Instructions for using the Delonghi coffee machine with cappuccino maker

To prepare lattes and other milk-coffee drinks, you need to add not just milk to the espresso, but densely whipped foam, which is most easily created using the Panarello nozzle or the built-in steamer of the coffee machine. And you need to work with this tool correctly. But if you do everything according to the instructions, and the foam still doesn’t look like professional foam, the coffee machine may be faulty. To figure it out and find the cause of the problem, read this article.

You can order professional repairs of coffee machines and coffee equipment at. We will help you figure out why foam is not produced in your cappuccino maker. We have been helping residents of Moscow and the Moscow region with the restoration and maintenance of household appliances at home for 10 years. You can call a specialist for free for a consultation by phone from 7:00 to 23:00, without weekends and holidays. We work with all famous brands: Delonghi, Saeco, Nespresso, etc.

What you need to make frothed milk

It is quite possible to prepare frothed milk using a coffee machine, however, you can only do this if it has a special tube designed to release steam. In addition, you will need a clean milk pitcher and a cappuccino maker. We attach it to the coffee machine tube, which produces steam.

Today on the modern market you can find a wide selection of cappuccino makers of various shapes, sizes, serving methods and the functions they perform. The most popular model of this nozzle for a long time has been and remains the Panarello cappuccino maker.

All cappuccino makers can be divided into two main types:

  • steam – works on the principle of a spray; the principle of a spray;
  • mechanical - operates on the principle of rotation of the beaters.

The pitcher is a container made of metal in which milk is directly frothed. In addition to metal, ceramics, plastic or glass can be used to make this container. The main thing is that the material used has good thermal conductivity and has a neutral chemical composition - otherwise, the taste of the drink you prepare will be far from what you expected.

What is a Delongi coffee machine with cappuccino maker?

Coffee machines from Delong differ in:

  • mind - usually buyers are interested in Autentica, Eletta, Perfecta, Nespresso, Magnifica, Pronto;
  • type;
  • models - EC7, EC850, EC9 are especially in demand;
  • price.

The functionality of the devices and the variety of prices allow you to choose a device that fits your budget. A carob-type coffee machine is easy to use, requires a minimum of space, and allows you to brew any coffee. The instructions for the Delonghi coffee machine with cappuccino maker help you understand the operation.


The machine consists of:

  • containers for beans and ground coffee waste;
  • devices for supplying hot water and steam;
  • trays for collecting condensate, for drips;
  • containers for water and milk;
  • water softener filter;
  • control panels;
  • shelves for warming cups;
  • brewing block.

The degree of grinding is adjustable. The instructions for the Delonghi coffee machine with cappuccino maker help you master the control panel. The display located there allows you to monitor the preparation of the drink. The screen displays alerts about:

  • turning the device on and off;
  • choosing the number of servings;
  • draining hot water;
  • choosing the taste of coffee;
  • stages of preparation of CAFFELATTE, CAPPUCCINO, LATTE MACCHIATO;
  • preparing milk;
  • release of steam.

The display also shows menu items and navigation through them.

The device comes with:

  • dosing container;
  • cleaning brushes;
  • cappuccino maker;
  • electrical cable;
  • descaling agent;
  • indicator for checking water hardness;
  • instructions for the Delonghi carob coffee maker with cappuccino maker.

Overall dimensions of the device: 238x350x445 mm, the machine operates at a voltage of 220-240 V, its power is 1450 W. The drink is prepared under a pressure of 15 bar. The volume of the water container is 2 liters; the grain container holds 250 g.

The total weight of the device is 11.8 kg.

The instructions for the Delonghi Cappuccino coffee machine include a detailed description of the technical parameters specific to specific models and types of appliances.

Principle of operation

Making coffee in automatic coffee machines requires almost no human intervention. The coffee maker needs to select a program and type of drink. Next, the process occurs in stages:

  • grain crushing;
  • pressing the ground powder into the filter;
  • passing hot water and steam through the filter;
  • collecting milk from the container through special tubes;
  • filling a cup with the finished drink.

The operating principle is slightly different depending on the model and type.

Installation and connection tips

The instructions for the Delonghi carob coffee maker with cappuccino maker will help you install and connect the device while observing safety precautions.

The operation of the device is associated with the generation of heat; it must be placed on a surface where there is at least 3 cm of free space on each side, and at least 15 cm on top. It is not recommended to leave the device near water taps and other sources of water, in rooms where the temperature falls below 0 °C.

Before connecting to the network, you must check that the voltage in the network matches the parameters specified in the manual. The socket must be in good working order, the minimum current is 10 A. If the plug does not fit into the socket, a special adapter must be installed.

