Which coffee maker is better: capsule or drip?

Coffee lovers cannot imagine the morning without a cup of aromatic drink. Therefore, they boil it in a Turk, prepare it using a coffee machine, or drink it instant. Regardless of what is used to brew coffee - a coffee maker or a coffee machine, this drink remains the most beloved and in demand. But what to choose for your home? First, you need to find out about the purpose of these devices and what they can do. And we will help you with this.

Features of the coffee machine


A coffee machine is equipment for brewing coffee that requires almost no human intervention. There are automatic and semi-automatic models. They differ from each other in the set of independently performed functions.

The main actions that the machine performs:

  • grain grinding with adjustable degree;
  • water dosage;
  • frothing milk;
  • warming cups.

The principle of the device may differ depending on the specific model. We wrote more about this in the article “Design and principle of operation of coffee machines.”

In addition to dividing them into automatic and semi-automatic, they are divided according to the cooking principle:

  • carob;
  • capsule;
  • portioned or pod;
  • espresso processor.

There are hybrids with features of other options.


Its peculiarity is its ease of use and relatively low cost. Purpose – brewing espresso. Models differ in size and water compartment volume. Average size – 300x200x250 mm. Machine weight – 3-5 kg. The average cost is 5-6 thousand rubles.

Some models are equipped with a cappuccino maker - a device for frothing milk. This allows you to prepare cappuccino and latte. But you will have to control the frothing of the milk and mix the espresso with the required amount of milk foam yourself.

The only drawback, which is significant for many people, is that the machine holder needs to be constantly cleaned.

Coffee is brewed by a hot stream of air and water that passes through the ground beans in the cone. The more they are pressed, the stronger the coffee will be, and vice versa.


A capsule coffee machine operates exclusively on capsules, which are equipped with two filters. During cooking, the capsule is pierced in several places. The air flow mixes the mixture in the capsule. The water is then pressurized through the first filter, and the espresso is poured through the second. To determine which machine is best for you, read the article “Capsule or grain: which is better? We choose a coffee machine."

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You will not be able to regulate the taste and strength. It all depends on the filling of the capsule. This is a distinctive feature of a capsule device.

The power of such a machine is lower than that of a carob machine. And it also takes up less space. The price is 2-4 thousand rubles. But capsules are more expensive than plain grains.


The differences between a carob and a pod machine are not always visible at first glance. Some carob models have an adapter for brewing from pods. A pod is coffee ground and pressed into a tablet. Each has the same weight. The disadvantage of this type of machine is the inability to regulate the degree of grinding and strength. The advantage is the taste, which will not be different every time.

The appearance and size are almost the same as those of the horn models. Power – not less than 1500 W. And the average cost is 10-12 thousand rubles, which is much higher than carob.

Espresso combine

The structure and operating principle of a combine is similar to a carob coffee machine. It features a built-in coffee grinder, which others don’t always have. This allows you to use not only ground coffee, but also bean coffee. For this purpose, the combine has a special compartment into which grains are poured for grinding.

The size, on average, is 1.5-2 times larger than carob. The power is at least 1500 W. Price – 15-18 thousand rubles.

Coffee machines are:

Automatic, the coffee making process is fully automated, there are a huge number of settings: changing water hardness, grinding degree, adjusting coffee strength, adjusting the amount of water, programming drinks, control from a smartphone, timer and auto shutdown, connecting to a water supply and much more.

Capsule ones, in which special capsules or T-discs are used to prepare coffee, just insert the capsule and press one single button - your espresso is ready, it is possible to use capsules with various drinks.

Features of the coffee maker


Like coffee machines, coffee makers differ in the principle of preparation and the taste of the finished drink.

The coffee is brewed in these machines, so the process requires control. But this also depends on the type of device. A primitive and old coffee maker is a French press. It was replaced by others, more convenient and faster.

To reduce cooking time, devices for brewing espresso were invented. Common ones include:

  • geyser coffee maker;
  • carob coffee maker;
  • drip coffee maker.


The principle of operation of the geyser device is the passage of steam from hot water through ground grains, which are located in the upper compartment. This is where the drink accumulates. Geyser models are electric or heated on a stove. It is believed that when brewed in such a device, coffee is stronger than from other coffee makers.

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They are large in size, but their height does not exceed 30 cm. They look like a small vessel, so they take up little space. Price – from 300 rubles, depending on the shape and manufacturer.


