Nespresso Vertuo Plus capsule coffee machine review

Capsule coffee machine De'Longhi Nespresso

No one will argue that coffee is one of the most common and favorite drinks of our time. Time changes the methods of its preparation, new technologies come, but only the fantastic taste of espresso remains unchanged. Modern technology allows you to cook it in the optimal way - using special capsules, at the touch of a button. The De'Longhi Nespresso EN80 capsule coffee machine is one of the best machines of this type, allowing you to brew coffee with minimal human intervention in this process.

Coffee capsules

The starting material for preparing drinks in capsule-type machines is coffee capsules, which must be original, produced specifically for Nespresso coffee machines. The capsules contain elite Grand Cru coffee, which is collected by hand. This coffee is processed extremely gently, trying to preserve maximum aromas and taste. Coffee beans are roasted, ground, blended (mixing coffee varieties), then the powder is packed into aluminum capsules under pressure. The “Grand Cru” collection is represented by 22 capsules, distinguished by the varietal qualities of coffee.

Ethical Coffee Company, Tassimo, Cremesso, Dualit and others also produce coffee capsules that can be used by Nespresso coffee machines.

The peculiarity of these coffee capsules is the inert gas that is added to each package. This gas prevents oxidation of coffee beans, which guarantees its strength and aroma. The mechanism punctures holes in the capsule packaging for air and hot water to flow through them.

Benefits of capsules:

  • no need to grind grains;
  • the properties of coffee are preserved throughout the year: it can be purchased for future use;
  • the tightness of the packaging allows you to preserve the original aroma and taste of the beans;
  • their use ensures the accuracy of the process (nothing spills), the operation of the device is almost silent (machines with coffee grinders make a lot of noise).


The De'Longhi Nespresso EN80 capsule coffee machine is valued both for its external qualities and for its functional characteristics. It is the most compact of the Nespresso series. The water container holds 0.7 liters. There are only 2 buttons in the machine that set the drink preparation mode: espresso, lungo.

Using the machine is very simple: just place the coffee capsule in the container and press the desired button that corresponds to the desired type of coffee. When you press the button, you need to hold it until the required volume of drink in the cup is reached. Then you should confirm the volume by pressing the button three times. As a result of these actions, the mechanism will be programmed - and then by default it will give exactly this amount of liquid.

The machine allows you to program the strength of cappuccino and latte drinks, and the volume of milk foam.

According to the instructions included with the coffee machine, the consumer can use the data from the table there to adjust the water hardness level.

The switch-off time can be set.

To obtain high-quality foam, milk should be no higher than 4 degrees with a fat content of 2.8-3.2%.

The Nespresso De'Longhi Lattissima+ EN 520 capsule type model is the most multifunctional and fastest among Nespresso. It has a stylish design, the body color is black, and there are backlit buttons.

The operation of the machine is fully automated. One of the features of this model is that it prepares De'Longhi cappuccino using an automatic system that has a patent. One touch of a button in this unit allows you to get different types of coffee: espresso, cappuccino and latte macchiato. The ejection of used capsules and the shutdown of the mechanism also occur in auto mode. Warming up takes 1 minute. Included:

  • volumetric removable container for water, containers for milk and used capsules;
  • drip tray;
  • system in which capsules are installed;
  • separate compartment for cable.

The coffee machine remembers the user-specified parameters. A cup of coffee brews in 27 seconds. The machine also works with non-original capsules, but in this case you will have to remove them from the container yourself.

The Nespresso budget capsule machines include the Inissia series. This coffee machine can brew lungo or espresso. The machine is equipped with a shutdown system that turns off 9 minutes after finishing work. Has a container for used capsules that can hold up to 11 capsules.

Caring for cars in this series is quite simple. The body should be wiped down from time to time with a damp cloth and a mild cleaning agent, and the drip tray and cappuccino unit should be rinsed with water. Used sticks should be thrown away regularly.

It is necessary to carry out descaling in a timely manner (in accordance with the operating instructions).


Users note the following advantages of Nespresso drip machines:

  • excellent taste of coffee;
  • ease of operation;
  • modern design, compact;
  • Quiet work process.

The disadvantages are the high cost of the capsules, as well as the fact that they are quite problematic to purchase.

