Why coffee makes you tired, not energized, and how to avoid it

Drinking coffee can have different effects on different people, both those who are completely healthy and those with chronic illnesses or health conditions. Some people feel cheerful after drinking a cup, while others feel worse. Moreover, this can be expressed by migraine, high blood pressure, tachycardia, or a completely depressed state of mind. To understand why you get a headache or high blood pressure after coffee, you need to understand the mechanisms of the drink’s effect on the human body.

In what situations can you feel sick after drinking coffee?

Most often, things get worse from an overdose of coffee. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that you really drank a lot of it, especially since “a lot” is a relative concept, and we can only talk about the amount of caffeine that the body cannot handle at the moment. Here is just an approximate list of diseases and situations in which even one cup of coffee can make you feel bad:

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  • Tachycardia and arrhythmia;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stress;
  • State of lack of sleep;
  • Illness or weakness of the body.

Most often, things get worse if you drink coffee on an empty stomach, especially if your body is weakened.

What to do

There are several effective ways that will help return the body to normal and eliminate the discomfort after smoking.

These include:

  1. To give up smoking. Eliminating the irritating factor is the main method of preventing nausea, dizziness and other symptoms.
  2. Adopting a horizontal position. This will increase blood flow to the brain and prevent further ischemia.
  3. Walks in the open air. Frequent walks in parks or just outside strengthen the vascular system.
  4. Breathing exercises. Exercises strengthen all organs and systems. Smokers feel better after a few minutes of exercise, as it allows you to quickly cope with oxygen starvation of the brain.
  5. Sports activities. Athletes have strong bodies due to regular training. Their blood vessels are more resistant to spasms caused by nicotine.
  6. Strengthening the body. This includes taking a contrast shower, healthy sleep, eating regularly, consuming vitamins and nutrients with food.

To prevent the development of various diseases, smoking control is carried out at the state level. For this purpose, information about the dangers of cigarettes for humans is placed on cigarette packs, and administrative measures are taken to prohibit smoking in public places.

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Why can you feel sick after drinking coffee?

Caffeine mainly affects three main systems of the body: the brain, heart and blood vessels, as well as the stomach and intestines. Let's look at why it might be bad in each case.

Coffee hurts or makes you dizzy

Caffeine affects the blood vessels of the brain, narrowing them and blocking the production of adenosine, which dilates the blood vessels, maintaining them normal. If the vessels are compressed strongly and sharply, the head begins to feel dizzy from the lack of oxygen and blood, and a headache is felt.

Heart hurts, tachycardia from coffee

Caffeine stimulates the pituitary gland, which in turn releases hormones into the blood that affect the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands produce adrenaline, and therefore the pupils dilate, the pulse quickens, and tachycardia appears. The heart must pump blood faster, and all blood vessels are narrowed.

Nausea, diarrhea after coffee

Coffee, especially with grounds, actively irritates the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the production of gastric juice and peristalsis. Symptoms such as nausea, stomach pain, abdominal pain may be felt, and quite often coffee can act as a laxative.

Negative effects on the human body

Daily uncontrolled consumption of the drink causes the development of serious diseases. The heart is most exposed to this attack. This leads to the development of heart disease. Caffeine affects the adrenal glands, which produce adrenaline. There is a load on the heart, it pumps blood faster, but at the same time the blood vessels are narrowed. As a result, the pulse quickens and tachycardia occurs. Side effects from coffee cause a person to feel ill.

Abuse of the drink causes irritation of the stomach and bladder. A person feels nauseous, there is a sharp pain and heaviness in the abdomen. Diarrhea may occur. Excessive consumption affects the digestive system. After an overdose, prolonged depression or sudden excitation of the nervous system sometimes occurs. Headaches can also be caused by excess caffeine in the body. It can be bad from drinking a cup of coffee on an empty stomach.

Is coffee from a coffee shop bad or homemade?

Those who buy a regular glass of coffee from their favorite coffee shop are much less likely to suffer from poor health after drinking coffee. It uses a coffee machine and a standard recipe, meaning the caffeine content in your favorite latte will almost always be the same. At risk are lovers of natural coffee who prepare the drink themselves, in a Turkish coffee, and usually calculate the dosage only approximately.

  • First, it could be a new variety that has more caffeine, or a blend with a higher Arabica content. The point is that in the usual dose, for example, a spoon per cup, you will get more caffeine, but the body is not used to this.
  • Secondly, it is difficult to calculate the number of grams - they use different spoons at home, and the slide can be larger or smaller. And if you grind the beans before cooking, it is even more difficult to calculate the amount, and it turns out that there is more ground coffee in a Turk.
  • Thirdly, a lot depends on how the drink was prepared. If it was simmered over low heat, and then stood in a pot for a while along with the grounds, the concentration of caffeine in it will be much higher than if you cook it relatively quickly and pour it through a filter or strain the grounds.