What kind of milk should I use for frothing?

To get a real latte or cappuccino, it is recommended to use only high-quality milk, since the thickness of the resulting foam and the time of its formation depend on it. Milk used for churning should:

  • be pasteurized;
  • have a temperature of approximately +3 or + 4 degrees;
  • contain 2.8–3.8% protein; have a fat content of three percent or higher.

The percentage of proteins and fats present in milk is responsible for the thickness and viscousness of the foam obtained from it - the higher it is, the thicker it will be.

Caring for your Delongi coffee machine with cappuccino maker

If you strictly follow the instructions for the Delonghi Cappuccino coffee machine, the device will work properly and serve the user for a long time. An important condition is regular cleaning of the components. Do not use alcohol solutions or detergents with an abrasive texture for this purpose.

Care instructions:

  • The coffee grounds container must be emptied when the corresponding message appears on the display.
  • It is recommended to empty the condensate tray when the indicator goes behind the cup tray.
  • Clean the inside of the machine, the water tank and the funnel for pouring coffee monthly, and the infuser - 2 times a month.
  • Residues from milk in the container should be removed after each use.

Do not wash the device under the tap or immerse it entirely in water. Maintenance is carried out when it is unplugged.

To clean the cappuccino maker in the Delonghi coffee machine, you need to disconnect it from the nut and remove it from the water or steam supply tube. The hinge part must be disassembled, the tube and pin removed. Rinse the components under running water, reassemble in reverse order, reinstall and connect the tube.

The need to clean the cappuccino maker in a Delonghi coffee machine arises regularly.

Cleaning the filter

After preparing 250-300 cups of coffee, it is worth cleaning the filter in the Delonghi Cappuccino coffee machine. It is removed, the inside is cleaned by hand, and washed under hot water. If necessary, a brush can be used. The filter openings must be clean. Contaminants are removed with a sharp object.


The length of time the coffee maker can operate without descaling depends on the hardness of the water. A notification will appear on the coffee machine display. To clean, use a DeLonghi decalcifier; vinegar-based products are not suitable. Regular decalcification helps extend the life of the machine.

To clean, you need to turn on the device and select the descaling program in the menu. Pour the decalcifier solution in the required proportion into a water container and place it under the supply tube. Start the process.

After the procedure, the device must be additionally rinsed with clean water.

Step-by-step instructions for frothing milk

The procedure for frothing milk can be divided into a number of sequential actions:

  • We fill the pitcher with milk, not filling it to the place where its spout begins, about a centimeter.
  • We install the cappuccino maker at a forty-five degree angle relative to the pitcher wall. The tube should be placed so that it “looks” slightly away from the center of the vessel and is located approximately at a centimeter depth.
  • We immerse the free end of the device in milk and set the device to steam generation mode. The vessel itself should be held by the bottom to control the temperature of the whipped mixture.
  • We hold the cappuccino maker, using it to rotate the liquid so that its hissing can be heard.
  • Gradually move the device deeper into the vessel, making sure that the hissing does not stop.
  • As soon as you feel that the bottom of the pitcher has warmed up, you can move on to the next stage of cooking.
  • We immerse the cappuccino maker more deeply. When immersed in depth, the hissing will stop, but the milk should continue to rotate. As a rule, this effect is achieved at approximately a centimeter height from the bottom.
  • We heat the milk with steam until you can safely hold the vessel by the handle - to a temperature of approximately +75 degrees or slightly higher.
  • Stop the steam supply and remove the tube.

In order for the foam in the cappuccino maker to be homogeneous, you should periodically lightly shake the pitcher, tapping it on the table surface.

Cappuccino at home

Don't be upset if you don't have a coffee machine or regular coffee maker with which you can make your own cappuccino.

Anyone can make cappuccino at home and without a special device.

To do this you will need the following ingredients per serving:

  • Finely ground black coffee (1 tsp);
  • Milk (150 ml.);
  • Dark chocolate (1/2 tsp);
  • Sugar (2 tsp);
  • Water (40 ml.).

Learn about the classification and recipes for coffee drinks made from barley and chicory!

Read about the difference between granulated instant coffee and freeze-dried coffee here.

We pour the coffee into a coffee pot, fill it with cold water and cook the drink until it is ready, then pour it into a cappuccino container and add sugar to taste. Separately, boil the milk and beat it into foam in a blender or French press.

The final stage: carefully pour the finished milk into the coffee, and use a spoon to transfer the whipped foam into the drink. Sprinkle finely grated chocolate on top.