The De'Longhi Nespresso capsule coffee machine is the optimal choice for those who do not like to complicate their lives. Fast, easy and tasty - these are the operating principles of Nespresso coffee machines.

Read more about the De'Longhi EN80 capsule coffee machine in the following video.


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TSM SUCCESS MANUAL® designed and copyright by * Ma machine right by Cutting mark Description de la mcquina/Vista Geral 4 Precauciones de seguridad/Medidas de seguranc§a 5БЂ“6 Primer uso despuc©s de un periodo prolongado de inactividad/ Primeira utilizac§ tsyo ou apсіs longo perсodo de nсеo utilizаc§tsеo 7 Preparacіn del cafс©/Preparacіn de Cappuccino de cafс© 8 Montaje/desmontaje del Rapid Cappuccino System (RCS)/ Montagem/desmontagem do Rapid Cappuccino System (RCS) 8 Preparacіn de Cappuccino y Latte Macchiato/ Preparar um Cappuccino e Latte Macchiato 9 Programaciçin del volumen de agua/Programaççöo do volume de ç´gua 10 ProgramaççÖn de la cantidad para Cappuccino/Latte Macchiato/ Programaç§öo de quantidades para Cappuccino/Latte Macchiato 10 Enjuagar despúç©s de cada Preparaacin de Una Receta de Leche/ Enxaguar Aptzіs Prepara Cada Receita de Leite 11 Limpieza Diaria/ Limpeza DICIRIA 11 CUIDADO DEL RAPID CAPED CAPED CAPEDO SYSTEM (RCS) Semana/Cuide Do Rapid Cappuccino System Duas Vezes Por Semana 11 Vaciado de la Mcuquina Cuando no vaya a utilizarla durante un tiempo, para pro — tegerla de las heladas o antes de su reparaciçin/ Esvaziamento do sistema antes de um perçodo de nöo utilizçççöo, para protecç§çöo anti-congelamento ou ante s de reparaç§çöo 12 Concepto de ahorro energç©tico/Conceito de poupanç§a de energia 12 DescalciO¬Ѓcaciçin/DescalciO¬Ѓcac§ceo 13БЂ“14 Ajuste de la dureza del agua/ConO¬Ѓguraç§çµes de dureza da çЎgua 14 Devolucicín de las can tidades a los ajustes de fçЎbrica/Recuperar as regulaç§çµes de fçЎbrica 14 Solucicin de problemas/Resoluç§öo de Problemas 15 EspeciO¬Ѓcaciones/EspeciO¬Ѓcac§cµes 15 Contacte en contacto con el club Nespresso/Contacte o Club Nespresso 15 Eli minacicin e informacicin ecolсigica/Eliminac §tsyo de resсduos e preocupac§tsio 15 Garantа/Garantia 16 ES PT NESPRESSO, um sistema exclusivo para preparar um espresso perfeito, chсЎvena aptіs chсЎ vena. Todas as mоquinas Nespresso estо equipadas com um sistema de extracо§о patenteado que garante atо© 19 ba r de pressо. Cada parçўmetro foi calculado ao pormenor para assegurar que todos os aromas de cada Grand Cru sejam revelados, realç§ando o corpo e criando um creme incompara velmente denso e suave. CON TENT Cuidado - Quando visualizar este sinal, consulte as medidas de seguranç a, a O¬Ѓm de evitar riscos ou danos. Informac§tsio - Quando visualizar este sinal, atente q indicac§tsio