Even slightly exceeding the usual dosage of caffeine can cause a person to feel unwell. However, this feeling usually passes fairly quickly.

Bad from instant coffee

Instant coffee more often than natural coffee causes stomach pain, weakness, nausea, and sometimes you may feel cold sweat. And in this case, it’s not just about caffeine, although there is usually more of it, but also about all the chemical additives. The share of natural grain in soluble powder or granules is 15-20%, everything else is dyes, stabilizers, preservatives, volume powders, etc. The body reacts to such a “chemical attack” much stronger.

Why coffee makes you tired, not energized, and how to avoid it

Thanks to the caffeine, a glass of coffee usually makes us feel more alert and energetic. But it also happens the other way around. Hence the question: “If coffee is supposed to support us, why does it sometimes act differently?” Let's figure it out


This substance in our central nervous system is responsible for controlling the sleep-wake cycle. As the day progresses, the amount of adenosine gradually increases and we begin to feel more tired. Caffeine will temporarily block the receptors responsible for the perception of adenosine. It will be produced in normal quantities, but we will not feel its effects... until the caffeine wears off. By this point, our receptors are flooded with adenosine, and the encounter with it makes us suddenly and sharply feel drowsy.

What to do?

As long as you don't dramatically increase the level of caffeine in your circulatory system, it helps mitigate its effects. For example, instead of drinking a large morning cup of coffee at once, you can take it with you in a thermal mug and sip your favorite drink throughout the morning. Or postpone the right to the first cup until after lunch, when there is less natural vigor.

Excretory systems

For a large number of people, caffeine is a diuretic, and in some cases it also increases bowel activity. In addition, coffee stimulates the heart rate and, as a result, increases body temperature.

As a result of this increased activity of the excretory systems, drinking coffee in some cases can lead to dehydration. If you're not careful, caffeine not only reduces your thirst, but also causes you to use up your fluid supply faster. And dehydration is one of the main causes of lethargy and fatigue.

What to do?

The solution is obvious; just drink more water. On average, an adult man should aim for 3, and a woman - 2 liters per day minimum. But it should be remembered that this water is also taken into account in the products that we consume (soups, fruits, vegetables, drinks), so that ultimately the amount of clean water can be reduced to at least 1 liter per day.

Coffee beans LavAzza “Qualita Oro”, 500 g 752 rub.

Lavazza “Qualita Oro” coffee beans, 250 g 351 rub.

Compagnia Dell'arabica "Jamaica Blue Mountain" bean coffee, 1500 g 48,960 rub.

Ground coffee in instant Nescafe “Gold”, 750 g -25%

745 rub. 993 rub.

View all coffee


Some people cannot imagine coffee without sugar, but sugar is an additional burden on the body. Surely you are aware that a sharp intake of glucose causes an equally sharp production of insulin, on which the body spends energy. A powerful surge of strength and good mood is invariably followed by a sharp decline in both. So if you're adding syrup generously to your coffee, it could also be causing fatigue to set in in no time: sugar is processed much faster than caffeine, and while the caffeine crash may take a few hours to set in, the sugar crash happens already. within an hour and a half. This is especially true for people with hypersensitivity to glucose.

What to do?

If you don't like coffee without additional flavorings, you might want to try switching to a different variety or preparation method - sometimes this really completely changes the taste of a familiar drink and makes it perfect even without sugar. Alternatively, you can use an alternative sweetener (honey, stevia, etc.), and there are several types of sugar-free syrups.

And further…

If you always feel sleepy after drinking coffee, you may want to take a hard look at other aspects of your lifestyle. For example, recognizing that regularly using caffeine as a dope after 4-6 hours of sleep is not the answer. High levels of stress, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor eating habits can also affect your energy levels much faster than drinking caffeine, which is just a litmus test for these problems. Drink coffee and listen to your body to get the most out of this wonderful drink.

What to do if you feel sick from coffee?

