relies on futuristic design and high quality coffee machines.
  • Among the domestic brands, one can note the Polaris coffee maker. Instructions for use, intuitive operation and sophisticated design have made it a top seller.

Step-by-step instruction

To prepare coffee in a capsule coffee machine, you need to follow these by-step steps :
The coffee machine automatically pours the required amount of water to prepare the selected drink. Therefore, you should not pour only 200 ml into the container; it is better to immediately add drinking water to the maximum level.

For each brand of coffee maker, only capsules from a specific company are suitable, since they all differ in shape and size, and therefore are not interchangeable. The appropriate capsule just needs to be inserted into the compartment and the lid closed. The coffee maker will automatically poke a hole in it and add the required amount of water.

In simple models, you just need to press the power button and the coffee maker will make espresso. In modern, more advanced models, you can select the type of coffee by pressing the button with the corresponding program, and then the power button.

After selecting a program, the coffee maker heats the water and takes from the reservoir the volume needed to prepare coffee with the ideal taste and strength.

When the coffee brewing process has begun, you need to select a low cup for espresso or a tall one, about 140 ml, for a lungo, for example, and place it in the appropriate compartment from where the finished coffee will be poured directly.

Adjusting the coffee process (how to customize the device for yourself)

The different operating modes in coffee machines sometimes lead owners to a dead end when it comes to settings and buttons:

  1. The main parameters you will have to deal with are temperature and extraction time. The optimal temperature is considered to be from 86 to 96 degrees. If the coffee is too cold, adjust this setting on the appropriate display.
  2. To achieve the desired degree of extraction, you will have to experiment and prepare several drink options. The most commonly used time is from 8 to 20 seconds. It is believed that in less time, coffee beans do not have time to transfer their characteristics to the drink. And over-extracted coffee gives off bitterness.
  3. Pay attention to the degree of roasting of the beans, if such a function is present in the device. Professionals recommend staying in the middle range without going to the extremes of grinding too fine or coarse.
  4. The correctly selected volume of water also determines the quality of the finished drink. Don't make it too watery. For classic espresso, add water in the range of 30-60 ml.
  5. Do not ignore the operating instructions for the equipment. It indicates all the nuances and details of setting up the device for the best result.

The coffee machine can be customized to suit your preferences.
The world of coffee machines is huge. But the last word always remains with the consumer. Choose your coffee equipment wisely to enjoy delicious and aromatic coffee every day.

Business relevance

Vending machines are no longer a novelty in Russia.
In every shopping center, store, waiting area, at bus stops, in schools, universities and clinics you can find one or another vending machine. Almost everything is sold using vending machines. If you read our review article about business using vending machines, then remember that in some countries you can even buy gold bars using such devices, not to mention drinks, food, pizza, souvenirs, shoe covers, and more. But one way or another, at the moment, coffee machines . Looking at the statistics, you can see how huge coffee consumption is among residents of large cities. So much so that coffee machines can easily withstand competition even when they are located two steps away from a fast food area, where every respectable cafe has its own coffee machine.

To open a business selling coffee through a machine, you need to at least select and purchase this machine. Why choose? Because there are quite a lot of companies involved in the creation and production of this kind of equipment. And the devices vary in complexity , and accordingly, in price tag. Thus, the cost of a coffee vending machine can start from 100 thousand and reach up to half a million.

But for a novice entrepreneur there is no point in spending money on the most sophisticated models, because you need to quickly achieve payback for your business and continue to develop it. And the cost of the device model will directly affect the timing of achieving net profit. The most common and popular options among beginners are devices in the price range from 130 to 200 thousand rubles. It makes sense to buy more expensive devices only if your business is developed.

Checking the operation of the coffee making machine

If the coffee maker is set up correctly and the grinding is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, the cake at the exit should have the form of a “tablet”.

If the coffee maker is unstable, you must call a technician or contact a service center.

Setting up a coffee machine is not as complicated a process as it might seem. The main thing is to follow the manufacturer's instructions and follow the sequence of operations. Each type of coffee is a new platform for correctly setting up and setting the operating modes of the coffee machine.

About the quality of milk and its temperature

Modern devices have a temperature level that can be:

  1. For cold (warm) milk it should not exceed 40-45 degrees.
  2. For moderately warm milk - 60-65 degrees.
  3. Hot milk - 68-70 degrees.

Temperature indicators are allowed to be set only when the device is running using a special faucet with manual adjustment. To increase the volume of milk and raise the temperature, you need to turn the tap clockwise. Turning counterclockwise will have the opposite effect.

The supply of milk foam is adjusted in the same way.

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