para uma co rrecta e segura utilizac§tsio da sua mts§quina de cafc©. Precaucicin: Cuando vea este scmbolo, consulte las precauciones de segurid ad para evitar posibles lesiones o dac±os Informacicin: Cuando vea este scmbolo, siga los consejos para una utilizac icin correcta y segura de su mcЎquina de cafc© NESPRES SO, un sistema exclusivo para elaborar un espresso siempre perfecto. Todas las möquinas Nespresso estón equipadas con un sistema de extracciçin patentado que garantiza un a presiçin möxima de 19 bar. Cada uno de sus parçЎmetros ha sido calculado con la may or precisiçin para asegurar la extracciçin de todo el aroma de cada Grand Cru, dando cuerpo al cafç© yp reparando una crema excepcionalmente densa y deliciosa. tsЌN DICE/ ES MA NUAL DE IN STR UCCI ONES PT MA NUAL DE IN STR Uts‡ts• ES 4 PL IN STRUK CJA OBSеЃU GI RU p?p“pоpўp pеpљp¦ p?pЇ 18 CZ NtуVOD KP OUеЅITцЌ HU HASZ NtsЃLATI tsi TM UTAT c“ 32 2 6 5 Cutting mark 2 3 4 8 7 1 9 10 11 19 ABC 16 21 15 22 14 20 13 23 12 I 13 14 C 4 Juste del ahorro de energça; vc©ase la pcЎgina 12. Al encender la mcЎquina, los botones se iluminan durante 2 segundos: Lungo = apagado al cabo de 9 minutos Espresso = apagado al cabo de 30 minutos Lungo + Espresso simultçЎneamente = apagado al cabo de 8 horas Ajuste de dureza del agua; vc©ase la pcЎgina 14 . Al encender la múquina, los botones se iluminan durante 2 segundos: Latte Macchiato = Dureza del agua baja Cappuccino = Dureza del agua media Latte Macchiato + Cappuccino = Dureza del agua alta Modo Cafe© listo Modos Cafe© y de recetas con leche listos Aviso de descalciO¬Ѓcacicin; vс©ase la pсЎgina 13 ConО¬Ѓguraс§цµes de poupanс§a de energia, consulte pсЎgina 12. Quando a mцЎquina с© ligada, os botсµes piscam 2s: Lungo = power oО¬Ђ apсіs 9 minutos Espresso = power oо¬Ђ apc is 30 minutos Lungo + Espresso = power oО¬Ђ apсіs 8 horas ConО¬Ѓguraс§цѧо da dureza da сЎgua, consulte pсЎgina 14. Quando a mцЎquina с© ligada, os botсµes piscam 2s: Latte macciato = сЎgua macia Cappuccino = с Ўgua dureza mc© dia Latte Macchiato + Cappuccino = qюgua duraModo Cafс© estсЎ pronto Modos Cafс© e Receita de Leite prontos Alerta de descalciО¬Ѓкац§цьо, consulte a pсЎgina 13 Indicaciones de los botones luminosos/Indicaciones de los botones luminosos/Indicaciones dos botçµes retro-iluminados A McQuina sin Rapid Cappuccino System Möquina sem Rapid Cappuccino System B Möquina con Rapid Cappuccino System (para Cappuccino) Möquina com Rapid Cappuccino System (para Cappuccino) C Möquina con Rapid Cappuccino System (para Latte Macchiato) Möquina com Rapid Cappuccino System (para Latte Macciatto) 1 Palanca Alavanca 2 Salida de cafс© Bico de saсda de cafс© 3 Depсіsito de agua (0,9 l) Reservatсіrio de сЎgua (0,9 l) 4 Recipiente de ссЎpsulas