Based on personal preferences, you can add cinnamon, nutmeg or cardamom to the cappuccino, and replace the milk with cream.

By the way, the latter option is more preferable, since thanks to the cream the milk foam will be as thick as possible.

Differences between frothed milk for cappuccino and latte

The main difference between the milk frothed for these coffee drinks is its quantity. To prepare a latte, use 3/5 milk and 1/5 foam. Cappuccino is made with the addition of a third of milk and a third of milk foam, which is much denser in consistency than that used for latte. To obtain such foam, you should hold the cappuccino maker lowered to a depth a little longer and raise the heating temperature to a higher level. In addition, milk for cappuccino should be chosen with a higher percentage of fat content than for latte.

In general, the preparation of any coffee drink with the addition of whipped or plain milk must be approached thoroughly and the result of your labors will definitely please you.

Household appliances Coffee machine

What is cappuccino

At one time, the monastic family of Capuchins gave the world a recipe for making aromatic coffee with thick milk foam. The Italian drink, along with brewed Turkish coffee, latte, glass and other coffee drinks, is still in great demand among the population.

The main components of this drink are the following ingredients:

  • Espresso, which is produced by passing hot water through coffee beans;
  • Milk;
  • Milk foam.

Those who don’t know how to make cappuccino will find a lot of useful information in this article.

After all, there is a huge variety of ways to prepare this type of coffee, which we will talk about in more detail.


  1. To prepare cappuccino in a coffee machine, the machine must be equipped with a cappuccino maker - automatic or semi-automatic.
  2. It is better to take cold, fattier milk. Pitcher – cool and keep in the refrigerator.
  3. Heat the cup so that it is warm, but not hot.
  4. The correct foam is whipped if you hold the pitcher at an angle and do not immerse the nozzle more than 1-2 cm; it is better to work at low pressure.
  5. If the foam holds the sugar poured on it, everything is correct!

How to make coffee in a coffee maker

A very simple and convenient way to prepare an invigorating drink is to brew it in a coffee maker.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's recommendations and advice on brewing coffee in these various types of machines.

How to brew coffee in a drip coffee maker

The most popular among consumers are drip (filtration) type electric coffee makers. Another name is “American”.

Principle of operation:

  • The filter is filled with ground grains at the rate of two to three spoons per cup of water.
  • The reservoir is filled with cold water.
  • The coffee maker is included. The steam that is formed when water boils rises through the tube, condenses, is filtered through the ground mass and flows into the dish.

The resulting coffee extract relieves fatigue, gives strength, and improves concentration.

How to brew coffee in a geyser coffee maker

When water boils, steam is formed, which is pushed under pressure through the tube, filling the cup with aromatic liquid. This process resembles a geyser. This is where the device got its name.

Basic recommendations:

  • Fill the lower reservoir with purified water.
  • Take a sufficient amount of crushed grains and fill the filter.
  • Connect the parts of the device and connect to the power source.
  • When heated, steam is produced, pressure is created and water is pushed out, passed through the grains, enriched with its taste and smell, and fills a special container through a tube.

It’s easy to prepare a drink with a coffee machine; Italians love it very much.

How to brew coffee in a carob coffee maker

Instead of a conventional mesh filter, carob-type electric coffee makers use plastic and metal horns. They prepare coffee - espresso, cappuccino, and other delicious and aromatic coffee drinks.

Saturation and strength depend on the grinding and pressing of the crushed product. It is better to do this using a special device - a tempera.

  • After pressing, the horn is installed in a special compartment.
  • The reservoir is filled with water.
  • Turn the toggle switch to turn on the device.
  • Steam under pressure passes through the coffee mass, the resulting condensate is cooled, and fills a preheated cup to improve taste.

For those who like thick foam, it is better to choose the espresso mode.

How to make coffee in a capsule-type coffee maker

To prepare this type of drink you need:

  • Take portioned capsules filled with crushed mass and place them in the compartment.
  • Make three punctures and install them inside the device.
  • The water heats up and passes through the filter under pressure.
  • The container is filled with enriched coffee drink.
  • The used capsule is placed in the trash container.

This brewing method does not require special skills or grinding of beans. The capsule type device is very convenient to use in offices.

operating instructions...

DeLonghi coffee makers

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EU 145

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operating instructions


How to froth milk for cappuccino

To make your favorite coffee drink rich and tasty, you need to properly froth the milk for it. To do this, take an unboiled cold product with a high fat content. The whole process is divided into:

  • obtaining foam during the beating process;
  • heating and formation of foam texture.

You may not get an airy, dense foam the first time, so don’t be upset - skill comes with experience.

Milk container for coffee machine

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