If every time you drink coffee you feel bad, you should either seriously reduce the dose, or try decaffeinated coffee, or maybe even give it up altogether. But usually it happens bad once, almost by accident, and in this case there is no need to panic: usually everything goes away in about 15-20 minutes. If you feel nauseous, you can try to get rid of the drink you drank; if not, there are ways to help your body return to normal faster:

  • If you feel weakness, dizziness, tachycardia, pain in the head, it is advisable to sit down or lie down, ensure an influx of oxygen, perhaps raise your legs above your head so that oxygen flows to the brain. If it's freezing, you can wrap yourself up.
  • If there is pain in the heart, increased excitability, pain in the temples, rapid pulse, fever, provide access to air and try to do a few physical exercises, just to speed up the metabolism and the caffeine is processed faster.

In any case, it is good to drink water, you can eat a banana, drink milk. Lemon water may help. Possibly sedatives for the heart and blood vessels.

What exactly should you do if you feel sick after a cup of coffee?

  • Lie down, taking a horizontal position, but keeping your head higher than your body.
  • Unbutton the collar of your shirt or blouse.
  • Provide a flow of fresh air into the room.
  • Reduce noise pollution (turn off TV, music).
  • Drink some cool water.
  • If the condition worsens, call an ambulance.

When buying coffee, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer, its reputation, and the availability of detailed information about the product. Often, in order to save money, the manufacturer dilutes the grains with other ingredients. No one is surprised by cereals or chicory, but the product may contain other substances that provoke a deterioration in well-being. That is why after coffee the condition of a person who is accustomed to the drink and drinks it regularly at home or in a cafe can change.

If an invigorating drink regularly causes changes in your well-being, it is better to give up the drink altogether or try drinking it with milk and without sugar. An alternative can be natural decaffeinated coffee or its analogue - chicory.

Hypertensive patients, people with diabetes, and pregnant women should not drink coffee. These people are at risk for the occurrence of pathological conditions. You need to take care of your health at any age, and it’s easy to give up coffee in favor of healthy green tea, herbal teas or homemade herbal and berry teas.


  1. Even a completely healthy person can feel ill after drinking coffee. If this happens once, there is nothing wrong with it.
  2. Coffee brewed in Turkish coffee may make you feel worse if you do not calculate the dosage or allow the drink to brew with grounds.
  3. Instant coffee makes you feel sick because it contains a lot of chemical additives that can cause an individual reaction.
  4. Most often, coffee makes you sick if the body is weakened, the person did not get enough sleep, or drank too much coffee.
  5. If you feel sick, drink water or milk to neutralize the caffeine.

Can you get sick from passive smoking?

Nicotine is dangerous not only for the smoker himself, but also for the people around him. Inhaling tobacco smoke allows toxic substances to enter the bloodstream. They have the same destructive effect as with active smoking. Poisoning with carcinogens, vasospasm, disruption of the brain and other organs occurs. Second-hand smoke is especially dangerous for pregnant women, adolescents and children.

The method of preparing coffee is very important

Give up freeze-dried coffee and switch to natural coffee beans. Your body is probably rebelling against low-quality raw materials. Know that even well-known coffee producers, before presenting their products to consumers, are forced to be content with raw materials that pass through a chain of wholesalers and distributors.

Very often, grains traveling from the point of collection to production are mixed with each other, and the product has difficulty maintaining high standards. That is why do not buy cheap products, because they may well contain mold toxins. Use products from a proven, reputable brand, and then your energy from just one cup of coffee can be maintained for up to 20 hours.

How to avoid an unpleasant effect

If you want to sleep after strong coffee, to reduce the negative impact, follow the rules:

  1. Consume it in moderation - no more than two 240 ml cups per day.
  2. Do not add sugar or sweeteners.
  3. Drink plenty of water , alternate its use with an invigorating drink.
  4. The daily intake of caffeine is 400 milligrams . Please note that it may contain medications, non-alcoholic and low-alcohol energy drinks.
  5. To avoid feeling tired, drink tea or a low-caffeine drink after lunch.

Why does smoking hookah make you feel nauseous and cause headaches?

The process of smoking a hookah involves inhaling combustion products of a tobacco mixture with certain flavorings. After smoking, a person may experience unpleasant signs of a hookah hangover - headache, increased heart rate, weakness, nausea. The reasons for this condition are:

  1. Smoking on an empty stomach. You should not inhale tobacco mixtures on an empty stomach. Before this, you should eat a hearty meal and drink plenty of fluids. In the process of inhaling vapors, the liquid quickly leaves through the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, resulting in an imbalance of water balance. The body becomes dehydrated, which causes nausea and dizziness.
  2. Use of low quality coal. Experienced hookah operators do not recommend using traditional charcoal, which is used for cooking kebabs. This type of charcoal is usually impregnated with various chemical additives to make it ignite quickly. There is special coal for hookah.
  3. Adding various alcoholic beverages. You should not add alcohol to the flask, especially if a person is trying to smoke for the first time. The evaporation of alcohol enters the organs of the respiratory system and the bloodstream, causing the phenomenon of intoxication.
  4. Incorrectly made coal. To properly prepare charcoal for a hookah, it should be well lit until red hot, evenly, on all sides. There should be no uncooked areas left; if they remain, the person will inhale excess gas.
  5. Closed room. The source of headaches, nausea and dizziness is smoke and fumes. Therefore, when smoking, be sure to leave the windows open in the room.
  6. Fast smoking. Don't take deep breaths or take too many breaths. Be sure to take breaks and breathe clean air. This will restore oxygen balance and prevent excess nicotine and carbon dioxide from accumulating in excess in the blood.
  7. Mouthpiece is dirty. It is very important to clean the mouthpiece in a timely manner, removing the resin.
  8. An allergic reaction to certain components of the smoking mixture.
  9. Lack of experience of the hookah man, violations of the process of preparing the mixture, coal.
  10. The influence of nicotine. This happens especially often in those people who have not smoked before. After just a few puffs you may feel nauseous and dizzy. Such reactions to nicotine entering the body are normal. Also, a person may have an increased sensitivity to nicotine, which will provoke an unpleasant condition.

IMPORTANT! Remember that this method of relaxation should not become systematic. Smoking a hookah is far from a harmless process, so the approach to it must be competent.

Is coffee a problem?

Caffeine is one of the most popular stimulants around the world. Its effect is pronounced and fast, as it is easily absorbed by your body. However, your body's reaction to this is short-lived. As this wears off, you'll likely feel a drop in energy, which may make you feel drowsy.

It's not caffeine, but the lack of it makes you tired . And when you add low blood sugar and dehydration into the mix, you have a recipe for a sleepy day. Luckily, there are ways to prevent this and keep you productive throughout the day.

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Side effects from hookah

The unpleasant symptoms that smoking can cause include the following:

  • headache,
  • depressed mood
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • photosensitivity,
  • sound intolerance,
  • general weakness.

As a rule, these side effects occur due to improper hookah preparation technology. They may also appear due to the inexperience of the smoker.

You can also feel bad after a hookah because you are too enthusiastic about the process. In this case, the consequences may be more serious. One of them is a hookah hangover. People with hypertension or other chronic pathologies are especially susceptible to it. But even a completely healthy person can suffer from a hookah hangover. It causes nausea, headache, sore throat, tachycardia, heavy breathing, and congestion in the ears. If you abuse hookah, a person can also faint. In this case, he will need immediate help.

Workout cocktail

Did you know that drinking one cup of coffee immediately before your workout can improve your performance in the gym or on the treadmill? Scientists from the UK studied a group of triathletes who were able to improve their results by 5% by drinking a small portion of an invigorating drink before training. This became possible due to the partial dulling of pain in the muscles during heavy exertion.

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Why does coffee make me tired? Caffeine and drowsiness

It is natural to assume that caffeine causes drowsiness. This is what students of logic would call the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. It translates from Latin as "after this, therefore because of this". The mindset looks like this:

You drink a couple of cups of coffee and feel sleepy after a few hours. A natural guess is why does coffee make me feel tired? We come to this conclusion because two events occur close to each other immediately after the other. You think, of course it must be coffee.

Negative symptoms from hookah smoking

The most common negative side effects after smoking a hookah are:

  • attacks of nausea or even vomiting;
  • disorientation in space;
  • the appearance of severe dizziness, especially during movement;
  • intense headache;
  • the appearance of tinnitus;


  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • acceleration of heart rate, increase in pulse rate;
  • painful reaction to bright light and the sun;
  • painful reaction to loud sounds;
  • muscle weakness;
  • emotional rigidity;
  • deterioration of health.

The listed symptoms most often appear within a short time after smoking a hookah. Sometimes more dangerous symptoms may appear, such as loss of consciousness and convulsions. This happens more often in those people who suffer from hypertensive or hypotensive disease, who are predisposed to developing an allergic reaction. In this case, you should not ignore this condition; it is better to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Coconut oil

Well, if you take a mixture of butter and coconut oil as a supplement, you will saturate your body with triglycerides - healthy fatty acids. In this case, in addition to the benefits of caffeine, the benefits of such an excellent product as coconut oil will be added. Your skin will become better and cleaner, your psyche will be able to withstand stress more effectively, and your digestion will only improve. Coconut oil is a one-of-a-kind additive that is tasteless and odorless. Drinking coffee with a blend of oils every morning will help prevent problems associated with dementia and prevent Alzheimer's disease.

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