usadas Recipiente de ссЎpsulas usadas 5 Bandeja antigoteo (empujar hacia dentro para introducir un vaso para Latte Macchiato) Tabuleiro de gotejamento (empurre para o interior para copo Macchiato) 6 Rejilla izquierda Grelha esquerda 7 Rejilla derecha Grelha direita 8 Compuerta de almacenamiento del tubo de descalciO¬Ѓcaciçin (tirar para abrir) Porta de acondicionamento da tubagem de descalciO ¬Ѓса§ COOO (PUXE Para Abirir) 9 Tubo de DescalcioiCacaciun TubaGem de Descalcio § Compurta Del Contertor De Vapor Porta AO Vapor 11 Cone Cone Cone § CEO AO Vapor 12 Botzіn de EnCendido/Apagado Botzoo on/ Off 13 Cappuccino Cappuccino 14 Latte Macchiato Latte Macchiato 15 Espresso Espresso 16 Lungo Lungo B Otones Luminosos/ BotzµS Retro -iluminados Rapid Cappuccino System (RCS)/ Rapid Cappuccino System (RCS) Contenido de la Caja/Contezdo Na Embalagem mcsquina de CAFC © COO Ђee machine Juego de 16 ссЎpsulas Conjunto de 16 ссЎpsulas Carpeta БЂњBienvenido a NespressoБЂ« Dossier БЂњBem-vindo з Nespresso БЂ« Manual del usuario Manual de Instruc§cµes Tarjeta de garantа Cartо de Garantia 17 Recipiente para leche (0.35 l) Reservation de leite (0.35 l) 18 Tapa del recipient para leche Tampa do reservatо de leite 19 Botоn de extracciоn de la tapa Botо de desmontagem da tampa 20 Botоn de enjuague Botо de enxaguamento 21 Rueda de regulaciоn de espuma Botо regulador de esp uma de leite 22 Espuma mönima Mön . espuma 23 Espuma mсЎxima MсЎx. espuma 24 Conector del Rapid Cappuccino System Ligaç§öo Rapid Cappuccino System 25 Surtidor de leche Saçda de leite 26 Tubo de aspiraciçin de leche Tubo de aspiraç§öo de leite V ISTA GERAL DESCRIPCI c“N DE LA MçЃQU INA/ 4 p?p“ pЎpў p pepљ p¦p? pч pџpћ p'p•p—pћpџ pђpЎp «pћpЎpўp? p'pѕ p±pµp¶p°pЅpµ pїpѕyaЂp°p¶pµпЅпЏяЌп»пµпєя‚яЂпёя‡пµяЃпєпєпј I‚пзпєпѕпј поп»пѕпѕп·пЅп епєпЅпѕпІпµпЅпёяЏ пїпѕп¶п°яЂп° 1. п'пєп»яЋя‡п°п No. I'm the first one єяѓ IЃ p·p°p·pµпјп»пµпЅпёпµпј . pep±pµpґпёя‚пµяЃяЊ, I‡я‚пѕ pхп°пїя‚яЏп¶пµпЅпёпµ pІ jaуpµya‚пїпѕпѕя‚пІпµя‚яуя‚пІяѓпµя‚ I Ђп°п±пѕя‡пµпјяѓ пЅп°пїяЂяЏп¶пµпЅпЅпјп°я€пјя‹, ѓпєп°п ·п°пЅпЅпѕпјяѓ пхп° попґпµпЅя‚пёя„пєпєп°я†пѕпЅпЅпѕп№ я€ппьп»яЊпґпµ (пЅп° пґпЅпµ пјп°я€пёпЅя‹). pџяЂпё пЅпµпїяЂп°пІпЅп»яЊпЅпѕпј поїпѕпґпєп»яЋя‡пµпЅпёпёпјп°я€пЅпЅя‹ попІяп»яѓя‡п°пµ пµпµ попѕп ІяЂпµп¶пґпµпЅпхпѕя‚я‚пѕпіпѕ піп°яЂп°пЅя‚пхпхпµ пґпµп№я‚пІпёя‚ pµп»яЊпПп°. 2nd nµ I'm a mess, I'm a mess I‚пѕп»яЊпєпѕ п·п°п·пµпјп»пµпЅпЅя‹п№ яѓпґп»ппґп»ппµп»яЊ jaу jaупµя‡пµпЅпµпј поп°п±пµп»яЏ попµп јпµпЅпµпµ 1.5 pјпј 2. 3. p «пµ pїпѕпјпµя‰п° p№я‚пµ pєп°п±пµп»яЊ пЅп° pѕяЃя‚я‹я‹пµ яѓпіп»я‹. p—p°пєяЂпµпїпёя‚пµ pµпіпѕ поп»пїпѕп·пІппѕп»яЊя‚пµ pµпјяѓ яЃпІпµя€пёпІп°я‚яЊ яЃяЏ попЅпёп·. 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Ask the master “What should I do?” - They will answer you as soon as possible.