The operating principle of a carob coffee maker is similar to a coffee machine of the same name. Their main difference is not in price and size, but in the fact that you cannot put beans into the coffee maker. This requires ground coffee. To brew a cup of espresso, you need to compress it into a cone. When you put the horn in place, hot steam and water pass through it and the finished coffee is poured into a special container.

The cost of this device starts from 2000 rubles. Power from 800 W.


Drip coffee makers are simple in design. They are best used to make Americano. The cooking principle is similar to the previous ones, where hot steam passes through the ground grains. The steam condenses, flows through the filter and drips into the container drop by drop. Hence the name.

The power of the device is low, on average 650 W. The size is small and takes up little space in the kitchen. The average cost is 2 thousand rubles.

It is important to remember that the lower the power of the coffee maker, the stronger the coffee will be, but the preparation time will increase.

Drip coffee makers

Such models have earned popularity due to their affordable cost, ease of operation and maintenance, and the quality of the finished coffee.

Principle of operation

A drip coffee maker is designed primarily for brewing regular black coffee. The process of its preparation is as follows:

  1. Water is poured into a special container. It is better if you use filtered water, so the coffee tastes better.
  2. Coffee is poured into a special tank. On average, one cup of drink requires 3 teaspoons of powder.
  3. The lid is lowered and the “start” button is pressed.
  4. At this time, the poured water begins to heat up and form steam.
  5. The steam rises upward, where it begins to cool and condense on special tubes.
  6. It is these drops that fall on the coffee substance, where they begin to slowly flow through it into your cup.


Most drip coffee machines are similar to each other. But there is a difference that allows you to choose between two similar models. The following functions may be found in machines of this type:

  1. The so-called “stop tap”, which protects the coffee tank from overflowing.
  2. Possibility to move the coffee container.
  3. Function of heating the finished drink. It allows the coffee to remain warm, even after several hours have passed. You can turn it off along with the machine itself.
  4. An automatic dispenser that helps you navigate the ratio of coffee and water.
  5. Adjusting the strength of the drink.
  6. Scale of the volume of the resulting drink.
  7. The presence of a timer that can be set for a specific time.
  8. Possibility to set the number of cups of coffee to be prepared.
  9. Warmth indicator of the finished drink.
  10. Has a built-in coffee grinder.

Advantages and disadvantages

Modern devices are designed in such a way that it is impossible to find the ideal model that will suit everyone. But you can choose what you like specifically. The advantages of a drip coffee machine include:

  1. Such devices are quite inexpensive.
  2. They are easy to care for, as well as control the coffee preparation process.
  3. You can make not one, but many mugs of coffee in them.
  4. A function that allows you to keep your drink hot for a long time.
  5. Can also be used as a teapot.
  6. There is no sediment left in this coffee.

The disadvantages of such devices may be the following:

  1. Regular filter replacement is required.
  2. At times, the resulting drink may not have sufficient strength and may not be very hot.
  3. This device does not contain the crema that espresso lovers prefer.

What is the difference between a coffee maker and a coffee machine?

The difference between a coffee maker and a coffee machine is not always obvious, and it is difficult for an inexperienced buyer to decide. The main distinguishing features between these types of devices are:

  • size;
  • power;
  • pressure;
  • management principle;
  • cooking speed;
  • possibility of preparing different coffee drinks;
  • price;
  • taste.

Coffee machines are bigger than coffee makers. If these are professional options, their size is 3-5 times larger. A distinctive feature of the two types of devices is power. A carob-type machine has approximately 1.1-1.7 kW, and a small household drip machine has 0.6-0.8 kW. But a low score is not always bad, as it seems at first glance. The drink prepares more slowly, but this does not mean that it will be worse.

The pressure of each device also varies. This figure varies depending on the purpose of the device. In a coffee maker it is lower, but it is enough to make espresso. You need 8-9 bar. If the pressure is lower or higher, the drink will not work.

Some car models have automatic control. The rest are manual or semi-automatic.

The main difference between a coffee maker and a coffee machine is the speed of preparation. You can get aromatic coffee using the machine in 30 seconds.

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Most coffee makers are designed to make espresso. They usually do not know how to make cappuccino, lattes and other popular drinks (but here it is important to look at the characteristics of the model). If you prefer cappuccino, take a look at a coffee machine. The main thing is that it has a built-in cappuccino maker.

The cars are more expensive because they are mostly automatic. You press the drink button and you get it out the door.

The rich taste is obtained in the carob machine. The pod type can boast the same taste. Quality is affected by power and pressure.

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