Using the instructions for the DELONGHI EN 520 NESPRESSO LATTISSIMA coffee machine is free. The operating instructions for DELONGHI EN 520 NESPRESSO LATTISSIMA are available for download from open sources.

Nespresso and De'Longhi - what's the difference?

Are you a confused home barista? Are you tired of long, troublesome methods for making coffee at home and the results not meeting your requirements? If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, you've probably already thought about adding an espresso machine to your collection of coffee gadgets. Now we're not talking about the noisy, floating monster you see on the counter of your local coffee shop.

Most self-taught baristas want an espresso machine that is designed for home use. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Unfortunately, there are many different types of this device, and it is not always clear which is best to choose.

Don't worry: we will help you.

This article looks at 2 of the most popular brands that are often confused - Nespresso and De'Longhi.

So what is the difference between them?

Nespresso and De'Longhi differences

De'Longhi make a variety of espresso machines, some of which are Nespresso compatible. Other brands, such as Breville, also make Nespresso machines, and Nespresso themselves have their own line of coffee machines.

In short, if you like capsule coffee, then it's worth purchasing a Nespresso-compatible coffee machine from one of the manufacturers (including De'Longhi).

Need more information? Continue reading...

Nespresso machines

As you might have guessed, Nespresso machines are manufactured by the Swiss company Nespresso, part of the Nestlé food corporation. You've probably seen advertisements for these cars featuring Hollywood ladies' man George Clooney.

Nespresso machines use Nespresso's unique patented capsule system. Each capsule is designed for one cup of coffee. You just need to load the capsule into the machine, press the button and wait for the drink to be prepared. It's simple!

The machine extracts the flavor from the capsule by passing hot water through it. The drink is then poured into your mug. You can adjust the machine to the desired cup size, and also choose capsules that differ in flavors and coffee strength. However, nothing else can be done with the Nespresso machine. If you want to make a latte or cappuccino, you will need to purchase an electric milk frother and make the drink yourself after preparing the base - espresso.

The art of using Nespresso machines

At first glance, Nespresso machines seem quite easy to use. Our tips will help you get the most out of your device. Continue reading, ardent coffee lovers...

  1. Although all home coffee machines have preset programs, the result can be changed in accordance with your taste preferences. When the coffee begins to pour from the machine into the mug, you need to carefully monitor its color. If the room is dimly lit, use a flashlight (which is what iPhones have them for, apparently). Start the machine, then stop the coffee flow according to the color change (details below). You can regulate the flow by pressing the buttons once and for a long time. To keep filling the mug, just press the “start” button. When the flow just begins, you will notice that the drink has a reddish-brown tint. Reddish-brown color = ristretto. The color then changes to caramel, light brown, and this shade correlates with espresso. When the color turns bright yellow, it means that the process of extracting flavor from the capsule is complete. Now just hot water with a small amount of residual coffee is poured into the coffee. Accurately choosing the right concentration of coffee is quite a painstaking job, but it comes with practice.
  2. Nespresso machines heat up very quickly. Although this means that the brewing speed is very high, the coffee may turn out barely warm. If you like to drink very hot coffee in the morning, try this trick... Without inserting the capsule into the machine, place a cup in the receiver and turn on the device. Select your espresso and let the water run through the machine. Once the flow stops, open the machine and insert the capsule without removing the mug. Empty the cup and start the machine. Now the device and its components are sufficiently warmed up, as is your mug. As a result, the drink should be quite warm. Thanks to this ritual, the machine is washed, so there is no stagnation of coffee oils that could affect the taste of the future drink.
  3. Always use bottled or filtered water in your Nespresso machine. In general, this advice can be applied to making any coffee in general. Tap water tastes like chemicals. If you live in an area where the water is hard, the lime in it can damage your car.
  4. Before inserting the capsule, check its packaging. There should be a slight bulge on the foil of each capsule. If the foil looks deflated or flat, there may be a hole in it. A capsule with a hole in it will not produce delicious coffee because the sealed packaging has been damaged and the contents of the capsule may have leaked out.
  5. If you have a Nespresso machine, you are not necessarily limited to just Nespresso capsules. There are many other companies that make coffee pods compatible with your device. Try several alternatives to find the brand that produces the best taste.
  6. Although rinsing the machine with clean water will remove any coffee oils from the machine, you should periodically run the cleaning pod for a deeper clean.
  7. Even if you use filtered or bottled water, you should descale your Nespresso machine at least once a year. Descaling capsules or liquids can be purchased from online stores. Instructions on which products to use and how to select a descaling program can be found from the manufacturer.

De'Longhi machines

De'Longhi produces many different devices for making coffee, including espresso machines.

This may be confusing to some, but this company has a full line of "normal" espresso machines like this one: DeLonghi ESAM3300 Magnifica Super-Automatic Espresso/Coffee Machine

However, this brand makes a line of espresso machines that are compatible with Nespresso. That's it in a nutshell. If you're loyal to the De'Longhi brand and love the convenience of Nespresso capsules, then you're in luck.

Nespresso De'Longhi machines

These machines are the result of the coming together of two key figures in the espresso and coffee industry. Their union gave birth to amazing home coffee machines.

The machines themselves are made by De'Longhi, a world-famous manufacturer of small household appliances and food preparation devices, including espresso coffee machines. In the case of their Nespresso machines, you need to use Nespresso capsules to make coffee.

The basic principle of operation of the machines is the same, but there is one important difference. De'Longhi machines have a built-in hot milk preparation system.

This system is a removable milk container that is installed in the machine. The device heats the milk, mixes and froths it as needed to prepare any coffee drink selected in the machine menu. Since the container is removable, leftover milk can be stored in the refrigerator for later use. Emptying the container after it is empty is also a quick and easy task.

There seem to be endless variations of Nespresso De'Longhi machines. The two most popular models are discussed below.

Espresso machine De'Longhi EC155 with cappuccino maker and 15 bar pump

This model of espresso machine can be loaded with both capsules, which is convenient and increases the speed of preparing the drink, and your own ground coffee, if you prefer. You can prepare both cappuccino and latte using a device such as a milk frother. There are two different thermostats, thanks to which you can ensure that the prepared espresso is at the desired temperature. The steam and water pressure can be adjusted separately from each other.

Approximate price: $88.99

Combination of espresso machine with pump and drip coffee maker for 10 mugs, De'Longhi BCO430 with integrated milk frother

This device allows you to prepare both drip coffee and espresso. The built-in milk frother is very convenient.

Approximate price: $199.99

Homemade espresso... Convenient and fast

So, whether you want to look like George Clooney or just want to start your day with a delicious cup of espresso-based drink, you'll probably be interested in purchasing one of these models.

The simplest Nespresso machine is suitable for those who like regular coffee. This style of machine will be convenient if you make coffee in a hurry, so you don’t need any bells and whistles. All you need to do is install the capsule, press the start button and start making toast while brewing coffee.

These machines are also suitable for coffee lovers on a budget. These models are cheaper than branded De'Longhi.

Whether you start your day with a creamy latte or a frothy cappuccino, you'll love the convenience of De'Longhi's built-in hot milk system. Of course, there is a huge variety of De'Longhi coffee machines. They all provide slightly different features.

The price fluctuations are huge. You can pay double figures for the most basic De'Longhi machine, or you can spend several hundred dollars on a model that practically sings, dances and cleans while it makes coffee.

Whatever you choose, Nespresso or De'Longhi, you can be sure that you are purchasing a quality device that will make great coffee and last a long time.

Happy coffee making!

Pros and cons of a Nespresso capsule coffee machine

Nespresso is a well-known brand that produces portioned coffee capsules and coffee machines for its production. The brand has a large number of gourmet connoisseurs, because Nespresso has a well-structured concept and is constantly working to improve its product. Today the company offers a wide selection of flavors. This includes both traditional varieties of cappuccino, espresso, latte and others, as well as varieties that are completely caffeine-free. The main series of Nespresso coffee consists of more than 15 variations of Grand Cru coffee, each of which has its own individual and unique taste.

History of the Nespresso coffee machine

The history of Nespresso coffee machines dates back to the 1970s. At that time, one of the employees of the largest company Nestle had an interesting idea. He proposed creating a sealed capsule-tablet that would preserve the freshness, richness and aroma of freshly ground coffee for a long time.

A Nespresso capsule is a small cone-shaped container. It is made of aluminum, which is coated on the inside with transparent cling film to protect the coffee from oxidation upon contact with metal, as well as to avoid aluminum particles from getting into the coffee. The manufacturer guarantees a high degree of safety during use.

Capsule coffee machines were created for the convenience and speed of coffee preparation

One capsule is equal to one serving of coffee. To prepare it, it was necessary to create a special coffee machine, the development of which took more than ten years. In 1986, the company Nestle Nespresso SA was created, which became the first in the market of portioned coffee capsules. Immediately after the opening of the company, the Nespresso coffee machine was introduced to the general public, which immediately became a sales leader in most major countries and cities.

Advantages and disadvantages

Nespresso coffee capsules have many benefits:

  • economical consumption;
  • the capsule-tablet is made from the best varieties of coffee, which are properly roasted and ground;
  • drink preparation speed;
  • There is no need to clean up and wash after making coffee. Simply throw away the used capsule.

Manufacturers and prices of capsule-type coffee makers

Machines for the Nespresso system are manufactured by two fairly well-known companies: DeLonghi, KitchenAid and Krups. All Nespresso coffee machines have good build quality, a modern appearance, and offer pressure up to 18 bar. Prices for devices vary from 5,000 to 50,000 thousand rubles. Coffee gets such an exquisite taste thanks to the use of special technology.

A special needle pierces the capsule and hot water is supplied, the water fills the capsule through the resulting holes.

The water pressure changes the pressure in the capsule, after which the capsule is pierced from the back and the coffee is poured into the cup. Thanks to this technology, a product is obtained that will satisfy even the most demanding coffee connoisseurs.

How to use and which capsules are suitable

Capsule-type coffee makers are quite easy to use. When choosing between Nespresso capsule coffee machine models, you need to have a clear idea of ​​the end result you want to get. Most models of this company brew only two types of black coffee (ristretto and lungo) or more (espresso, Americano).

Others, using an additional unit, a cappuccino maker, froth the milk to a soft foam, thereby allowing them to obtain a wide variety of drinks - cappuccino, latte, moccacino and others. There are also models that prepare hot chocolate and cocoa.

The higher the power of the coffee machine, the more cups you will prepare during the day.

Another parameter that you should pay attention to when choosing and purchasing a machine is the number of cups. Modification of coffee machines allows you to simultaneously prepare coffee for both one and two cups. The second option will be convenient for a large family or office.

Nespresso coffee machines are a favorite among lovers of good coffee. This is an excellent option, both for home use and on a larger scale. This device would be an excellent option for office use.

Ground coffee of high quality is hermetically packed in cassulas.

Many users note the ease of use; you just need to insert the capsule into the machine and within 30-60 seconds, aromatic coffee awaits you at the exit.

You no longer need to fuss with a coffee grinder and filters to get a quality drink.

They also highlight the affordable price for basic models, and, naturally, good value for money.

Users are not left indifferent by the modern design and variety of colors, which will easily fit into any interior. Nespresso coffee machines are compact and do not take up much space on the kitchen work surface.

Once you purchase a Nespresso coffee machine, it will definitely become an indispensable assistant for you. Some people choose a device with minimal functions, others prefer the most advanced models. In any case, everyone will be satisfied with their purchase.

How to use a Nespresso coffee machine

When choosing a device for preparing a drink from roasted coffee beans, many gourmets want to buy the best. There is a very wide selection of kitchen appliances on the market. The Delonghi Nespresso capsule machine is in a category of its own. This is a modern technology that requires minimal effort from a person.

A specially designed form of blanks for the operation of the machine allows you to get aromatic espresso in about 30 seconds. The system involves piercing the capsule and moving the contents under pressure with the optimal amount of hot water into the cup.

Models with a wide range of functions will allow you to enjoy ristretto, lungo, cappuccino, latte and other types of popular drinks. The cost of a Nespresso coffee machine varies depending on additional options. Compact models with a small water capacity (0.5 liters) are available. The absence of a cappuccino maker cannot be considered a significant drawback. Latte or cappuccino turns out great thanks to precise proportions and optimal hot steam pressure.

Coffee maker DeLonghi EN 520 reviews


  • Nespresso DeLonghi EN 520 small sizes;
  • nice design, looks good in the kitchen;
  • whips up excellent high foam;
  • brews very tasty coffee;
  • not too loud;
  • works quickly;
  • convenient and easy to use;
  • minimal maintenance costs;
  • prepares delicious cappuccino and latte;
  • You can use different types of coffee.


  • DeLonghi Lattissima EN 520 prepares only one cup at a time;
  • expensive capsules;
  • no timer.

Capsule coffee machine DeLonghi Nespresso Lattissima EN 520 reviews are based on 33 user reviews in Yandex Market.

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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